

[VIDEO] Clinton and Sanders told the same debate lie. Watch it get debunked.

In their sham debates, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have been telling the same old lies about guns. They tell us Americans can buy automatic weapons. They tell us you can buy semi-automatic weapons without a background check, via the “gun show loophole.” It turns out the whole thing was a big, fat lie, and now we have proof.

Ted Cruz Super PACs Troll Donald Trump On His Flight-From-Debate Strategy

Two Ted Cruz super PACs are joining the fun in ridiculing Trump over his alleged reason for refusing to participate in tonight’s debate.

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What? Liberal Sweden is going to expel 80,000 refugees?

The source is al Jazeera; make of that what you will. Sweden to expel up to 80,000 refugees Al Jazeera | Thursday, January 28, 2016 Sweden intends to expel as many as 80,000 refugees and migrants who arrived in 2015 and whose applications for asylum have been rejected. “We are talking about 60,000 people, but the number could climb to 80,000,” Interior Minister Anders Ygeman | Read More »

The Huge, Classy Fox News Debate Preview

Tonight, the candidates will take the stage for the final debate before the first votes of the 2016 election season are actually cast. While the pre-debate conversation will focus on the absence (or not) of Trump, each of the other candidates on stage has something they need to accomplish in Iowa on Monday. In order to accomplish their caucus goals, they will need to accomplish something | Read More »

Are “Electable” Candidates Actually Electable? Part I: Presidential Primaries 1948-2012

One of the siren songs raised in favor of moderate and establishment-backed candidates every primary election season is that they are “electable” and their opponents are not. Sometimes, this is frankly code for “not like those conservatives.” But if the idea that conservatives are unelectable is a fallacy, so too is the reflexive assumption that any candidate described as “electable” is actually the opposite, or | Read More »

This Pennsylvania Attorney General Democratic primary poll is horrifying.

Kathleen Kane is – somehow – ahead in a poll for the Democratic Pennsylvania AG nomination. The woman might end up going to JAIL.

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Veterans’ Groups Line up to Reject Money from Trump (if He is Even Raising Any)

Trump’s standard line when he is about to storm out of a media event because he doesn’t like how it covers him is that he is going to go host an event to raise money for veterans. Thus it was no surprise when he announced that he would be skipping the FoxNews event to hold a separate event to raise money for… well, “veterans,” generally. | Read More »

WATCH: Trump Spox Cannot Name One Single Vet Group Participating In or Benefiting From Trump’s Vet Event Tonight

WATCH: Trump Spox Cannot Name One Single Vet Group Participating In or Benefiting From Trump's Vet Event Tonight

Trump spokesperson Katrina Pierson was on CNN a short time ago and was asked a pretty straightforward question about the Donald’s event tonight raising money for veterans that will take ...

Pew: Democrats already bored with their own primary race.

The Democrats pretty much hate and are bored by their own primary. We’re simply more interesting to them. Which makes sense, really.

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Is Donald Trump’s “Veterans” Rally a Scam?

It sure seemed fishy when Trump announced yesterday that he would be holding a rally today in support of “veterans,” especially given that his go-to veterans organization Wounded Warrior Project new nothing about the event. Ever the salesman, Trump even set up a website that people could donate to if they couldn’t make the rally. What a great guy, raising money for the veterans, right? | Read More »

Huckabee and Santorum are just Begging to be Trump’s VP

The “undercard debate” has thus far been seen as the place where the various has-beens and also-rans have been jockeying for the Vice Presidential spot on the ticket of the eventual nominee because they cannot let go of their ambition. With Trump pulling his little “town hall” stunt because he cannot handle Megyn Kelly, we have a new outlet for these desperate attention seekers. Reports | Read More »

Bill Gates sells out to Chinese Censorship

Few people know this, but Bill Gates used to own the copyright to that famous image of a man standing in front of Chicom tanks in Beijing, as part of the great 1989 protest at Tienanmen Square that threatened to take down Communism in China, much as Communism fell apart at the time in eastern Europe. Well, it’s about to get a lot harder to | Read More »

Why Iowa Voter Registration Data Point To A Ted Cruz Victory In Iowa

The key to winning the Iowa Caucuses has always been turnout. Historical data indicates that Ted Cruz is in better shape to win that battle than anyone else.

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Watercooler 1/28/16 Open Thread – Reid is one of us, Polls of course, Electric NASCAR, Tacos

Reid & “Our Republican Party”: First up is a bit of walk back from Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid. Reid said yesterday he was “kind of pulling” for Donald Trump. Fine. His choice and not completely unexpected.  Soon after though he said he was “only joking.”  To make sure everyone knew he was trying to make a joke, Roll Call reports he went on the Senate Floor and clarified : “The danger of | Read More »

The Cruz Campaign On The Damage To Trump From His Cut and Run Stunt

Today Rick Tyler national spokesperson for the Ted Cruz Campaign, during an appearance on “America’s Newsroom,” talked about how Donald Trump’s cut and run stunt may damage his Iowa Caucasus effort. Tyler said that he thinks Trump has done great damage to his campaign by refusing to participate in the Iowa Debate tonight:

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Will CNN Actually Cover the Trump Event Tonight?

When Donald Trump announced that he would be holding his own event instead of attending the Fox News debate, his supporters, including Ann Coulter and Gateway Pundit, announced that CNN would be covering the Trump rally opposite the debate. Based on those reports, we initially reported here that Trump’s rally would be televised on CNN as well. This led of course to a lot of | Read More »

Trump Bets He Can Run Against Fox

Trump seems to understand what some Conservatives have noticed. In 2016, the conservative base is finally realizing that Fox News has become part of the Republican Establishment.

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Trump Loves Veterans? This Is What He Thinks Of Vets In Front Of Trump Tower

As we get closer to the first votes being cast, more and more information keeps coming out about Donald Trump showing him to be a lying opportunist at best and at worst, just not a very good person. Trump, while chickening out of the last debate before the Iowa Caucuses because he’s afraid of Megyn Kelly, is holding a stunt event he says will display | Read More »

(VIDEO) See For Yourself How A Good Guy With A Gun Saves the Day

The gun control enthusiasts and generic left wing gun grabbers always claim, against all contrary evidence, that there is no proof that concealed carry actually saves lives. Check out this video from a hold-up in Columbia, South Carolina. The setup. It is about 7 pm at a popular barber shop and beauty salon in Columbia, South Carolina. Two armed men enter the business and take | Read More »

Chicago PD: Meet the New Boss (Same as the old Boss)

Despite media scrutiny and activists protesting, so far very little is changing in Chicago as far as police tactics go. The Guardian specifically targets forced confessions in a new piece out this morning, and there is an increasingly hostile atmosphere when it comes to law enforcement in general. We at RedState have covered police issues before, largely because it falls directly under one of the | Read More »

Don’t Worry, Jeff Sessions, Trump Will Still Respect You in the Morning

Jeff Sessions has never really been accused of being the brightest person in the Senate, but if you are someone who values a strong fighter against illegal immigration, then Sessions has been a valuable fighter for your issues. Now, in spite of years of fighting alongside Ted Cruz, whose efforts to defeat amnesty Sessions has repeatedly praised, Sessions appears set to endorse Donald Trump. This | Read More »

Study Proves the Media is In the Tank for Trump

Our good friends at NewsBusters have performed a comprehensive analysis of the nightly news broadcasts for all the major networks since Trump entered the campaign, and while the results won’t exactly surprise you, they are still pretty disgusting. They show that Trump has gotten over four times as much coverage as the next closest candidate – and that the next closest candidate isn’t even Ted | Read More »

Could THIS be the real reason Donald Trump chickened out on the Iowa debate?

One of the main reasons that Donald Trump supporters cling to him is his alleged support for deporting illegal aliens and building The Wall.  Some, including myself, have asserted for months that his opposition to illegal immigration is bogus, and if it comes down to illegals or profit, he’ll take the latter.  Supposedly Trump dropped out of the Iowa debate because he didn’t like Megyn | Read More »








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