- published: 15 Feb 2012
- views: 6773
Biobased economy, bioeconomy or biotechonomy refers to all economic activity derived from scientific and research activity focused on biotechnology. In other words, understanding mechanisms and processes at the genetic and molecular levels and applying this understanding to creating or improving industrial processes.
The term is widely used by regional development agencies, international organizations, biotechnology companies. It is closely linked to the evolution of the biotechnology industry. The ability to study, understand and manipulate genetic material has been possible due to scientific breakthroughs and technological progress.
The evolution of the biotechnology industry and its application to agriculture, health, chemical or energy industries is a classic example of bioeconomic activity.
The term was first defined by Juan Enríquez and Rodrigo Martinez, Life Sciences Chief Strategist at IDEO at the Genomics Seminar in the 1997 AAAS meeting. An excerpt of this paper was published in Science."
Wageningen University and Research Centre (also known as Wageningen UR; abbreviation: WUR) is a Dutch public university in Wageningen, Netherlands. It consists of Wageningen University and the former agricultural research institutes (Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek (DLO)) of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture. Wageningen UR trains specialists (BSc, MSc and PhD) in life and social sciences and focuses its research on scientific, social and commercial problems in the field of life sciences and natural resources. In the field of life sciences, agricultural and environmental science, the university is considered world-class. According to the Times Higher Education Ranking it is the best university in the Netherlands and No. 47 worldwide.
Wageningen University offers undergraduate and professional degrees, including doctorates. The university has about 10,000 students from over 100 countries. Its core focus is the life and agricultural sciences. It is a member of the Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS) university network.
Delft University of Technology (Dutch: Technische Universiteit Delft [ˈtɛxnisə ˌynivɛrsiˈtɛi̯t ˈdɛl(ə)ft]), also known as TU Delft, is the largest and oldest Dutch public technological university, located in Delft, Netherlands. With eight faculties and numerous research institutes it hosts over 19,000 students (undergraduate and postgraduate), more than 3,300 scientists and more than 2,200 people in the support and management staff.
The university was established on 8 January 1842 by King William II of the Netherlands as a Royal Academy, with the main purpose of training civil servants for the Dutch East Indies. The school rapidly expanded its research and education curriculum, becoming first a Polytechnic School in 1864, Institute of Technology in 1905, gaining full university rights, and finally changing its name to Delft University of Technology in 1986.
Dutch Nobel laureates Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff, Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, and Simon van der Meer have been associated with TU Delft. TU Delft is a member of several university federations including the IDEA League, CESAER, UNITECH, and 3TU.
An economy (Greek οίκος-household and νέμoμαι - manage) is an area of the production, distribution or trade, and consumption of goods and services by different agents in a given geographical location. The economic agents can be individuals, businesses, organizations, or governments. Transactions occur when two parties agree to the value or price of the transacted good or service, commonly expressed in a certain currency.
Economic activity is spurred by production which uses natural resources, labor, and capital. It has changed over time due to technology (automation, accelerator of process, reduction of cost functions), innovation (new products, services, processes, new markets, expands markets, diversification of markets, niche markets, increases revenue functions) such as that which produces intellectual property and changes in industrial relations (child labor being replaced with universal access to education).
A given economy is the result of a set of processes that involves its culture, values, education, technological evolution, history, social organization, political structure and legal systems, as well as its geography, natural resource endowment, and ecology, as main factors. These factors give context, content, and set the conditions and parameters in which an economy functions.
A sustainable economy based on renewable resources. Wageningen UR works on the green raw materials, productions processes, and biobased products (chemicals, materials and energy & fuels) needed for this transition.
http:\\www.biobasedeconomy.nl De Biobased Economy is de economie van het heden én de toekomst. Eén die draait op biomassa in plaats van fossiele grondstoffen. Een economie die steeds meer kansen biedt. Leer in deze film waarom je als ondernemer hiervoor in Nederland moet zijn. De biobased economy draagt bij aan de transitie naar een circulaire economie.
In slechts 7 minuten een volledige uitleg van wat de biobased economy is en hoe ook jíj je bijdrage kan leveren.
Een animatie om zakelijke klanten te helpen zich duurzaam te ontwikkelen met (laagdrempelige) kennis over biobased economy
Hoe kunnen we olie als grondstof voor de chemische industrie vervangen door landbouwafval? In deze animatie een oplossing van de TU Delft: aanpassen en trainen van micro-organismen
[English subtitles available] Natuurrubber is een onmisbaar bestanddeel in tienduizenden toepassingen, van auto- en vliegtuigband tot condooms en medische apparatuur. De Russische paardenbloem kan het Europese alternatief zijn voor natuurrubber van de rubberboomplantages in Azië en kwalitatief minder goede synthetische rubber, dat van aardolie wordt gemaakt. Ingrid van der Meer van Wageningen University & Research vertelt er alles over. Wil je meer weten over hoe Wageningen University & Research bijdraagt aan een circulaire en biobased economie? Kijk dan op de themapagina http://www.wur.nl/biobased-economy of volg de online MicroMasters Biobased Sciences for Sustainability http://www.wur.eu/micromasters
In the Biobased Economy chemicals are made from agricultural waste. Delft University of Technology researches how biomass can be converted into biochemicals for the chemical industry by means of micro-organisms Delft, the Netherlands · http://www.tudelft.nl
Public-Private Partnerships Industrial Biotechnology Netherlands Science Port Holland BE-Basic Bioprocess Facility Building our Biobased Economy Together
Biobased Economy bij Avans Hogeschool, september 2012 start van de major biobased TeCh
[English subtitles available] De wereldbevolking groeit en daarmee ook de behoefte aan energie, chemicaliën, en producten zoals plastic, zeep, schoonmaakmiddelen, verf en lijm. Om daarin te kunnen voorzien, moeten we overstappen naar een economie, waarin we de grondstoffen voor deze producten uit duurzame, hernieuwbare bronnen halen. Een voorbeeld van een van de meest duurzame oplossingen zijn micro-algen. Maria Barbosa van Wageningen University & Research vertelt er alles over. Wil je meer weten over hoe Wageningen University & Research bijdraagt aan een circulaire en biobased economie? Lees dan verder op de themapagina http://www.wur.nl/biobased-economy of volg de online MicroMasters Biobased Sciences for Sustainability http://www.wur.eu/micromasters
A sustainable economy based on renewable resources. Wageningen UR works on the green raw materials, productions processes, and biobased products (chemicals, materials and energy & fuels) needed for this transition.
http:\\www.biobasedeconomy.nl De Biobased Economy is de economie van het heden én de toekomst. Eén die draait op biomassa in plaats van fossiele grondstoffen. Een economie die steeds meer kansen biedt. Leer in deze film waarom je als ondernemer hiervoor in Nederland moet zijn. De biobased economy draagt bij aan de transitie naar een circulaire economie.
In slechts 7 minuten een volledige uitleg van wat de biobased economy is en hoe ook jíj je bijdrage kan leveren.
Een animatie om zakelijke klanten te helpen zich duurzaam te ontwikkelen met (laagdrempelige) kennis over biobased economy
Hoe kunnen we olie als grondstof voor de chemische industrie vervangen door landbouwafval? In deze animatie een oplossing van de TU Delft: aanpassen en trainen van micro-organismen
[English subtitles available] Natuurrubber is een onmisbaar bestanddeel in tienduizenden toepassingen, van auto- en vliegtuigband tot condooms en medische apparatuur. De Russische paardenbloem kan het Europese alternatief zijn voor natuurrubber van de rubberboomplantages in Azië en kwalitatief minder goede synthetische rubber, dat van aardolie wordt gemaakt. Ingrid van der Meer van Wageningen University & Research vertelt er alles over. Wil je meer weten over hoe Wageningen University & Research bijdraagt aan een circulaire en biobased economie? Kijk dan op de themapagina http://www.wur.nl/biobased-economy of volg de online MicroMasters Biobased Sciences for Sustainability http://www.wur.eu/micromasters
In the Biobased Economy chemicals are made from agricultural waste. Delft University of Technology researches how biomass can be converted into biochemicals for the chemical industry by means of micro-organisms Delft, the Netherlands · http://www.tudelft.nl
Public-Private Partnerships Industrial Biotechnology Netherlands Science Port Holland BE-Basic Bioprocess Facility Building our Biobased Economy Together
Biobased Economy bij Avans Hogeschool, september 2012 start van de major biobased TeCh
[English subtitles available] De wereldbevolking groeit en daarmee ook de behoefte aan energie, chemicaliën, en producten zoals plastic, zeep, schoonmaakmiddelen, verf en lijm. Om daarin te kunnen voorzien, moeten we overstappen naar een economie, waarin we de grondstoffen voor deze producten uit duurzame, hernieuwbare bronnen halen. Een voorbeeld van een van de meest duurzame oplossingen zijn micro-algen. Maria Barbosa van Wageningen University & Research vertelt er alles over. Wil je meer weten over hoe Wageningen University & Research bijdraagt aan een circulaire en biobased economie? Lees dan verder op de themapagina http://www.wur.nl/biobased-economy of volg de online MicroMasters Biobased Sciences for Sustainability http://www.wur.eu/micromasters
The first lecture of the course Biodiversity and Biotechnology 2016 at Avans University of Applied Science.
Bioeconomy: Technological and Policy Path Forward Conference held at Rutgers University - New Brunswick Campus
Forumdiscussie, met medewerking van: * Peter Thoelen, directeur VIBE, Vlaams Instituut voor Bio-Ecologisch Bouwen en Wonen (G2B partner) en lid raad van bestuur Natureplus * Floris den Boer, projectleider programma biobased economy, PIANOo, Expertisecentrum Aanbesteden van het ministerie van Economische Zaken * Johan Wempe, lector governance Saxion * Jitske de Hoop, beleidsmedewerker Agro&Food en Biobased Economy provincie Overijssel * Gerhard Hospers, adjunct directeur Raab Karcher Greenworks * Willem Bottger, directeur NPSP en lector biobased bouwen Center of Expertise Biobased Economy
Welcome! In this episode we discuss the concept of a biobased economy, how it could be achieved, and look at some of the industries that would be affected by it. We also talk about some new gene sequencing technology, potentially the largest solar power plant in North America, and how AlphaGo is defeating humanity. Our funny story is about someone called Brian. Enjoy! Sources: http://scienmag.com/ut-and-genera-ene... https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases... http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/... http://www.nature.com/news/google-ai-... http://www.sciencealert.com/you-can-n... http://news.nationalgeographic.com/20...
Lecture ‘Enzymes in a biobased society’, by prof. Isabel Arends, TU Delft The use of biocatalysis strongly contributes to the ‘greening’ of industrial processes. Due to their high stability and versatility as biocatalysts, enzymes are powerful tools for the generation of platforms from 2nd generation biomass. They are also powerful catalysts for the conversion of these platform molecules into chemical products, such as plastics and high-end fuels. Isabel Arends, professor in biocatalysis at TU Delft will explain the basics of enzymes and green chemistry, and ways to apply biocatalysis in large-scale processes. During the lecture, you will have the opportunity to ask prof. Arends more about biocatalysis and discuss the its potential for biobased economy.
Opname gemaakt door http://www.h2video.nl voor http://www.hashogeschool.nl Symposium ter gelegenheid van de aanvaarding van het lectoraat "Technologie en Ingrediënten" door ir. Albert Zwijgers. De wereldbevolking groeit, consumenten kiezen bewuster voor gezond en eerlijk voedsel en hebben meer belangstelling voor de herkomst van een product. Duurzaamheid is niet langer een modegril, maar een vanzelfsprekendheid om als onderneming te blijven bestaan en de biobased economy stelt de levensmiddelenindustrie voor nieuwe uitdagingen. De (inter)nationale industrie maakt zich zorgen. Hoe vinden we de komende jaren voldoende gekwalificeerd personeel? Dit zijn enkele thema's die aan bod komen op het symposium ter gelegenheid van de aanvaarding van het nieuwe lectoraat "Technologie en Ingrediënten...
With Dr Piergiuseppe Morone, Full Professor of Economic Policy at Unitelma-Sapienza, University of Rome. Description: Significant changes are ahead of us: most notably, the world population is projected to increase by almost one billion people within the next decade and the ‘global middle class’ is expected to nearly triple by 2030. These trends add pressure to the world economic system and environment: greenhouse gases emissions keep growing at global scale, materials and energy sources are fast approaching their physical limits and the amount of waste produced under the current system seems to be reaching a new peak. Against this background, a transition from a society heavily based on mass-consumption, uncontrolled waste generation and heavy fossil-fuels exploitation towards one based...
From energy to water and biobased materials to climate adaptation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture plays a major, if unsung, role in the buildings industry. Join Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Krysta Harden and Assistant Secretary of the Army Katherine Hammack in a lively discussion to hear how USDA and the Army are collaborating to address climate adaptation, food security and innovative building structures. USDA’s impressive portfolio of buildings industry related programs (custodial services, grounds maintenance, construction materials, office supplies, and innovative forestry products) are a critical source of and impetus behind innovation in our industry. U.S. Army’s implementation of many of these technologies showcases their practical and environmental value. Join Secretaries Ha...
MIT professors and alumni shed light on advanced manufacturing and the promise it holds to inject new vitality into sectors of the economy thought to be in decline and to position America again as a world leader in manufacturing. Part one includes: Remarks by Brian Anthony SM '98, PhD '06 An overview of MIT's Production in the Innovation Economy report by Professor Olivier de Weck SM '99, PhD '01 A look at biobased products and homegrown manufacturing by Professor Kristala Jones Prather '94 A materials by design presentation by Professor Markus Buehler If you can't see this video, watch it on TechTV: http://techtv.mit.edu/videos/19691