Monday, January 25, 2016

2 Policemen Executed In Edomex

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

The manta was signed by “La Sombra”, who warns police forces who are in collusion with organized crime.

Two members of the municipal police of Los Reyes La Paz were executed during Sunday morning, while they were aboard their patrol truck, by armed gunmen who left a message.

The executions took place at 3:00 in the morning, when the municipal police unit #22-740 was attacked while they were parked along Lerma Avenue and Street 23 in the neighborhood Valle de los Reyes.

The executed policemen were identified as Felipe de Jesús González Reyes and Tomás Mendoza Rosajén, who were gunned down by alleged sicarios that placed a manta over their patrol unit warning state, municipal, and ministerial police who support extortionists and kidnappers.

This attack is the second one registered against forces belonging to the State of Mexico in less than a week.  Last week, three Nezahualcóyotl policemen were attacked, killing one 22 year old official.

“This is going to happen to all municipal, state, and ministerial officers who are thinking about hell.

The cleaning of corrupt authorities has begun; keep extorting the entire town assholes, and supporting kidnappers and extortionists

Neza, Los Reyes, Ixtapaluca, San Vicente and Chimalhuacan.

Ivan El Ingeniero
El Pantera
La Sombra"

Source:  SDP Noticias


  1. As in the case in a couple of years ago Asencion, Chihuahua where a restaurant owners daughter was mistakenly kidnapped by a gang, thinking it was his wife. The town ran down the kidnappers. They were having people kidnapped there for ransom routinely. That was when the police arrived and they lynched the kidnappers and through the police out of town. I talked to someone from there and they said it they told the police where the kidnappers were living and that they had their families in the house. The police did nothing to save them, as everyone new they got a share of the ransom fee. Sadly this is very common here in Mexico and many of the police are the gangs that are doing most of the kidnappings and extortion because they know the people have no one else to turn to, and you cannot fight the law or you will go to jail. It is rampant here. That is again as was reported in the Heraldo de Chihuahua that over 90% of the people will not report a crime perpetrated against them as they fear the police will report to the their gang that they were called. It can get you killed. In fact all the people and even the police know where the gangs live as well as the narco's and do nothing. This is just one of the way the police, soldiers and many government officials make their money here.

      --his "linia" got 5urned lose and free to roam the whole state after their "Casas de la Muerte" that were working killing enemies real and imagines while some ATF informers where there with wires that recorded ir for John Ashcroft in Cd Juareeez were exposed...kidnapping young women for parties even at 5he governor's mansion also helped chihuahua's politicians become million dollar millionaires somehow, not Cancun, or la Habana Hilton sized but still a sizeable operation...
      --All the rivers lead to Rome, all the money in chihuahua walks to cesar duarte, el ratero que se cayó del Cielo para propaganda con paty, chapoy?
      A "Laura de mexico" no se le cae el helicoptero...

    2. That is SO sick and so unfair!That shit would never fly in western democracies.

    3. Good "evil" description and assessment of the situation from your experiences.


    4. 9:35-Kidnapped girls for Governor?I thought I had heard it all on BB.Why can't Governor pay for his own f**king sex with all that $?What happens to the girl after?oes she get paid then turned loose or held for ransom after or into human smuggling?To think the Governor approves of kidnapping a girl for him is totally disgusting and a blow to the human race and especially someone in his position.I wonder if his wife knows he's screwing around with a kidnapped foricibly raped girl?

    5. @Canadiana, isn't Mexico a western democracy?

    6. How Mexico not a western democracy?

    7. @8.39pm & @10.33pm
      You mean Narco Democracy.

    8. Mexico is a US puppet "democracia" where anything goes, with a politician class who thinks they are god's gift to the mexican proles nacos y asalariados who need ponerse a trabajar...
      --Proof of it, the US sends billions of dollars every year to help the mexican narco-politician rats stay in power...
      --and they can't blame putin, isis al-qaeda or any of these maniac jihadistas, hell, the US can't even blame their own home grown amerikkkan genocidal mass murdering drug traffickers, because it is against "good taste" to even mention them anywhere in the news...

    9. 1:05PM Sill a western democracy, a narco- mierdacracia lol.

    10. My father had a saying,'With great influence or power also comes great responsibility'.Is a sign in my opinion of a mature person.These Politicians sound like immature kids.Were they not taught any values or difference between right and wrong and THEY have the responsibility of RUNNING a country?Scary to say the least!

    11. That is the job, the US sends weapons for them to terrorize the people, so when they get invaded, they will be grateful and receive "the saviours" with open arms, tequila and resources...

  2. La sombra? Who the hell is that? Boy these guys come out of the woodwork like roaches when the lights are turned on! Whos next? La dogcatcher? Lol!

    1. La sombra is actually a common gang name....sometimes guys from us gangs calling themselves shady, will also use sombra

    2. Lol, there's a dude called el Grosero! ( I once knew somebody who was called la sombra).

    3. @8:01am hahaha ese wey el shady no mames ... el SHADOW baboso cual shady

  3. Los arellano are back in action

    1. Yes they have never lost power

    2. They are gone they do not exist they dont have any power that is why the have to claim other cartels.

  4. Who are these guys supposed to be?

  5. Shout out to bejucos,edo. de mexico.Beautiful waterfall scenery with green mountains.Antonces cochos ay los miro. -tierra caliente slang for holla at ya later.

    1. you aint lying...beatiful scenary. saludos gauche...Tejupilco, edo de mex

  6. What every one wants to know who are these guys ?

  7. La Sombra. ese guey ke no es un luchador del consejo mundial de lucha libre?? ke nombresitos. al rato van a salir mas lideres con nombres como ultimo guerrero, Atlantis, damian666, el cibernetico, la parka hahaha pinche cartel de lucha libre

  8. I don't think Tony Guerrero would appreciate these guys using the name of his old Tejano band La Sombra for nefarious purposes. - El Soldado Perdido

  9. El grupo LA sombra de Pasadena, tx

  10. Anybody remember La Cumbia Del Sapito? Cheesy classics from back in the day. - El Soldado Perdido

  11. LOL @ 1:26 I used to jam to la sombra back in the day when I played the accordion.

    Come on everybody say SAP SAP SAPO!!

  12. Now police will be planted for the murderers until they catch them, seen that before, many times, meanwhile the government will capture and torture many people until by chance they get hundreds of perps, none of them guilty...


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