Thomas van Linge on Twitter: "#Kurdistan: #YPG fighters opening the road between #Rojava and #Şengal"

War against Daesh: YPG Media Centre (dec/2014)

the original post from 325 has a shit-ton more info than i’m reposting here – good reading if you’re interested!

ANF – 24 December ongoing battle in Sinjar.

For the Media and Public Opinion
People’s Defense Units (YPG) – Media Center

ROJAVA, KOBANI – The brutal attacks by terrorists of ISIS group are ongoing on the resistant Kobani city for the 99th day consecutively.

Meanwhile, our fighters of People’s Defense Units (YPG) and Women’s Defense Units (YPJ) are heroically defending the city and expelling the terrorists of ISIS group.

Wide mop-up operation was carried out yesterday by our fighters on the eastern south of the city around the culture centre recently liberated by our heroes. Another military operation was launched in that area where the number of terrorists dead was not confirmed,as one of our fighters was seriously injured and in spite of all medical bids to save his life, he was martyred.

Elsewhere, yesterday, on the northern front of Tel Hamis town, clashes erupted near Qassib village between YPG/YPJ fighters and the terrorists of ISIS continued till this morning. Four of our fighters courageously repelled the terrorists and martyred in the battle field.

YPG Media Centre

KOBANI– The barbaric attacks by the ISIS terrorists attempting to occupy Kobani continued yesterday on the 89th day. Yet our forces inside the city are continuing their operations against the terrorists who are on the defensive.

On the southern front of Kobani, our forces yesterday conducted an operation against the terrorist-occupied areas. In this operation our units managed to retake the control of the southern road to Kobani (Tarmik village’s road), the second strategic road to Kobani.


Following this operation, the extent located amid the Aleppo and Tarmik roads was utterly liberated from the terrorists. All the southern routes used by the terrorists to deploy reinforcements towards Kobani were cut and controlled by our units as a result of the operation. Since mop up operations are still ongoing in this region, the final results for the battles are yet to be verified.

In the meantime, an operation was carried out by our forces against the terrorist groups in the Kaniya Kurda neighborhood, on the eastern front. The operation on this front resulted in the killing of 3 terrorists.

On the south-eastern front of Kobani, our forces led an operation against the terrorists near the Cultural Center, in this operation 2 members of the terrorists were confirmed killed.

QAMISHLO – At the morning hours of December 12th, our forces of the YPG/YPJ conducted an operation against the terrorist groups near the village of Til Ahmad, 24 kilometers south-west of Qamishlo. One terrorist was confirmed killed in the operation.

YPG Media Centre

December 13, 2014

American YPG Fighter Dean Parker

see also:
American YPG Fighter Jordan Matson Speaks to Zana Omer of the VOA Kurdish Service

Thomas van Linge on Twitter: "#Kurdistan: #YPG fighters opening the road between #Rojava and #Şengal"
Thomas van Linge on Twitter: “#Kurdistan: #YPG fighters opening the road between #Rojava and #Şengal”

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