
To contribute translations, editing-corrections and/or original material for publication, such as updates from the streets, reportbacks from actions, responsibility claims, texts of imprisoned or persecuted comrades, calls, brochures, opinion articles, etc.: contrainfo(at)

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Learning From SHAC: Winter European Speaking Tour

Poster also in French and Spanish

We are pleased to announce our Winter European Speaking Tour across France, the Basque Country & Spain.

Friday 29th January – Dijon | 7pm | Eternel Detour, 16ter rue de Fontaine-lès-Dijon, Dijon

Saturday 30th January – Grenoble | 12pm | Parpaing Paillette, 104 avenue Ambroise Croizat, Saint Martin D’here

Saturday 30th January – Lyon | 8pm | l’Atelier des Canulars Canulars Workshop, 91 rue Montesquieu, Lyon

Sunday 31st January – Marseille | 7pm | Le Raccoon, Place du Lycée Thiers, Marseille

Monday 1st February – Toulouse | 5.30pm | Self-managed Social Centre of Toulouse (CREA)

Wednesday 3rd February – Pamplona | 6pm | Iruñeko Gaztetxea, Konpania Kalea, 3, Pamplona

Thursday 4th February – San Sebastian | 12pm | EHU Gipuzkoako Kanpusa, Donostia

Thursday 4th February – Zarautz | 8.30pm | Putzuzulo, 20800 Zarautz

Saturday 6th February – Bilbao | 5pm | Izar Beltz Social Centre, Bilbao

Sunday 7th FebruaryGijon | 5pm | Centru Social La Llume. C/Nava 1 (Esq. Avenida de Portugal), Xixón, Asturies

About the Talks

Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) was the most powerful and effective international grassroots animal liberation campaign the world has ever seen. After more than a decade of using innovative and groundbreaking activism against Europe`s largest animal testing laboratory HLS, the campaign finally ended in 2014, following years of state repression and the imprisonment of dozens of activists.

This presentation will analyse and critically reflect on the history, tactics and repression of the SHAC campaign. It will look at the importance of SHAC and what can be learned from the successes and failures of the campaign. There will be discussion of the use and effects of repression on the animal liberation movement and how this is affecting our activism today. We will learn about the importance of solidarity and understanding the role of the state when fighting dominant industries and how we can work differently to make our activism more sustainable and resilient to repression in future. The presentation will include the personal stories of one of the SOCPA7 defendants and an ex-prisoner from one of the earlier Conspiracy to Blackmail cases.

There will also be information on the ongoing SHAC case against Sven and Natasha, who are currently waiting to be extradited to the UK for their trial and face up to 14 years in prison.

For more info:


French | German

Helsinki, Finland: Black greetings to the French government

Received January 25th:

18.1 – 24.1.2016: Loads of JCDecaux bus stops along one of the busiest roads in Helsinki were painted with ZAD slogans.

We want to express our solidarity to the defenders of the ZAD and also our indignation towards the French media that is spreading anti-ZAD propaganda.

There won’t be an airport!

French | German

Rennes, France: Blockade against the airport and its world, its high-speed rail and its jail

This Friday, January 22nd, at dawn, people decided to blockade the road passing through the middle of the construction site for the new Eurorennes train station and in front of the women’s prisons’ main entrance.

Bins were overturned, oil spilled and the following text plastered on the jail walls and site fences:

This morning, we’re blocking this road with help from some bins tipped over and spilled oil…

Because “the city of tomorrow”, wedged between the business district’s megalomaniac construction site that is Euro-Rennes, its future LGV high-speed rail and Europe’s largest women’s prison, represents itself exactly as dreamt up in the offices of Rennes Métropole’s project.

Because we don’t have the same dreams.

Because a few minutes of congestion will always be derisory compared to the hours, months and years spent in cages. That these few minutes enable anyone to lift their head from their daily routine and realise it.

Because it makes us laugh when we imagine a prison guard having a hard time going home after spending the night locking people up, or a yuppie missing their €120 TGV for their business meeting in Paris.

Because on the other side of this road Euro-Rennes kick out the poor to build hotels, offices, alternative cinemas, lofts and trendy bars. That the computer-generated images, which flourish on the neighbourhood’s giant billboards, give an idea of the population on the make: young suited tie-wearers, very white, very rich, hurriedly walking on the slick walkways.

Because they want the whole city to resemble this, and this makes us puke.

This morning, we’re blocking this road.

Because only a few kilometres from here, at Notre-Dame-des-Landes, the State and Vinci want to build an airport. They’ve decided to evict those who oppose it today, as tomorrow – with their planes and runways – they intend to evict those who don’t have the right papers.

Because the State everywhere imposes its projects by money, cops and media propaganda, always crushing the poorest and undesirables in the process. With the state of emergency, it gives itself the means to again unleash a little more.

Because right now, loads of people are mobilising against the airport and its world, multiplying the actions, and we want to contribute. It is possible to fight, everywhere and directly, in different ways, as a few or as many, against these institutional structures and these companies that spoil our lives.

Because this world that they’re building isn’t ours, and we don’t intend to let them do so.
Because we’re incompatibles, our desires are turned into disorder against them, and we don’t let go!

We prefer a thousand times over a lively neighbourhood where we meet, we give each other a helping hand and we sound off with neighbours on a scrap of wild wasteland over a bbq; to a parade of wheeled suitcases dragging their suits on the video-surveilled tarmac.

We prefer a thousand times over spaces where we’re experimenting with ways of living, residing, feeding ourselves, fighting and relating with one another differently; to the prospect of control towers, vast eco-labelled hangars and their gantry vigipirates.

Against the airport and its world, its LGV and its jail.

Greece: Maria Theofilou released on bail

On January 21st 2016, Maria Theofilou (life companion of imprisoned bank robber Giorgos Petrakakos; sister of anarchist communist prisoner Tasos Theofilou) was released from Koridallos prison under restrictive conditions: monetary bail of 5,000 euros and obligation to report to her nearest police station twice a month.

in German

Pyhäjoki, Finland: Traffic at and to the Fennovoima-Rosatom’s nuke plant construction site blocked – again

Received January 24th:

In mid-January Fennovoima-Rosatom announced that their geopolitically and environmentally funky plan to build this Putin’s own little western nuclear power plant is running and sticking with set timetables ”just as planned”. Well. How to put this nicely and in a constructive manner? (And on second thought: why should we even bother to try?)

It’s naturally easy for one to say that things and timetables are advancing ”just as planned” – when every single time something fails, delays and in general fucks itself up this creative conglomerate simply deletes the original date and copy pastes in a new one. (I mean, it isn’t strictly lying, isn’t it: to promise that one will stick with a timetable?) Everybody’s happy – and especially those Finnish tax payers, that’s for sure!

Let’s give you guys a couple of examples. During spring 2015 Fennovoima-Rosatom announced that the fencing surrounding and locking up the area of this planned nuke plant of doom would be perfectly finished on May 2015. Well, despite the hard working of the Lithuanian cheap labour shipped in they had almost finished erecting it on September 2015. On a similar tone the work for the planned harbour of this plant of doom – deep enough to offer nesting space for any given Russian warship, believe me – was declared to start on June 2015. Some brave words about ”hundreds of workers” earning their bucks around the site during that summer were also mentioned.

Well, they almost got that one right, too. Almost. In that June 2015 Fennovoima-Rosatom did not even have the needed permissions to start even the dredging works – with that one they only could move on at September 2015. The harbour work itself is still just words on a paper, as are the mentioned brave words about ”hundreds of workers” – I bet we all know how they like to pretend these projects are always just about ”creating jobs”.

What is now been done at the Hanhikivi Peninsula are the infamous ”preliminary” or ”preparing works”, groundlaying and stone setting that, unlike the nuke plant of doom itself, do have a permission to proceed – thanks to a certain Minister wined and dined well in Moscow (try asking him about these trips in an interview and oh man, there’s a blush) and a few carefully commissioned municipality characters. Building permit for the plant itself, then again, is another story: Fennovoima-Rosatom has not even filed for it yet. The application for the permit is still work under construction. (Yes, I repeat: they are laying the ”preparing works” before anyone’s even bothered to apply for a building permit for that nucleat power plant – but surely there’s no corruption in Finland and everything’s done by the book, as always?)

The beauty of the current situation is the vulnerability of the construction site itself. What’s been done there now is a big-scale landfill operation – and there’s only one road sturdy enough to carry those big-ass vehicles in and out of the site. So imagine what happens when someone by some mens brings that road to a halt? Well. The whole shit stops from rolling.

And that’s what we did on 22th of January. Some concerned citizens climbed on to trucks doing the deliveries, putting it all to a total halt. And we think we’re gonna keep on doing this for a bit longer. More info coming in later, as per usual.


10:30 AM police had detained both of our photographers from the scene. One was following the unrolling event from the forest side of things and another about 50 metres away from the event site, standing at a side of a public bicycling road. Conclusion: they do like censorship in here, and they do not like to end up in social media.

11:30 AM more police cars and another cherry picker were brought in. Soon after the protestor sitting on top of a truck was taken down and detained.

12:30 PM one protestor is still at it. He has lingered into the structures of the crane vehicle and refuses to come out. Around 11 AM police gave an ultimatum: “come out voluntarily or we will have to hurt you”. They started driving the vehicle on walking speed to a parking spot at the roadside and killed the engine. Police has grabbed gloves and some other pieces of clothing from the protestor, trying to literally freeze him out. it’s currently -5C out here, plus the lovely sea breeze.

1 PM  The police arrived to the site from 10 AM on. Approximately 10.15 AM a selection of more high-ranking Fennovoima-Rosatom boss representatives arrived: white helmets and sparkling clean high-vis clothes that haven’t seen a day of work gathered to have a pow-wow with the police. At 10.30 AM a humly saying expensive looking SUV arrived, spitting out a grumpy and confusing fella with civi clothes and a big “ROSATOM” -text at the back of his jacket: maybe he was just confused that protestors are not simply being shot or taken out by proper OMON troops?

Summary in German

“Melbourne, Australia”: Disruption of Vinci and French Consulate

Z(A)D Everywhere!

Vinci clear off

ZAD Everywhere

ZAD Everywhere

Received January 23rd:

To the defenders of the ZAD,

Solidarity from anarchists in so-called ‘Melbourne, Australia’- the never-ceded indigenous land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation, stolen and occupied by the genocidal settler-colonial state.

In response to recent threats of violent eviction by the French State, actions were taken at several locations in Melbourne, the city built on the stolen lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation, in colonised Australia. The actions targetted the French consulate and offices of companies of the VINCI corporate-family linked to the proposed destruction of land at the Zone-A-Defendre [Zone to Defend].

The French consulate was attacked with paint and its locks were stuffed and glued.
The Offices of Menard-Bachy and Fressynet (both companies owned by VINCI), had their windows broken and slogans in support of the ZAD painted on the facade.
The Melbourne office of Electrix (a company owned by VINCI) was redecorated with a number of slogans celebrating resistance to VINCI’s plans.

For information see

French | German

Berlin: Political projects of Friedrichshain’s northKiez call for a demonstration on 6/2

After the major offensive on Rigaer 94 by 500 cops, SEK, a K-9 unit and a helicopter, the northKiez of Friedrichshain is still under siege. There are constant controls all around Rigaerstraße and the streets are patrolled by massive swathes of cops.

We take the attack on the night of 13.01.2016 on Rigaer 94 and the assault on Liebig34 on the same evening as an attack on all of us! It is an affront to all of us that resist, organise, plan, act and network every day; against all those that cannot pay their rents anymore and get displaced.

To the cops and politicians speculation to be able to force us into capitulation and resignation by repression we respond: Forget it! We will not yield a centimeter! Now more than ever!

We are calling everyone, to go out on the streets with us on February 6th to fight against ‘danger zones’, police terror and displacement.

Call to action:
Defend rebellious structures, create solidary neighbourhoods!

Saturday 6th February 2016 | Berlin

Gathering at 16:00 in front of Wagenplatz Rummelplatz, Gürtelstrasse 26

Demonstration at 17:00 (be on time!)

USA: Fireworks in Minneapolis for trans prisoners

Received January 23rd 2016:

In response to the call for an international day of action in solidarity with trans prisoners, some antagonist queers and accomplices paid a visit to the juvenile detention center in Minneapolis, USA. Two banners were unfurled that read:

Not Gay As In Happy, Queer As In Fuck 12

Fire To The Prisons

Several fireworks were set off, illuminating the dreary night for those held captive to see. We exchanged a few waves with those inside before disappearing into the night.

in German

Hambach Forest, Germany: RWE security guards run over activists as resistance intensifies

Yesterday (21.01.2016) RWE security guards hit activists with a car as the latter were defending the ancient forest against logging operations (see video below). Two activists were kidnapped. One was successfully de-arrested, the other, Fledermaus, was beaten and handed over to the police, accused of assault, and will likely stay imprisoned in Aachen for the next 3-4 weeks at least. The arrestee was not given medical treatment and is suffering from severe back pain, whilst not revealing his identity to the authorities.

You can send him letters to this adress:
Aktivist Nr. 2
JVA Aachen
Krefelderstr. 251
Aachen, Germany

In the video, activists can be seen driving the logging operations out of the site, and then being scattered by a security SUV zigzagging on the bridge towards them. Activists say stones were thrown in both directions.

In other news, EmmA was released from prison today. He reports: “The prison walls are covered with Hambi Forst Bleibt! [Hambacher Forest remains] graffiti and the inmates I spoke to are in solidarity with our struggle. Prison is shit but the forests are stronger than its walls. I feel good, and ready to go back to the forest, to defend what is wild by all means necessary.”
Welcome home.

RWE is the gravedigger of Rhineland.
Let us be the gravedigger of RWE!

Show solidarity! Come into the forest. Join the Action Week (January 22th – 31th, 2016)

January 21st via Hambacher Forest:

Several activists blocked the way and initially made the RWE people leave the forest. Shortly afterwards it came to clashes between security guards and the activists. Objects such as stones flew in both directions. Then one of the security guards of RWE cried to his colleagues: “Out the way, out the way, I‘m gonna run‘em over!”, climbed into a jeep and drove high speed to the activists. They tried to dodge the car, then he weaved his way from side to side over the entire width of the road. He injured several activists.

Two security guards rushed towards the activists and arrested two of them, which could be freed by a quick intervention. One activist who was too injured by the jeep, was unable to escape. He was laying on the earth, was caught by security guards, dragged into the back of their jeep and was kidnapped. A short time later an ambulance came into the forest…

Marseille, France: Banner drop in solidarity with trans prisoners

In the night of 21st to 22nd January, at midnight, a few people came and hung a banner on the bridge of cours julien in Marseille, in solidarity with trans prisoners to mark the beginning of this day of action. We hope that this will be the start of an international movement for finishing prisons.


German | Portuguese

Nantes, France: Trans in prison, freedom!

Transpeople in prison, freedom!

This is the message of the banner that was hung over the Nantes ring-road in the early morning of January 22nd, the international day of solidarity with trans prisoners. In France like elsewhere, trans people in particular suffer more repression from society and the state, which leads them before the courts and in prison more than the rest of the population. For some of them, the transphobic oppression supplements the racist, xenophobic, misogynistic or homophobic oppressions. It’s also true inside prisons where the discrimination and inequalities in society harshly affect people even more, especially transwomen.

Prisons serve to protect the privileges of the ruling classes and to create fear among the poor and minoritized. Because we think that all prisons should disappear and that no one should experience the incareration, we express our solidarity with all trans people imprisoned and repressed.

Geman | Portuguese

Notre-Dame-des-Landes, France: February 27th – General mobilisation for the abandonment of the airport project – prepare yourselves!

The mobilisation in recent days has been tremendous: thanks to the strength of the demonstration on Nantes’ outskirts, but also due to the actions and gatherings multiplying in dozens of other French cities. It’s clear that the anti-airport movement is denser and livelier than ever. This is because it’s become emblematic of so many other struggles against social and environmental destruction, the loss of agricultural land, climate change, the commodification of land and our lives. It’s also because it sprouts the discovery of inhabiting the world in other ways.

However the government confines itself in its deafness. The farmers and inhabitants of the zad are still threatened by eviction. The beginning of the airport project work is still announced in the short term.

The movement therefore calls for the continuation of actions for the coming weeks, and to pay particular attention to the judgement handed down on January 25th.

All components of the struggle also call for a day of massive mobilisation on February 27th. This mobilisation will be under the banner of stopping eviction threats against farmers and inhabitants of the zad, as well as the airport project’s definitive abandonment.

We invite all committees and supporters to very strongly mobilise from now for this date. We appeal for you all to give it the widest possible diffusion starting from today. We invite everyone from the region, from all corners of the hexagon [of France], and beyond, to organise convoys and buses to reach this big mobilisation.

The forms and meet ups for the 27th February will be defined by the movement depending on the context. A more precise call-out will come following the outcome of the trial on January 25th.

Those who cultivate and live on the zad will never leave! There will never be an airport in Notre-Dame-des-Landes!

The General Assembly of the movement, January 19th

Next general assembly of preparation for the February 27th mobilisation: Tuesday 26th January at 8pm, at the Vacherit. Meet up at 7pm to prepare the assembly.

in German and Italian

Brussels: Call-out for solidarity with four people charged over the destruction of the maxi-prison model

In its mad race for profits, capitalism throws more and more people into precariousness and makes our environment increasingly unliveable. Faced with scolding anger and misery sown into anything that goes, the state invests in maintaining order and builds new prisons.

At a time when the people are constrained to tighten their belts, the government finds billions to strain us even more by building high-tech prisons, where it experiments with new forms of torture (sensory and human contact deprivation)

For the ruling class, the advantage is twofold: the construction contracts provides its juicy profits and security apparatus, thereby ultra-developed, allows it to maintain its privileges and to perpetuate this oppressive and destructive system.

The federal government’s Masterplan foresees the construction of seven new prisons in Belgium. One of them, the maxi-prison, crystallizes opposition in recent years. The government plans to build this mammoth prison on the Keelbeek site, in Haren, located on the northern outskirts of Brussels.

A few statistics of the maxi-prison project:
# A capacity for 1200 detainees (men, women, minors and psychiatrised people)
# 19 hectares of nature and farmland concreted
# A 25 year private-public partnership which will cost the state more than €3 billion. That’s a minimum daily cost of €275 per detainee. More than €275 a day devoted to breaking a human being!
# A location far from the heart of Brussels, difficulty accessible for the detainees’ families

Since the announcement of the maxi-prison construction, the reactions are numerous. In Haren, the neighbourhood committee informs inhabitants and mobilises itself against the project. On the streets of Brussels, the maxi-prison revives anti-prison rage and well inspired groups strive to end the project through a series of direct actions. In Anderlecht, [Le Passage], a local space of struggle against the maxi-prison is open to inform, discuss and organise itself.

During the summer of 2014, the Keelbeek site was occupied to prevent the project’s progress. The Haren ZAD (Zone to Defend) was born. Among the tree houses and vegetable garden, the opponents experimented with another lifestyle, self-managed and solidarity based. The site occupation ended in September 2015, following the forceful eviction of occupants, conducted by Brussels police. But even today, a rebellious handful occupy a site adjacent to Keelbeek and several of Haren’s abandoned houses.

This growing popular unrest upset the government’s plans who let its pack of guard dogs loose in an attempt to stifle dissent. Numbers of struggling comrades experienced raids, tailing, wiretapping, intimidation and infiltration attempts. But faced with the determination and solidarity, the repression proves to be powerless.

On May 20th 2015, the consultation committee’s public hearing was held regarding the maxi-prison project in Haren. The committee’s opinion wasn’t even binding, the referendum farce didn’t deceive many people. The same day, around a dozen people therefore decided to express their opposition to the project, outside of Power’s marked paths, and manifest within the Building Agency. The maxi-prison model, exhibited in the entrance hall, is destroyed during the action.

This institution, the Buildings Agency, corrupted up to its neck, is responsible for managing the Belgian State’s property assets and coordinating the construction of new prisons. Without waiting for permits, the Buildings Authority tried to repeatedly start work on the Keelbeek site. But each time, construction machinery was fended off by opponents.

While its project is threatened from all sides, Power seizes this opportunity, in an attempt to weaken the resistance, and now four of us find ourselves on the judicial bench for “organised destruction of personal property”. This is the first trial of an action against the maxi-prison. Following a postponement, the first hearing is set for January 22nd 2016 in the Brussles Law Courts. For this type of act, the anticipated penalties range from 1 to 5 years imprisonment, while the Buildings Agency are claiming €40,000 in damages and interests.

Far from paralysing us, this trial is an opportunity to reaffirm our anti-authoritarian stance against all forms of power, whether political, media or judicial. They’re part of the problem, not the solution. And with your complicity, this trial will be another opportunity to throw some paving stones on the prison morass and to make slip a few cogs in the machine.

Let’s continue the struggle against prisons and the world they protect!

And to manage the legal costs, we also call for your financial solidarity.

If you collect a few coins by scraping the bottom of your pockets, or passing a collection pot at your activist meet ups, then thanks for bunging them this way: BE66 5230 4745 8943 (bank account number in the name of “soutien procès maquette” [model trial support])

Brick by brick
Wall by wall
Let’s destroy all prisons!

The four charged individuals

January 18th 2016

“North America”: Help Launch The It’s Going Down Magazine!

Click image to read all about it on

Contact: info [at]

Zine #1: International Trans Prisoner Day of Action and Solidarity – January 22nd 2016

Download and distribute this pdf zine in low-res (6mb) or high-res (24mb)

This zine will be distributed to folks both inside and outside prison walls.

US prisons: Statement from Marius Mason for the Trans Prisoner Day of Action and Solidarity January 22nd 2016

Statement for the Trans Prisoner Day of Action and Solidarity January 22nd 2016. Click here for the statement in printable format (jpg).

Happy New Year, Family and Friends! Many, many thanks for so much support and care over this year from both long-standing friends and new pen pals. I feel very grateful and am always humbled by the encouragement and resources sent my way by folks who are doing so much already to increase our collective chances for survival. The news has been full of stories about someone winning the big money pool that has accumulated for the US Lotto – but the most important “win” has nothing to do with money. I am betting on the movement to win big this year: in getting more control over their communities and defending against police brutality and racial inequality, in winning more victories for animal and in the defense of wild spaces, in creating social relations based on respect, dignity and compassion for all people… irregardless of their race, orientation, creed or gender presentation.

Thank you for coming together today, to hold up those members of our community who struggle so hard behind walls to keep their sense of self intact. Sovereignty over our selves, our bodies is essential for any other kind of liberty to be possible. By reaching out to trans prisoners, you affirm their right to define themselves for themselves – and defend them against the overwhelming voices who claim that they do not exist, that they must allow others to define them. In the isolating environment of prison, this is toxic and intimidating, and amounts to the cruelest form of psychological torture. By offering your help and solidarity, you may just save a life. I know that for the last year and a half, as I have struggled to assert myself as a transman, as I have advocated for the relief of appropriate medical care for my gender dysphoria – it has been the gentle and loving reminders of my extended family of supporters who have given me strength and courage to continue. Please join me in offering this help to so many others who need it to keep going. Never underestimate the healing power of a letter, those letters have kept me going…and I want to pass that gift on, if you will help me.

Thank you again for coming together on this day, for connecting to those on the inside who truly need you, who need you to see them as they really are and striving to be. Until the prisons are gone, we need to work hard to support those of us inside – especially those of us who are not always as visible to the rest of the world. We are always stronger together.

Marius Mason
January 2016

French | Portuguese | Italian | German

Marseille, France: Solidarity for imprisoned transpeople

In solidarity with trans prisoners throughout the world, a day of solidarity has been organised on January 23rd from 2pm at Le Kiosque [Marseille] with film-screening, letter-writing workshop and vegan snacks!

January 22nd is the international day of solidarity with imprisoned transpeople. This day was initiated by Marius Mason, a vegan and transperson imprisoned in the US for 22 years, one of the longest sentences for a Green Scare prisoner.

We all know that the prison destroys beings and bodies, wanting to crush revolts and stifle the initiatives, letters and actions of prisoners. Trans prisoners suffer twice the prison penalty and the physical and emotional stress of a real cage. Historically the struggle against prisons and incarceration has always involved transpeople, as a fight led by trans prisoners and their supporters.

Like all precarious persons, transpeople are extensively likely to be incarcerated for their very survival and existence. Too often, imprisoned individuals are forgotten, yet the overwhelming majority of transwomen are still incarcerated in mens prisons, and the entirety of trans prisoners experience violence, rape and humiliation daily, associated with their trans-identity.

Incareration is there to scare us as an attempt to prevent us from fighting. Our best response is to pursue our struggles, display solidarity and continue to fight against all forms of imprisonment and oppression!

Meet Saturday 23rd January at Le Kiosque (38 rue Clovis Hugues) at 2pm!

Against all forms of incarceration!

Solidarity with imprisoned transpeople!

Freedom for all!

French | Macedonian

Marseille, France: SHAC Infotour in support of Sven & Natasha in the Netherlands

SHAC Infotour: A presentation on the SHAC campaign by activists from England in support of Sven and Natasha, two individuals charged in the Netherlands.

Sunday 31st January 2016 at Le Racoon, Place du Lycée Thiers.

Vegan food 7pm, presentation 8pm.

Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) was the most powerful and effective international grassroots animal liberation campaign the world has ever seen. After more than a decade of using innovative and groundbreaking resistance against Europe’s largest animal testing laboratory HLS, the campaign finally ended last year, following years of state repression and the imprisonment of dozens of organisers.

This info talk will analyse and critically reflect on the history, tactics and repression of the SHAC campaign. It will look at the importance of SHAC and what can be learned from the successes and failures of the campaign. There will be discussion of the use and effects of repression on the animal liberation movement and how this is affecting our work today – including the implications for all political struggles.

We will learn about the importance of solidarity and understanding the role of the state when fighting dominant industries and how we can work differently to make our fight more sustainable and resilient to repression in future.

The talk will include the personal stories of an ex-prisoner who served 3.5 years for her role in the SHAC campaign and one of the recent SOCPA7 defendants. There will also be information on the ongoing SHAC case against Sven and Natasha, who are currently waiting to be extradited to the UK for their trial and face up to 14 years in prison.

French | German

Cali, Colombia: Solidarity with the ZAD!

Some graffiti on the walls of Cali Univsersity [University of Valle] in Colombia (carried out on January 15th 2016).

Some anarchists from Cali uni send their solidarity to the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes:

Destruction of all forms of power!

Cali uni (UniValle) in solidarity with the ZAD!

UniValle in solidarity with the ZAD !

in Italian and German

[Themistokleous 58 squat] Demonstration in memory of Shahzad Luqman in Petralona

On the 3-year anniversary of the assassination of Shahzad Luqman, we participate in the demonstration on Saturday 16/1 at 12:00 in Merkouri Square in Ano Petralona, Athens.

-We gather at 11am in front of Themistokleous 58 squat in Exarchia to go there together.

Themistokleous 58 squat

Nantes, France: Police station repainted in support of the ZAD

Whilst the cases of the last legal occupants of the Zad were being judged this Wednesday [January 13th 2016], we set out to repaint the red police station facade of the Beaujoire neighbourhood, in the purest tradition of Nantes-style greenwashing.

We’re not fooled: we know well that every court defeat implies a confidence uptake for concreters to go further in the airport project.

Far from hushed court speeches, the police militia will come back to the zone, to attack the occupation movement and the life forms that develop for years.

This is a warning. We won’t let them do so.

There won’t be an airport in Notre-Dame-des-Landes.

The Greens of Rage

German | Italian

[USA] Black December report back: 0hIo Contra Omne.x

From lx Day of Mourning through New Year’s Day, intermittent black-flag banner drapery in Xolumbix (dot-combie [cyber-zombie] kolumbusX, u/x/@:);

also, BLEAECK (faction/arm of Ch@os Virxus Conspiracy) sent paper blackflags were sto anarchist prisoners…

Athens: CCF escape case trial set for February 15th 2016

February 15th: Trial date for the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire escape plan – Prosecution against relatives of political prisoners

The trial concerning the plan of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire comrades to escape from Koridallos prisons has been set for February 15th. A total of 28 people are accused in this trial. Conspiracy of Cells of Fire comrades have taken responsibility for the escape plan from the outset, defending their choice as a means to continue anarchist struggle.

However, this time the judicial mafia has experimented on our comrades by applying an insidious and vengeful blackmail against them.

In addition to making the heaviest possible indictment against several of the accused, whose relation with Conspiracy of Cells of Fire members was solely limited to friendly contacts, they’ve prepared new guillotines.

The inquisitor Eftichis Nikopoulos (special appellate judge against terrorism) and the judicial councils that followed, have also put forward for trial relatives of political prisoners: Athena Tsakalou (the mother of CCF members Gerasimos Tsakalos and Christos Tsakalos), Evi Statiri (the partner of Gerasimos), and Christos Polidoros (the brother of CCF member Giorgos Polidoros), on charges of “membership in the terrorist organisation Conspiracy of Cells of Fire”!!!

Athena Tsakalou and Evi Statiri were originally remanded in March 2015, and then broke out of captivity.

Athena was released a month after her arrest, following the hunger strike of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire members and anarchist comrade Angeliki Spyropoulou. Six months later, Evi was also released from prison, following the hunger strike undertaken by her and her partner Gerasimos Tsakalos.

During the two hunger strikes, a multifaceted movement developed against the judicial coup, expressing solidarity by means of gatherings, banner drops, occupation of buildings, acts of sabotage and incendiary attacks…

Nevertheless, after the release of Athena and Evi, the solidarity movement gained half a victory.

Judge-executioners “granted” them a crippled freedom. Athena was exiled to Salamis Island, and Evi is restricted to one kilometer from her home by a “freedom distance-meter”.

At the same time, they have been prohibited from any communication with their relatives, thus isolating them behind invisible grids.

We see this strategy of Power of isolating political prisoners being broadened, as is the case with the recent visitation ban against Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis [whose friend and comrade was recently prohibited from visiting him in prison].

Similarly, the judicial mafia continues its sorcery against relatives of political prisoners, having remanded Maria Theofilou [the partner of Giorgos Petrakakos, as well as sister of imprisoned anarchist Tasos Theofilou].

On February 15th, Power will once again try to erect its guillotines against relatives of political prisoners.

They’ve made their intentions crystal clear by now. According to the accusatory dossier, which is over 10,000 pages, they’ve chosen to call only 20 witnesses to the stand (half of whom are anti-terrorist police officers), with the purpose of fast-tracking proceedings; it seems convictions have already been issued…

February 15th marks the beginning of a new wager for people in struggle, negators of Power, people in solidarity… Our wager is to nullify the Power’s vindictive plans, stand side by side with the comrades, and continue what we’ve started… To subvert the judicial coup and stand against the prosecution of political prisoners’ relatives.

Because this trial prefigures future persecutions. What is being tested today against relatives of political prisoners, tomorrow will be tested against friends, people in solidarity, people in struggle…

For this reason and all the reasons in this world, once again we are preparing to venture into new battles against the laws of cops, judges and the Power’s priesthood.

Our quiver contains many arrows, such as the recent memory of gestures against the fascist persecutions of political prisoners’ relatives, but also the fresh traces of actions for Black December, that have strayed from the silent paths of social peace.

In the face of challenges posed by the State and judicial mafia, we respond with the challenge of insurrectionist action. With the trial on February 15th as a point of encounter, to oppose the persecution of relatives, let’s make this New Year beginning our own restart – with international call-outs, assemblies, counter-information, demonstrations, occupations, acts of sabotage, attacks – for the complete overthrow of the existent. With not even a single moment wasted.

“Stone, iron, wood can be broken… but it is impossible to break a determined human being with a conscience.”

Solidarity with Conspiracy of Cells of Fire comrades and anarchist Angeliki Spyropoulou

Against the prosecution of political prisoners’ relatives
(Christos Polidoros, Athena Tsakalou, Evi Statiri)

in Greek

Toulouse, France: Flaming barricades in support of the ZAD of Notre-Dame-Des-Landes

On Saturday 9th January 2016 at 9am, the motorway slip-road to Toulouse airport, as well as the tram, were blockaded with help from flaming barricades.

A trial of the inhabitants of the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes will take place on the 13th January in Nantes, that will surely result in an eviction decision accompanied by day-to-day fines. It’s everyday that tenants, squatters, Roma, undocumented immigrants and others experience this state violence through the intermediary of its judges, cops and bailiffs, who decide who should live where and how.

On Saturday 9th January 2016 at 9am, the motorway slip-road to Toulouse airport, as well as the tram, were blockaded with help from flaming barricades. Two tram lines were closed across Toulouse for an hour.

As long as these evictions continue, as long as this shit world exists, we will remain determined to attack the incessant flow of merchandise, passengers and workers, indispensable to the proper functioning of capitalism; and this despite the state of emergency.

There’s no smoke without tyre!

Italian | German via Linksunten

Lille, France: Support action to the blocking of Nantes’ ring-road

Against the Ayrault-port of Notre Dame Des Landes. Vinci, out of our lives.
[Jean-Marc] Ayrault was the former Mayor of Nantes and subsequently Prime Minister

Saturday 9th January:

At this very moment in Lille a day/evening is being held of support to the ZAD of Notre Dame des Landes and the inhabitants that face trial this Wednesday 13th January. More than 100 people gathered in the General Assembly decided to show their support to Nantes protesters that are currently blocking Cheviré bridge.

We therefore left in procession upto the motorway where we unfurled a banner. This symbolic and spontaneous action also testifies our determination in organising ourselves, to prevent by all means the evictions on the ZAD.

Vinci clear off, resistance and sabotage!

Note from Contra Info:  400 tractors, 1,000 cyclists and 20,000 marchers turned up on the ring road on the periphery of Nantes to protest the Notre-Dame-Des-Landes (NDDL) proposed airport, and to support the ongoing ZAD occupation.

Italian | German