Tag Archives: anti-civilization

You can’t get there from here: Decolonizing Decolonialism

Let me be straight-up with you:

The United States’ Supreme Court ruled a while back that corporations – a few sets of papers and legal documents – have the same rights as human beings. That they ARE, more or less, human beings themselves.


“To this day, the Supreme Court has been of at least two minds when it comes to corporations—they are treated as “persons” who are covered by the Equal Protection Clause (and Contracts Clause among others), but they are excluded from the definition of “citizens” under the Comity Clause.”

Does “We the People” Include Corporations? https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human_rights_magazine_home/we-the-people/we-the-people-corporations/

And no one seems to have a problem with that? Okay – at least they don’t have the right to vote. Yet.

This situation is not the result of wise people engaging in a debate about what it means to be a “person.”

“Are corporations people?” is a question which did not need answering. The answer is so obvious, it needs no justification. But it apparently needs to be spelt out: Stacks of paper – no matter the meaning or purpose of the words written on them – do not bleed when one cuts them. They don’t shriek in agony when you repeatedly whack them with a 2-lbs, solid iron sledge hammer. They do not reproduce – intentionally or not.

But the highest arbiters of Law in the U.S. have ruled they must be treated the same way one would treat a living human being.

They are insane.

They need to be relieved of their duties as Supreme Court Judges and put into assisted living centers, where they will get the treatment they need to find their way back to Earth, here in the 21st century, and the medications to keep their imaginations from getting the better of them. Unless they have Dementia. Which…you know…if I were a gambling man, I’d bet the house that each and every one of them are completely gone into Dementia. Like, every one of them, the past 25 years or so. Moonbatshit, motherfucking demented.

And they are running, not only our country’s legal system, but our idea about what reality is. Of Course, they see the emperor’s fine clothes! They are completely detached from reality.

So, what I’m really trying to get to here is that people with degrees, and people studying for degrees, and people writing papers about decolonialism – well, you just need to stop citing dead white guys in your criticisms of Eurocentrism, and your efforts to reach for a glimpse of what it means to be decolonialized.

You are colonizing decolonialism.

If you are not reading from collections of speeches made by Indigenous Peoples from all over the world, as they resisted their subjugation by European forces – or their bastard colonial offspring – you are merely spreading more of the same old shit over the same old ground, and expecting something new to arise.

Your methods will only replicate Eurocentrism and perpetuate a delusional nightmare from which the world desperately needs to awaken.


Whitey – decolonize thyself!


European history itself needs to be decolonialized. A great example of what that entails comes from Mahatma Ghandi, who was allegedly asked what he thought about Western Civilization, and famously replied “I think it would be a good idea.”

This isn’t just a sarcastic remark about the blood-thirsty era of conquest, when the European-based powers destroyed ancient civilizations the world over, and conquered prosperous, semi-nomadic Peoples – some of whom had given up the entrapments of Civilization long ago, because they recognized that Civilizations can’t last. Over time, they over-tax the resources which gave rise to their forebearer’s sedentary existences, and have to make war on their neighbors over control of the resources they’ve historically shared. Or, they die from diseases easily passed from one to another, in their crowded cities. Or, they drown in their own wastes. Or, they didn’t possess the wisdom needed to find a different area to place their cities, and settled onto the side of an active volcano, a floodplain, or someplace seismically unpredictable.

Ghandi’s flippant remark contained within it a plea for people descended from Peoples who settled in European lands to relearn their own roots as Indigenous Peoples, before those cultures were wiped out by Invaders from the collapsing Civilizations of Mesopotamia, the Levant, Anatolia, and their colonies.

According to Mythologist Robert Graves– mostly in the footnotes of his excellent compilation of the Greek Myths – the founders of what is considered Greek Civilization were invaders from Anatolia: the Corinthians; the Dorians; the Ionians.

These invaders from Asia Minor are the ones who transplanted the Ancient Civilizations trotted out as the Primordial originators of Western Civilization – the Sumerians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians – into Europe, according to Graves.

The mercenary Romans – no matter the intent of the original founders of that colony – went about destroying every remnant of those ancient cultures, wherever they could be found. They even went so far as to destroy the civilizations thriving in Northern Africa – the Carthaginians and Egyptians amongst them. What the Romans didn’t accomplish along these lines, the Roman and Catholic Churches did, particularly throughout Europe.

So, what passes for European history these days is little more than an echo of long-forgotten Asian Empires and their Gods. Current thinking about Eurocentrism does not take this into account. Everything considered the “gifts” European Civilization bestowed upon their victims around the world were first foisted upon them by the sword, or by the Cross (with plenty of swords to back it up).

Europeans worship an Asian-born Messiah. Their ideas about “economics” likewise had their origin elsewhere. And their glorification of warfare, carnage, ruin, rape, and destruction had their genesis in the many murals, stelae, frescoes, and other works of art proclaiming the exploits of ancient Kings and Gods throughout the Fertile Crescent and down into Egypt.

There is not enough emphasis placed on these events. If there were, many Europeans Peoples – the Saxons, for example – would see their own People’s history reflected in the subjugation of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas.

As things stand now, the Saxons can only see themselves as a remnant population who survived centuries of persecution by French Catholics, until some of them fled across the English Channel to seek asylum in England. They now mostly reside in the Western Hinterlands of Scotland – land granted them by the King of England in order to keep Scotsmen from returning to their traditional homelands, from their exile in Ireland. I have no idea if their People’s history is taught in the schools their children attend.

The Seminole Peoples were divided into two main populations – one which chose to relocate to Oklahoma, one which decided to stay in Florida. The Floridians finally decided they’d had enough of their harassment by American soldiers and settlers, and made their way to Indian Territory to rejoin the rest of their People. Once reunited, they finally made their way through Texas and into Mexico, where they were granted land in exchange for keeping Comanche, Kiowa, and Apache raiders away. And their descendants still reside there. I have no idea if they regard themselves as “Mexican,” or as Seminole.

The stories of these two disparate Peoples bear such similarities, I cannot see how they could not view one another sympathetically. Which is precisely the point. People encapsulated into what passes for “European” Civilization are as disconnected from their own past as are Christianized, Americanized Indigenous Peoples who consider themselves to be Patriots, loyal to a fictitious entity represented by a bit of cloth and a pile of legal documents, rather than to their own flesh-and-blood relatives and neighbors.

Traditionally, neither the Saxons, nor the Seminoles(1) see the similarities between their own bloody persecution and other People’s similar circumstance because the stories are not part of the official narrative handed down to students in the homeland. They’ve forgotten who they are. We all need to remember our People’s stories – we’re wearing their genes!


How do you not see the mountainous piles of corpses?


Academics wage wars of words about which factors gave rise to the ascendance of the so-called “West.” There is seldom any mention of the many, many, many, MANY wars of genocide – which were the one and only reason for the rise to prominence by this so-called “West” in what passes for History. How is that even possible?

And is there any value given to the cultures and lifestyles supplanted in the annuls of Manifest Destiny? In some journals, kept by people who accompanied the first warships out to explore and “discover” more of what was already there, wherever they went, Europeans marveled that the Peoples they stumbled across lived lives of prosperity. There was almost no crime, anywhere they went. And no filthy, starving masses. Instead of realizing they could learn a few things from these people, the leaders of the European Powers decided to annihilate them. That’s how insanely, violently stupid they were. The only way these guys were “superior” to their contemporaries was in firepower. That, combined with ignorance fueled by faked replicas of Asian religions, are the reason for the ascendance of the West.

an indigenous elder gives "the finger" to Columbus Day.
fuck that “discovery” bullshit!

And I never want to hear another preacher talk about the “love” of Christ, or the “Prince of Peace.” War, murder, profit, plunder, and rape are the only ‘gods’ the conquered European Peoples serve. In their servile minds, the only prosperity that matters is the prosperity of those already fabulously wealthy, in the hopes that a few scraps from those tables will land at their feet. For example, just since 2020 (I’m writing this in 2024), Stock values have increased by $15 trillion dollars.(2) That’s not money generated through anything but financial shell-games, and can only be beneficial to those already fabulously wealthy, and their henchmen/women.

I’ve read a couple of recent issues of the seminal hypno-economic magazine the Economist recently (two issues from March, 2024). In one article about the Mexican economy, very little mention was made of the insanely out-of-control drug wars raging throughout the former nation/state. Nor the unholy amounts of money illegal drug users in the U.S. have given drug cartels.

Instead, the ebb-and-flow of interest rates was bemoaned, the well-intentioned policies of this or that politician debated.


“…According to legal documents for the case filed in 2012, HSBC admitted that it failed to apply legally required money laundering controls to $60 trillion in wire transfers alone, in only a three year period, $670 billion of which came from Mexico. $60 trillion—that is approximately 85 percent the entire world’s GDP in 2012.”

– from NACLA – El Chapo’s Arrest: Money Laundering and Mexico’s Drug War


Let me just call the reader’s attention to the fact that the $60 trillion in money laundering mentioned above only pertained to wire transfers. 85 percent of the world’s economy – in illegal wire transfers, from one financial institution. This does not take into account similar shenanigans by Wachovia, and Bank of America.


“While pushing further on the topic of direct, multifaceted U.S. involvement in the international drug trade is a taboo subject, to ignore its role as a key source of profit for banks, prisons and the military is even more dangerous and costly.”

– ibid.


Historians like to debate how certain European powers came to be dominant at one time or other. There are many, many reasons presented. Almost none of them have to do with ruthless, horribly violent wars. Wars, which – by the way – are very expensive to wage. And the emergent European Powers all just co-incidentally enacted genocide to obtain their wealth. France, Spain, Portugal, England, and the Netherlands were all big players in the spread of European values around the world. And constantly out-did one another in devising schemes to slaughter those standing in between them and a profitable venture

But philosophers still discuss the transmission of ideas as the basis of their domination. Like that even matters. Who cares what words inbred, aristocratic, genetic atrocities, and their bastard offspring mouth? None of their methods varied even slightly, despite the different motivations given for them by people who weren’t there, and have very little idea of how great a role State propaganda has always played in the public sphere. Smallpox blankets, alcoholic beverages, middle-of-the-night surprise raids – wherein every man, woman, and child were massacred by the local iteration of the invading hordes of Europe – no sort of atrocity was so grand as to even merit a mention by philosophers intent on finding meaning behind all the heaping piles of bodies (3) everywhere the Europeans settled.


You’re DEAD, Hegel, so shut the fuck up!


The words of dead white men, particularly those from the 19th century, cannot be useful to any understanding of the world we inhabit, here in the 21st century. They were wrong about almost everything. And racist. Damn, they were so racist. They invented racism, you know. Just so the reader completely understands this: there are no “races” of people, unless one is thinking of lingual and cultural similarities. Despite our many ethnic variances, we are only one, human race. With this caveat: the extremely wealthy can be thought of as a distinct race, under the world-wide economic system which enslaves us all. They are the Master Race. The rest of us are their slaves. The thought that one must “earn” their living implies that one does not deserve to live. Who believes that? The Master Race does, though they give themselves a pass.


“People who talk about revolution and class struggle without referring explicitly to everyday life, without understanding what is subversive about love and what is positive in the refusal of constraints, such people have a corpse in their mouth”

― Raoul Vaneigem, the Revolution of Everyday Life


What’s with all the necromancy in Academia? The words of 19th century Europeans have almost nothing to do with the lives we live now. The actions of people from that time have framed our current world, and most of those actions were atrocities.

Why do people choose to speak with corpses in their mouth? Doesn’t that leave a foul taste in one’s mouth? This desperate clinging to the irrelevant words of people long dead only serves to drown out the voices currently speaking out against pretty much everything dead white guys from the 19th century thought, said, and did.

The only words from the past worth listening to now were those spoken by people in resistance to Colonial intrusions into their homelands, and the insatiable land-hunger of the Nations they founded.

I’ve yet to read a transcription of one speech by a Native American Orator who did not understand Western civilization better than today’s philosophers, hypno-economists, and what passes for political leadership. (4)

Damn near every speech made by Indigenous Peoples, over centuries – all over the world – is still as relevant today as it was when the words were first spoken. If anything, the ecological and climate crisis we face now make their words even more relevant. These are the voices which need to be heard now. Who gives a shit what Hegel thought, wrote, or said. He was a racist asshole, and every word he uttered or penned cannot be considered anything but racist propaganda.


Which way to decolonization, for people of European descent?


Europeans, and their descendants in the colonies have lost their sense of identity.

Despite their desperate attempt to unite as a “White” race, there is no “White” culture they can point to for clues about what their ancestors were like, nor is there a “Whitey” homeland to be found on any maps of ancient worlds.

In order for them to decolonize and take their places among the Peoples of the Earth, they need to relearn their own past – who their ancestors actually were, where they came from, and where their People reside today.

The Americas are famous as “melting pots” of immigrants, who leave their ancestral heritage behind in order to blend into the new, colonial, identity. This is a dehumanizing process.

In order to counteract it, one must learn where their ancestors in the “new” lands originated. They need to stop relating to themselves as vague “Nationalities” and begin to locate their ancestral homelands. They should think of themselves as “I am xXx, who’s ancestors came to this land from (the nearest major body of water where their ancestors once lived, because water is life), in the land of (place name, usually the name given to a nearby mountain range, or valley, or plain).

Just to take “Germany” as an example – within the border of the German state are Bavarians, Bohemians, Frisians, and Sorbs.

In Spain, there Andalusians, Castellians, Basques, Catalanians, Galicians, among others, within the “Spanish” state. These are the Peoples in Spain. They are not “Spaniards,” no matter what propaganda their indoctrination programmed them to believe.

For instance, if I related to my own Saxon forebearers, I could introduce myself like so: “I am Rob, and my People – the Saxons – come from the headwaters of the Danube river, in the Black Forest at the foothills of the Alps, but today are mostly found in Northwestern Scotland.”

Certainly, this is a lengthy, awkward way of meeting people, but such formalities are necessary in order for us to both come to an understanding of who we are, and where we come from, but also to let others understand that we will not have our lives dictated to us by the forces coercing us into suicide as a species. This way of relating to our own pasts and to the present in a manner which grounds us to the Earth, in real, tangible ways, also identifies us as human beings, first and foremost. Not income-generating machines. Nor social functions.

I’ll leave the reader with the immortal words of a fictitious dead white guy (kinda ironic, isn’t it? that I’ll give ya’ll a lengthy quote from a fictitious movie character, rather than quote an actual, real, dead white guy. The thing is, though – these words resonate with truth.)

These are the words of Howard Beale, a fictitious news anchorman, after he threatened to kill himself on-air, from an excellent movie – Network:

I want you to get MAD! I don’t want you to protest. I don’t want you to riot – I don’t want you to write to your congressman, because I wouldn’t know what to tell you to write. I don’t know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you’ve got to get mad. You’ve got to say: ‘I’m a human being, god-dammit! My life has value!’

So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it, and stick your head out, and yell: ‘I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take this anymore!’

I want you to get up right now. Sit up. Go to your windows. Open them and stick your head out and yell – ‘I’m as mad as hell and I’m not gonna take this anymore!’ Things have got to change. But first, you’ve gotta get mad!…You’ve got to say, ‘I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take this anymore!’ Then we’ll figure out what to do about the depression and the inflation and the oil crisis. But first, get up out of your chairs, open the window, stick your head out, and yell, and say it: ‘I’m as mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take this anymore!’

(1) I would be so happy if I were wrong about this.

(2) the wealth of the 1% just hit a record $44 trillion!


(3)     Ooops! I’m sorry: “Bodies, what bodies?”

Is this rant now acceptable for Academia?

(4)  “Sit up! Beg for campaign funds! Good Boy! Good Girl!”