
Eating clean

Teresa Cutter.

Teresa Cutter   It's important for me to know where my food has come from, to treat it with respect and prepare it properly.

Good oil

How frying your veggies could be healthier than boiling them

Once in a while a pleasing study is released that reminds us that the bland life is not the better (AKA healthier) life.

Sarah Berry   Once in a while a pleasing study is released that reminds us that the bland life is not the better (AKA healthier) life.

Sugar stress

How sugar consumption affects your brain

The changes in the brain induced by sugar are of great concern given the high consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages.

Jayanthi Maniam and Margaret Morris   A UNSW study has revealed sugar may be as bad for brain development as extreme stress or abuse.

In the groove

Teresa Cutter.

Teresa Cutter   Exercise is important to me. It's how I start each day or unwind in the afternoon.

Smooth talk

Teresa Cutter.

Teresa Cutter, the Healthy Chef   Smoothies are the "in thing" because vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are more potent when consumed as wholefoods.

The healthy chef

Teresa Cutter.

Teresa Cutter   There's a lot of confusion and conflicting information out there with "nutrition gurus" promoting all sorts of diets.


Should we all been giving up gluten?

Gluten-free diets are increasingly popular, but what does the science actually say?

Gretchen Reynolds   Gluten-free diets are increasingly popular, but what does the science actually say?

Taking the biscuit

Teresa Cutter.

Teresa Cutter   Any recipe can be adapted to be made healthier.

Vitamins: are they a waste of money?

Eat enough of these and you will become Superman, or more likely, dead.

Sarah Berry   As the new year has kicked into gear and many hone their focus on their health, you might want to pause before you pick up your vitamins.

Food trends

Five foods that'll make their mark in 2016

Search #matcha on Instagram and you get nearly a million posts

Ellie Krieger   Several healthy foods worth paying attention to.

Salad days

Teresa Cutter.

Teresa Cutter   Get creative with your salads this summer.

Heston Blumenthal

How our brains can be fooled into healthier eating

 Heston Blumenthal : roaring success.

Heston Blumenthal   Chef Heston Blumenthal has an unconventional idea to change our eating habits.

Healthy BBQ

One addition will make your next barbecue healthier

Adding resistant starch - like lentils - makes for a healthier barbecue.

Paula Goodyer   So you've bought the steaks, the drinks are chilling and the barbecue tools are poised for action but did anyone remember the resistant starch?

Boozy Christmas

Can moderate drinking have health benefits?

 Alcohol is very harmful when abused but, when consumed in moderation, there are actually some benefits.

Aaron E. Carroll   Alcohol is very harmful when abused but, when consumed in moderation, there are actually some benefits.

The science of overeating at Christmas

Turkey, roast, Christmas dinner, feast

Bridie Smith   How much can you eat before that stomach-straining, nausea-inducing feeling strikes?

Mood food

Can a well-balanced diet lead to better mental health?

We often ignore the role that diet plays in our psychological health.

Evelyn Lewin   Evelyn Lewin examines how what you eat affects your mood.


The quest for 'wellness' that is making us sick

Extreme 'clean' diets and an obsession with physical perfection are ruining lives.

India Sturgis   Extreme 'clean' diets and an obsession with physical perfection are ruining lives, says India Sturgis

Skipping lunch

Why eating at your desk doesn't make you a better worker

The idea that breaking for a meal hinders accomplishment is plainly wrong.

Ellie Krieger   The idea that breaking for a meal hinders accomplishment is plainly wrong.

Candy myths

Five myths about lollies and sugar-free alternatives

There are a few things to know before diving into the sweets this weekend.

Beth Kimmerle   Halloween is this weekend. So let's brush off the sugarcoating on nutritional myths.

Food addictions

Your cheese addiction has been validated by science

Cheese plate at Grocery and Grog, The Henson Marrickville

Jenn Harris   According to a new study, cheese crack is a real thing.

Meat eater

How much red meat is healthy to eat?

So, what is the truth about red meat?

Anna Magee   Leading nutritional experts on what to believe - and do - about meat.

Sweet tooth

Are some sugars better than others?

Sugar is sugar no matter what form it's in.

Jane Holroyd   Is there any merit in binning your white sugar and stocking your pantry with agave syrup?

Nutritious food

Nutritious foods you should stop throwing away

Bowl of Colorful Fall Harvest veggies

Ellie Krieger   The parts often thought of as scraps can be culinary stars in their own right.

Mediterranean diet

Study suggests Mediterranean diet reduces breast cancer risk - but some have doubts

Women who ate a diet heavy on fruits, veges and olive oil had a 68 per cent lower risk of breast cancer, according to ...

Liz Szabo   Women who ate a diet heavy on olive oil had a 68 per cent lower risk of breast cancer, according to one study. But some experts say that may be too good to be true.


Why you should never go hungry on a date

A new study found women may be more primed for romance if they're well fed first.

Ko Im   Hangry can ruin romance– even science says so.


How much water does a healthy person actually need?

"There is no formal recommendation for a daily amount of water people need."

Aaron E. Carroll   If there is one health myth that will not die, it is this: You should drink eight glasses of water a day.

Midnight snacks

Is late night eating worse for your health?

Research has found people don't metabolise carbohydrates as well when they eat late.

Jennifer Van Allen   The different effects of eating at different times of day.


Simple food changes to reduce stomach upset

Research shows a healthy gut is crucial to overall physical and mental health.

Nedahl Stelio   Research shows a healthy gut is crucial to overall physical and mental health.

Feel the heat

How eating spicy food may help you live longer

Eating spicy food every day could lower the risk of death, researchers say.

Esther Han   Each time you drizzle Tabasco on your food, you may be lowering your risk of early death.

Hunger pains

There is science behind why you get 'hangry'

Why do some people get more hangry than others?

Amanda Salis   And why is it that some people get more hangry than others?

Vege eating

Top six sources of protein for vegetarians and vegans

Quinoa contains all nine essential amino acids.

Kesava Commerford   Despite what some vegetarian-haters will have you believe, it is relatively easy to maintain a balanced diet.

Why we eat more when drinking alcohol

Perhaps alcohol plays havoc on appetite signaling between gut and brain.

Melissa Healy   They call it 'the aperitif effect' and it smells like delicious home cooking.

Should you pay attention to the 'use-by' dates on food?

Milk will last in the fridge five to seven days beyond its expiration date.

Russ Parsons   Will eating it actually make you sick or are they just overly-cautious suggestions?

Are 'natural sweeteners' really any better for you?

"Is sugar the enemy it's made out to be these days?"

Michelle Bridges   Is sugar the enemy it's made out to be these days? Michelle Bridges answers your questions.

Banishing bloat

How to avoid a bloated tummy

"Snack on vegetables throughout the day and aim for at least one serve of salad a day."

Susie Burrell   Here are some foods to eat to escape feeling ghastly and gassy.

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Healthy eating

Australia has a new food pyramid

The new pyramid.

Susie Burrell   Fats, sugar and "junk" foods have been eliminated from Nutrition Australia's iconic pyramid.

Eating myths

Why what we think about eating is so often wrong


Peter Whoriskey   We're subject to a torrent of nutritional advice based on new studies, but how much of it is worthwhile? According to some researchers, surprisingly little.

When can food really be called 'natural'?

cr: Stocksy
SL - wellbeing / Global Kitchen, march 29

Sarah Berry   Although many consumers want "natural" products, the term has proved difficult to define.

What is the truth about sugar in fruit?

Where did the message on fruit go wrong?

Sarah Berry   Yes, fruit contains sugar – but it's still good for you.

No foods should be demonised nor held up as miracles

"I've avoided treating any food like the devil."

Aaron E. Carroll   A guide to eating healthy that should be useful for most people. These are tips not laws.

Michelle Bridges

Warm roast pork with baby vegetables.

Our fitness expert helps to manage inflamed Achilles and helps a chef prepare for an open-ocean swim.

Food myths

Mixed messages: we are constantly bombarded with information about food, much of it contradictory.

Susie Burrell   Confused about eggs and cholesterol? Perplexed by the debate regarding sugar? Susie Burrell busts some misconceptions.

Michelle Bridges

Stir- fried beef with ginger.

Our expert offers nutrition advice, suggests a workout makeover and serves up a healthy stir-fry.

Michelle Bridges

Minted lamb with cauliflower mash.

Our fitness expert helps defeat negative self-talk and refreshes an active chef's workout routine.

One small change

Your health: improve your diet one day, and one thing, at a time.

Lindy Alexander   Want to break those bad food habits of a lifetime? Starting with small steps is the key to success.

One small change

Your health: improve your diet one day, and one thing, at a time.

Lindy Alexander   Starting with small steps is the key to success.

Setting the record straight on gluten

Most kinds of bread contain gluten.

Claire Maldarelli   The number of people adhering to a gluten-free diet far surpasses the number who suffer from celiac disease.

Why do we listen to celebrity nutrition advice?

I Quit Sugar author Sarah Wilson.

Paula Goodyer   Why do we listen to health advice from experts in areas such as cooking or acting?

Comments 14

Michelle Bridges

Michelle Bridges: How to gain weight healthily

No equipment required: a body weight trend.

Michelle Bridges   Our fitness expert on how to gain weight and taking up exercise for the first time in your 40s.

Overeating these healthy foods could be harmful

Almond milk; milk; almond; food; drink; white; healthy; vegetarian; nut; natural; organic; nutrition; ingredient; vegan; ...

Danielle Braff   They are very healthy but only when consumed in moderation.

Michelle Bridges

Penang chicken.

Michelle Bridges   Hi Michelle, my issue is the opposite of most people. I have been 56kg since I was 24, I'm now 44. I eat well and exercise, a lot, but want to gain 5kg and find this a challenge. Eating more high fat carb foods makes me feel bleh. Any tips for healthy calorie dense foods? Liz

Global kitchen

Your health: take inspiration from cuisines around the world and move to a healthier diet.

Susie Burrell nominates cuisines that bring both taste and nutrition to the table.

Flavour with benefits

The health benefits of spices


Paula Goodyer   Cinnamon, chilli, turmeric... they contribute more than just flavour.

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8 diet and exercise mistakes that age you

"Plan your rest as well as you plan exercise".

Eating too much sugar certainly isn't wise for your waistline, but overindulging in dessert can also add years to your face.

Can food allergy become a part of our personality?

" I must admit, I am happy that my allergies now at least let me eat cake."

Jacqueline Maley   Yes, I am a nightmare to eat out with. Yes, I am dreadful to cook for. But I am me, rashy and liable to face-swelling at inopportune times.

The truth about raw food

Sashimi, the ultimate raw food.

Ellie Krieger   The raw food movement has gotten a serious foothold. But are there really significant benefits to uncooked food?

Another reason to drink coffee: It's good for your heart, study says


Deborah Netburn   Just in case you need one more reason to drink coffee.

10 reasons you can't stop snacking

Snacks often have emotional, mental, social and cultural baggage attached.

Alison Loughman   Can't resist the call of the crunchy, salty or sugary snack fix? You're not alone.

Greasy, salty and so tempting: the most addictive foods

Rich in processed carbs, fat and salt, pizza is one of the most addictive foods you can eat.

Susie Burrell   There are some foods you cannot seem to stop eating, no matter how hard you try.