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djclimenhaga's picture
NDP to release new energy royalty framework at week's end -- brace yourself for Apocalypse Friday! | Jan 28 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | The royalty framework to be released Friday by Premier Rachel Notley will be both a technical and a political document of considerable importance.
PolicyNote's picture
Refugees are bringing new attention to the gaps in our social safety net | Jan 28 2016 | Suzanne Smythe | As we welcome refugees in larger numbers this year, the spotlight is turned on our disintegrating social infrastructure.
Brent Patterson's picture
Questions about the Liberal government's pipeline review process | Jan 28 2016 | Brent Patterson | The Trudeau government's interim regulations for pipeline review processes are a good first step, but there are questions and fundamental issues that still need to be addressed.
the views expressed's picture
More of the world's wealth is owned by fewer people -- and our share of the rest of it is collapsing | Jan 28 2016 | John McMurtry | The Oxfam Davos Report shows that 62 individuals now own more wealth than 50 per cent of the world's population. And this share of wealth by half of the world has collapsed by over 40 per cent.
trade deals
Jan 28 2016
Canada's FIPA trade deal is lopsided in favour of China and foreign investors. Author Gus Van Harten debunks proponents of the deal and suggests ways the new government can limit FIPA's damage.
Jan 21 2016
Tracey Lindberg's debut novel Birdie draws inspiration from the Cree author's personal life and addresses the complexities of mental illness, abuse and non-linear narratives. Read this author Q&A!
Jan 14 2016
What does it mean to be Muslim and what does it mean to be Canadian? This new collection addresses this compex question with 11 thought-provoking essays.

Current rabble poll

What do you think about the Liberals' interim review process for pipelines?

The Liberal government announced that it will be launching an interim review process for pipeline projects, which will impose new steps on existing projects like the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain and Enbridge Energy East pipelines.

On Wednesday, five principles of the new environmental assessment process were released, including "decisions will be based on science, traditional knowledge of Indigenous peoples and other relevant evidence" and "the views of the public and affected communities will be sought and considered."

What do you think about the Liberals' interim review process for pipelines?

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