Mark Playing Triple A (AAA) Baseball - TheDoughertyFamily
In which we show many games where
Mark played
Triple A) baseball. This level is right before the major leagues, so he played extremely well!
This is the
Official Youtube
Channel of the
Dougherty Family in
Scottsdale, AZ!
Who Are You? (doo-doo, doo-doo)
We are just an average family showing what we do on a regular basis. We show videos of our birthdays, trips, accomplishments, school, sports, instruments, random acts, and anything else that we may find as funny, awesome, cool, or inspiring or educational.
2. Why do you do this?
We love what we do. We, like many thousands of other Youtubers, like to show what we do on a regular basis, to show what our family does, and hopefully for people to reflect on their