Women's voices stifled while men run media

Julia Baird dinkus

Julia Baird   The way to stop women's views getting short shrift in public arenas is for more female bosses to give them the bully pulpit.

Comments 67

It wasn't a political stunt, it was a moment of clarity

Life on Nauru offers little hope for children.

Dan Andrews   Remove politics from kids being returned to Nauru and the answer becomes clear.

Comments 133

Romance and the single girl

Wendy Squires.

Wendy Squires 12:00 AM   Contentedly single, Wendy Squires is happy to skip the sentimental gestures of Valentine's Day.

The four predictably basic moves of men's rights activists

The good thing about sexist trolls is their predictability.

Clementine Ford   The good thing about sexist trolls is their predictability.

Refugee crisis

A letter to young Australians about the refugee crisis

Protest against the detention of children on Nauru in front of the Immigration Department in Sydney.

Osman Faruqi   "We have to make sure that when our kids are growing up, it isn't against the same backdrop of harsh policies we've experienced," writes Osman Faruqi.

Ruby Hamad

Are smarter people less racist?

Reclaim Australia poster-boy Nathan Paterson, who insists he isn't racist.

Ruby Hamad   For some time, researchers have thought so. But a new study indicates it's not so simple, writes Ruby Hamad.

Asian dudes

Benjamin Law.

Asian-Australians – despite accounting for a tenth of our population – rarely see themselves on TV.

Clem Bastow

We need more women in power. But we also need the right ones

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders during a presidential campaign debate in New Hampshire last week.

Clem Bastow   "The notion that women must support each other come hell or high water for no reason other than 'women should stick together', or words to that effect, is as infuriating as it is infantile," writes Clem Bastow.

The conditioning that enables rapists to reoffend

Three Australian men charged with rape in Croatia. Dylan Djohan, Ashwin Kumar and Waleed Latif

Clem Ford: "Sexual assault perpetrators carry the conditioning that there will always be a drunk girl, a stray, a slut, a stupid woman who should have known better,"


Why Constitutional Recognition isn't necessarily the answer to improving Indigenous rights

Aboriginal flag mural at Redfern's The Block reads 'sovereignty never ceded'.

There are good reasons the Indigenous community is supporting a treaty over Constitutional Recognition.

Sovereign borders

Why we need a reminder about Australia's imperialist history with Nauru

A young asylum seeker from Iraq pictured at the boundary fence at the Oval on Nauru.

If Australian borders are 'strong', it is only because for over a century we've treated our neighbours' borders with contempt, writes Alecia Simmonds.

Smug swimmers

How I became everything I hated, and loved it

Benjamin Law.

Benjamin Law   "Despite weekly swimming lessons, my siblings and I were terrible at anything water-related", writes Benjamin Law. Now he's about to swim his first Cole Classic.

Modern workplaces still not suited to modern families, research shows

Why is it that only girls are permitted to enter the playground of gender fluidity?

Judith Ireland   When MPs came back to Canberra for the start of the parliamentary year, they arrived to an apparently revolutionised institution.

Jo Stanley

We need a better vocabulary to describe emotional emergencies

"Each of us should have a 3am-call-anytime-for-any trivial-reason-promise-not-to-whinge-or-judge register, with lots of ...

Jo Stanley   Jo Stanley wrestles solo with a 3am anxiety attack and wonders - is there a way to share the pain?

Our faves may be problematic, but here's why I'm standing by mine

Beyonce in Hymn For The Weekend

"Having problematic faves doesn’t weaken my convictions – it encourages me to be a more critical consumer."

Nauru: How long can we keep lying to ourselves?

"Samuel" is one of 90 children, including 37 babies, who may be sent back to Nauru.

The history of asylum seeker policy in Australia will be remembered as a story of how successive governments legislated their lies to justify a world of make-believe borders and compliance.

Comments 410

What on earth is happening in American politics?

Hillary Clinton campaigns in New Hampshire on Tuesday.

American politics are being transformed during the current presidential contest and it is impossible to say at present just where they will end up – let alone which of the still surviving candidates will win the White House.

Clementine Ford

Four signs that feminism is working in 2016

The tireless efforts of women activists are making huge inroads every day - and here's the proof, writes Clementine Ford.

The tireless efforts of women activists are making huge inroads every day - and here's the proof, writes Clementine Ford.

Rape and racism

When the safety of women is used as a pretext for racism

German demonstrators hold a sign "Rapefugees not welcome – Stay away!" as they march in Cologne after recent attacks on ...

Ruby Hamad   False rape claims are extremely rare. But why did this teenager's obvious fib spread even after she owned up to it?

Jo Stanley

A bump in the night

Jo Stanley.

Jo Stanley   Jo Stanley wrestles solo with a 3am anxiety attack and wonders - is there a way to share the pain?

Does the colour of your skin affect your chances on the rental market?

Real estate

Jenna Price   Academic Heather MacDonald has devised an experiment that exposes racism in the real estate industry.

Student sexism

Are student evaluations fair on female teachers?

According to a recent French-American study, a very compelling reason exists for ditching evaluations: they discriminate ...

Alecia Simmonds   There are compelling reasons for universities to ditch student evaluations as a tool for assessing professors.

Impostor syndrome

How to move through the world with the confidence of a mediocre white guy

<i>Arrested Development</i> 's Michael Bluth, the epitome of 'mediocre white dude' privilege.

Clem Bastow   After that real-world confidence that only comes with being shown you're number one from birth? Here's how to get it, writes Clem Bastow.

What groups like Return of Kings say about domestic terrorism

Daryush "Roosh" Valizadeh, the American founder of the Return of Kings group.

Jennie Hill   This is why it's so important to speak out about groups like Return of Kings and Real Social Dynamics and others.

How to make losers like Roosh V irrelevant

Daryush "Roosh" Valizadeh, the American founder of the Return of Kings group.

Eleanor Robertson   Instead of playing visa whack-a-mole, the proven effective technique is to shut them down at the source of their power over women.

Street harassment

We need to talk about 'fatcalling' - not just catcalling

Catherine Bouris

Catherine Bouris   The mainstream feminist narrative surrounding catcalling doesn't allow much room for experiences like mine, writes Catherine Bouris.

Lost boys

Boys just being boys shouldn't be the norm

Mitchell Pearce is responsible for his own behaviour, and too many of his generation accept that behaviour as normal.

Jenna Price   The struggle for our society is to bring up young men who value relationships and act respectfully, to women and to men. That will require a complete overhaul of the way we undertake parenting.

How the Zika virus will affect women's reproductive rights

In this Jan. 29, 2016 photo, Carmen Cruz, 31, waits to have her prenatal exam at the National Hospital for Women in San ...

Clementine Ford   Why this is potentially a watershed moment for a countries like El Salvador, where birth control is limited and abortion is still a crime.

'Speak English'

The two words that are holding us back from true diversity today

Elizabeth Close

Jenny Noyes   The more monolingual we become, the more difficult it is to conceive of different ways of thinking.

Why do Australians love to queue so much?

People queue at the In-N-Out Burger pop-up in Surry Hills on January 20, 2016 in Sydney, Australia.

Josephine Tovey   Long lines used to be a universal trigger for whingeing and despair. Now we've somehow turned a nation of queuers.

I'm filled with freudenfreude and it feels pretty good

Local Hero of the Year Catherine Keenan  with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

Julia Baird   When one of your friends stands up on a cold wet day in Canberra to speak about a dream she has fought for and made real, you all stand just that little bit taller.

Comments 3

Just dismiss the issue as being PC

Barnaby Joyce, Deputy Prime Minister? There are apparently many who wake in fright at the prospect.

Judith Ireland   It would appear that we are in the grip of an epidemic.

Comments 164

Marriage equality

Genuine marriage equality is more than overdue

Australian Human Rights Commission president Professor Gillian Triggs

Gillian Triggs   Imagine seeing the words "never married" on your new husband's death certificate. As if the grief of losing your husband while honeymooning wasn't traumatic enough.

Comments 53

What Roosters captain Mitchell Pearce's lewd act says about the NRL's culture of entitlement

In hot water: Mitchell Pearce.

Clementine Ford   Pearce's latest misconduct is about so much more than his disgusting, drunken behaviour towards a dog.

Mental Illness

Why speaking up about mental illness is a privilege

anna sp

Anna Spargo-Ryan   The only reason I'm able to share my experiences with mental illness is that I do so with little risk, writes Anna Spargo-Ryan.

Ted Cruz, stop using Australian rape victims to get yourself elected

Texas senator Ted Cruz, part of the 2010 congressional intake, is hated and feared by the Republican establishment ...

Josephine Tovey    Australian women don't want Ted Cruz's fake concern. Most are relieved and proud to live in a country where access to firearms is heavily regulated and our lives are infrequently, if ever, touched by gun violence.

Comments 92

The five kinds of guys who would buy a 'period tracker for men'

Clem Bastow's list of possible customers for Frederick.

Clem Bastow   Yep, we're talking about the app that promised to help your average bro out: "Track her cycle, keep your sanity."

Australia Day Honours: It can't be true that the wealthiest are our best role models

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at Parliament House in Canberra

Jenna Price   What does Australia Day honours list look like if we broke it down by postcodes? Jenna Price finds out.

What the? Australia's latest diversity advocate is a straight, white, male

David Morrison has never pretended to be anything other than a lucky white man.

Judith Ireland   You could be forgiven for waking up this morning and thinking perhaps it is not Australia Day, but April Fools instead.

Pregnancy police

It's my choice to drink caffeine, not a barista's

"No caffeine for you": my choice of poison was not going to be accepted by this barista.

Alexandra Smith   I had been looking forward to a coffee for hours. That was until the barista looked at my 27-week bump over his counter and shook his head.

Comments 236

Australia Day

Why are people still 'proud' of the British empire and its colonial legacy?

Captain Cook statue, Hyde Park, Sydney+

Ruby Hamad   You cannot divorce the success of British colonialism from its atrocities, writes Ruby Hamad.

How do we end the cycle of 'brotection' that shields popular men?

Amber Coffman of Dirty Projectors.

Clementine Ford   What the sexual harassment revelations in the US indie music scene say about the toxic culture of 'brotection'.

Australia Day

If we're serious about reconciliation, we need to change the way we celebrate our national day

"We simply can't and won't participate in a celebration of the day our lands were declared 'terra nullius' and taken ...

Natalie Ahmat   "January 26 will always be the anniversary of the day the first British settlers arrived, and it will always be a sad day for Indigenous Australians," writes Natalie Ahmat.

Women shouldn't have to be punching bags so men can cope

Mark Latham.

Kasey Edwards   The attitude that women exist purely to make men’s lives better is the at the heart of the domestic violence problem.

'Free speech'

Five common defences for the 'right to be offensive'

Mark Latham believes he has a "right to offend".

Matilda Dixon-Smith   And all the reasons why they don't stack up.

Invasion Day

How to show solidarity with Indigenous Australians this Invasion Day

Celeste Liddle.

Celeste Liddle   Celeste Liddle on the things you can do to not erase the views, history and struggle of Indigenous people on this national holiday.

M&C; Saatchi's birthday stunt shows advertising is still a man's world

A striptease performer, wearing a bag on her head, emerges from a birthday cake at M&C Saatchi's 21st birthday party.

Jane Caro   A female stripper emerges from a birthday cake wearing a Louis Vuitton bag on her head? It seems, gentlemen, you have an image problem.

Violence against women is never caused by a 'broken heart'

24-year-old Colin Kingston who murdered his former girlfriend Kelsey Annese, 21, before committing suicide.

Clementine Ford   The myth of the Damaged Man only ever results in the supposed pain of perpetrators being priorised above the lives of his victims.

Every battle matters in the fight for equality

David and Marco Bulmer-Rizzi were on their honeymoon in Adelaide when David  was killed in a fall.

Joel Meares   The case of British husbands David and Marco Bulmer-Rizzi shows there is still a way to go for equality in Australia.

Comments 15

Feminist politics

The definitive ranking of this government's engagement with feminist issues

Malcolm Turnbull has slammed the leak of a photo of the public servant at the centre of Jamie Briggs' resignation.

Ruby Hamad   Nine feminist issues ranked in descending order of importance to the Australian government.

#SayTheWord: Why I'm reclaiming the word 'disabled'

Disability activist Jax Jacki Brown urges people not to buy into online 'inspiration porn' but to take real action.

Jax Jacki Brown   Disability activist Lawrence Carter-Long is campaigning to reclaim the term 'disabled', here is why Jax Jacki Brown agrees.

Here come the Habibs

Here's why 'Here come the Habibs' isn't funny

A screen shot from the television show.

Candy Royalle   The show panders to so many stereotypes and racist ideas that it's hard not to feel angry, writes Candy Royalle.

Gender roles

Five products overdue for a gender overhaul

Ah yes, deodorant ... it makes beautiful women swarm around stinky men.

Clem Bastow   Advertising agencies, please send all intellectual property royalty cheques to Clem Bastow.

Refugee crisis

The ever-present threat of sexual violence for women and child refugees

A refugee woman carries her child as she waits to cross the Serbian-Croatian border at the refugee camp of Bapska.

Diana Sayed   Fleeing the atrocities of war and leaving behind your home is traumatic enough, but for too many female Syrian refugees, the journey through Europe is providing anything but a safe haven.

Andrew P Street

How Australia casually discriminates against non-English speakers

"Maybe we could start behaving as though people from overseas should be not just suspiciously tolerated, but actively ...

Andrew P Street   "Maybe we could start behaving as though people from overseas should be not just suspiciously tolerated, but actively made welcome," writes Andrew P Street.

Free the Nipple

Why are so many men outraged by a Free The Nipple picnic?

BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA - JANUARY 15: Organisers of 'Free the Nipple Picnic to be staged at Orleigh Park West (l-r) Amanda ...

Clementine Ford   "I have never seen a group of people more likely to have a collective meltdown over perceived exclusion than white men."

We shouldn't need a petition to stop pick up artists from exploiting women

Banned: 'Pick up artist' Jeff Allen.

Kasey Edwards   If we're serious about tackling violence towards women then putting out spot fires is not good enough

Was it rape if the victim didn't fight back?

Was it rape if they didn't fight back? Can they have been violated if they'd had sex with the perpetrator previously? Is ...

Clementine Ford   Clem Ford on why this is a question no one should need to be asking.

Place your bets

16 predictions you can bet your bottom dollar on for 2016

Kit Harington as Jon Snow in <i>Game of Thrones</i>.

Dom Knight   Dom Knight has donned his Nostradomus hat and peered into his tisane leaves to try and forecast what's likely to happen.

Operation Boomerang

Why it's important to fight everyday cultural erasure

Lee Lin Chin in the Australia Day lamb ad.

Ruby Hamad   No national holiday can be a cause for unbridled celebration when it hinges on erasing the reality of a violent past.