80s Commercials Gateway #1
Brace yourselves for temporal displacement. Diet Coke - Brief sign of the apocolypse: Steve Guttenberg was actually popular enough to warrant his own ad. RCA Videodisc - One of those PTA nightmare moms finds a way to thwart network television from reaching her little darlings. Fruit Bars - Riding the success of Fruit Roll Ups, the Fruit Corners braintrust thought a great marketing tool would be "ugly" foods. Dig the janitor at the end who completely schiztes out. Kids Incorporated - Nothing like seeing pre-teen innocents croon suggestive adult hits. Just Say No - And make sure to say it with a polite smile. TV or MTV - Wow. Even back then they were already going the insipid non-music route. Coke - This one actually had a plot. Great twist ending. Pocket Rockers - And what would kids of the 80s want more than to listen to hits of the 60s on portable, hissing tape players. Be like marketing 80s music to today's kids. Keebler's Suncheros - Now put *this* catchy little diddy in a Pocket Rockers machine! CBS Saturday Mornings - What an eclectic mix: Ernest, Raggedy Ann, Superman, and Garfield. Not exactly Smurfs, Alvin, and Punky. Sylvania Light Bulbs - Creepy, glowing powersource man looks like he's turning Japanese. McDonald's - "The Fridge" Perry gap-toothingly gobbles down McDLT's in one bite with a charm all his own. Teen Party Line - Any number with a 976 prefix was always bad news. But stick the word "TEEN" behind it and you get a major "UHHHHHHHHHH." Note the witch who <b>...</b>