Who Are You? This Breathtaking Video Might Change Your Life
2 min · 6,810 views today · "Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work, driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for, in order to get to a job that you need so you can...
"Desert Goddess" Remembers Arizona's Glen Canyon
7 min · 6,589 views today · In this excerpt from the award-winning documentary DamNation, filmmakers Ben Knight and Travis Rummel interview the "desert goddess," Katie Lee. When the Glen Canyon Dam was...
What If Everything You Knew About Disciplining Kids Was Wrong?
Katherine Reynolds Lewis · 4,875 views today · Negative consequences, timeouts, and punishment just make bad behavior worse. But a new approach really works.
Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed (The Real Reason For The Forty-Hour Workweek)
David Cain · 2,011 views today · Well I’m in the working world again. I’ve found myself a well-paying gig in the engineering industry, and life finally feels like it’s returning to normal after my nine months...
The Greening of the Self: The Most Important Development of Modern Times
Joanna Macy · 1,786 views today · Something important is happening in our world that you are not going to read about in the newspapers. I consider it the most fascinating and hopeful development of our time...
Five Ways of Being That Can Change the World
Joanna Macy · 1,762 views today · When you know where to look, you begin to see an unprecedented phenomenon now happening in this world of ours. Be they teachers in favelas, forest defenders, urban farmers...
The Top 100 Documentaries We Can Use to Change the World
Films For Action · 1,749 views today · A more beautiful, just and sustainable world is possible. Take this library and use it to inspire global change!
Love Liberates
5 min · 1,527 views today · Words to live by from Dr. Maya Angelou. Love each other.
Australian Dream is a Nightmare for Indigenous People, It's Time to Wake Up
8 min · 1,399 views today · Is Australia really a multicultural safe haven of equal opportunity? Or is racism more prevalent than ever before? Stan Grant took to the stage for the last IQ2 debate of 2015...
5 Simple Office Policies That Make Danish Workers Way More Happy Than Americans
Alexander Kjerulf · 1,387 views today · Americans think it's normal to hate their jobs. Let us introduce you to the Danish concept of arbejdsglæde. It means happiness at work. Here's how Danish offices make sure...
Today I Rise: This Beautiful Short Film Is Like a Love Poem For Your Heart and Soul
4 min · 1,084 views today · "The world is missing what I am ready to give: My Wisdom, My Sweetness, My Love and My hunger for Peace." "Where are you? Where are you, little girl with broken wings but full...
9 Mind-Bending Epiphanies That Turned My World Upside-Down
David Cain · 1,025 views today · Over the years I’ve learned dozens of little tricks and insights for making life more fulfilling. They’ve added up to a significant improvement in the ease and quality of my...
The Profound Ways that Schooling Harms Society: Incredibly, All of This Is Invisible to Our Culture
Carol Black · 900 views today · Occupy Your Brain: On Power, Knowledge, and the Re-Occupation of Common Sense One of the most profound changes that occurs when modern schooling is introduced into traditional...
Something Extraordinary Is Happening in the World, And Most People Haven't Noticed
Gustavo Tanaka · 814 views today · Most of us haven't quite realized there is something extraordinary happening. A few months ago, I freed myself from standard-procedure society. I broke the chains of fear that...
HUMAN (2015)
382 min · 812 views today · What is it that makes us human? Is it that we love, that we fight? That we laugh? Cry? Our curiosity? The quest for discovery?  Driven by these questions, filmmaker and artist...
This Zen Comic Is Full of Timeless Life Lessons
Gavin Aung Than · 769 views today · Desiderata poem by Max Ehrmann beautifully illustrated by Gavin Aung Than
The One Question You Can't Ask at the World's Biggest Gun Show
5 min · 754 views today · Shot Show is the largest gun trade show in the world, with over 60,000 attendees and dealers showcasing the latest in firearms technology.  The Guardian’s Rupert Neate went to...
John Lennon's "Imagine," Made Into A Comic Strip
John Lennon. Art by Pablo Stanley · 595 views today · This is easily the best comic strip ever made.  Pabl
Palestinian Performance Poet Speaks Powerful Truth to Power: 'We Teach Life, Sir'
4 min · 530 views today · Rafeef Ziadah, a Canadian-Palestinian spoken word artist and activist, performs a poem in response to a journalists who asks "don't you think it would all be better if you just...
What Shall We Do When the Borders Close?
Benjamin Julian · 520 views today · We have been cooking soup, distributing blankets, giving information, warmth, food and hope. It has been fun, it has been tragic. We’ve tried to bring a human face to the...
The White Man in That Photo
Riccardo Gazzaniga · 504 views today · Sometimes photographs deceive. Take this one, for example. It represents John Carlos and Tommie Smith’s rebellious gesture the day they won medals for the 200 meters at the...
Swedish Band 'The Knife' Nail Central Flaw of The UN's Sustainable Development Goals
Liv Strömquist · 421 views today · Brilliant satirical comic imagines what policy would look like if the UN focused on eliminating extreme wealth.
Requiem For The American Dream (2015)
2 min · 414 views today · Noam Chomsky is one of America's most important thinkers, critical minds, and voices of dissent, and thus it's hardly a surprise that his gripping ideas have been the subject...
Guerilla Gardening in South Central LA
10 min · 355 views today · Ron Finley plants vegetable gardens in South Central LA -- in abandoned lots, traffic medians, along the curbs. Why? For fun, for defiance, for beauty and to offer some...
A Thousand Rivers: What the Modern World has Forgotten about Children and Learning
Carol Black · 332 views today · The following statement somehow showed up on my Twitter feed the other day: “Spontaneous reading happens for a few kids. The vast majority need (and all can benefit from)...
March for the Dolphins of Taiji
9 min · 320 views today · On January 16th animal welfare campaigners marched across London to demonstrate outside the Japanese Embassy. David Bowie is now for ever linked with the dolphin protection...
The Square (2013)
100 min · 310 views today · The Egyptian Revolution has been an ongoing rollercoaster for a number of years. Through the news, we only get a glimpse of the bloodiest battle, an election, or a million man...
Caitlin Moran's Posthumous Advice for Her Daughter
Caitlin Moran · 246 views today · My daughter is about to turn 13 and I’ve been smoking a lot recently, and so – in the wee small hours, when my lungs feel like there’s a small mouse inside them, scratching to...
Have You Heard of The Great Forgetting? It Happened 10,000 Years Ago & Completely Affects Your Life
Deep Ecology Hub · 226 views today · This article summarizes the ideas of Daniel Quinn, first written about in The Story of B, which was a sequel to Ishmael. The longer, original essay can be read here, and comes...
Palm Oil Alternative Offers Hope for Rainforest Deforestation
2 min · 185 views today · Harvesting palm oil is destructive to the environment, resulting in the destruction of thousands of miles of rainforest and destroying crucial orangutan habitat. But some...
The Economics of Happiness (2011)
65 min · 182 views today · Economic globalization has led to a massive expansion in the scale and power of big business and banking. It has also worsened nearly every problem we face: fundamentalism and...
You Are Me (2016)
4 min · 164 views today · The cosmos is One interconnected and indivisible Whole. You Are the Cosmos, and All That Is. Therefore, You Are Me! For more information, including sources and quotes...
10 Quotes From an Oglala Lakota Chief That Will Make You Question Everything About Our Society
Wisdom Pills · 163 views today · Luther Standing Bear was an Oglala Lakota Sioux Chief who, among a few rare others such as Charles Eastman, Black Elk and Gertrude Bonnin occupied the rift between the way of...
Plutocracy: Political Repression In The U.S.A. (2015)
109 min · 157 views today · Plutocracy is the first documentary to comprehensively examine early American history through the lens of class. A multi-part series by filmmaker Scott Noble, Part I focuses on...
What Is Addiction? - Gabor Maté
3 min · 150 views today · Dr. Gabor Maté talks about the root causes of addiction and how to deal with them.
When You Kill Ten Million Africans You Aren't Called 'Hitler'
Liam O'Ceallaigh · 147 views today · Take a look at this picture. Do you know who it is? Most people haven’t heard of him. But you should have. When you see his face or hear his name you should get as sick in...
The Evolution of Ecological Consciousness (2013)
109 min · 144 views today · Permaculture designer Andrew Faust gives us an inspiring and heady narrative about the evolution of all life and human consciousness on Mother Earth.  For more info about...
Without Saying a Word This 6 Minute Clip From Samsara Will Make You Speechless
6 min · 137 views today · Can you put this video into words? It's a clip from the phenomenal documentary Samsara, directed by Ron Fricke, who also made Baraka.  If you're interested in watching...
The Image Hollywood Created of Africa
3 min · 128 views today · After viewing Mama Hope's video, "Alex Presents Commando," Gabriel, Benard, Brian and Derrik (the Kenyan men in this video) told us they wanted to make one that pokes fun at...
How Wolves Change Rivers
4 min · 125 views today · When wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in the United States after being absent nearly 70 years, the most remarkable "trophic cascade" occurred. What is a...
11 min · 124 views today · This 11 minute video manages to be informative, satirical, and poetic as it covers serious issues that affect all of humanity. It offers simple solutions to government and...
11 of the Most Sacred and Iconic Trees From Around the World
Kayla Williams · 117 views today · Originally published at Garden Buildings Direct.   Besides the fact they provide almost everything that both humans and animals need to ensure existence, trees signify that...
Schooling the World (2010)
66 min · 115 views today · If you wanted to change an ancient culture in a generation, how would you do it? You would change the way it educates its children. The U.S. Government knew this in the 19th...
A Basic Income for All!
49 min · 112 views today · There is enough wealth for all of us.  What if we decided that every human being has a right to income security?  How could a basic income change our lives? Could this relieve...
I've Never Seen the Israel / Palestine Conflict Illustrated More Uniquely Than This
3 min · 110 views today · The story shared by Israel and Palestine has been told in several stunning films, but I don't think I've ever seen it told like this. Nina Paley created this (extremely brief)...
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