Jackowo, polska dzielnica w Chicago - zobacz jak dziś mieszkają Polacy w USA
Jak wygląda dzisiaj Jackowo - polska dzielnica w Chicago. Zobacz jak dziś mieszkają Polacy w USA. Czasy świetności tego miejsca już dawno minęły, lata 80-te ...
Jackowo - słynny polski sklep + klient
Google "złapało" smutniejszą stronę amerykańskiej Polonii. Na Jackowie. Chicago. Open source music: Bryyn - Chicago.
Sebastian Niegowski vlog - Jackowa już nie ma!
Po najsłynniejszej polskiej dzielnicy w Ameryce pozostały już tylko wspomnienia.
Polska dzielnica w Chicago - Jackowo cz.2 - Mówię Jak Jest
Jak wygląda dzisiaj Jackowo - polska dzielnica w Chicago? Mówię Jak Jest! Odwiedzimy skrzyżowanie ulic Milwaukee i Belmont oraz kościół św. Jacka w Chicago. ...
Polska Parada Chicago 2015 | Polish Constitution Day in Chicago ,IL
Karnawał 2012 na Jackowie
Zabawa Karnawałowa - Bazylika Św. Jacka w Chicago. Niedziela 19 sierpień 2012.
piknik na Jackowie 02 2013r
parafia sw.Jacka Chicago
zdjecia i montaz PIS-4 HD Video & Photo
Odpust-karnawał przy Bazylice Św Jacka, Chicago 8 20 2015
Monika + Pawel Chicago Wedding Jackowo
Greenpoint 2012 - Wciąż polski Greenpoint
Wciąż polski Greenpoint - film o polskiej części Brooklynu w połowie 2012. Greenpoint jest drugim największym skupiskiem Polaków mieszkających w Stanach Zjed...
Sebastian Niegowski - Polacy w Chicago, życie i praca w USA, dostęp do broni
Subskrybuj nasz kanał - wywiadów jest więcej, a będzie dużo, dużo więcej! ;) Polub nas na facebooku: http://www.facebook.com/namzalezy
Zapraszamy na http://namzalezy.pl/
Utrzymujemy się dzięki Wam: http://namzalezy.pl/dotacje/
Poszczególne pytania:
02:42 - Co pozostało po "Jackowie" - polskiej dzielnicy w Chicago?
04:51 - Gdzie się podziali Polacy z Jackowa?
06:37 - Czy można mówić jeszcze o t
Film Czwarta Dzielnica o historii Polakow w Chicago na przelomie 20-tego wieku.
Pierwsze 10 minut filmu dokumentalnego o historii Polakow Chicago na przełomie 20-tego wieku. Reżyser Adrian Prawica, Associate Producent Rafał Muskała. Muzy...
Polska dzielnica w Chicago. Lato 2007.
Róże Europy_Live - Karimata - Chicago 03.05.2009
Róże Europy_Live - Karimata Chicago - Jackowo 03.05.2009.
piknik na Jackowie 03 2013r dla nowego proboszcza S.Jankowskiego
parafia sw Jacka Chicago zdjecia i montaz PIS-4 HD Video & Photo.
Ms Św Bazylika Św Jacka Chicago 12 14 2014
Cleaning Services Chicago
Are you looking for a cleaning service in the Chicagoland? We are operating in all these areas and neighborhoods:
Albany Park | Albany Park | Altgeld Gardens | Altgeld Gardens | Andersonville | Andersonville | Archer Heights | Archer Heights | Armour Square | Armour Square | Ashburn | Ashburn | Ashburn Estates | Ashburn Estates | Auburn Gresham | Auburn Gresham | Avalon Park | Avalon Park | Avond
TOP 10 rzeczy w Chicago! Gangi, hotdogi, sztuka! [dajemyrade.pl]
http://www.dajemyrade.pl/artykul/wybierasz-sie-do-chicago-oto-10-przydatnych-porad- artykuł ze szczegółami miejsc pokazanych na filmie!
Spędziłem w Chicago 2 tygodnie, szukając ciekawych atrakcji - oto mój wybór 10 fajnych rzeczy, które można zrobić w tym pięknym mieście. Zapraszam!
Piknik w Bazylice św. Jacka w Chicago 2012 cz I
Piknik na "Jackowie" - dziekujemy wszystkim parafianom i gościom za obecnośc i wsparcie naszej parafii. Materiał filmowy dla Bazyliki św. Jacka przygotował P...
Sebastian Niegowski vlog - jak łatwo można zostać zabitym w Chicago w USA
Nie przez przypadek o Chicago, jednej z największej metropolii w USA, mówi się "Chiraq". Na ulicach "Wietrznego miasta" ginie więcej Amerykanów niż na wojnie w Iraku.
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Jackowo, polska dzielnica w Chicago - zobacz jak dziś mieszkają Polacy w USA
Jak wygląda dzisiaj Jackowo - polska dzielnica w Chicago. Zobacz jak dziś mieszkają Polacy w USA. Czasy świetności tego miejsca już dawno minęły, lata 80-te ......
Jak wygląda dzisiaj Jackowo - polska dzielnica w Chicago. Zobacz jak dziś mieszkają Polacy w USA. Czasy świetności tego miejsca już dawno minęły, lata 80-te ...
wn.com/Jackowo, Polska Dzielnica W Chicago Zobacz Jak Dziś Mieszkają Polacy W USA
Jak wygląda dzisiaj Jackowo - polska dzielnica w Chicago. Zobacz jak dziś mieszkają Polacy w USA. Czasy świetności tego miejsca już dawno minęły, lata 80-te ...
Jackowo - słynny polski sklep + klient
Google "złapało" smutniejszą stronę amerykańskiej Polonii. Na Jackowie. Chicago. Open source music: Bryyn - Chicago....
Google "złapało" smutniejszą stronę amerykańskiej Polonii. Na Jackowie. Chicago. Open source music: Bryyn - Chicago.
wn.com/Jackowo Słynny Polski Sklep Klient
Google "złapało" smutniejszą stronę amerykańskiej Polonii. Na Jackowie. Chicago. Open source music: Bryyn - Chicago.
Sebastian Niegowski vlog - Jackowa już nie ma!
Po najsłynniejszej polskiej dzielnicy w Ameryce pozostały już tylko wspomnienia....
Po najsłynniejszej polskiej dzielnicy w Ameryce pozostały już tylko wspomnienia.
wn.com/Sebastian Niegowski Vlog Jackowa Już Nie Ma
Po najsłynniejszej polskiej dzielnicy w Ameryce pozostały już tylko wspomnienia.
- published: 24 Sep 2014
- views: 1591
Polska dzielnica w Chicago - Jackowo cz.2 - Mówię Jak Jest
Jak wygląda dzisiaj Jackowo - polska dzielnica w Chicago? Mówię Jak Jest! Odwiedzimy skrzyżowanie ulic Milwaukee i Belmont oraz kościół św. Jacka w Chicago. ......
Jak wygląda dzisiaj Jackowo - polska dzielnica w Chicago? Mówię Jak Jest! Odwiedzimy skrzyżowanie ulic Milwaukee i Belmont oraz kościół św. Jacka w Chicago. ...
wn.com/Polska Dzielnica W Chicago Jackowo Cz.2 Mówię Jak Jest
Jak wygląda dzisiaj Jackowo - polska dzielnica w Chicago? Mówię Jak Jest! Odwiedzimy skrzyżowanie ulic Milwaukee i Belmont oraz kościół św. Jacka w Chicago. ...
Karnawał 2012 na Jackowie
Zabawa Karnawałowa - Bazylika Św. Jacka w Chicago. Niedziela 19 sierpień 2012....
Zabawa Karnawałowa - Bazylika Św. Jacka w Chicago. Niedziela 19 sierpień 2012.
wn.com/Karnawał 2012 Na Jackowie
Zabawa Karnawałowa - Bazylika Św. Jacka w Chicago. Niedziela 19 sierpień 2012.
piknik na Jackowie 02 2013r
parafia sw.Jacka Chicago
zdjecia i montaz PIS-4 HD Video & Photo...
parafia sw.Jacka Chicago
zdjecia i montaz PIS-4 HD Video & Photo
wn.com/Piknik Na Jackowie 02 2013R
parafia sw.Jacka Chicago
zdjecia i montaz PIS-4 HD Video & Photo
- published: 30 Nov 2013
- views: 345
wn.com/Dzien Matki, C.Roznowska, Jackowo, Chicago
- published: 14 Jan 2011
- views: 80
author: kjohan123
Greenpoint 2012 - Wciąż polski Greenpoint
Wciąż polski Greenpoint - film o polskiej części Brooklynu w połowie 2012. Greenpoint jest drugim największym skupiskiem Polaków mieszkających w Stanach Zjed......
Wciąż polski Greenpoint - film o polskiej części Brooklynu w połowie 2012. Greenpoint jest drugim największym skupiskiem Polaków mieszkających w Stanach Zjed...
wn.com/Greenpoint 2012 Wciąż Polski Greenpoint
Wciąż polski Greenpoint - film o polskiej części Brooklynu w połowie 2012. Greenpoint jest drugim największym skupiskiem Polaków mieszkających w Stanach Zjed...
- published: 23 Jun 2012
- views: 11936
author: Lucas S
Sebastian Niegowski - Polacy w Chicago, życie i praca w USA, dostęp do broni
Subskrybuj nasz kanał - wywiadów jest więcej, a będzie dużo, dużo więcej! ;) Polub nas na facebooku: http://www.facebook.com/namzalezy
Zapraszamy na http://nam...
Subskrybuj nasz kanał - wywiadów jest więcej, a będzie dużo, dużo więcej! ;) Polub nas na facebooku: http://www.facebook.com/namzalezy
Zapraszamy na http://namzalezy.pl/
Utrzymujemy się dzięki Wam: http://namzalezy.pl/dotacje/
Poszczególne pytania:
02:42 - Co pozostało po "Jackowie" - polskiej dzielnicy w Chicago?
04:51 - Gdzie się podziali Polacy z Jackowa?
06:37 - Czy można mówić jeszcze o typowo polskich dzielnicach w Chicago?
07:33 - Jak wygląda społeczność młodych Polaków w Chicago?
09:25 - Jak politycznie radzi sobie polska społeczność na tle innych społeczności?
11:12 - Czy w Chicago wciąż można mieszkać wiele lat bez znajomości angielskiego?
13:00 - Jak Amerykanie postrzegają Polaków?
14:30 - Polscy emigranci o Polsce.
15:51 - Czy emigracja do USA ma jeszcze sens?
18:49 - Życie w USA za najniższą krajową - ile zarobię, ile muszę wydać na swoje utrzymanie?
21:20 - Kto w USA pracuje za najniższą krajową?
21:55 - Ceny w USA
23:28 - Czy emigrantowi łatwo awansować społecznie?
25:41 - Czy USA to ciągle kraj kapitalistyczny?
27:13 - Czy rzeczywiście w USA na tzw. "socjalu" żyją głównie czarnoskórzy?
30:20 - Nastroje społeczne na linii biali-czarni.
32:10 - Czy Chicago to najniebezpieczniejsze miasto w USA?
33:55 - W Chicago można już nosić broń przy sobie. To dobrze?
34:45 - Przestępy zawsze mieli broń?
35:50 - Strzelaniny w szkołach w USA
39:46 - Użycie broni po alkoholu?
41:16 - Wolny człowiek, a broń.
42:52 - Co słychać w amerykańskiej polityce?
44:42 - Małżeństwa osób o tej samej płci w USA.
46:35 - Jak Amerykanie postrzegają swoją gospodarkę?
48:16 - Polacy do USA bez wizy?
wn.com/Sebastian Niegowski Polacy W Chicago, Życie I Praca W Usa, Dostęp Do Broni
Subskrybuj nasz kanał - wywiadów jest więcej, a będzie dużo, dużo więcej! ;) Polub nas na facebooku: http://www.facebook.com/namzalezy
Zapraszamy na http://namzalezy.pl/
Utrzymujemy się dzięki Wam: http://namzalezy.pl/dotacje/
Poszczególne pytania:
02:42 - Co pozostało po "Jackowie" - polskiej dzielnicy w Chicago?
04:51 - Gdzie się podziali Polacy z Jackowa?
06:37 - Czy można mówić jeszcze o typowo polskich dzielnicach w Chicago?
07:33 - Jak wygląda społeczność młodych Polaków w Chicago?
09:25 - Jak politycznie radzi sobie polska społeczność na tle innych społeczności?
11:12 - Czy w Chicago wciąż można mieszkać wiele lat bez znajomości angielskiego?
13:00 - Jak Amerykanie postrzegają Polaków?
14:30 - Polscy emigranci o Polsce.
15:51 - Czy emigracja do USA ma jeszcze sens?
18:49 - Życie w USA za najniższą krajową - ile zarobię, ile muszę wydać na swoje utrzymanie?
21:20 - Kto w USA pracuje za najniższą krajową?
21:55 - Ceny w USA
23:28 - Czy emigrantowi łatwo awansować społecznie?
25:41 - Czy USA to ciągle kraj kapitalistyczny?
27:13 - Czy rzeczywiście w USA na tzw. "socjalu" żyją głównie czarnoskórzy?
30:20 - Nastroje społeczne na linii biali-czarni.
32:10 - Czy Chicago to najniebezpieczniejsze miasto w USA?
33:55 - W Chicago można już nosić broń przy sobie. To dobrze?
34:45 - Przestępy zawsze mieli broń?
35:50 - Strzelaniny w szkołach w USA
39:46 - Użycie broni po alkoholu?
41:16 - Wolny człowiek, a broń.
42:52 - Co słychać w amerykańskiej polityce?
44:42 - Małżeństwa osób o tej samej płci w USA.
46:35 - Jak Amerykanie postrzegają swoją gospodarkę?
48:16 - Polacy do USA bez wizy?
- published: 02 Aug 2015
- views: 1672
Film Czwarta Dzielnica o historii Polakow w Chicago na przelomie 20-tego wieku.
Pierwsze 10 minut filmu dokumentalnego o historii Polakow Chicago na przełomie 20-tego wieku. Reżyser Adrian Prawica, Associate Producent Rafał Muskała. Muzy......
Pierwsze 10 minut filmu dokumentalnego o historii Polakow Chicago na przełomie 20-tego wieku. Reżyser Adrian Prawica, Associate Producent Rafał Muskała. Muzy...
wn.com/Film Czwarta Dzielnica O Historii Polakow W Chicago Na Przelomie 20 Tego Wieku.
Pierwsze 10 minut filmu dokumentalnego o historii Polakow Chicago na przełomie 20-tego wieku. Reżyser Adrian Prawica, Associate Producent Rafał Muskała. Muzy...
Polska dzielnica w Chicago. Lato 2007....
Polska dzielnica w Chicago. Lato 2007.
wn.com/Jackowo (1)
Polska dzielnica w Chicago. Lato 2007.
Róże Europy_Live - Karimata - Chicago 03.05.2009
Róże Europy_Live - Karimata Chicago - Jackowo 03.05.2009....
Róże Europy_Live - Karimata Chicago - Jackowo 03.05.2009.
wn.com/Róże Europy Live Karimata Chicago 03.05.2009
Róże Europy_Live - Karimata Chicago - Jackowo 03.05.2009.
- published: 27 Nov 2011
- views: 122
author: MrGreguuu
Cleaning Services Chicago
Are you looking for a cleaning service in the Chicagoland? We are operating in all these areas and neighborhoods:
Albany Park | Albany Park | Altgeld Gardens |...
Are you looking for a cleaning service in the Chicagoland? We are operating in all these areas and neighborhoods:
Albany Park | Albany Park | Altgeld Gardens | Altgeld Gardens | Andersonville | Andersonville | Archer Heights | Archer Heights | Armour Square | Armour Square | Ashburn | Ashburn | Ashburn Estates | Ashburn Estates | Auburn Gresham | Auburn Gresham | Avalon Park | Avalon Park | Avondale | Avondale | Avondale Gardens | Avondale Gardens | Back of the Yards | Back of the Yards | Belmont Central | Belmont Central | Belmont Gardens | Belmont Gardens | Belmont Heights | Belmont Heights | Belmont Terrace | Belmont Terrace | Belongo | Belongo | Beverly | Beverly | Beverly View | Beverly View | Beverly Woods | Beverly Woods | Big Oaks | Big Oaks | Bowmanville | Bowmanville | Boystown | Boystown | Brainerd | Brainerd | Brickyard | Brickyard | Bridgeport | Bridgeport | Brighton Park | Brighton Park | Bronzeville | Bucktown | Bucktown | Budlong Woods | Budlong Woods | Buena Park | Buena Park | Burnside | Burnside | Cabrini-Green | Cabrini–Green | Cabrini–Green | Calumet Heights | Calumet Heights | Canaryville | Canaryville | Central Station | Chatham | Chatham | Chicago | Chicago | Chinatown | Chinatown | Chrysler Village | Chrysler Village | Clarendon Park | Clarendon Park | Clearing | Clearing | Clearing East | Clearing East | Clearing West | Clearing West | Cook County | Cook County | Cottage Grove Heights | Cragin | Crestline | Dearborn Homes | Dearborn Park | Dearborn Parkway | Douglas Park | Dunning | Dunning | East Beverly | East Chatham | East Garfield Park | East Hyde Park | East Pilsen | East Village | Eden Green | Edgebrook | Edgewater | Edgewater | Edgewater Beach | Edgewater Glen | Edison Park | Edison Park | Englewood | Fernwood | Fifth City | Ford City | Forest Glen | Forest Glen | Forest Glen | Fuller Park | Fulton River District | Gage Park | Galewood | Garfield Ridge | Garfield Ridge | Gladstone Park | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | Golden Gate | Goose Island | Graceland West | Grand Boulevard | Grand Crossing | Greater Grand Crossing | Greektown | Gresham | Groveland Park | Hamilton Park | Hanson Park | Heart of Chicago | Hegewisch | Hermosa | Historic Michigan Boulevard District | Homan Square | Home | Humboldt Park | Hyde Park | Ickes Prairie Homes | Irving Park | Irving Woods | Jackowo | Jackson Park Highlands | Jefferson Park | K-Town | Kelvyn Park | Kennedy Park | Kensington | Kenwood | Kilbourn Park | Kosciuszko Park – The Land of Koz | Lake Meadows | Lake View | Lake View East | Lakewood – Balmoral | LeClaire Courts | Legends South – Robert Taylor Homes | Lilydale | Lincoln Park | Lincoln Square | Lithuanian Plaza | Little Italy | Little Village | Logan Square | Longwood Manor | Lower West Side | Loyola | Magnificent Mile | Magnificent Mile | Marquette Park | Marshall Square | Marynook | Mayfair | McKinley Park | Merchant Park | Montclare | Morgan Park | Mount Greenwood | Mount Greenwood | Museum Campus | Museum Campus | Near North Side | Near North Side | Near South Side | Near West Side | New Chinatown | New City | New East Side | Noble Square | North Austin | North Center | North Center | North Halsted | North Kenwood | North Lawndale | North Mayfair | North Park | North Park | Nortown | Norwood Park | Norwood Park East | Norwood Park West | O’Hare | O’Hare | Oakland | Old Edgebrook | Old Irving Park | Old Norwood | Old Town | Old Town Triangle | Oriole Park | Palmer Square | Park Manor | Park West | Parkview | Peterson Park | Pill Hill | Pilsen | Polish Downtown | Polish Village | Portage Park | Portage Park | Prairie District | Prairie Shores | Prairie Shores | Princeton Park | Printer’s Row | Pulaski Park | Pullman | Ranch Triangle | Ravenswood | Ravenswood Gardens | Ravenswood Manor | River North | Riverdale | Rogers Park | Roscoe Village | Rosehill | Roseland | Rosemoor | Saint Ben’s | Sauganash | Schorsch Forest View | Scottsdale | Sheffield Neighbors | Sheridan Park | Sleepy Hollow | Smith Park | South Austin | South Chicago | South Commons | South Deering | South East Ravenswood | South Edgebrook | South Lawndale | South Loop | South Shore | State Parkway | Stateway Gardens | Stony Island Park | Streeterville | Talley’s Corner | The Gap | The Island | The Loop | The Loop | The Villa | Tri-Taylor | Ukrainian Village | Union Ridge | Uptown | Vittum Park | Wacławowo | Washington Heights | Washington Park | Wentworth Gardens | West Beverly | West Chatham | West Chesterfield | West DePaul | West Elsdon | West Englewood | West Garfield Park | West Humboldt Park | West Lakeview | West Lawn | West Morgan Park | West Pullman | West Ridge | West Ridge | West Rogers Park | West Town | West Town | West Woodlawn | Wicker Park | Wildwood | Woodlawn | Wrightwood | Wrightwood Neighbors | Wrigleyville
wn.com/Cleaning Services Chicago
Are you looking for a cleaning service in the Chicagoland? We are operating in all these areas and neighborhoods:
Albany Park | Albany Park | Altgeld Gardens | Altgeld Gardens | Andersonville | Andersonville | Archer Heights | Archer Heights | Armour Square | Armour Square | Ashburn | Ashburn | Ashburn Estates | Ashburn Estates | Auburn Gresham | Auburn Gresham | Avalon Park | Avalon Park | Avondale | Avondale | Avondale Gardens | Avondale Gardens | Back of the Yards | Back of the Yards | Belmont Central | Belmont Central | Belmont Gardens | Belmont Gardens | Belmont Heights | Belmont Heights | Belmont Terrace | Belmont Terrace | Belongo | Belongo | Beverly | Beverly | Beverly View | Beverly View | Beverly Woods | Beverly Woods | Big Oaks | Big Oaks | Bowmanville | Bowmanville | Boystown | Boystown | Brainerd | Brainerd | Brickyard | Brickyard | Bridgeport | Bridgeport | Brighton Park | Brighton Park | Bronzeville | Bucktown | Bucktown | Budlong Woods | Budlong Woods | Buena Park | Buena Park | Burnside | Burnside | Cabrini-Green | Cabrini–Green | Cabrini–Green | Calumet Heights | Calumet Heights | Canaryville | Canaryville | Central Station | Chatham | Chatham | Chicago | Chicago | Chinatown | Chinatown | Chrysler Village | Chrysler Village | Clarendon Park | Clarendon Park | Clearing | Clearing | Clearing East | Clearing East | Clearing West | Clearing West | Cook County | Cook County | Cottage Grove Heights | Cragin | Crestline | Dearborn Homes | Dearborn Park | Dearborn Parkway | Douglas Park | Dunning | Dunning | East Beverly | East Chatham | East Garfield Park | East Hyde Park | East Pilsen | East Village | Eden Green | Edgebrook | Edgewater | Edgewater | Edgewater Beach | Edgewater Glen | Edison Park | Edison Park | Englewood | Fernwood | Fifth City | Ford City | Forest Glen | Forest Glen | Forest Glen | Fuller Park | Fulton River District | Gage Park | Galewood | Garfield Ridge | Garfield Ridge | Gladstone Park | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | Golden Gate | Goose Island | Graceland West | Grand Boulevard | Grand Crossing | Greater Grand Crossing | Greektown | Gresham | Groveland Park | Hamilton Park | Hanson Park | Heart of Chicago | Hegewisch | Hermosa | Historic Michigan Boulevard District | Homan Square | Home | Humboldt Park | Hyde Park | Ickes Prairie Homes | Irving Park | Irving Woods | Jackowo | Jackson Park Highlands | Jefferson Park | K-Town | Kelvyn Park | Kennedy Park | Kensington | Kenwood | Kilbourn Park | Kosciuszko Park – The Land of Koz | Lake Meadows | Lake View | Lake View East | Lakewood – Balmoral | LeClaire Courts | Legends South – Robert Taylor Homes | Lilydale | Lincoln Park | Lincoln Square | Lithuanian Plaza | Little Italy | Little Village | Logan Square | Longwood Manor | Lower West Side | Loyola | Magnificent Mile | Magnificent Mile | Marquette Park | Marshall Square | Marynook | Mayfair | McKinley Park | Merchant Park | Montclare | Morgan Park | Mount Greenwood | Mount Greenwood | Museum Campus | Museum Campus | Near North Side | Near North Side | Near South Side | Near West Side | New Chinatown | New City | New East Side | Noble Square | North Austin | North Center | North Center | North Halsted | North Kenwood | North Lawndale | North Mayfair | North Park | North Park | Nortown | Norwood Park | Norwood Park East | Norwood Park West | O’Hare | O’Hare | Oakland | Old Edgebrook | Old Irving Park | Old Norwood | Old Town | Old Town Triangle | Oriole Park | Palmer Square | Park Manor | Park West | Parkview | Peterson Park | Pill Hill | Pilsen | Polish Downtown | Polish Village | Portage Park | Portage Park | Prairie District | Prairie Shores | Prairie Shores | Princeton Park | Printer’s Row | Pulaski Park | Pullman | Ranch Triangle | Ravenswood | Ravenswood Gardens | Ravenswood Manor | River North | Riverdale | Rogers Park | Roscoe Village | Rosehill | Roseland | Rosemoor | Saint Ben’s | Sauganash | Schorsch Forest View | Scottsdale | Sheffield Neighbors | Sheridan Park | Sleepy Hollow | Smith Park | South Austin | South Chicago | South Commons | South Deering | South East Ravenswood | South Edgebrook | South Lawndale | South Loop | South Shore | State Parkway | Stateway Gardens | Stony Island Park | Streeterville | Talley’s Corner | The Gap | The Island | The Loop | The Loop | The Villa | Tri-Taylor | Ukrainian Village | Union Ridge | Uptown | Vittum Park | Wacławowo | Washington Heights | Washington Park | Wentworth Gardens | West Beverly | West Chatham | West Chesterfield | West DePaul | West Elsdon | West Englewood | West Garfield Park | West Humboldt Park | West Lakeview | West Lawn | West Morgan Park | West Pullman | West Ridge | West Ridge | West Rogers Park | West Town | West Town | West Woodlawn | Wicker Park | Wildwood | Woodlawn | Wrightwood | Wrightwood Neighbors | Wrigleyville
- published: 18 Mar 2015
- views: 5
TOP 10 rzeczy w Chicago! Gangi, hotdogi, sztuka! [dajemyrade.pl]
http://www.dajemyrade.pl/artykul/wybierasz-sie-do-chicago-oto-10-przydatnych-porad- artykuł ze szczegółami miejsc pokazanych na filmie!
Spędziłem w Chicago 2 ty...
http://www.dajemyrade.pl/artykul/wybierasz-sie-do-chicago-oto-10-przydatnych-porad- artykuł ze szczegółami miejsc pokazanych na filmie!
Spędziłem w Chicago 2 tygodnie, szukając ciekawych atrakcji - oto mój wybór 10 fajnych rzeczy, które można zrobić w tym pięknym mieście. Zapraszam!
wn.com/Top 10 Rzeczy W Chicago Gangi, Hotdogi, Sztuka Dajemyrade.Pl
http://www.dajemyrade.pl/artykul/wybierasz-sie-do-chicago-oto-10-przydatnych-porad- artykuł ze szczegółami miejsc pokazanych na filmie!
Spędziłem w Chicago 2 tygodnie, szukając ciekawych atrakcji - oto mój wybór 10 fajnych rzeczy, które można zrobić w tym pięknym mieście. Zapraszam!
- published: 03 Oct 2014
- views: 6880
Piknik w Bazylice św. Jacka w Chicago 2012 cz I
Piknik na "Jackowie" - dziekujemy wszystkim parafianom i gościom za obecnośc i wsparcie naszej parafii. Materiał filmowy dla Bazyliki św. Jacka przygotował P......
Piknik na "Jackowie" - dziekujemy wszystkim parafianom i gościom za obecnośc i wsparcie naszej parafii. Materiał filmowy dla Bazyliki św. Jacka przygotował P...
wn.com/Piknik W Bazylice Św. Jacka W Chicago 2012 Cz I
Piknik na "Jackowie" - dziekujemy wszystkim parafianom i gościom za obecnośc i wsparcie naszej parafii. Materiał filmowy dla Bazyliki św. Jacka przygotował P...
Sebastian Niegowski vlog - jak łatwo można zostać zabitym w Chicago w USA
Nie przez przypadek o Chicago, jednej z największej metropolii w USA, mówi się "Chiraq". Na ulicach "Wietrznego miasta" ginie więcej Amerykanów niż na wojnie w ...
Nie przez przypadek o Chicago, jednej z największej metropolii w USA, mówi się "Chiraq". Na ulicach "Wietrznego miasta" ginie więcej Amerykanów niż na wojnie w Iraku.
wn.com/Sebastian Niegowski Vlog Jak Łatwo Można Zostać Zabitym W Chicago W USA
Nie przez przypadek o Chicago, jednej z największej metropolii w USA, mówi się "Chiraq". Na ulicach "Wietrznego miasta" ginie więcej Amerykanów niż na wojnie w Iraku.
- published: 16 Sep 2014
- views: 742
Dzis zabieram Was do Chicago
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Dzis zabieram Was do Chicago
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Anna Gretkowska
1530 W.Boynton Beach Boulevard # 3714
Boynton Beach FL 33424 USA
wn.com/Vlog Lookbook Z Chicago
Dzis zabieram Was do Chicago
A co mialam na sobie:
zestaw 1
okulary Ray-Ban numer 524120345217140
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koszula H&M;
spodnie GUESS
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buty Target
zastaw 2
marynarka ZARA
koszulka ROMWE http://www.romwe.com/
spodnie H&M;
torebka MK
buty Melissa Vivienne Westwood
Zapraszam Was na bloga bedzie tam relacja w zdjeciach http://www.thekretka1.blogspot.com/
Najbardziej popularne filmiki na moim kanale:
Domowe sposoby na wagry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BN5Zjui0KkE&list;=TLGYos4yfse1Fh7jrEdSkMR2H8LouJucQ5
Fryzura na szybko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C13xNVYvLA&list;=TLxMBf9r5Z6djSik3NKcatcAgh88BhiA39
Zycie w USA- Ludzie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcHe_cRZNn0&list;=TL4OpPeYWOvB78NRmTq-VX3xbyWfJAUVFX
Masaz tawarzy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hs0UnBk7CyE&list;=TLXl5a353OvBZSaMmy9s9aVjjbxWbprYPT
http://www.youtube.com/user/TheKretka1 przy subskrybcji masz zebate kolko kliknij i zaznacz powiadomienia na swoja poczte
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Napisz do mnie
Anna Gretkowska
1530 W.Boynton Beach Boulevard # 3714
Boynton Beach FL 33424 USA
- published: 31 May 2014
- views: 10737
Chicago Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Chicago, once a small trading post on Lake Michigan, has grown into one of the country’s most famous cities. Visit “The Windy City” and chow down on deep dish pizza for a truly unique vacation experience.
Follow “The Loop,” the city’s primary business district, and marvel at its array of high-rise buildings, consulates, and univer
35 Things to do in Chicago | Top Attractions Travel Guide
The following travel video is a comprehensive list of the best 35 Things to do in Chicago including all of the top Attractions worth visiting and seeing in this complete travel guide for the Windy City.
Many people don't realize this but Chicago is a world class city with festivals, arts, entertainment, dining and architecture that can rival any city in North America or even Europe. The only othe
✈Chicago, illinois ►Vacation Travel Guide
✈Chicago, illinois ►Vacation Travel Guide
Travel Tips: 12 Hours In Chicago
I visited Chicago this winter and put together the perfect quick trip itinerary. Enjoy this video and explore the windy city with me! For more awesome Chicago tips - http://traveler.marriott.com/chicago/
Watch my complete "Tripping with Sonia Gil" series - http://bit.ly/TrippingWithSoniaGil
About Marriott Traveler:
From snake readings in New Orleans to food truck crawls in Chicago, Marriott Tra
Chicago, Illinois Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Chicago is a city in the U.S. state of Illinois, and is the third most populous city in the United States, and the most populous city in the American Midwest. Chicago was incorporated as a city in 1837, near a portage between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River watershed.
The most important places to visit in Chicago are: Willis Tower (formerly known as the Sears T
Chicago Travel Guide | Things to Do, Attractions, Nightlife, Museums, Jazz, Theater and More
Explore Chicago with Where as we visit top attractions like Millennium Park, Skydeck, 360 Chicago and others before tasting deep-dish pizzas, visiting the city’s theaters, comedy clubs and jazz venues, and then wrapping up our trip at a classic Chicago speakeasy.
Connect with WhereTraveler Online
Find more destinations at http://wheretraveler.com
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Chicago Travel Guide - 360 Chicago, Girl & the Goat Restaurant, and More
Join us for A Day in Chicago; the historic, uniquely cultural & always buzzing Midwestern city perched on the edge of Lake Michigan. Discover 360 CHICAGO and the tantalizing new TILT attraction for breathtaking views 1,000 feet above Chi-Town.Meet Top Chef season 4 winner Stephanie Izard – The culinary talent behind the tasty Girl & the Goat franchise.
Travel Guide: Christmas in Chicago
Despite its freezing temperatures, Chicago is the perfect winter wonderland to explore during the Christmas holidays. Keep your mind off the cold and focused on having a great time with this guide!
For a full list of ideas, check out our travel guide here: http://www.travellushes.com/travel-guide-christmas-chicago/
Visit America - New York City Travel Guide and Chicago Top Attractions
When visiting American two cities should be on your shortlist: New York and Chicago.
As far as tourism is concerned you won't find more world class cities to visit in the United States that offer as many different options for festivals, arts, entertainment and dining.
NYC, USA and Chi-town really have it all and in our travel video guide we'll recommend some of the top things to do in both citi
12 Hours in Chicago with Sonia Gil
On a layover or only have a day to spare in Chicago? No problem! Travel expert, Sonia Gil has mapped out the perfect quick trip to Chicago itinerary. Join her as she explores the Windy City and visits the Art Institute, ice skating rink, and more! For more travel tips on Chicago visit - http://bit.ly/MarriottTraveler
Subscribe to Marriott on YouTube - http://bit.ly/MarriottonYouTube
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Chicago Travel Guide
Chicago - Travel Guide
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Chicago - Illinois Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube
Chicago - Illinois - USA Travel guide http://bit.ly/1gyob2p
Chicago - Illinois Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
Often called the 'Windy City', Chicago is number one when it comes to culture, fine dining, shopping and commerce.
This is the home of blues and jazz, where early masters like, Louis Armstrong, Jimmie Noone, Johnny Dodds, Earl Hines, a
Gil Family travels to Chicago! Things to-do for the kids and family when visiting The Windy City. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE + SHARE this video!
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Chicago City Guide - Lonely Planet travel video
The Windy City is a cultural powerhouse boasting some of the country's finest skyscrapers, treasure-trove museums, and a revived restaurant scene. Visit http://www.lonelyplanet.com/usa/chicago for more information about Chicago.
chicago il city guide - vidatown chicago il video - what to see travel tour attractions sampler
http://vidatown.com/na/us/il/chicago/ - vidatown chicago is a chicago video city guide and chicago video town guide. It is a help for chicago tours and touri...
Las Vegas ~ Nevada ~ Discover Las Vegas ~ Travel Guide
Las Vegas ~ Nevada ~ Discover Las Vegas ~ Travel Guide
This article is about the city proper in Nevada. For the tourist destination, see Las Vegas Strip. For the metropolitan area, see Las Vegas Valley. For other uses, see Las Vegas
Las Vegas, /lɑːs ˈveɪɡəs/ (locally, also pronounced as /lɑːs ˈvɛɡɨs/) officially the City of Las Vegas and often known as simply Vegas, is a city in the United States,
Travel Guide to Chicago
http://www.WatchMojo.com travel series on the city of Chicago, Illinois. In this video we look at the Windy City, located on the shores of Lake Michigan in t...
Packing for Chicago + Travel Tips
Happy Spring! We are thrilled to bring to you guys our first video in our travel series. We will be taking you along with us on our trip to Chicago in a few weeks. This video is full of tips and tricks to make sure you have a more comfortable packing experience that is organized and complete with everything you need. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter because we will be posting A TON about our tri
Canberra Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Purpose built as Australia’s capital city, Canberra is a 3-hour drive from both the snowy mountains and the beautiful beaches of New South Wales. It is a city which honors Australia’s past and shapes its future.
With an expansive bush beauty, a relaxed attitude and colorful events, Canberra is far more than a political capital. Designed for a young nation that was just finding its feet, this city
New York City Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
New York City is an international metropolis built on the shoulders of immigrants and their descendants.
New York City is home to eight million people, and the city receives more than 50 million visitors per year. Your New York City tour should include sampling the food of hundreds of different cultures, and you can explore the ea
Best Roof Top Bars in Chicago ✈Travel Guide
Chicago Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Chicago, once a small trading post on Lake Michigan, has grown into one of the country’s most...
Chicago, once a small trading post on Lake Michigan, has grown into one of the country’s most famous cities. Visit “The Windy City” and chow down on deep dish pizza for a truly unique vacation experience.
Follow “The Loop,” the city’s primary business district, and marvel at its array of high-rise buildings, consulates, and universities. Shopping and fine dining abound in this area. If you’ve worn yourself out in the city proper, set a more sedate pace at the Riverwalk, a pedestrian path along the Chicago River, or visit the many museums and parks the city has to offer. You’ll never believe you’re actually downtown when you walk through the Garfield Park Conservatory, and the Art Institute of Chicago will allow you to appreciate creative works from around the world.
No Chicago tour is complete without a mention of the nightlife, so close out your day at a jazz lounge and let the sweet sound of music carry you away. Visit our Chicago travel guide and plan your next vacation today.
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wn.com/Chicago Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Chicago, once a small trading post on Lake Michigan, has grown into one of the country’s most famous cities. Visit “The Windy City” and chow down on deep dish pizza for a truly unique vacation experience.
Follow “The Loop,” the city’s primary business district, and marvel at its array of high-rise buildings, consulates, and universities. Shopping and fine dining abound in this area. If you’ve worn yourself out in the city proper, set a more sedate pace at the Riverwalk, a pedestrian path along the Chicago River, or visit the many museums and parks the city has to offer. You’ll never believe you’re actually downtown when you walk through the Garfield Park Conservatory, and the Art Institute of Chicago will allow you to appreciate creative works from around the world.
No Chicago tour is complete without a mention of the nightlife, so close out your day at a jazz lounge and let the sweet sound of music carry you away. Visit our Chicago travel guide and plan your next vacation today.
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- published: 08 Mar 2013
- views: 347637
35 Things to do in Chicago | Top Attractions Travel Guide
The following travel video is a comprehensive list of the best 35 Things to do in Chicago including all of the top Attractions worth visiting and seeing in this...
The following travel video is a comprehensive list of the best 35 Things to do in Chicago including all of the top Attractions worth visiting and seeing in this complete travel guide for the Windy City.
Many people don't realize this but Chicago is a world class city with festivals, arts, entertainment, dining and architecture that can rival any city in North America or even Europe. The only other city that I think can compare with Chicago - in terms of attractions - in America is New York. Whether you're scarfing down Chicago style deep dish pizza or taking in a Blues festival you'll find no shortage of things to do in the city. If you're a sport fan there are no shortage of professional teams to follow at any time of the year including the Chicago Blackhawks, Chicago Cubs, Chicago White Sox, Chicago Bears and the Chicago Bulls. When you're thinking of destination to travel to in the United States, Chicago should be near the top of your list. I guarantee that you'll have a lot of fun:
1) Chicago Architecture and Chicago River Walk
2) Chicago River Boat Trip
3) Kayaking along the Chicago River
4) Cloud Gate - The Bean
5) Millennium Park
6) Pavilion 'Free Shows'
7) Art Institute of Chicago
8) Watch a Chicago Cubs game at Wrigley Field
9) Eat Deep Dish Pizza
10) Visit the sky deck at Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower)
11) Stroll around the University of Chicago campus
12) Check out the Oriental Institute of History
13) Marvel and escape the bustle at Osaka Garden
14) Enjoy an afternoon or evening at Wicker Park
15) Relax and escape at Humboldt Park
16) Check out the Dinosaur exhibits at the Chicago Field Museum
17) Visit the Shedd Aquarium - the largest indoor one in the world
18) Watch a Chicago Blackhawks game at the United Center
19) Check out the 'Borders' exhibit at Solti Gardens of Grant Park
20) Admire Buckingham Fountain during the day or at night
21) View the Chicago skyline from the Hancock Center
22) Spend an afternoon having fun at Navy Pier
23) Wander around Lincoln Park Zoo and Conservatory
24) Work out or get a tan at North Avenue Beach
25) Laugh your head off watching improv at The Second City
26) Test your mind playing the Zombie Game
27) Go shopping or people watching along the Magnificent Mile
28) Take the Chicago 'El or 'L' CTA metro system
29) Watch an NFL football game (Chicago Bears) at Soldier Field
30) Check out the entirely free Money Museum
31) Ride a bicycle in downtown Chicago
32) Spend time at the Museum of Science and Technology
33) Marvel at the architectural wonder known as Robbie House
34) Rest your legs by taking a Chicago city tour by Segway
35) Check out a performance at Chicago Theatre
We got to see buildings like Marina City, Trump Tower, and Wrigley Building. Architecture river tours are a fun way to take in the sights along the river. If you find yourself here during the summer months kayaking is a popular way to experience the Chicago River. The Crown Fountain is a cool interactive sculpture located in Millennium Park. Art lovers will enjoy the Art Institute of Chicago. Taking in a Chicago Cubs baseball game at Wrigley field is a must for anyone who visits the city. You can't come to Chicago and not eat deep-dish pizza! During our week here we ate at many pizzerias in town including Lou Malnati's, Giordano's, Gino's East Side, and Pizzeria Uno. Formerly known as the Sears Tower, Willis Tower is now the 2nd tallest building in the United States. Many of the buildings at the University of Chicago were designed in the Gothic style. The campus is also home to the Oriental Institute. The Osaka Garden is located in Jackson Park
which is in Chicago's South Side. If you visit Wicker Park you'll find it has a very hipster feel, with lots of street art down every alley. Humboldt Park is a little far removed from the downtown area so it's not as popular with visitors, however, it's a really great place to soak in nature. For a chance to come face to face with dinosaurs, head over to the Field Museum. Right next door is the Shedd Aquarium which is a popular attraction for families. Visit the John Hancock Center by night as the city really dazzles from the 94th floor. The Navy Pier is a fun place to visit on a weekend including a Ferris Wheel. Located in the north end of the city, North Avenue Beach is a popular hangout spot with beach-goers. For improv comedy there's no better place than The Second City. The Magnificent Mile is a shopper's paradise. The Chicago L, or the elevated line, is great for getting around town. A week pass is $28. The Divvy is Chicago's bike sharing system. Chicago's Museum of Science and Technology is the largest science museum. It's hard to miss the flashing lights of the historic Chicago Theatre! Music has creative commons attribution license:
wn.com/35 Things To Do In Chicago | Top Attractions Travel Guide
The following travel video is a comprehensive list of the best 35 Things to do in Chicago including all of the top Attractions worth visiting and seeing in this complete travel guide for the Windy City.
Many people don't realize this but Chicago is a world class city with festivals, arts, entertainment, dining and architecture that can rival any city in North America or even Europe. The only other city that I think can compare with Chicago - in terms of attractions - in America is New York. Whether you're scarfing down Chicago style deep dish pizza or taking in a Blues festival you'll find no shortage of things to do in the city. If you're a sport fan there are no shortage of professional teams to follow at any time of the year including the Chicago Blackhawks, Chicago Cubs, Chicago White Sox, Chicago Bears and the Chicago Bulls. When you're thinking of destination to travel to in the United States, Chicago should be near the top of your list. I guarantee that you'll have a lot of fun:
1) Chicago Architecture and Chicago River Walk
2) Chicago River Boat Trip
3) Kayaking along the Chicago River
4) Cloud Gate - The Bean
5) Millennium Park
6) Pavilion 'Free Shows'
7) Art Institute of Chicago
8) Watch a Chicago Cubs game at Wrigley Field
9) Eat Deep Dish Pizza
10) Visit the sky deck at Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower)
11) Stroll around the University of Chicago campus
12) Check out the Oriental Institute of History
13) Marvel and escape the bustle at Osaka Garden
14) Enjoy an afternoon or evening at Wicker Park
15) Relax and escape at Humboldt Park
16) Check out the Dinosaur exhibits at the Chicago Field Museum
17) Visit the Shedd Aquarium - the largest indoor one in the world
18) Watch a Chicago Blackhawks game at the United Center
19) Check out the 'Borders' exhibit at Solti Gardens of Grant Park
20) Admire Buckingham Fountain during the day or at night
21) View the Chicago skyline from the Hancock Center
22) Spend an afternoon having fun at Navy Pier
23) Wander around Lincoln Park Zoo and Conservatory
24) Work out or get a tan at North Avenue Beach
25) Laugh your head off watching improv at The Second City
26) Test your mind playing the Zombie Game
27) Go shopping or people watching along the Magnificent Mile
28) Take the Chicago 'El or 'L' CTA metro system
29) Watch an NFL football game (Chicago Bears) at Soldier Field
30) Check out the entirely free Money Museum
31) Ride a bicycle in downtown Chicago
32) Spend time at the Museum of Science and Technology
33) Marvel at the architectural wonder known as Robbie House
34) Rest your legs by taking a Chicago city tour by Segway
35) Check out a performance at Chicago Theatre
We got to see buildings like Marina City, Trump Tower, and Wrigley Building. Architecture river tours are a fun way to take in the sights along the river. If you find yourself here during the summer months kayaking is a popular way to experience the Chicago River. The Crown Fountain is a cool interactive sculpture located in Millennium Park. Art lovers will enjoy the Art Institute of Chicago. Taking in a Chicago Cubs baseball game at Wrigley field is a must for anyone who visits the city. You can't come to Chicago and not eat deep-dish pizza! During our week here we ate at many pizzerias in town including Lou Malnati's, Giordano's, Gino's East Side, and Pizzeria Uno. Formerly known as the Sears Tower, Willis Tower is now the 2nd tallest building in the United States. Many of the buildings at the University of Chicago were designed in the Gothic style. The campus is also home to the Oriental Institute. The Osaka Garden is located in Jackson Park
which is in Chicago's South Side. If you visit Wicker Park you'll find it has a very hipster feel, with lots of street art down every alley. Humboldt Park is a little far removed from the downtown area so it's not as popular with visitors, however, it's a really great place to soak in nature. For a chance to come face to face with dinosaurs, head over to the Field Museum. Right next door is the Shedd Aquarium which is a popular attraction for families. Visit the John Hancock Center by night as the city really dazzles from the 94th floor. The Navy Pier is a fun place to visit on a weekend including a Ferris Wheel. Located in the north end of the city, North Avenue Beach is a popular hangout spot with beach-goers. For improv comedy there's no better place than The Second City. The Magnificent Mile is a shopper's paradise. The Chicago L, or the elevated line, is great for getting around town. A week pass is $28. The Divvy is Chicago's bike sharing system. Chicago's Museum of Science and Technology is the largest science museum. It's hard to miss the flashing lights of the historic Chicago Theatre! Music has creative commons attribution license:
- published: 06 Jul 2014
- views: 103382
✈Chicago, illinois ►Vacation Travel Guide
✈Chicago, illinois ►Vacation Travel Guide...
✈Chicago, illinois ►Vacation Travel Guide
wn.com/✈Chicago, Illinois ►Vacation Travel Guide
✈Chicago, illinois ►Vacation Travel Guide
- published: 23 Apr 2012
- views: 205420
Travel Tips: 12 Hours In Chicago
I visited Chicago this winter and put together the perfect quick trip itinerary. Enjoy this video and explore the windy city with me! For more awesome Chicago t...
I visited Chicago this winter and put together the perfect quick trip itinerary. Enjoy this video and explore the windy city with me! For more awesome Chicago tips - http://traveler.marriott.com/chicago/
Watch my complete "Tripping with Sonia Gil" series - http://bit.ly/TrippingWithSoniaGil
About Marriott Traveler:
From snake readings in New Orleans to food truck crawls in Chicago, Marriott Traveler brings you the unexpected stories you'll want to share and experience — written by local and global travel enthusiasts at the forefront of culture in cities around the world. Experience here, share everywhere. Be a #MarriottTraveler
wn.com/Travel Tips 12 Hours In Chicago
I visited Chicago this winter and put together the perfect quick trip itinerary. Enjoy this video and explore the windy city with me! For more awesome Chicago tips - http://traveler.marriott.com/chicago/
Watch my complete "Tripping with Sonia Gil" series - http://bit.ly/TrippingWithSoniaGil
About Marriott Traveler:
From snake readings in New Orleans to food truck crawls in Chicago, Marriott Traveler brings you the unexpected stories you'll want to share and experience — written by local and global travel enthusiasts at the forefront of culture in cities around the world. Experience here, share everywhere. Be a #MarriottTraveler
- published: 27 May 2015
- views: 16637
Chicago, Illinois Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Chicago is a city in the U.S. state of Illinois, and is the third most populous city in the United States, and the most populous city ...
Chicago is a city in the U.S. state of Illinois, and is the third most populous city in the United States, and the most populous city in the American Midwest. Chicago was incorporated as a city in 1837, near a portage between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River watershed.
The most important places to visit in Chicago are: Willis Tower (formerly known as the Sears Tower, this iconic symbol of Chicago was the world's tallest building when it was built), Millennium Park (a great urban park, among the most famous landmarks of Chicago and a site for many major city events), Shedd Aquarium (one of the world's largest aquariums. It displays an impressive array of animals), Grant Park (called the front lawn of Chicago, the park is wonderfully landscaped and offers many sites for an urban escape), Navy Pier (situated right on Lake Michigan, the Pier has a festive atmosphere with entertainment, shops and restaurants) and many more.
If you want to save time and money, the most important Chicago travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/Chicago, Illinois Travel Guide Must See Attractions
Chicago is a city in the U.S. state of Illinois, and is the third most populous city in the United States, and the most populous city in the American Midwest. Chicago was incorporated as a city in 1837, near a portage between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River watershed.
The most important places to visit in Chicago are: Willis Tower (formerly known as the Sears Tower, this iconic symbol of Chicago was the world's tallest building when it was built), Millennium Park (a great urban park, among the most famous landmarks of Chicago and a site for many major city events), Shedd Aquarium (one of the world's largest aquariums. It displays an impressive array of animals), Grant Park (called the front lawn of Chicago, the park is wonderfully landscaped and offers many sites for an urban escape), Navy Pier (situated right on Lake Michigan, the Pier has a festive atmosphere with entertainment, shops and restaurants) and many more.
If you want to save time and money, the most important Chicago travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 26 Apr 2013
- views: 363591
Chicago Travel Guide | Things to Do, Attractions, Nightlife, Museums, Jazz, Theater and More
Explore Chicago with Where as we visit top attractions like Millennium Park, Skydeck, 360 Chicago and others before tasting deep-dish pizzas, visiting the city’...
Explore Chicago with Where as we visit top attractions like Millennium Park, Skydeck, 360 Chicago and others before tasting deep-dish pizzas, visiting the city’s theaters, comedy clubs and jazz venues, and then wrapping up our trip at a classic Chicago speakeasy.
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wn.com/Chicago Travel Guide | Things To Do, Attractions, Nightlife, Museums, Jazz, Theater And More
Explore Chicago with Where as we visit top attractions like Millennium Park, Skydeck, 360 Chicago and others before tasting deep-dish pizzas, visiting the city’s theaters, comedy clubs and jazz venues, and then wrapping up our trip at a classic Chicago speakeasy.
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- published: 20 Mar 2015
- views: 4744
Chicago Travel Guide - 360 Chicago, Girl & the Goat Restaurant, and More
Join us for A Day in Chicago; the historic, uniquely cultural & always buzzing Midwestern city perched on the edge of Lake Michigan. Discover 360 CHICAGO and th...
Join us for A Day in Chicago; the historic, uniquely cultural & always buzzing Midwestern city perched on the edge of Lake Michigan. Discover 360 CHICAGO and the tantalizing new TILT attraction for breathtaking views 1,000 feet above Chi-Town.Meet Top Chef season 4 winner Stephanie Izard – The culinary talent behind the tasty Girl & the Goat franchise.
wn.com/Chicago Travel Guide 360 Chicago, Girl The Goat Restaurant, And More
Join us for A Day in Chicago; the historic, uniquely cultural & always buzzing Midwestern city perched on the edge of Lake Michigan. Discover 360 CHICAGO and the tantalizing new TILT attraction for breathtaking views 1,000 feet above Chi-Town.Meet Top Chef season 4 winner Stephanie Izard – The culinary talent behind the tasty Girl & the Goat franchise.
- published: 13 Oct 2014
- views: 2114
Travel Guide: Christmas in Chicago
Despite its freezing temperatures, Chicago is the perfect winter wonderland to explore during the Christmas holidays. Keep your mind off the cold and focused on...
Despite its freezing temperatures, Chicago is the perfect winter wonderland to explore during the Christmas holidays. Keep your mind off the cold and focused on having a great time with this guide!
For a full list of ideas, check out our travel guide here: http://www.travellushes.com/travel-guide-christmas-chicago/
wn.com/Travel Guide Christmas In Chicago
Despite its freezing temperatures, Chicago is the perfect winter wonderland to explore during the Christmas holidays. Keep your mind off the cold and focused on having a great time with this guide!
For a full list of ideas, check out our travel guide here: http://www.travellushes.com/travel-guide-christmas-chicago/
- published: 02 Dec 2014
- views: 1384
Visit America - New York City Travel Guide and Chicago Top Attractions
When visiting American two cities should be on your shortlist: New York and Chicago.
As far as tourism is concerned you won't find more world class cities to ...
When visiting American two cities should be on your shortlist: New York and Chicago.
As far as tourism is concerned you won't find more world class cities to visit in the United States that offer as many different options for festivals, arts, entertainment and dining.
NYC, USA and Chi-town really have it all and in our travel video guide we'll recommend some of the top things to do in both cities.
Without a doubt these two iconic cities offer some of the best things to do in America.
Come for all of the attractions and stay for the fun of it.
50 Things to do in New York City Top Attractions Travel Guide:
1 Grand Central Terminal
2 The High Line
3 Meatpacking District
4 Greenwich Village
5 Brooklyn Bridge
6 Williamsburg
7 Street Art in Williamsburg
8 Prospect Park
9 Dumbo
10 New York Style Pizza
11 Bryant Park
12 New York Public Library
13 Staten Island Ferry
14 Statue of Liberty
15 Battery Park
16 Little Italy
17 Little Korea
18 Chinatown
19 Coney Island
20 Mermaid Parade
21 The Cloisters
22 Harlem's Apollo Theatre
23 Soul Food in Harlem at Sylvia's
24 World Trade Center Memorial
25 Trinity Church
26 Wall Street
27 Lincoln Center
28 Ride a Bicycle
29 Watch a New York Yankees baseball game at Yankee Stadium
30 MET Museum (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
31 Flatiron Building
32 Washington Square Park
33 NYU (New York University)
34 National Museum of the American Indian
35 Museum of Natural History
36 Times Square
37 MOMA (Museum of Modern Art)
38 Roosevelt Island Tramway
39 Fifth Avenue Shopping
40 Rockefeller Center
41 Empire State Building
42 Carnegie Hall
43 Central Park
44 Strawberry Fields
45 Street Food
46 Catch a Broadway Theatre Performance
47 Madison Square Garden
48 African Burial Ground
49 Columbus Circle
50 Take the Subway Metro
35 Things to do in Chicago top attractions travel guide:
1) Chicago Architecture and Chicago River Walk
2) Chicago River Boat Trip
3) Kayaking along the Chicago River
4) Cloud Gate - The Bean
5) Millennium Park
6) Pavilion 'Free Shows'
7) Art Institute of Chicago
8) Watch a Chicago Cubs game at Wrigley Field
9) Eat Deep Dish Pizza
10) Visit the sky deck at Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower)
11) Stroll around the University of Chicago campus
12) Check out the Oriental Institute of History
13) Marvel and escape the bustle at Osaka Garden
14) Enjoy an afternoon or evening at Wicker Park
15) Relax and escape at Humboldt Park
16) Check out the Dinosaur exhibits at the Chicago Field Museum
17) Visit the Shedd Aquarium - the largest indoor one in the world
18) Watch a Chicago Blackhawks game at the United Center
19) Check out the 'Borders' exhibit at Solti Gardens of Grant Park
20) Admire Buckingham Fountain during the day or at night
21) View the Chicago skyline from the Hancock Center
22) Spend an afternoon having fun at Navy Pier
23) Wander around Lincoln Park Zoo and Conservatory
24) Work out or get a tan at North Avenue Beach
25) Laugh your head off watching improv at The Second City
26) Test your mind playing the Zombie Game
27) Go shopping or people watching along the Magnificent Mile
28) Take the Chicago 'El or 'L' CTA metro system
29) Watch an NFL football game (Chicago Bears) at Soldier Field
30) Check out the entirely free Money Museum
31) Ride a bicycle in downtown Chicago
32) Spend time at the Museum of Science and Technology
33) Marvel at the architectural wonder known as Robbie House
34) Rest your legs by taking a Chicago city tour by Segway
35) Check out a performance at Chicago Theatre
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
This is part of our Travel in the United State of America series. We're making a series of videos showcasing American culture, American arts, American foods, American cuisine, American religion and American people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
wn.com/Visit America New York City Travel Guide And Chicago Top Attractions
When visiting American two cities should be on your shortlist: New York and Chicago.
As far as tourism is concerned you won't find more world class cities to visit in the United States that offer as many different options for festivals, arts, entertainment and dining.
NYC, USA and Chi-town really have it all and in our travel video guide we'll recommend some of the top things to do in both cities.
Without a doubt these two iconic cities offer some of the best things to do in America.
Come for all of the attractions and stay for the fun of it.
50 Things to do in New York City Top Attractions Travel Guide:
1 Grand Central Terminal
2 The High Line
3 Meatpacking District
4 Greenwich Village
5 Brooklyn Bridge
6 Williamsburg
7 Street Art in Williamsburg
8 Prospect Park
9 Dumbo
10 New York Style Pizza
11 Bryant Park
12 New York Public Library
13 Staten Island Ferry
14 Statue of Liberty
15 Battery Park
16 Little Italy
17 Little Korea
18 Chinatown
19 Coney Island
20 Mermaid Parade
21 The Cloisters
22 Harlem's Apollo Theatre
23 Soul Food in Harlem at Sylvia's
24 World Trade Center Memorial
25 Trinity Church
26 Wall Street
27 Lincoln Center
28 Ride a Bicycle
29 Watch a New York Yankees baseball game at Yankee Stadium
30 MET Museum (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
31 Flatiron Building
32 Washington Square Park
33 NYU (New York University)
34 National Museum of the American Indian
35 Museum of Natural History
36 Times Square
37 MOMA (Museum of Modern Art)
38 Roosevelt Island Tramway
39 Fifth Avenue Shopping
40 Rockefeller Center
41 Empire State Building
42 Carnegie Hall
43 Central Park
44 Strawberry Fields
45 Street Food
46 Catch a Broadway Theatre Performance
47 Madison Square Garden
48 African Burial Ground
49 Columbus Circle
50 Take the Subway Metro
35 Things to do in Chicago top attractions travel guide:
1) Chicago Architecture and Chicago River Walk
2) Chicago River Boat Trip
3) Kayaking along the Chicago River
4) Cloud Gate - The Bean
5) Millennium Park
6) Pavilion 'Free Shows'
7) Art Institute of Chicago
8) Watch a Chicago Cubs game at Wrigley Field
9) Eat Deep Dish Pizza
10) Visit the sky deck at Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower)
11) Stroll around the University of Chicago campus
12) Check out the Oriental Institute of History
13) Marvel and escape the bustle at Osaka Garden
14) Enjoy an afternoon or evening at Wicker Park
15) Relax and escape at Humboldt Park
16) Check out the Dinosaur exhibits at the Chicago Field Museum
17) Visit the Shedd Aquarium - the largest indoor one in the world
18) Watch a Chicago Blackhawks game at the United Center
19) Check out the 'Borders' exhibit at Solti Gardens of Grant Park
20) Admire Buckingham Fountain during the day or at night
21) View the Chicago skyline from the Hancock Center
22) Spend an afternoon having fun at Navy Pier
23) Wander around Lincoln Park Zoo and Conservatory
24) Work out or get a tan at North Avenue Beach
25) Laugh your head off watching improv at The Second City
26) Test your mind playing the Zombie Game
27) Go shopping or people watching along the Magnificent Mile
28) Take the Chicago 'El or 'L' CTA metro system
29) Watch an NFL football game (Chicago Bears) at Soldier Field
30) Check out the entirely free Money Museum
31) Ride a bicycle in downtown Chicago
32) Spend time at the Museum of Science and Technology
33) Marvel at the architectural wonder known as Robbie House
34) Rest your legs by taking a Chicago city tour by Segway
35) Check out a performance at Chicago Theatre
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
This is part of our Travel in the United State of America series. We're making a series of videos showcasing American culture, American arts, American foods, American cuisine, American religion and American people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
- published: 16 Aug 2014
- views: 11381
12 Hours in Chicago with Sonia Gil
On a layover or only have a day to spare in Chicago? No problem! Travel expert, Sonia Gil has mapped out the perfect quick trip to Chicago itinerary. Join her a...
On a layover or only have a day to spare in Chicago? No problem! Travel expert, Sonia Gil has mapped out the perfect quick trip to Chicago itinerary. Join her as she explores the Windy City and visits the Art Institute, ice skating rink, and more! For more travel tips on Chicago visit - http://bit.ly/MarriottTraveler
Subscribe to Marriott on YouTube - http://bit.ly/MarriottonYouTube
About Marriott Traveler: From snake readings in New Orleans to food truck crawls in Chicago, Marriott Traveler brings you the unexpected stories you'll want to share and experience — written by local and global travel enthusiasts at the forefront of culture in cities around the world. Experience here, share everywhere. Be a #MarriottTraveler
Watch more Tripping with Sonia Gil videos - http://bit.ly/TrippingWithSoniaGil
Subscribe to Sonia Gil - http://bit.ly/1CFEiUI
Book Direct at http://Marriott.com
wn.com/12 Hours In Chicago With Sonia Gil
On a layover or only have a day to spare in Chicago? No problem! Travel expert, Sonia Gil has mapped out the perfect quick trip to Chicago itinerary. Join her as she explores the Windy City and visits the Art Institute, ice skating rink, and more! For more travel tips on Chicago visit - http://bit.ly/MarriottTraveler
Subscribe to Marriott on YouTube - http://bit.ly/MarriottonYouTube
About Marriott Traveler: From snake readings in New Orleans to food truck crawls in Chicago, Marriott Traveler brings you the unexpected stories you'll want to share and experience — written by local and global travel enthusiasts at the forefront of culture in cities around the world. Experience here, share everywhere. Be a #MarriottTraveler
Watch more Tripping with Sonia Gil videos - http://bit.ly/TrippingWithSoniaGil
Subscribe to Sonia Gil - http://bit.ly/1CFEiUI
Book Direct at http://Marriott.com
- published: 27 May 2015
- views: 1280
Chicago Travel Guide
wn.com/Chicago Travel Guide
- published: 28 Nov 2007
- views: 45416
Chicago - Travel Guide
''travel guide''
''world travel channel''
''work travel channel''
''travelocity work and travel''
''expoza travel''
''World Travel Guides''
''travel guide''
''world travel channel''
''work travel channel''
''travelocity work and travel''
''expoza travel''
''World Travel Guides''
wn.com/Chicago Travel Guide
''travel guide''
''world travel channel''
''work travel channel''
''travelocity work and travel''
''expoza travel''
''World Travel Guides''
- published: 19 Oct 2014
- views: 104
Chicago - Illinois Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube
Chicago - Illinois - USA Travel guide http://bit.ly/1gyob2p
Chicago - Illinois Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacat...
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube
Chicago - Illinois - USA Travel guide http://bit.ly/1gyob2p
Chicago - Illinois Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
Often called the 'Windy City', Chicago is number one when it comes to culture, fine dining, shopping and commerce.
This is the home of blues and jazz, where early masters like, Louis Armstrong, Jimmie Noone, Johnny Dodds, Earl Hines, and Jelly Roll Morton, honed their skills; the city where skyscrapers were born and now pierce the sky in their dozens, where trains found their centre and airlines soon followed. Chicago is undoubtedly one of the world's greatest, dynamic cities -- confident, thriving, innovative -- and yet it still offers buckets of genuine Midwestern friendliness.
Situated on Lake Michigan, incomparable architecture erupts from its western shores. The Downtown area is known as the 'Loop' since the raised metropolitan railway (known as the 'El' or 'L') circles the central business and shopping district. Just east of it is Michigan Avenue, an upscale shopping area a few blocks from the lake.
Chicagoans are friendly, hard-working and serious sports fans. There's the Chicago Bears for football fans, Chicago Bulls for basketball followers, Chicago Blackhawks for hockey lovers and Chicago Cubs for baseball enthusiasts.
Festivals, theatre, dance, art, music, including a world-class symphony and great jazz, make Chicago a city of culture. An extensive French Impressionist collection puts Art Institute on the world map. Famous architects, such as Louis Sullivan, Mies van der Rohe and Frank Lloyd Wright and his Prairie School of Architecture thrived here. Chicago is home to the Reliance Building (now Hotel Burnham), the first steel-framed skyscraper as well as the Willis Tower (formerly known as Sears Tower), one of the world's tallest buildings.
A newer addition, Millennium Park is the setting for inspired works by Frank Gehry, Jaume Plensa and Anish Kapoor. But this is the city where innovation is rife -- Chicago gave birth to the refrigerated rail car, mail order shopping, car radio and the tv remote control. But of course, one of its most jaw dropping legacies has been the skyscraper - the nation's first was built here, a 10-story, Home Insurance Building, constructed in1884.
But this city is not all concrete and glass. Over 50 languages are spoken in this culturally and religiously diverse metropolis. Chicago's distinctive neighbours reflect its ethnic diversity. Chicago's Chinatown is vibrant, while Irish communities congregate around the Far Southwest Side, rubbing shoulders with Mexicans and Poles. Meanwhile, Indian restaurants and shops add colour to Devon Street; Lawrence Avenue has been dubbed Seoul Drive for its Korean residents, while Vietnamese, Thais, Persians, Little Italy and Greektown all add to the rich tapestry of life in the Windy City.
This is worlds away from almost a century before when during the Prohibition era, Chicago's criminal world, represented by the likes of Al Capone, Baby Face Nelson, and later Sam Giancana, practically ran the city.Today, gangster-themed tours and themed memorabilia are all that remain from this notorious past.
In a city that constantly evolves, Mark Twain hit the nail on the head when he said in the 19th century: "It is hopeless for the occasional visitor to try to keep up with Chicago. She outgrows his prophecies faster than he can make them." Over a century later, this is still very much true.
Chicago Videos, Chicago Travel guide, Chicago Tourism, Chicago Vacation, United States of America, Illinois,Chicago Introduction, Chicago Tours, Chicago Attractions, Chicago Hotels,Chicago Restaurants, Chicago Shopping, Chicago Transport, Chicago Museums, Chicago Nightlife, Chicago Hotels, Illinois Travel guide, Illinois Tourism, Illinois Vacation, USA Travel guide, USA Tourism === Chicago - Illinois - USA Travel guide, Tourism, Vacation, Attractions
wn.com/Chicago Illinois Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
World Travel https://www.youtube.com/user/World1Tube
Chicago - Illinois - USA Travel guide http://bit.ly/1gyob2p
Chicago - Illinois Travel Guide, Tourism, Vacation
Often called the 'Windy City', Chicago is number one when it comes to culture, fine dining, shopping and commerce.
This is the home of blues and jazz, where early masters like, Louis Armstrong, Jimmie Noone, Johnny Dodds, Earl Hines, and Jelly Roll Morton, honed their skills; the city where skyscrapers were born and now pierce the sky in their dozens, where trains found their centre and airlines soon followed. Chicago is undoubtedly one of the world's greatest, dynamic cities -- confident, thriving, innovative -- and yet it still offers buckets of genuine Midwestern friendliness.
Situated on Lake Michigan, incomparable architecture erupts from its western shores. The Downtown area is known as the 'Loop' since the raised metropolitan railway (known as the 'El' or 'L') circles the central business and shopping district. Just east of it is Michigan Avenue, an upscale shopping area a few blocks from the lake.
Chicagoans are friendly, hard-working and serious sports fans. There's the Chicago Bears for football fans, Chicago Bulls for basketball followers, Chicago Blackhawks for hockey lovers and Chicago Cubs for baseball enthusiasts.
Festivals, theatre, dance, art, music, including a world-class symphony and great jazz, make Chicago a city of culture. An extensive French Impressionist collection puts Art Institute on the world map. Famous architects, such as Louis Sullivan, Mies van der Rohe and Frank Lloyd Wright and his Prairie School of Architecture thrived here. Chicago is home to the Reliance Building (now Hotel Burnham), the first steel-framed skyscraper as well as the Willis Tower (formerly known as Sears Tower), one of the world's tallest buildings.
A newer addition, Millennium Park is the setting for inspired works by Frank Gehry, Jaume Plensa and Anish Kapoor. But this is the city where innovation is rife -- Chicago gave birth to the refrigerated rail car, mail order shopping, car radio and the tv remote control. But of course, one of its most jaw dropping legacies has been the skyscraper - the nation's first was built here, a 10-story, Home Insurance Building, constructed in1884.
But this city is not all concrete and glass. Over 50 languages are spoken in this culturally and religiously diverse metropolis. Chicago's distinctive neighbours reflect its ethnic diversity. Chicago's Chinatown is vibrant, while Irish communities congregate around the Far Southwest Side, rubbing shoulders with Mexicans and Poles. Meanwhile, Indian restaurants and shops add colour to Devon Street; Lawrence Avenue has been dubbed Seoul Drive for its Korean residents, while Vietnamese, Thais, Persians, Little Italy and Greektown all add to the rich tapestry of life in the Windy City.
This is worlds away from almost a century before when during the Prohibition era, Chicago's criminal world, represented by the likes of Al Capone, Baby Face Nelson, and later Sam Giancana, practically ran the city.Today, gangster-themed tours and themed memorabilia are all that remain from this notorious past.
In a city that constantly evolves, Mark Twain hit the nail on the head when he said in the 19th century: "It is hopeless for the occasional visitor to try to keep up with Chicago. She outgrows his prophecies faster than he can make them." Over a century later, this is still very much true.
Chicago Videos, Chicago Travel guide, Chicago Tourism, Chicago Vacation, United States of America, Illinois,Chicago Introduction, Chicago Tours, Chicago Attractions, Chicago Hotels,Chicago Restaurants, Chicago Shopping, Chicago Transport, Chicago Museums, Chicago Nightlife, Chicago Hotels, Illinois Travel guide, Illinois Tourism, Illinois Vacation, USA Travel guide, USA Tourism === Chicago - Illinois - USA Travel guide, Tourism, Vacation, Attractions
- published: 09 Nov 2013
- views: 2524
Gil Family travels to Chicago! Things to-do for the kids and family when visiting The Windy City. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE + SHARE this video!
Gil Family travels to Chicago! Things to-do for the kids and family when visiting The Windy City. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE + SHARE this video!
-- http://www.facebook.com/CarlosGilOnline
-- http://www.twitter.com/CarlosGil83
-- http://www.instagram.com/CarlosGil83
#CarlosGilTV #YouTube #VideoBlog #Family
wn.com/✈ Chicago Travel Guide ► Things To Do Millenium Park, Navy Pier, The Bean, Willis Tower
Gil Family travels to Chicago! Things to-do for the kids and family when visiting The Windy City. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE + SHARE this video!
-- http://www.facebook.com/CarlosGilOnline
-- http://www.twitter.com/CarlosGil83
-- http://www.instagram.com/CarlosGil83
#CarlosGilTV #YouTube #VideoBlog #Family
- published: 11 Aug 2014
- views: 1226
Chicago City Guide - Lonely Planet travel video
The Windy City is a cultural powerhouse boasting some of the country's finest skyscrapers, treasure-trove museums, and a revived restaurant scene. Visit http://...
The Windy City is a cultural powerhouse boasting some of the country's finest skyscrapers, treasure-trove museums, and a revived restaurant scene. Visit http://www.lonelyplanet.com/usa/chicago for more information about Chicago.
wn.com/Chicago City Guide Lonely Planet Travel Video
The Windy City is a cultural powerhouse boasting some of the country's finest skyscrapers, treasure-trove museums, and a revived restaurant scene. Visit http://www.lonelyplanet.com/usa/chicago for more information about Chicago.
- published: 25 Jan 2012
- views: 21169
chicago il city guide - vidatown chicago il video - what to see travel tour attractions sampler
http://vidatown.com/na/us/il/chicago/ - vidatown chicago is a chicago video city guide and chicago video town guide. It is a help for chicago tours and touri......
http://vidatown.com/na/us/il/chicago/ - vidatown chicago is a chicago video city guide and chicago video town guide. It is a help for chicago tours and touri...
wn.com/Chicago Il City Guide Vidatown Chicago Il Video What To See Travel Tour Attractions Sampler
http://vidatown.com/na/us/il/chicago/ - vidatown chicago is a chicago video city guide and chicago video town guide. It is a help for chicago tours and touri...
- published: 03 Oct 2011
- views: 25824
author: vidatown
Las Vegas ~ Nevada ~ Discover Las Vegas ~ Travel Guide
Las Vegas ~ Nevada ~ Discover Las Vegas ~ Travel Guide
This article is about the city proper in Nevada. For the tourist destination, see Las Vegas Strip. For th...
Las Vegas ~ Nevada ~ Discover Las Vegas ~ Travel Guide
This article is about the city proper in Nevada. For the tourist destination, see Las Vegas Strip. For the metropolitan area, see Las Vegas Valley. For other uses, see Las Vegas
Las Vegas, /lɑːs ˈveɪɡəs/ (locally, also pronounced as /lɑːs ˈvɛɡɨs/) officially the City of Las Vegas and often known as simply Vegas, is a city in the United States, the most populous city in the state of Nevada, the county seat of Clark County, and the city proper of the Las Vegas Valley.[5] Las Vegas is an internationally renowned major resort city known primarily for gambling, shopping, fine dining and nightlife and is the leading financial and cultural center for Southern Nevada.
The city bills itself as The Entertainment Capital of the World, and is famous for its mega casino–hotels and associated entertainment. A growing retirement and family city, Las Vegas is the 30th-most populous city in the United States, with a population of 603,488 at the 2013 United States Census Estimates.[6] The 2013 population of the Las Vegas metropolitan area was 2,027,828.[4] The city is one of the top three leading destinations in the United States for conventions, business, and meetings and is one of the wealthiest major cities in the country.[7] [8] In addition, the city's metropolitan area has more AAA Five Diamond hotels than any other city in the world, and is a global leader in the hospitality industry.[9][10] Today, Las Vegas is one of the top tourist destinations in the world.[11][12]
Established in 1905, Las Vegas was incorporated as a city in 1911. At the close of the 20th century, Las Vegas was the most populous American city founded in that century (a similar distinction retained by Chicago in the 19th century). The city's tolerance for numerous forms of adult entertainment earned it the title of Sin City, and has made Las Vegas a popular setting for films, television programs, and music videos.
Las Vegas is generally used to describe not just the city itself, but areas beyond the city limits—especially the resort areas on and near the Las Vegas Strip—and the Las Vegas Valley. The 4.2 mi (6.8 km) stretch of South Las Vegas Boulevard known as the Las Vegas Strip is in the unincorporated communities of Paradise, Winchester, and Enterprise, located in Clark County
wn.com/Las Vegas ~ Nevada ~ Discover Las Vegas ~ Travel Guide
Las Vegas ~ Nevada ~ Discover Las Vegas ~ Travel Guide
This article is about the city proper in Nevada. For the tourist destination, see Las Vegas Strip. For the metropolitan area, see Las Vegas Valley. For other uses, see Las Vegas
Las Vegas, /lɑːs ˈveɪɡəs/ (locally, also pronounced as /lɑːs ˈvɛɡɨs/) officially the City of Las Vegas and often known as simply Vegas, is a city in the United States, the most populous city in the state of Nevada, the county seat of Clark County, and the city proper of the Las Vegas Valley.[5] Las Vegas is an internationally renowned major resort city known primarily for gambling, shopping, fine dining and nightlife and is the leading financial and cultural center for Southern Nevada.
The city bills itself as The Entertainment Capital of the World, and is famous for its mega casino–hotels and associated entertainment. A growing retirement and family city, Las Vegas is the 30th-most populous city in the United States, with a population of 603,488 at the 2013 United States Census Estimates.[6] The 2013 population of the Las Vegas metropolitan area was 2,027,828.[4] The city is one of the top three leading destinations in the United States for conventions, business, and meetings and is one of the wealthiest major cities in the country.[7] [8] In addition, the city's metropolitan area has more AAA Five Diamond hotels than any other city in the world, and is a global leader in the hospitality industry.[9][10] Today, Las Vegas is one of the top tourist destinations in the world.[11][12]
Established in 1905, Las Vegas was incorporated as a city in 1911. At the close of the 20th century, Las Vegas was the most populous American city founded in that century (a similar distinction retained by Chicago in the 19th century). The city's tolerance for numerous forms of adult entertainment earned it the title of Sin City, and has made Las Vegas a popular setting for films, television programs, and music videos.
Las Vegas is generally used to describe not just the city itself, but areas beyond the city limits—especially the resort areas on and near the Las Vegas Strip—and the Las Vegas Valley. The 4.2 mi (6.8 km) stretch of South Las Vegas Boulevard known as the Las Vegas Strip is in the unincorporated communities of Paradise, Winchester, and Enterprise, located in Clark County
- published: 02 Feb 2015
- views: 301
Travel Guide to Chicago
http://www.WatchMojo.com travel series on the city of Chicago, Illinois. In this video we look at the Windy City, located on the shores of Lake Michigan in t......
http://www.WatchMojo.com travel series on the city of Chicago, Illinois. In this video we look at the Windy City, located on the shores of Lake Michigan in t...
wn.com/Travel Guide To Chicago
http://www.WatchMojo.com travel series on the city of Chicago, Illinois. In this video we look at the Windy City, located on the shores of Lake Michigan in t...
- published: 23 Feb 2009
- views: 9436
author: WatchMojo
Packing for Chicago + Travel Tips
Happy Spring! We are thrilled to bring to you guys our first video in our travel series. We will be taking you along with us on our trip to Chicago in a few wee...
Happy Spring! We are thrilled to bring to you guys our first video in our travel series. We will be taking you along with us on our trip to Chicago in a few weeks. This video is full of tips and tricks to make sure you have a more comfortable packing experience that is organized and complete with everything you need. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter because we will be posting A TON about our trip on there. Thanks so much for watching. ~Sophia & Rachel~
Rachel’s Morning Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3YPS9-fYSw
Sophia’s Morning Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olg-fCpurNQ
-MUSIC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cfw7eSbE_k4
(check out Victor Lin; his remixes are really good)
Vera Bradley Toiletries Bag: http://www.verabradley.com/product/large-cosmetic/african-violet/154771_198143.uts?parentCategoryId=1088&subCategoryId;=1148
Vera Bradley Tote (the pattern shown in the video is retired): http://www.verabradley.com/product/tote/pixie-blooms/154817_200878.uts?parentCategoryId=1087&subCategoryId;=1134
Ricardo Beverly Hills Suitcase: http://www.luggagefactory.com/ricardo-beverly-hills-luggage/ricardo-beverly-hills-sausalito-superlight-20-28in-4w-expandable-upright-044-28-4vp#
Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/beauty.fashion.sophia.rachel
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/beauty_s_r
Names: Sophia & Rachel (Rachel is the redhead, Sophia is the brunette)
Camera: Nikon D3200
Editing Software: iMovie or Final Cut Pro X
-DISCLAIMER: This video is not sponsored, all opinions stated are honest and our own.
Thank you so much for watching. We love you. :D
wn.com/Packing For Chicago Travel Tips
Happy Spring! We are thrilled to bring to you guys our first video in our travel series. We will be taking you along with us on our trip to Chicago in a few weeks. This video is full of tips and tricks to make sure you have a more comfortable packing experience that is organized and complete with everything you need. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter because we will be posting A TON about our trip on there. Thanks so much for watching. ~Sophia & Rachel~
Rachel’s Morning Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3YPS9-fYSw
Sophia’s Morning Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olg-fCpurNQ
-MUSIC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cfw7eSbE_k4
(check out Victor Lin; his remixes are really good)
Vera Bradley Toiletries Bag: http://www.verabradley.com/product/large-cosmetic/african-violet/154771_198143.uts?parentCategoryId=1088&subCategoryId;=1148
Vera Bradley Tote (the pattern shown in the video is retired): http://www.verabradley.com/product/tote/pixie-blooms/154817_200878.uts?parentCategoryId=1087&subCategoryId;=1134
Ricardo Beverly Hills Suitcase: http://www.luggagefactory.com/ricardo-beverly-hills-luggage/ricardo-beverly-hills-sausalito-superlight-20-28in-4w-expandable-upright-044-28-4vp#
Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/beauty.fashion.sophia.rachel
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/beauty_s_r
Names: Sophia & Rachel (Rachel is the redhead, Sophia is the brunette)
Camera: Nikon D3200
Editing Software: iMovie or Final Cut Pro X
-DISCLAIMER: This video is not sponsored, all opinions stated are honest and our own.
Thank you so much for watching. We love you. :D
- published: 10 Apr 2015
- views: 1318
Canberra Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Purpose built as Australia’s capital city, Canberra is a 3-hour drive from both the snowy mountains and the beautiful beaches of New South Wales. It is a city w...
Purpose built as Australia’s capital city, Canberra is a 3-hour drive from both the snowy mountains and the beautiful beaches of New South Wales. It is a city which honors Australia’s past and shapes its future.
With an expansive bush beauty, a relaxed attitude and colorful events, Canberra is far more than a political capital. Designed for a young nation that was just finding its feet, this city is home to many of the country's most important stories; stories that have come to define what it means to be Australian.
At the heart of Canberra’s creation story is Lake Burley Griffin. A long-standing rivalry between Sydney and Melbourne meant that neither one could be the nation’s capital. Instead, in 1911, the government launched an international design competition seeking a master plan for a brand new city.
The victor, Chicago architect Walter Burley Griffin, won with a garden city design focused on a man-made lake which fits perfectly within the landscape.
When, the nation’s Governor General stood in a dusty paddock in 1913 and announced the name of the new capital, he told the nation that the city had, lying before it, a splendid destiny.
Over 100 years later, that destiny has been fulfilled in a city that preserves the great chapters of Australia’s history and continues to write the future pages of the nation’s story.
wn.com/Canberra Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Purpose built as Australia’s capital city, Canberra is a 3-hour drive from both the snowy mountains and the beautiful beaches of New South Wales. It is a city which honors Australia’s past and shapes its future.
With an expansive bush beauty, a relaxed attitude and colorful events, Canberra is far more than a political capital. Designed for a young nation that was just finding its feet, this city is home to many of the country's most important stories; stories that have come to define what it means to be Australian.
At the heart of Canberra’s creation story is Lake Burley Griffin. A long-standing rivalry between Sydney and Melbourne meant that neither one could be the nation’s capital. Instead, in 1911, the government launched an international design competition seeking a master plan for a brand new city.
The victor, Chicago architect Walter Burley Griffin, won with a garden city design focused on a man-made lake which fits perfectly within the landscape.
When, the nation’s Governor General stood in a dusty paddock in 1913 and announced the name of the new capital, he told the nation that the city had, lying before it, a splendid destiny.
Over 100 years later, that destiny has been fulfilled in a city that preserves the great chapters of Australia’s history and continues to write the future pages of the nation’s story.
- published: 28 Aug 2015
- views: 14115
New York City Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
New York City is an international metropolis built on the shoulders of immigrants and their d...
New York City is an international metropolis built on the shoulders of immigrants and their descendants.
New York City is home to eight million people, and the city receives more than 50 million visitors per year. Your New York City tour should include sampling the food of hundreds of different cultures, and you can explore the easily on foot, by taxi, or via the famous subway system.
No New York sightseeing is complete without a visit to Times Square, which you’ve no doubt seen in many movies. Take in its billboards, its many people, and its food, then cross over to Central Park, which comprises 850 acres of lakes and meadows, and is the setting for many a romantic comedy. You also have your pick of art and history museums, as well as the Reflecting Absence Memorial and Museum, where you can pay your respects to the victims of 9/11.
Most of all, enjoy yourself, and get ready to take a bite out of the Big Apple. Visit our New York City travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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wn.com/New York City Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
New York City is an international metropolis built on the shoulders of immigrants and their descendants.
New York City is home to eight million people, and the city receives more than 50 million visitors per year. Your New York City tour should include sampling the food of hundreds of different cultures, and you can explore the easily on foot, by taxi, or via the famous subway system.
No New York sightseeing is complete without a visit to Times Square, which you’ve no doubt seen in many movies. Take in its billboards, its many people, and its food, then cross over to Central Park, which comprises 850 acres of lakes and meadows, and is the setting for many a romantic comedy. You also have your pick of art and history museums, as well as the Reflecting Absence Memorial and Museum, where you can pay your respects to the victims of 9/11.
Most of all, enjoy yourself, and get ready to take a bite out of the Big Apple. Visit our New York City travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
Follow us on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Expedia
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Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
- published: 07 Mar 2013
- views: 2793516
Pierwsza Komunia Święta Bazylika Św Jacka Chicago 2015
Polski Kierowca Ciężarówki za Granicą część 59 - Chicago z dokładką.
Zajrzyj na mojego bloga: http://nolibab3.blogspot.com lub dołącz do mojej strony na FB https://www.facebook.com/nolibab3 Spokojny wyjazd do Chicago z małym n...
#08 Ameryka w pigułce - Chicago part 2 (Polish Village i Boystown)
To nasz drugi dzień w amerykańskim mieście, opanowanym przez Polaków. Chicago nie przestaje nas zaskakiwać. Odwiedzamy polską dzielnicę na Milwaukee (a racze...
REALIST NEWS - Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Just As Rotten As Hillary
http://www.jmbullion.com (Recommended for Silver and Gold Purchases.)
Festyn przy Kościele Św Stanisława Chicago 07 26 2014
#08 Ameryka w pigułce - Chicago part 1 (Navy Pier, Downtown, Michigan ave)
Mówi się o nim "windy city". My przekonaliśmy się, że taki przydomek Chicago nie wziął się znikąd. To kolejne miasto, które nas pozytywnie zaskoczyło. Mamy n...
Piknik Radgoszczy w Chicago, 09 01 2013
Polski Kierowca Ciężarówki za granicą część 51 - Wyjazd do Chicago.
Zajrzyj na mojego bloga: http://nolibab3.blogspot.com lub dołącz do mojej strony na FB https://www.facebook.com/nolibab3 Biorę udział w konkursie "Blog Roku"...
Parada 3-go Maja w Chicago 2014
LOT Polish Airlines Flight To Chicago (Lot Do Chicago
Zabawa Klubu Łęg Tarnowski Chicago 11 15 2014
Piknik Parafii Lisia Góra Chicago 07 27 2014
Dr Marek Ciesielczyk spotyka się z Polonią w Chicago
9 marca 2014, restauracja RETRO w Chicago.
Piątkowa Adrenalina - Polskie Radio Chicago
O dyskryminacji z Chicagowską Polonią rozmawiają Sebastian Niegowski, Kasia Popko i Paweł Proczkowski :)
Kierowca w USA #17 - Wyjazd do Utah cz5, ulewa w Chicago i powrot na baze
Viva Polonia Chicago - Pani Barbara
Koncert w Centrum Kopernikowskim 10 stycznia 2015 roku.
Piknik Polskich Przedszkoli, Chicago 8 22 2015
REWIA VIVA POLONIA Chicago 01 10 2015
AC/DC - Chicago, IL 9-22-78 Full Audio Concert
AC/DC Chicago, IL Aragon Ballroom 9/22/78 Live Wire Problem Child Sin City Gone Shootin' Bad Boy Boogie Rocker Dog Eat Dog.
Polski Kierowca Ciężarówki za Granicą część 59 - Chicago z dokładką.
Zajrzyj na mojego bloga: http://nolibab3.blogspot.com lub dołącz do mojej strony na FB https://www.facebook.com/nolibab3 Spokojny wyjazd do Chicago z małym n......
Zajrzyj na mojego bloga: http://nolibab3.blogspot.com lub dołącz do mojej strony na FB https://www.facebook.com/nolibab3 Spokojny wyjazd do Chicago z małym n...
wn.com/Polski Kierowca Ciężarówki Za Granicą Część 59 Chicago Z Dokładką.
Zajrzyj na mojego bloga: http://nolibab3.blogspot.com lub dołącz do mojej strony na FB https://www.facebook.com/nolibab3 Spokojny wyjazd do Chicago z małym n...
#08 Ameryka w pigułce - Chicago part 2 (Polish Village i Boystown)
To nasz drugi dzień w amerykańskim mieście, opanowanym przez Polaków. Chicago nie przestaje nas zaskakiwać. Odwiedzamy polską dzielnicę na Milwaukee (a racze......
To nasz drugi dzień w amerykańskim mieście, opanowanym przez Polaków. Chicago nie przestaje nas zaskakiwać. Odwiedzamy polską dzielnicę na Milwaukee (a racze...
wn.com/08 Ameryka W Pigułce Chicago Part 2 (Polish Village I Boystown)
To nasz drugi dzień w amerykańskim mieście, opanowanym przez Polaków. Chicago nie przestaje nas zaskakiwać. Odwiedzamy polską dzielnicę na Milwaukee (a racze...
- published: 02 Nov 2012
- views: 19404
author: marhon89
REALIST NEWS - Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Just As Rotten As Hillary
http://www.jmbullion.com (Recommended for Silver and Gold Purchases.)
http://www.jmbullion.com (Recommended for Silver and Gold Purchases.)
wn.com/Realist News Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Just As Rotten As Hillary
http://www.jmbullion.com (Recommended for Silver and Gold Purchases.)
- published: 03 Nov 2015
- views: 746
#08 Ameryka w pigułce - Chicago part 1 (Navy Pier, Downtown, Michigan ave)
Mówi się o nim "windy city". My przekonaliśmy się, że taki przydomek Chicago nie wziął się znikąd. To kolejne miasto, które nas pozytywnie zaskoczyło. Mamy n......
Mówi się o nim "windy city". My przekonaliśmy się, że taki przydomek Chicago nie wziął się znikąd. To kolejne miasto, które nas pozytywnie zaskoczyło. Mamy n...
wn.com/08 Ameryka W Pigułce Chicago Part 1 (Navy Pier, Downtown, Michigan Ave)
Mówi się o nim "windy city". My przekonaliśmy się, że taki przydomek Chicago nie wziął się znikąd. To kolejne miasto, które nas pozytywnie zaskoczyło. Mamy n...
- published: 13 Oct 2012
- views: 8567
author: marhon89
Polski Kierowca Ciężarówki za granicą część 51 - Wyjazd do Chicago.
Zajrzyj na mojego bloga: http://nolibab3.blogspot.com lub dołącz do mojej strony na FB https://www.facebook.com/nolibab3 Biorę udział w konkursie "Blog Roku"......
Zajrzyj na mojego bloga: http://nolibab3.blogspot.com lub dołącz do mojej strony na FB https://www.facebook.com/nolibab3 Biorę udział w konkursie "Blog Roku"...
wn.com/Polski Kierowca Ciężarówki Za Granicą Część 51 Wyjazd Do Chicago.
Zajrzyj na mojego bloga: http://nolibab3.blogspot.com lub dołącz do mojej strony na FB https://www.facebook.com/nolibab3 Biorę udział w konkursie "Blog Roku"...
Piątkowa Adrenalina - Polskie Radio Chicago
O dyskryminacji z Chicagowską Polonią rozmawiają Sebastian Niegowski, Kasia Popko i Paweł Proczkowski :)...
O dyskryminacji z Chicagowską Polonią rozmawiają Sebastian Niegowski, Kasia Popko i Paweł Proczkowski :)
wn.com/Piątkowa Adrenalina Polskie Radio Chicago
O dyskryminacji z Chicagowską Polonią rozmawiają Sebastian Niegowski, Kasia Popko i Paweł Proczkowski :)
- published: 05 Sep 2014
- views: 15
Viva Polonia Chicago - Pani Barbara
Koncert w Centrum Kopernikowskim 10 stycznia 2015 roku....
Koncert w Centrum Kopernikowskim 10 stycznia 2015 roku.
wn.com/Viva Polonia Chicago Pani Barbara
Koncert w Centrum Kopernikowskim 10 stycznia 2015 roku.
- published: 25 Feb 2015
- views: 12
AC/DC - Chicago, IL 9-22-78 Full Audio Concert
AC/DC Chicago, IL Aragon Ballroom 9/22/78 Live Wire Problem Child Sin City Gone Shootin' Bad Boy Boogie Rocker Dog Eat Dog....
AC/DC Chicago, IL Aragon Ballroom 9/22/78 Live Wire Problem Child Sin City Gone Shootin' Bad Boy Boogie Rocker Dog Eat Dog.
wn.com/Ac DC Chicago, Il 9 22 78 Full Audio Concert
AC/DC Chicago, IL Aragon Ballroom 9/22/78 Live Wire Problem Child Sin City Gone Shootin' Bad Boy Boogie Rocker Dog Eat Dog.