The Turkish army is killing everybody in SİLVAN .

Bomb attack by a helicopter of the Turkish army hit the civilian area in Silvan district of Amed. The attack targeted the deputies, NGO representatives and local people in Mescit neighborhood.

HDP deputies Nursel Aydoğan, Ayşe Acar Başaran, Sibel Yiğitalp and KJA (Free Women’s Congress) Spokesperson Ayla Akat Ata are among those who were targeted by the attack.

The delegation of HDP-KJA and NGO executives got over the police blockade and entered Mescit neighborhood yesterday.3495534948silvan5

In Silvan district of Amed where Turkish forces have started a military operation earlier today, special operation police shot a 5-year-old kid by the name of Abdullah Güney.

While electricity, water and internet services all remain cut off, a large number of soldiers and armored military vehicles have been dispatched to the district since yesterday evening.

HDP Batman deputy Mehmet Ali Aslan who is currently in Silvan said the followings regarding the situation in the district; “State forces are attacking and murdering civilians in a Mongolian manner. They want to intimidate the people and make them surrender. I am calling upon all international organisations, the UN in the first place, to send delegations here to witness the state atrocity at scene.”

HDP deputy also called on the Kurdish people to stand up against this annihilation policy.

On the ninth day of the siege and curfew in Amed’s Silvan district, a military operation has been started against Tekel, Konak and Mescit neighborhoods.

The operation is being joined by the tanks and military vehicles that have been dispatched to the district since yesterday. The three neighborhoods are being targeted from both district centre and the rural area Gundê Cano and Hill Gaza that overlook the region under siege.

The operation with tanks and heavy artillery is also supported by special operation forces since early morning hours. There is furthermore an intense activity of helicopters over the district where special forces stationed on high buildings are opening intense fire on civilian areas.

In the meantime, local people continue resisting the attacks.

The Turkish army is killing everybody in SİLVAN .
They are killing all of women and children.
We hope maybe you can show that in news
Please announce our voice to the world
The Turkish army is committing murder
And Turkish Media doesn’t show anything
Please help!!!!


Bir Yanıt to “The Turkish army is killing everybody in SİLVAN .”

  1. Reblogged this on we are not afraid of ruins and commented:

    The Turkish army is killing everybody in SİLVAN .
    They are killing all of women and children.
    We hope maybe you can show that in news
    Please announce our voice to the world
    The Turkish army is committing murder
    And Turkish Media doesn’t show anything
    Please help!!!!

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