Super & Funds


Super and the self-employed

Sally Patten   Small business owners too often fall into the trap of assuming their business is going to fund their retirement. It may not.


Check on where your super is going

The big banks are keen to expand their share of the super market.

John Collett   It's almost a year since the banks were exposed for offering their business clients inducements to make the banks' super funds the default fund for their employees.

Volatile markets no reason to ditch super strategy


John Collett   The summer break is when we refresh and get into a positive frame of mind for the year ahead. But even the most “glass half full” type of person must be feeling at least a little nervous about their personal finances this year But even the most “glass half full” type of person must be feeling at least a little nervous about their personal finances this year.

Defined benefit pension winners

Daryl Dixon

Daryl Dixon   Federal government employees who joined the CSS or PSS before entry was closed off in 2005 now find themselves in the box seat when funding their retirement.


Should you keep your investment property or reduce debt?

Illustration: Michael Mucci

Noel Whittaker   Noel Whittaker answers readers' questions.

Boost the pension, fix super tax, save $20 billion

Illustration: Sam Bennet

Miranda Stewart and David Ingles   A more generous pension could be easily offset by reining in super tax concessions and adding the family home to the asset mix.

Why the Bombers' penalty was so different to Cronulla's

Paul Gallen was among the suspended Sharks.

Roy Masters   A full-season suspension of Essendon players for taking performance enhancing drugs and only a three-game ban for Cronulla footballers?


Younger women flock to DIY super

Working-age women are increasingly opting for self-managed superannuation funds.

Sally Rose   The average age of a SMSF trustee is below 50 for the first time, and working-age women are one of the fastest growing cohorts.


What you need to know about 'lifestage' super

Lifestage investment options automatically dial down the risk as the fund member ages.

Alex Dunnin   A lifestage MySuper product will suit risk-averse and set-and-forget investment profiles. But you should be careful to check that it performs well across all age groups.

How to retire overseas

James and Evelyn "Copper" Booth have retired to Penang in Malaysia.

Kate Cowling   Leaving the beach gets harder every year. But if you're over 60, maybe you don't have to.


Retirement calculators mislead super fund members

The online calculators on some super funds' websites are shoddy.

John Collett   Some of the retirement calculators on the websites of the largest super funds are misleading fund members.


How to nail a New Year's resolution

Successful New Year's resolutions are about making self-control easier for your future self.

Catherine Robson   There is a little known secret to self-control that makes achieving your goals a breeze.


Savings tips are not sexist

Giving up a glass of wine each week can add up to substantial savings.

Sally Rose   A few feathers got ruffled when I wrote about how much value a woman in her 30s could realise in her 60s from putting wine money into superannuation.

Don't fall for the super industry's scare tactics

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin   Retirees’ cost of living is not as outrageously high as the industry would have us believe.


Read your super fund statement and dump dud funds

Reading your super statements is not fun but it can make you richer.

John Collett   It is that time of year when super funds send annual statements or email them to their members. Yet how many statements remain, if not unopened, at least unread?


'Transition to Retirement' the best-kept secret in super

''Transition to retirement'' lets mature-age workers scale back their hours of work.

Mark Bouris   There's an under-used government policy that allows the benefits of both working and using your super, without totally losing the advantages of either.


'Splitting' to equalise couples' super

Superannuation rules allow splitting contributions between a couple.

George Cochrane   George Cochrane advises a reader about how a husband and wife can use "splitting" to equalise superannuation.


Proposals could damage super system

Superannuation relies on early deposits earning compound interest.

Daryl Dixon   How new lifetime caps on superannuation can be introduced midstream without disadvantaging young people and those with lesser amounts already in super is a major issue.

Super rip-offs amount to $780 per member per year

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin   Expensive related-party transactions by for-profit super funds cost members as much as $740 a year, analysis has found.


Time for a new type of age pension

The age pension of the future will probably be less generous than now.

Richard Livingston   The recent change in prime minister and treasurer has opened up the possibility of a policy reset. No longer hamstrung by budget emergencies and with fewer political encumbrances, we now have the opportunity to look at real ideas for fixing genuine problems.


Lifestage super neither simple nor transparent


John Collett   A new type of superannuation investment option promises to give the fund member a smooth "glide path" where the risk is dialled-down as they age.


Basic Training: A rookie's guide to superannuation

Prepare now to get a sizeable nest-egg in your later years.

Larissa Ham    With a few pointers up your sleeve, picking the right super account doesn't have to be painful.

The $2.6b super rip-off

Dan Warne was paid a superannuation debt after six months of "hassling".

Caitlin Fitzsimmons and John Collett   Dan Warne thinks it is "ridiculous and counterintuitive" that the government is considering reducing the penalties on employers that don't pay superannuation to effectively zero.

Employers diddle workers out of super payments

Alan Swinton worked at a Sydney bicycle shop for seven years and was not paid super.

John Collett   Almost 700,000 workers at any given time are being dudded out of their super, costing $2.6 billion a year.


How to make super last a (longer) lifetime

Watch it grow.

Noel Whittaker   Our resident personal finance expert answers reader questions.


Should my husband register with Centrelink?

Retirement plans should take account of longer lifespans.

George Cochrane   George Cochrane answers readers' questions, such as whether to register with Centrelink even if you're not entitled to any money.


Super proposals would make tax system less fair

Tinkering with the superannuation system would encourage over-investment in the family home.

Daryl Dixon   If superannuation is made less attractive, it would encourage the well off to over-invest in the family home and do even more negative gearing of investment properties.


Past disasters a guide to BHP recovery

The town of Bento Rodrigues in Brazil flooded after an iron ore mine dam burst.

David Potts   BHP was struggling even before the mine disaster in Brazil and some mud, so to speak, is bound to stick.

Major industry funds defend short-selling bonanza

UniSuper investment chief John Pearce has defended the practice of loaning stock to short sellers and recalling it for shareholder votes.

Sally Rose   Investment chiefs from five of Australia's largest industry superannuation funds have defended the practice of loaning out stocks to short sellers, who typically drive down share prices, and denied they are shirking the responsibility to exercise their shareholder voting rights.

NAB, CBA, join calls to help boost women's super

Commonwealth Bank of Australia wealth management group executive Annabel Spring says the lack of incentives for women is hurting them when they retire.

Nassim Khadem   Women should be able to grow their super savings while on parental leave to help stem the problem of retiring with significantly less than men.

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