Topic of the Week: Anarchist Projects in Relationship

  • Posted on: 1 February 2016
  • By: thecollective

It's easy (and simplistic) for new sites (and other media forms) to compete with each other. This is understandable since new projects are frequently started out of some kind of frustration with existing options, as well as out of some positive desire (for self expression, a particular kind of conversation, etc). This site was partially motivated out of frustration with Infoshop's liberal inclusions (among other things), and itsgoingdown was apparently motivated in part by irritation with the trolls here (among other things).

Anarchy Radio 02-02-2016

  • Posted on: 2 February 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

LISTEN HERE: Radio02022016

Zika scourge spreads. "The End of Food Has Arrived, Finally" (Soylent); "my" Facebook
page; new ITS communique. Nihilism, decadence.. Google now #1 in the world; Coca-Cola
Pushes into Africa. Bolivia's second-largest lake is gone; US urban homelessness rises.
Microsoft wants to cool big servers in ocean - but it won't add to ocean warming! Action news.

Athens: Banner action in solidarity with trans prisoners

  • Posted on: 2 February 2016
  • By: thecollective


In response to the international call for solidarity with trans prisoners, some anarchist individualities hung banners on various locations in the city centre of Athens (Polytechnic School, Monastiraki, Victorias Square) on the 22nd and 23rd January 2016.

Anarchist greetings to the comrade Marius Mason, long-term prisoner in the US. Fire to the normalcy.

‘Anarchy – Civil or Subversive?’ : A Collection of Texts against Civil Anarchism (Dark Matter/ACN)

  • Posted on: 2 February 2016
  • By: thecollective

Bored of the type of anarchism that seems to exist only as a boring routine of endless meetings and crap benefit gigs full of self-important tossers?
Sick of middleclass mummy's boys pretending to be proles?
Fed up of being told what the “class struggle” is and isn’t?

We are too and so we put together this booklet about it.


Delayed Claim of Responsibility for Attacks in Brighton in 2014

  • Posted on: 2 February 2016
  • By: thecollective

Words without actions are nothing but corpses rotting in the mouths of those “charming and sophisticated” ones, ever ready to smear and drown out the insurrectional project of anarchists of praxis with speech.

Actions without words will never be enough to address and confront our daily struggles for individual liberation and autonomy, for it is with both the pen and the sword, theory and practise, that one is properly armed to give context and coordination to our struggles, to share solidarity and proposals in the most unmediated form, the direct attack against civilisation.

Trento, Italy – two repeaters sabotaged in solidarity with Silvia, Costa, and Billy

  • Posted on: 2 February 2016
  • By: thecollective

We receive from anonymous email and spread:
“On January 14 we burned and destroyed two repeaters in Trento.
Let’s stop electronic control and electromagnetic pollution.
For Silvia, Costa, and Billy, still on trial.”

Our attitude towards Rojava must be critical solidarity

  • Posted on: 2 February 2016
  • By: thecollective

By Zaher Baher

Many articles from different people about Rojava have expressed different views. The vast majority of them have covered the positive and bright sides of this experiment. I too have written many articles, in both Kurdish and English. In addition, I have given many interviews to Kurdish and non-Kurdish media. I have attended and addressed several meetings, both in the UK and abroad. I travelled once to Rojava and twice to Bakur (the Kurdistan part of Turkey).

Last Incarcerated Member of ‘NATO 3’ May Die in Prison

  • Posted on: 2 February 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Shadow Proof

Jared Chase is the last member of the “NATO 3,” who remains in prison. Chase suffers from Huntington’s disease and faces additional charges for alleged aggravated battery against a prison guard. He is set to go on trial in April. If convicted, there is a significant chance Chase could die in prison because of how his imprisonment has compounded the effects of this neurodegenerative disease.

Against Identity Politics

  • Posted on: 31 January 2016
  • By: Rocinante

By Lupus Dragonowl from Anarchy Magazine #76

Spectres, Joylessness, and the contours of ressentiment

Identity Politicians (IPs) are a particular kind of leftist who use the spectre[1] of an identity-category (gender, race, sexuality, etc) as a lever to obtain power. In the sense discussed here, they should not be considered coterminous either with groups of people oppressed by identity categories, or even that subset who prioritise identity as a key site of struggle. Not all women, Black people, People of Colour (POC)[2], or members of other specifiable groups are IPs; not all feminists, anti-racists, or even separatists are IPs. Racism, sexism and other oppressions along identity axes are sociologically real, and not every person involved in the struggle against such oppressions is an IP.
