
Menstrual cups

The pros and cons of reusable sanitary products

An ad for period undies brand Thinx.

Amy Eisinger   Maybe you've stayed faithful to your trusty tampons or pads ever since Aunt Flow's first visit. Still, it'd be hard not to notice the hype around reusable feminine hygiene products - menstrual cups, period underwear, reusable tampons - that's all over the Internet.

Friendship focus

Why it's OK to say no to friends and focus on yourself instead

Sometimes you just need to lie in bed with a furry friend instead of the ones who want to talk and go out in public.

Rebecca Shaw   Maintaining friendships can be hard work, but what's the fun in that? Rebecca Shaw thinks we all need to give each other a break.


How to tell if you're depressed or just low

Here are three questions that will help you understand whether you may be suffering from clinical depression.

Linda Blair   Here are three questions that will help you understand whether you may be suffering from clinical depression.

Rest up

Why sleep should be a key factor in your fitness regime

"Sleep is the only time the body is fully recovering and rebuilding," says personal trainer Mansur Mendizabal.

Gabriella Boston   It's sleep - specifically deep sleep - that is the difference when it comes to such things as muscle recovery, mental acuity and reaction time.

Breaking bad

The best way to break a problem habit

When an action makes us feel good, our brain forms a shorthand connection.

Rachel Nussbaum   Even the most virtuous person has a bad habit (or two) they'd like to break.

Sleep well

How to get a good night's sleep tonight

Had a few ruff nights? Develop a good evening routine and your body will thank you in the morning.

Had a few ruff nights? Develop a good evening routine and your body will thank you in the morning.

Listen in

Four mental health podcasts to wrap your mind around

These podcasts are an accessible and super entertaining way to get educated on the mysteries of the mind.

Jenna Sten   Psychology, psychiatry, mental illness, symptom, trauma, disorder – these are murky and scary words for many people. These podcasts are an accessible and super entertaining way to get educated on the mysteries of the mind.

Getting help

How do you choose the right therapist?

When you work with a therapist, remember that this is a collaboration between two experts.

Linda Blair   It's not easy to admit you're suffering from a psychological problem, and it's a brave decision to seek therapy. It's vital, therefore, that you can feel confident about the person with whom you'll be working.

Triage your life

"The urgency of some tasks on your list will be obvious; others less so."

Evelyn Lewin   Approach your to-do list like an emergency ward nurse and see the results.

Bio home

The surprising health consequences of living in a pristine urban home

The study found urban homes had richer communities of microbes such as bacteria usually found inside human mouths.

Chelsea Harvey   The way we design and build our houses may be impacting a tiny, but important, aspect of our lives: the microscopic organisms that share those homes with us.

Phone detox

How to give yourself an effective smartphone detox

Turns out turning off your mobile phone isn't necessarily the healthier option.

Emily Sohn   Given the pleasure they bring and the anxiety they can alleviate, reducing dependence on our phones can seem impossible.

Comments 1

When venting goes from helpful to harmful

Apparently there is no scientific evidence that venting helps us calm down.

Katherine Schreiber   Apparently there is no scientific evidence that venting helps us calm down.

Real life

I'm a therapist, and I was in a darker place than my patients

"Psychologists are so keen to help other people, there's a danger that they can forget to look after themselves properly."

As told to Laura Powell   "I am sitting opposite my sixth patient of the day. She is describing a terrible incident in her childhood. I am nodding, hoping I appear normal. Inside, I feel anything but."

Take a hike

The science behind taking a walk


Linda Blair   Recent findings have shown that the benefits of walking depend on how and where it happens.

Dad bod

Why men need to shape up for pregnancy too

There's growing evidence that children's weight and health can be influenced before they're even conceived – and their ...

What does a would-be father's waistline and smoking habits have to do with the health of his future children? More than you might think.

Stand up

What's standing in the way of taking up a standing desk?

The latest studies suggest we should be standing for at least two hours of our work day and building up to four hours.

Aisha Sultan   If sitting is the new smoking, then quitting the sedentary habit can be just as tough.

Shame-free fitness

Where are all the feminist personal trainers?

"It wasn't long after I became a personal trainer that I realised how relevant my intersectional feminist views were to ...

Iona Bruce took her fitness into her own hands after seeing a personal trainer who refused to listen to her needs. Now she is one of a surprisingly rare breed of PTs who take a feminist approach to exercise.

Healthy hobby

Why you should make knitting your next healthy habit

Unlike meditation, craft activities result in tangible and often useful products that can enhance self-esteem.

Jane E. Brody   The rewards of knitting go well beyond replacing stress and anxiety with the satisfaction of creation.

Back pain

How regular exercise can help you avoid back pain

Until now, few studies have systematically examined what really works against recurring back pain - and what doesn't.

Gretchen Reynolds   Until now, few studies have systematically examined what really works against recurring back pain - and what doesn't.

Probiotic problems

The pros and cons of taking probiotics

Unique to you: a healthy bacteria balance.

Sarah Berry   Plenty of research indicates eating natural probiotics like kimchi or yoghurt is really good for us. But does that mean we should start popping probiotic pills?


Why do hangovers get worse as you get older?

No, you're not just imagining it, mornings after are getting worse.

Rachel Nussbaum   No, you're not just imagining it, mornings after are getting worse.

Shower schedule

How often should you shower?

Do we all need a shower every day? Probably not.

Annita Katee Batliwala   How many times do you shower a week? Twice? Twice a day? What actually is the right amount?

Work-life balance

How can we make flexible work schedules a reality?

When workers have control over their own schedules, it results in lower levels of stress, psychological distress, ...

Rebecca Greenfield   When workers have control over their own schedules, it results in lower levels of stress, psychological distress, burnout, and higher job satisfaction.

New mums

How sleep interruption as a new mum messes with your moods

Research shows that being constantly woken during sleep as a new mum makes you less likely to feel as happy.

Evelyn Lewin   Having a new baby is a joy. But research shows being constantly woken makes you less likely to feel as happy.


How not to freak out in the face of vulnerability

While letting people in is sometimes scary, it is precisely what enables us to enrich our lives.

Katherine Schreiber   While letting people in is sometimes scary, it is precisely what enables us to enrich our lives.

Female friendships

How close female friendships can profoundly impact your health and happiness

There can be a romance, particularly to female friendships, that is different from the passion of romantic love.

Heather Skyler   There can be a romance, particularly to female friendships, that is different from the passion of romantic love, but also richer and deeper in some ways.

Caffeine fix

How a cup of coffee can dramatically impact your workout

A caffeine fix could be just the kick your workout needs.

Suzee Skwiot   A caffeine fix could be just the kick your workout needs.


9 super simple ways to declutter your life for good

They're all super simple ideas and won't leave you picking up for hours on end.

Jeff Cattel   They're all super simple and won't leave you picking up for hours on end.

Body image

Learning to love your labia

If you think all is not normal 'down there', maybe it's time for a reality check.

If you think all is not normal 'down there', maybe it's time for a reality check.

Couple sleeping

How to cope with incompatible sleep schedules

When one person has sleep issues, both can suffer. So, what can you do about it?

Bruce Feiler   When one person has sleep issues, both can suffer. So, what can you do about it?

'Get over it'

Why trying to 'get over it' might not be the answer

How do we learn to live with frustrating and painful situations?

Cynthia Kane   How do we learn to live with frustrating and painful situations?

Single life

10 reasons being single is good for your health

Being in a couple can take a toll on your wallet, sleep patterns and friendships.

Rachael Schultz   Sure, being in a couple is great. But it can take a toll on your wallet, sleep patterns, friendships and more.

Mental health

Learning to live with anxiety and OCD

"Intrusive thoughts are a mark of obsessive-compulsive disorder."

Sarah Maraniss Vander Schaaff   "It is embarrassing to share my private struggle, but not so embarrassing that I don't want someone else to learn from it."

Myth busting

Five myths about habits and how to break them

Before you give up prematurely on your New Year's resolutions, it helps to know the psychology of habits.

Wendy Wood   Before you give up prematurely on your New Year's resolutions, it helps to know the psychology of habits.

Hangover cure?

The horrible science of hangovers (and how to get rid of them)

There's no silver bullet but there are a few things that might ease the pain.

Rachel Feltman   There's no silver bullet but there are a few things that might ease the pain.

'Clean eating'

When 'clean eating' is a euphemism for an eating disorder

It's a no-brainer that eating lean meats, vegetables, fruit, pulses, quinoa, nuts and seeds does wonders for our blood ...

Jen Vuk   By its very name, "clean eating" makes the clear assumption that any other form of eating is "dirty or shameful".

Comments 33

Try your luck

Can good luck be engineered?

Lucky people expect good things to happen.

Lindy Alexander   Don't leave good fortune to chance - help create your own, writes Lindy Alexander.

Lucky star

Lucky people expect good things to happen.

Lindy Alexander   Don't leave good fortune to chance, help create your own, writes Lindy Alexander.

Family feuds

When is it time to break up with a family member?

We're all told "blood is thicker than water" but sometimes cutting off a family member really is the best thing.

Tamekia Reece   We're all told "blood is thicker than water" but sometimes cutting off a family member really is the best thing.

Workplace culture

Do you have a 'toxic employee' in your workplace?

The characteristics of a 'toxic worker' might not be what you would expect.

Ariana Eunjung Cha   The characteristics of a 'toxic worker' might not be what you would expect.

Holiday season

How to survive the silly season with your mental health intact

It's very easy to become a Grinch at this time of year.

Helena Oliviero   Stop, slow down, and don't let the hustle and bustle of the season drive you batty.

Morning After

How to (pre-emptively) handle an epic hangover


Kathleen Lee-Joe   There's no need to spend the festive season in bed with a throbbing head. We've preventative and morning-after tips to help you on your road to recovery.


Happiness does not affect how long you live

A study of one million women found happy souls are no more likely to live longer.

Laura Donnelly   A study of one million women found happy souls are no more likely to live longer.

Writing as therapy

How blogging and memoir writing can help the sick and traumatised

Billy Crystal in Analyze That, which also stars Robert De Niro.

Gina McColl   Writing as therapy is having a moment. Can it really cure the sick, the sad and the self-loathing?


Why people see profundity in vague buzzwords

Complete and utter nonsense.

Roberto A. Ferdman   We all know them, the kinds of people who think total nonsense is really deep.

Christmas Blues

How to handle or prevent family conflicts at holiday gatherings

Add some alcohol to the mix and a blowup (or two) is practically guaranteed.

Irene Maher   Here's some advice for making it through the festive season without a blowup (or two).

Big change

How to know if you are ready for a big life change


Susie Moore   There is a freedom in not living the life people expect you to.

Stressed out

Five quick tips to help alleviate stress

It's a stressful time of year but there are things you can do to keep calm.

Shelby Sheehan-Bernard   It's a stressful time of year but there are things you can do to keep calm.

Monitoring stress

Can we monitor our stress like we track our steps?

The Spire anti-stress tracker

Kren Weintraub   What if we could measure out stress in the same way we monitor steps and movement.

Information gap

The information gap that's restricting women's access to abortions

Even in medical schools across Australia, plenty of medical students get no exposure, no instruction, about abortion.

Jenna Price   There are lots of problems surrounding abortion. But this is one many would not have considered.

Green space

Can indoor plants improve your health?

What does the evidence say about indoor plants?

Roni Caryn Rabin   The evidence is clear on the benefits of green spaces. But what about when they are inside?

Mood boosters

How to keep your mood up when life gets tough

In order to crawl out of a bad mood, it pays to focus on what will help.

Judi Light Hopson, Emma H. Hopson and Ted Hagen   In order to crawl out of a bad mood, it pays to focus on what will help.

New laws to allow women in California and Oregon to get birth control directly from pharmacists

Pharmacists will be authorised to prescribe contraceptives after a quick screening process in which women fill out a ...

Pam Belluck and Sabrina Tavernise   Pharmacists will be authorised to prescribe contraceptives after a quick screening process in which women fill out a questionnaire about their health and medical histories.

Alternative medicine

How smart people are being fooled by wellness gurus

Why are some of us taking advice from "wellness" gurus instead of medically trained professionals?

Samantha Selinger-Morris   Alternative health treatments and online wellness gurus are flourishing, even though their therapies can cause more harm than good.

Better health

Five ways your smartphone can help your health

Turns out turning off your mobile phone isn't necessarily the healthier option.

Jennifer Jolly   Turns out turning off your mobile phone isn't necessarily the healthier option.

Work-life balance

A more tangible way to measure work-life balance

Wmen are significantly more time pressured at home than men.

Judy Rose   And possible solutions to reduce time pressure and stress.

Period trackers

The benefits of using an app to track your period

They can remind users to pack tampons, take birth control pills or have a breast exam.

Roni Caryn Rabin   They can remind users to pack tampons, take birth control pills or have a breast exam.


Is multitasking actually good for productivity?

How multitasking affects efficiency, accuracy and our ability to learn.

Linda Blair   How multitasking affects efficiency, accuracy and our ability to learn.


Is there a healthy level of melancholy?

Do we all need a healthy dose of melancholy?

Laren Stover   It doesn't hurt to indulge in the cloudy charms of melancholy, writes Laren Stover.

The moment I knew I had to stop drinking


Olive Franks*   My abstinence has never lasted. But this time it's different.