Tag Archives: solidarity

translating CrimethInc pamphlet results in investigation of south korean anarchists

Starting in spring, the anarchist appeal To Change Everything was adapted into Korean and distributed in paper and online in South Korea. Many welcomed it; the first printing ran out quickly.

It also provoked a strong reaction when the country’s major corporate news agency reported on it and on a project appearing on the appeal’s blog to gather and distribute songs against the National Security Law. The journalist even went to the prosecutor’s office, inquiring whether these activities constituted “aid to the enemy” (in other words, treason), which is what the National Security Law targets. The official’s response was that the answer “depends on an eventual analysis of whether this is part of an intention to threaten the national order.” In the corporate media, the numerous comments posted online with the article expressed a unanimous condemnation of these “pro-North Koreans” that we supposedly are (ignoring the “anarchist” reference), demanding even severer laws and repression. For example, “These pro-North Koreans should be sent to the good old ‘re-education camp’ to be reminded the fact that this country is still at war.”

“The Center for Citizens Action” fires a warning shot. A voluntary civil association of people with far-right politics who demonstrate dressed in the uniforms they retain from their conscription into active military service. Unlike any other civilians, these post-military fraternities have the unique right to carry weapons.
“The Center for Citizens Action” fires a warning shot. A voluntary civil association of people with far-right politics who demonstrate dressed in the uniforms they retain from their conscription into active military service. Unlike any other civilians, these post-military fraternities have the unique right to carry weapons.

This stir in the corporate media and the right-wing movement it fuels coincided with another one: a little witch-hunt following the arrest, investigation, and prosecution of someone on charges of having burned a Korean flag. On April 18, as a movement in response to the authorities’ cover-up of a ferry disaster last year converged in downtown Seoul, an exasperated youngster, provoked by journalists, picked up a paper national flag left on the ground and lit it on fire, making headlines in corporate media. Based on “CCTV and other evidence,” the police arrested him in the following days in another city. Using a warrant for search and seizure to discover his “affiliations,” the police raided his housing collective—which happens to be a center for diverse autonomous social movements including some recent anarchist activities, though the arrestee is not connected to them.

Though this kind of police repression combined with corporate and right-wing fervor is nothing new in this state of suspended civil war, this is a sign of what many feel to be a worsening political climate. Some Korean anarchists feel that we are isolated in a tightly controlled island, a prison. Nevertheless, by all means necessary, we must show that we are not so isolated.

A Call to Action

This wave of quasi-fascist nationalism provides an opportunity for inter-/anti-national solidarity actions to strategically provoke and subvert it. Here is a proposition for a simple action that, though it doesn’t entail much risk for participants outside Korea, could take advantage of that opportunity. It might even be fun.

Together, let’s defy the Korean National Security Law (국가보안법). Show solidarity with Korean people while expressing hostility to the Korean states and the order they incarnate. Through the image of “non-Koreans” attacking the symbols of the Korean state in solidarity with “Koreans,” let’s break down national divisions and the link between ethnicity and the state. Let’s take “outside agitation” to a new level.

Any format would do—but, because some images don’t need translation, accomplishing this visually by burning flags could be the simplest way. Don’t be misunderstood for a pro-North Korean (burn the northern flag too), a xenophobic nationalist (burn the flag of your own country), or an ideologue (burn an anarchist black flag if you want).

If you want to take your action to a relevant public space, don’t limit yourself to the Korean embassies. The major conglomerates Samsung, Hyundai, and LG together represent well over half of the South Korean economy, and their overseas offices can be considered places of state affairs. Korean cultural products are also understood as a spearhead of the economy because they are linked to IT products; the media pays great attention to overseas reactions to them.

As a slogan, one option is 무정부 통일 / mujeongbu tong-il, meaning “no-government” (a common translation of anarchy) + “reunification.”

Make your actions known directly or send us a report about them. You could also send us creative material such as songs, pictures, drawings, or video, to 3.1manse@riseup.net. We will compile and distribute these ourselves.

만세! (Manse)

see more on CrimethInc’s website,

Report from South Korea

May Day clashes in Seoul, 2015.
May Day clashes in Seoul, 2015.

We aren’t in a crisis of policing – we’re in the middle of a war.

“If I Die in Police Custody, Burn Everything Down!”

The militant movements of the last several years have been failures because they have only sought to generate reforms from the present system, even if they didn’t make demands. We went into the streets knowing something was wrong, but in the back of our minds we hoped those in power would listen to us and make changes.

Those in the Left groups with their newspapers claimed we lacked a vanguard party to guide us. The unions claimed we lacked representation in the workplace. The churches and mosques said we lacked moral superiority in the face of state violence. The non-profits whined we had a poor outreach strategy.

The riots, blockades, occupations, and shut-downs failed because they didn’t go far enough.

Revolutions that go half-way, dig their own grave.

“If I die in police custody, don’t let my parents talk to…Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, or any of the motherfuckers who would destroy my name.”

Being a revolutionary in the present terrain means knowing that things aren’t going to get better; that currently there are no reforms that the system can grant that will get us out of the current crisis. Those in power will continue to offer only more repression, surveillance, incarceration, and policing to quell in rebellion, while also attempting to placate to popular anger by attempting to offer cosmetic changes or “expand the dialog.”

But what would a revolutionary strategy look like? What has already taken place in the streets that can show us a way forward? In the past several years, across the world, from Oakland to Egypt, we’ve seen the proliferation of various tactics and strategies – all responding to a historical moment of crisis that defines our era.

But these tactics by themselves are just that, tactics. Blockading a freeway against white supremacy might be the start of a longer revolutionary struggle or a way to gather our forces, but simply going onto a freeway and hoping that something will materialize (or worse yet, someone will listen,) is delusional thinking. If we want to build a revolutionary force capable of destroying this system of domination, white supremacy, and exploitation, then we have to think about tactics in terms of a strategy.

Thinking about a strategy means paying attention to the situation we are in both locally where we live, but also nationally and internationally. We have to think about how the Left and those that try and control social struggles will react and try and hinder our efforts. We have to think about how the state will try and repress us for attacking the social order.

But above all, we have to think about how our actions can grow, expand, become more powerful, and ultimately link up with others across the social terrain.

The above text has been condensed into a flyer which you can download below. Use the box to fill in a link to local projects. 

Whole page. Quarter sheet.

and is part of a larger critique from it’s going down

“If I Die in Police Custody, Burn Everything Down!”

We aren’t in a crisis of policing – we’re in the middle of a war.

International Week for Anarchist Prisoners

In summer 2013 members of several ABC groups discussed the necessity of introducing an International Day for Anarchist Prisoners. Given there are already established dates for Political Prisoners Rights Day or Prison Justice Day, we found it important to emphasise the stories of our comrades as well. Many imprisoned anarchists will never be acknowledged as ‘political prisoners’ by formal human-rights organisations, because their sense of social justice is strictly limited to the capitalist laws which are designed to defend the State and prevent any real social change. At the same time, even within our individual communities, we know so little about the repression that exists in other countries, to say nothing of the names and cases involving many of our incarcerated comrades.

This is why we have decided to introduce an annual Week for Anarchist Prisoners on August 23-30. We chose August 23 as a starting point, because on that very day in 1927 the Italian-American anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were executed in prison. They were convicted of murdering two men during an armed robbery at a shoe factory in South Braintree, Massachusetts, United States. Their arrest was a part of a bigger anti-radical campaign led by the American government. The State’s evidence against the two was almost totally non-existent and many people still today believe that they were punished for their strong anarchist beliefs.

Given the nature and diversity of anarchist groups around the globe, we have proposed a week of common action rather than a single campaign on a specific day making easier for groups to be able to organise an event within a longer target period.

Therefore, we call on everyone to spread the information about the Week for Anarchist Prisoners among other groups and communities and think about organising event(s) in your city or town. The events can vary from info-evenings, screenings and benefit concerts to solidarity and direct actions. Let your imagination run free.
Check out the flyers in different languages.

Please send reports of your activities to tillallarefree (A) riseup.net


turkish activists remember fallen comrades

along with continued resistance to new turkish laws outlawing many forms of protest, dissent, and journalism, activists in turkey remembered fallen comrades, even as two policemen were given light sentences for beating a peaceful protester to death.

The incident took place as advocates and Korkmaz Family approached to the group waiting outside to join their press statement. While the statements were made, police attacked demonstrators. (BK/BM)
The incident took place as advocates and Korkmaz Family approached to the group waiting outside to join their press statement. While the statements were made, police attacked demonstrators. (BK/BM)
One defendant policemen has been convicted to a reduced sentence of 10 years and 10 months in the case of Ali İsmail Korkmaz, a Gezi Resistance protestor who was beaten and lingered 38 days comatose, before finally he died on July 10, 2013.

The case involved 8 defendants: 4 policemen and 4 civilians. In his opinion, the case prosecutor charged Mevlüt Saldoğan with life sentence, acquittal for Şaban Gökpınar and Hüseyin Engin, 12 years of prison for Yalçın Akbulut and 6 years and 8 months of prison for remaining defendants İsmail Koyuncu, Ramazan Koyuncu, Muhammet Vatansever and Ebubekir Harlar.

security camera footage shows police beating fleeing protesters, including ali korkmaz

The final distribution of sentences were as follows:

* Jailed defendant Mevlüt Saldoğan: 10 years and 10 months of prison after a reduction from 13 years of prison for “causing death by purposefully assaulting”

* Non-jailed defendants Şaban Gökpınar and Hüseyin Engin: Acquittal

* Non-jailed defendant Yalçın Akbulut: 10 years of prison after a reduction from 12 years of prison.

* Jailed defendants İsmail Koyuncu, Ramazan Koyuncu, Muhammet Vatansever: 6 years and 8 months of prison after a reduction from 8 years of prison.

* Jailed defendant Ebubekir Harlar: Release considering his arrest period and benefitting from reduction as he was sentenced to aiding the plot after initially being sentenced to 8 years of prison. (BK/BM)

* Click here to read the article in Turkish.

reposted from bianet(eng)

dinkBlackReduced Prison Sentence for Murderers of Teenager during #OccupyGezi

Ali İsmail Korkmaz, a lively teenager at the age of 19. A university student. Socially aware and responsible young person. He was beaten to death during Turkey’s Occupy Gezi protests in Eskişehir by a team of policemen, shopkeepers and pro-government fanatics. The young man was one of the 14 people who were murdered by police or state related people during the protests, and the court case regarding him took a very rocky road as there have been several attempts to hide evidence, prevent court case, protect murderers, change the city where court proceedings would take place; as in many other state-related crime cases.

see more, from revolution news

for background, see al jazeera‘s

The killing of Ali Ismail Korkmaz

for photos a-plenty, see haberler.com

Türkiye Ali İsmail İçin Ayaklandı! Protestolara Polis Müdahalesi Var

Ceremony of commemoration dedicated to Hrant Dink to be held in Istanbul

dinkRedsee also, turkish anarchist website Social War,

Istanbul Anarchy Initiative: ‘For Hrant …’

A ceremony of commemoration dedicated to the former editor-in-chief of the Istanbul-based Armenian Agos periodical Hrant Dink will be held in Istanbul on January 19, the day of his assassination.

Hrant Dink, editor-in-chief of Agos, was murdered outside his office by 17-year-old Ogün Samast on January 19 2007. An earlier investigation showed that the prosecutors who worked on the case ignored serious allegations into the involvement of top police officers in the murder. 

see the Agos website, also this article:

At the commemoration rally held in Malatya, an unidentified young man pulled a gun on the group. Police intervened before he could fire the weapon.


comrade emilio update: anti-fascist rally in cremona 1/24

Updates from Cremona on the conditions of Emilio

Updates for Tuesday, January 20 (from Radio Onda D’Shock :)

* 20.30: GOOD NEWS! The prognosis remains reserved but received by the comrades of the CSA Dordoni news finally positive. Emilio woke up and responded to two commands on three by doctors. (Upgrading from Cremona 17.30: comrades CSA Dordoni remember that the prognosis remains “highly confidential” with drug-induced coma.)

(above report from InfoAUT)


see twitter


for more updates!

swedenResistiEmilio Resisti (greek-english)

On the 18th of January 70 fascists of Casapound party (brother party of the greek neonazi party Golden Dawn) attacked the social center Dordoni in the city Cremona of Italy. The fascists, who were mostly from other cities (Parma and Brescia), took advantage of the football match which was scheduled in the city and attacked the social centre.At that moment there were about 7-8 antifascists in Dordoni . The result of the attack was the serious injury of the 49 year old comrade Emilio. Emilio is in coma with serious traumatic brain injury.
Police, faithful to its positions, let free the fascists after control and violently charged the antifascist picket which gathered on the spot. Something we have lived in Greece as well.
In Greece and Italy, State and fascists are murdering. Behind the crimes of fascism are hiding the approaches of the new state totalitarianism.
We hope to see again comrade Emilio with us in the struggles and in the streets. Our solidarity to the social centre Dordoni and everyone who is fighting against fascism is more than definite.
Solidarity is our weapon
Death to fascism all around the world
Emilio Resisti

People of all the mediterranean countries unite!

Mediterranean. A region of freedom in which important social movements and political tendencies that have tried –sometimes with insurrections, sometimes by creating their own societies- to realize social equality and brotherhood of people.
Mediterranean. A region of brutality, devastated by wars and slaughters, caused by governments and empires, by religious obscurantism, nationalism, racism and statism. A battleground in which conflicts between economic interest and state powers follow one onother, massacring the people around that sea.

Call for a first Mediterranean anarchist meeting

Tunisia, March 2015

Today, the Mediterranean region continues to be one of the regions in the world beset by popular uprisings and protests. These range from north to south of the Mediterranean, following the global economic and financial crisis, causing an increase in insecurity and poverty and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people.

Even if the circumstances differ from one region to another, the population remains at the mercy of the capitalists and their cliques. Following the global crisis, a series of popular uprisings swept the region. They started in Tunisia and we do not know where it will end. These uprisings and these events, facing the Mediterranean region, gave hope in the ability of people to change their lives.

However, despite the popular revolts, the situation in Tunisia and Egypt deteriorated sharply over the past three years. Indeed, the RDC militias of the old regime (Tunisia) and the military junta (Egypt) took advantage of the post-revolutionary floating to consolidate their power through the cooperation and support of former members of these clans. They now have the upper hand in all the key positions of power and wealth, thus condemning people to more instability and misery.

As for the situation in Syria and Libya, Islamist mercenary groups financed by some Arab Emirate and / or Iran, confiscated the people’s struggle against oppression and dictatorship for their own account. The Syrian people, in particular, find themselves in the fight against the barbarism of Bashar al-Assad and against fighters for the Islamic Caliphate.

Although the ruling classes of these countries intimidate and suppress blood demonstrations and uprisings, population, and anarchists, continued to resist and fight for their emancipation, to self-organize and build solidarity and mutual aid.
It is in this spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance that we call all anarchists, anarchist and anti-authoritarian to join us in creating a network for the exchange and sharing of information, projects and solidarity between anarchists of the Mediterranean.

For this, the Tunisian libertarian group “The Libertarian Commons”, the Anarchist Federation and the International of Anarchist Federations (IAF-IFA) invite you to the Mediterranean anarchist meetings to be held in Tunisia from 27 to 29 March 2015. This invitation is open to all and all our comrades, including those who do not belong to this region.

The meeting will focus on the situation faced by the peoples of the Mediterranean, during economic crises, and the popular protests that seek to overthrow regimes that exploited and exploiting even people.


Mediterranean libertarian Meeting
Tunisia, March 2015
Organizational Form

I / Topics for discussion and conduct of days :

1- Friday, March 27

Welcome delegations (provide airport trips)

2- Saturday, March 28

The morning will be dedicated to the exchange of experiences on social struggles, proposal to ask one or two organization to talk about his current struggle (eg. The Kurdish / Turkish and Greek). The afternoon will involve discussion and adoption of the text / charter by the delegations which formally ratify the existence of the Mediterranean network.

3- Sunday, March 29

Morning : Presentation by the Greek delegation of the next A-Med meeting to be held in October 2015 probably in Greece.
Afternoon : Closing of the meeting.
A project of founding text for this network, developed by the co-organizers, will be offered to all the organizations invited well before the end of March meeting so that they can discuss, propose amendments, additions and eventually signed on behalf of the participating organizations.

II / logistics and conditions

The meeting will be held in a place, which will be at the disposions of the participants by the collective Tunisian libertarian “The Common” from Friday 27 to Sunday, March 29, 2015. Delegations (1-2 persons / organizations) will be hosted, meals will also be provided to the same local. To do this, a participation of 15 euros per person is requested.

call by:

Fédération anarchiste (FA) :


– Le Commun libertaire (Tunisie) :


– Internationale des Fédérations anachistes(IFA) :


See also statement by the Committee of relations of the International of Anarchist Federations (IAF – IFA) ‘People of all the mediterranean countries unite!’(pdf)

reposted from


egyptian anarchists were active in the days before the military coup in egypt. click on image to see article from 2013.
egyptian anarchists were active in the days before the military coup in egypt. click on image to see article from 2013.