Watch Michael Jackson Tell Oprah He Doesn’t Want a White Actor to Play Him – Mic – “That’s the most ridiculous, horrifying story I’ve ever heard,” Jackson said emphatically. “Why would I want a white child to play me? I’m a black American. I’m proud to be a black American. I am proud of my […]

TYT: How Oregon Militia Member Died – Democratic Underground — Read more here: “With his shaved head and soft voice, Robert “LaVoy” Finicum resembled a monk — albeit a monk wearing a Stetson and packing a Colt .45 pistol on his hip. And like a monk, Finicum waxed poetic when asked earlier this month […]

Angolan woman living in Mato Grosso do Sul wants Brazilians to know something: “Don’t be afraid of offending me; call me black. I love it” | Black Women of Brazil – “Please, don’t be afraid of offending me; call me negra (black). I love it. And if it was in an affectionate way, you can […]

‘My black’ is not like this: When black people cannot participate in the appropriation of their own culture | Black Women of Brazil ‘My black’ is not like this By Walmyr Junior This article was written by me and by the militant of the National Black Youth Collective – Enegrecer, Nassor Oliveira. His intention is […]

Oregon protest: Police blame protesters for deadly arrest swoop – BBC News – The anti-government protesters were to blame for the violence, said officials. The militia took over the refuge to protest about ranchers jailed for setting fire to federal land. Federal agents have sealed off the site to try to flush out the remaining […]

W.E.N.N » Joseph Fiennes To Play Michael Jackson In Bizarre New Movie – Joseph Fiennes has confirmed he’s the unlikely choice to play Michael Jackson in a new road trip comedy. The Shakespeare in Love star will tackle the King of Pop in a new movie, about an imagined cross-country trip he took with Marlon […]

The Ethics Centre – The Ethics Centre Blog – Last year Stan Grant delivered an address that left a crowd of hundreds speechless. This week, those same words jumped out of computer screens and into the hands of ordinary Australians and polarised millions of lounge room commentators. When this happened, he forced an entire nation […]

These groups are all mixed in their heritage. Hispanic people are mixed by definition. Hispanic is not a race and Latin American countries have not had anti-miscegenation laws like the U.S. Most Latinos are part Amerindian mixed with some part(s) Spanish / Portuguese / Black. Black people have been mixed with others since the founding of the U.S., […]

Tunis Campbell (1812-1891) | New Georgia Encyclopedia – Tunis Campbell (1812-1891) Original entry by Russell Duncan, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 12/10/2004 Last edited by Chris Dobbs on 10/20/2015 Tunis Campbell This sketch (circa 1848) of Tunis Campbell is the only known image of the prominent black politician and minister. After serving as a Union chaplain […]

The Gullah Wars – [] – Some Gullah slaves managed to escape from coastal South Carolina and Georgia south into the Florida peninsula. In the 18th century Florida was a vast tropical wilderness, covered with jungles and malaria-ridden swamps. The Spanish claimed Florida, but they used it only as a buffer between the British Colonies […]

Hashtags Won’t Stop Police Murder – The numbers are so awful in this country because the law enforcement and penal systems are meant to keep black people under physical control. Some 577 white people were also among the victims but they were collateral damage sacrificed in order to keep the modern day slave patrol up […]

How to Stay Woke in a Room Full of Hoteps: A Case Against Narrow Black Masculinity, Patriarchy, and Respectability Politics – The Refused Stone – Today’s efforts towards liberation are largely shaped around Ferguson, Missouri and the events that led up to, and occurred after the murder of Michael Brown. What many call the “New […]

A History of Big Butts | Serendip Studio – Thus, I wonder if steatopygia plays a role in the body of today’s black woman. Of course, I cannot generalize and state that all women of color who are of African descent share larger backsides, but I think it may be fair to say that this […]

I CARE – – News – Internet Centre Anti Racism Europe – Zaibat admitted that, although he took the photo three months ago, he released the image during the election in order to cause Le Pen as much embarrassment as possible. “I thought that the regional elections were the right time as in the first […]

Despite maintaining then and now that he is innocent, Pinell, after being repeatedly told he would face the death penalty if he did not confess, eventually pled guilty in 1965, at the age of 19, to assault in connection with the kidnapping , sodomy, and rape of a young woman in San Francisco: “In 1964, […]

Mexico Finally Recognizes its Afro-Mexican Population in Recent National Census – The Root – Most self-identified Afro-Mexicans live in three coastal states, including Guerrero, where they make up almost 7 percent of the population. The country’s census bureau also found them to be poorer and less educated than the national average. As the site notes, […]


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