
Six tips on how to get someone you like to text you back, according to dating experts

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(Andrew Parsons/Conservative Party)

We've all been there. Staring longingly at your phone, putting it facedown in a vain attempt to stop checking it, mentally going through all the life-and-death scenarios which are definitely likely reasons bae hasn't text you back.

Well we have good news: those days could be behind you if you follow these tips from dating columnist "Dr Nerdlove" and online dating coach Patrick King, as told to LifeHacker:

1. The 'play it cool by waiting two days to reply' gimmick doesn't work

  • Text the sooner the better.

2. Don't just say 'hi'

  • It might be harmless but a one word text shows the recipient you haven't put time and effort into talking to them.

3. Send texts with purpose, ie making plans

  • Too much online rather than in person interaction can leave IRL meetings lacking spark.

4. Don't be pushy

  • Wait at least a day to send another text if they're not getting back to you.

5. Grammar and spelling are important

  • Again - paying attention to your language shows you care.

6. Know when to stop

If they're not responding, send something that doesn't necessitate an answer to see if they still want to chat. One unreturned text isn't a big deal, two means they could be busy, but three means you need to move on.

Read a comprehensive list over on Lifehacker

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