Archive for the ‘brains’ Category


Melbourne Zombie Shuffle 2011 – Date now announced

August 21, 2011

Finally! we have the date for the 2011 Melbourne Zombie Shuffle.  And what better day to make like the undead than Halloween 2011.

Here are the announced details:

Melbourne’s biggest annual gathering of the undead. What do we want? BRAINS!When do we want it? BRAINS!

Ready your finest gore, the Melbourne Zombie Shuffle 2011 is GO! Check back regularly for updated information, but for now, mark Sunday 30th October – aka Halloween Eve – from 1:00pm – 4:30pm in your zombie diary!


Melbourne Zombie Shuffle

We will be meeting in Carlton Gardens at 1pm, then leaving at 2pm heading along La Trobe St, Exhibition St, Bourke St Mall, Swanston St, across the bridge at Fed Square and finishing in Alexandra Gardens.

More information via their FACEBOOK


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