Carter unveils family benefits including doubled maternity leave and egg or sperm freezing.
Limbaugh’s tacit support for The Donald endangers the Right.
Granny Pander lets the dogs out.
Greenwald -- best-known for aiding Edward Snowden -- repeatedly fed The Intercept's readers an irrational story while calling us "fabricators."
If you are going to survive a violent encounter, you must have a plan to get your body physically conditioned.
Trump won't back down.
Plus: Carly "ups the ante" to give to veterans' organizations if Trump will debate her tonight.
Despite a steep rise in crime, arrests in L.A. were down nearly 10 percent in 2015.
Sasse is stumping for Rubio and Cruz and trolling The Donald on Twitter.
What great Christian art looks like.
Iowa honesty: "If there is a large turnout, I think we win. If not, we're going to be struggling."
"I'm kind of pulling for him," Dem leader says as Schumer "kicks."
The Queen must not be inconvenienced.
Trump can be persuaded not to cut off the gravy train for special interests, but Cruz can't. And the insiders know it.
Breathing new life into a movie series is extremely difficult, but here is a list of movies that did it well.
One calls it a "whine," one thinks The Donald will show up anyway, and one offers to take his main stage spot.
Occupiers remaining at refuge headquarters told they can leave, but will they dig in for a standoff?
Better choice than Trump.
Who still can't see through this guy at this point?
Now this is what you call a rapid response.
Cue..."Susan B. Anthony was overrated!" screed from Trump.
Actress knocks teen film critic for indulging in her kind of humor.
GOP frontrunner will boycott debate because Fox refuses remove Megyn Kelly as moderator.
McCaul says there have been 79 ISIS arrests in this country.