Tony Featherstone is a former managing editor of Business Review Weekly and Shares magazines. He is a specialist writer on small companies and entrepreneurs for The Age online, The Australian Financial Review and BRW. Tony's blog looks at the human side of entrepreneurship and business failure, a topic poorly understood in this country.
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Why do customers get lost in the mail?

Tony Featherstone dinkus

Tony Featherstone 1:50 PM   Poor record-keeping and information management still a problem for business.

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Time to get serious about seniorpreneurs

Tony Featherstone dinkus

Tony Featherstone   Governments must prepare for higher numbers of older business owners.

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Should weekend work be restricted?

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Tony Featherstone   There's a lot to be said from a productivity perspective for banning staff from taking work home.

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Why flexible working can hurt your career

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Tony Featherstone   Why do so many managers still have an antiquated 'bums on seats' mentality?

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Do marks still matter?

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Tony Featherstone   Are companies placing too much emphasis on the wrong things in recruitment?

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What Malcolm means for SMEs

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Is he all talk or will the Prime Minister really be able to save our start-ups?

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Why do unis neglect small business?

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Tony Featherstone   There's an opportunity to help millions of enterprises collectively become more innovative.

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Why we're lost for words

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Tony Featherstone   Why is writing becoming a lost art?

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Lessons from the Ashes humiliation

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Tony Featherstone   Leadership changes across sporting codes provide management insights.

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Are you caught in an online trap?

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Tony Featherstone   Companies are purposely making it too hard to cancel online purchases.

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Why aren't councils supporting start-ups?

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Tony Featherstone   They're flat out innovating a footpath, despite a pressing need to foster creativity, collaborative networks and entrepreneurship.

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Why are business events torture?

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Tony Featherstone   They are supposed to be exciting and engaging, so why are they so deadly dull?

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Has outsourcing gone too far?

is it time your company re-thought outsourcing and offshoring?

Tony Featherstone   Problems emerge when outsourcing is driven by a cost-cutting obsession and companies forget about the value of permanent employees.

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Off your face at work

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Tony Featherstone   Does your boss have the right to sack you after you've tested positive for booze or drugs on the job?

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Blow-in bosses kill careers

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Tony Featherstone   The nine tell-tale signs you're working for a corporate villain.

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Young workers don't need flexibility

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Tony Featherstone   Fair enough mums should be allowed to work from home. But why should the privilege be extended to Gen Y?

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Are open plan offices insane?

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Tony Featherstone   Are they work spaces that encourage collaboration or merely a ploy to squash us in like sardines?

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Eleven excuses for not starting a business

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Tony Featherstone   Forget the cop-outs. It's time for you to get out there and 'have a go'.

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The one great hipster lesson

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Tony Featherstone   It's not how to grow a beard or take a selfie. So what is it?

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Seven ways to sidestep workplace whingers

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Tony Featherstone   There are ways to avoid office bores and time-wasters.

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Would you hire the Chief Rock Star?

Tony Featherstone dinkus

Tony Featherstone   Fanciful job titles are all the rage - do you buy them? Do you have one?

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Lessons for entrepreneurs from Lego

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Tony Featherstone   Want to learn how to build a world-class venture, brick by brick?

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Do soft skills really matter?

At one City of London law firm, prospective partners who did not say a friendly "good morning" to the receptionist were either turned down for partner, or were told they would have to learn better manners.

Tony Featherstone   Is it up to businesses to train people in presenting, communicating and selling?

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Easiest four weeks of your life

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Tony Featherstone   How did you spend your last notice period after handing in your resignation?

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The lies entrepreneurs tell

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Tony Featherstone   You don't get an ambitious new venture off the ground without playing a bit of fast and loose.

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Would you like crumbs with that?

Tony Featherstone dinkus

Tony Featherstone   What's your worst experience seeing someone eat while serving you?

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There is a solution to traffic chaos

Sydney drivers spend more time in traffic than with the kids

Tony Featherstone   So why hasn't it been acknowledged by policy makers?

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Would your boss care if you resigned?

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Tony Featherstone   Perhaps more importantly, do they want to know why?

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I don't want to work at Apple

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Tony Featherstone   Why would young people prefer to work for the government over an amazing tech business?

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Forget your Aussie team


When you can hire a bunch of experts offshore for just $10,000 a year it's hard to justify investing in local talent.

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