Act For Freedom Now!

Mexico: Day of Solidarity with Fernando Barcenas on January 30th 2016


We invite you to join, from wherever you are, a day of solidarity with our fellow anarchist prisoner Fernando Barcenas Castillo, who has spent more than two years in detention in a prison in Mexico City.
Fernando was a high school student and worker at the College of Sciences and Humanities Vallejo campus. He was arrested on the 13th of December, 2013, during the first mobilization against the rising of the metro fare. Fernando was accused of burning, at the intersection of Insurgentes and Reforma, the Christmas tree which belonged to Coca-Cola. Prosecuted for attacks on public peace, and belonging to gang and criminal associations. Since their arrest, they have been sentenced to six years in prison.
From prison, Fernando has done several projects, such as study circles and the publication of a newspaper (“The Canero”) written by prisoners of Mexico City prison system. He has also participated in several self-organized prisoner initiatives, for example, collective hunger strikes. Throughout his two years of imprisonment, Fernando has strengthened their position and willingness to continue the struggle inside prison.
Show solidarity and support for Fernando on Saturday, January 30th and all prisoners in whatever way you are able.
From Anarchists of the Mexican Region

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