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police / legal 21-Jan-2016 01:03

Police accountability starts with a new police union contract

From the open publishing newswire: This practice is fair in theory; workers deserve protections from capricious management, and especially from cowardly politicians. But when a police officer brings dishonor to himself, to his colleagues, to the bureau and is the cause of mistrust between officers and basically everyone else in town - he needs to go.
Former Mayor Sam Adams wanted Ron Frashour fired. So did the current mayor, Charlie Hales. So did former Chief of Police Michael Reese. So did the city attorney. So did a majority of Portland city commissioners and most of Portland's citizens.

Frashour, you'll remember, was the sniper cop who pulled out his earplug, severing communication with his commanding officer, and then killed Aaron Campbell, an unarmed African-American father in the midst of a mental health crisis, by shooting him in the back. That was six years ago.

Now, however, the Oregon Court of Appeals has told Hales, who is police commissioner as well as mayor, that Sam Adams made a mistake firing Frashour. Further, the court said, Hales erred by not reinstating Frashour immediately.

These mistakes were not mistakes. They were deliberately, but not freely, chosen. Adams and Hales didn't have other acceptable legal options. The appeal was at best an expensive delaying action meant to satisfy critics. [...]


actions & protests | labor 21-Jan-2016 00:47

Pickets Confront Anti-Abortion Rally

CSWP pickets anti-abortion rally, 17 January 2016. From the open publishing newswire: On Sunday, January 17, CSWP initiated a spirited picket line that shouted down an anti-abortion "youth rally" at a swank Portland Pearl District caterer.

Link:  http://csw-pdx.org/2016/01/18/pickets-confront-anti-abortion-rally/

On Sunday, January 17, CSWP initiated a spirited picket line that shouted down an anti-abortion "youth rally" at a swank Portland Pearl District caterer. Union Carpenters, Ironworkers, Painters, Stagehands, Teachers, Wobblies and others turned out. CSWP placards and chants demanded "Free Abortion On Demand" and "Labor: Defend Abortion Clinics." Union militants intend for this action to be the beginning of organizing more solid and active labor defense of abortion rights. [...]


community building | human & civil rights 21-Jan-2016 00:39

Video: Portland Human Rights Commission Jan 6 Meeting

From the open publishing newswire: The public monthly meeting for the Portland Human Rights Commission was on Jan 6 2016. They hold their meetings on the first Wednesday of the month at 4:00 PM in downtown Portland. The Human Rights Commissioners are all volunteers.

January 6 2016 - Portland Human Rights Commission [HRC] meeting.

 https://youtu.be/cixrTjOYwSo [VIDEO 1 hour 30 minutes]

There were not enough members present at this meeting to make up a quorum, and thus nothing official was voted on.
The meeting continued in spite of the lack of a quorum.


actions & protests | police / legal 30-Dec-2015 20:42


From the open publishing newswire: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE


Justice For Aaron Campbell

Thursday, Dec. 31, 11:30 AM, Portland City Hall, SW 4th and Madison
Please join the AMA Coalition tomorrow at this important demonstration! The
Coalition demands that Frashour be assigned to a job or shift at the Bureau
that requires the least contact with the public as possible, because of the
potential that he may do harm to community members.

VIDEO from press conference:  https://youtu.be/WQVmywSeII4


Updated 12.25 | 1.8 | 1.14 18-Dec-2015 01:24

The Shortwave Report 12/18/15 Listen Globally!

shortwave report From the open publishing newswire: A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, NHK World Radio Japan, and China Radio International.

The latest Shortwave Report (December 18) is up at the website  http://www.outfarpress.com/shortwave.shtml in 3 forms [...]

[Website updated on Jan 8 2016]


community building | sustainability 18-Dec-2015 01:18

Join or Lead a Tree Care Team with Portland Fruit Tree Project

From the open publishing newswire: Join or Lead a Tree Care Team with Portland Fruit Tree Project in 2016! Learn tree care skills while improving the health & productivity of urban fruit trees.

Join a Tree Care Team and receive valuable training in organic methods of fruit tree care throughout the seasons, while caring for urban fruit trees that provide fruit for the community. This is a unique opportunity to develop strong skills in organic fruit tree care, meet new people, and care for trees providing food to your community! Topics/tasks will include: Winter & Summer Pruning, Young Tree Training & Care, Pest & Disease Management, Fruit Thinning, and more. At the end of the program you will receive a certificate of completion.

Click below for program overviews & position descriptions: Tree Care Team Member:  link to portlandfruit.org to request an application form.


Protest on 1-15-16 15-Dec-2015 09:43

"End 25 Years of Killing: US Out of Iraq"

From the open publishing newswire: Three wars, millions of lives, and 25 years later, the United States
continues its military and economic intervention in the country of Iraq.

Join Peace and Justice Works Iraq Affinity Group and Portland Peaceful Response Coalition (PPRC) in remembering the date that "Gulf War Part I" began in 1991 [...]

Expanded PPRC Friday Rally on January 15, 2016 starting at a special early time, 4:30 PM at Pioneer Courthouse Square, SW Yamhill and Morrison (tentative location).

Homepage:  http://www.pjw.info/gw25yl.html


actions & protests | anti-racism 05-Dec-2015 00:51

Smash the Hammerskins

From the open publishing newswire:
Rose City Antifa and allies are calling for antifascists in the Pacific Northwest to turn out this coming Sunday December 6th to Cal Anderson Park in Seattle, WA to show the Northwestern Hammerskins that we stand united against fascism and racism. The Northwestern Hammerskins have threatened to march on Capitol Hill in Seattle, and antifascists must turn out to defend the streets. The fascist march is planned as part of the annual Martyrs Day celebrations that the Northwestern Hammerskins are hosting in remembrance of Robert Jay Mathews of the white supremacist terror cell, the Order, who died during a shootout with law enforcement at Whidbey Island on December 8th 1984. In the past this event has been a smaller affair held on private property. This year the NWHS have boasted a larger planned attendance and have announced a more public appearance, which represents a dangerous escalation of tactics. We must not allow them to be further emboldened. Particularly in light of the recent upswell of fascist violence regionally and across the nation, we must vigorously oppose any effort by fascists to claim space and spread fear.

We will gather in the north end of Cal Anderson Park, Seattle at 5pm on Sunday December 6th. Please bring flags and banners so that it is clear that we are antifascists opposing the neo-Nazis. While covering your face is not mandatory it is a good precaution to take to prevent the police or neo-Nazis from taking your picture.

People are encouraged to use the Twitter hashtag #defendseattle to post updates and make it easier for everyone to keep track of what is happening at and around the rally. Rose City Antifa will be posting updates throughout the weekend of the 5th & 6th on any information related to NWHS Martyrs Day activities.

If your organization would like to sign on to this effort, if you have questions, or if you have information related to white supremacist organizing in our region, please e-mail us [...]


actions & protests | police / legal 25-Nov-2015 21:24

Black Friday Black Lives Matter, not mere cheap deals

From the open publishing newswire: March on Portland, Fri., Nov. 27 1 pm to 10 pm, starting at Holladay Park by Lloyd Center and Max, NE 11th and Holladay. Let's unite to end the violence that begins against Blacks, Native Americans, Muslims, peace/animal/environmental activists, and whistle-blowers, as practice to attack almost everyone else. Doing what is right, living true to yourself with integrity to your own values is far, far, far more satisfying, gratifying, comforting, and energizing that not showing up and speaking up. It's the best medicine for shopping and holidays depression. No work, no school, no shopping, no complicity with violence/injustice. Justice for all.

at 1:00pm - 10:00pm
Holladay City Park
NE 11th Ave & NE Holladay St, Portland, Oregon 97232


police / legal 15-Nov-2015 21:11

Portland Police and the Recent Killing of a Mentally Ill Man

From the open publishing newswire: KBOO host Jo Ann Hardesty speaks with Jason Renaud of the Mental Health Association of Portland about the recent police killing of Michael Johnson, a mentally ill man in Portland, and why the Department of Justice intervention hasn't stopped police killings.

LISTEN - Portland Police and the Recent Killing of a Mentally Ill Man


human & civil rights | imperialism & war 13-Nov-2015 12:25

Video: Portland Human Rights Commission Meeting 11.4.15

From the open publishing newswire: The monthly meeting of the volunteer Human Rights Commission (HRC).
This longer than usual meeting had lots of public comment and discussions. The tension at this meeting was due to the HRC endorsement of a letter regarding an Israel-Palestine divestment proposal, regarding four companies in Portland Oregon with Human Rights allegations.

Video from the Portland Human Rights Commission November 2015 meeting is on youtube here:

Its also posted on Archive (dot) org here:


community building | environment 13-Nov-2015 12:18

2016 FRUIT TREE STEWARDSHIP INTERN with Portland Fruit Tree Project

From the open publishing newswire: Unpaid internship position open with Portland Fruit Tree Project
The Fruit Tree Stewardship Intern will aid in the implementation of Portland Fruit Tree Project's Fruit Tree Stewardship programs by assisting in the coordination our Tree Care Teams program and Tree Care Workshop series, and helping us maintain our existing Community Orchard sites.
Time commitment: 12-20 hours per week for 26 weeks (schedule is somewhat flexible, 312 total hours minimum) Monday January 4th, 2016 - Monday June 30th, 2016

Location: You would be working primarily out of PFTP headquarters in NE Portland, but will be traveling throughout the City of Portland for site visits and events.
This internship is unpaid, but the rewards are many - including a great learning experience and the unique opportunity to be a part of a vibrant and growing organization

Applications due by Monday December 7th


Updated posts: 11.13 - 11.20 13-Nov-2015 12:10

The Shortwave Report 11/06/15 Listen Globally!

shortwave report From the open publishing newswire: A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Spanish National Radio, and Radio Havana Cuba.

The latest Shortwave Report (November 6) is up at the website  http://www.outfarpress.com/shortwave.shtml in 3 forms


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