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Sri Lanka destroys $3.7 million haul of elephant tusks

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Dharisha Bastians and Geeta Anand

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Elephant tusks destroyed in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is the first South Asian nation to publicly destroy confiscated ivory.

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Colombo: A group of saffron-robed monks chanted as officials crushed more than 300 elephant tusks in a seaside ceremony in a Colombo park on Tuesday, as Sri Lanka's new government tried to send Asia a powerful message of intolerance for elephant poaching.

Sri Lanka is the first south Asian nation to publicly destroy ivory obtained through elephant poaching and the 16th country in the world to destroy confiscated elephant tusks so they cannot be traded in the black market.

The previous Sri Lankan government had planned to distribute the tusks to Buddhist temples around the island, including the Sacred Temple of the Tooth, the country's most revered. That spurred an outcry from Sri Lankan environmentalists and international wildlife agencies, who argued that the ivory would later be traded.

Sri Lankan Buddhist monks give blessings for a better rebirth to African elephants killed by poachers.

Sri Lankan Buddhist monks give blessings for a better rebirth to African elephants killed by poachers. Photo: AP

The crushed ivory weighed 1.4 tonnes, far less than some caches that have been destroyed. But the action was significant because Sri Lanka is a transit hub for trading in illegal ivory, which is popular in Asia as a symbol of prosperity and for use in Buddhist religious ceremonies. More than 100 tonnes of poached ivory have been destroyed since 1989, according to the World Wildlife Fund.

Vidya Abhayagunawardena, an environmentalist who helped co-ordinate the event for the Sri Lankan Wildlife Ministry, said by destroying the ivory President Maithripala Sirisena sent a strong message to the Asian region.

The biggest demand is from several fast-growing economies in Asia, including Thailand and China, the world's largest consumer of ivory. The UN Environment Program says surveys have documented a tripling of poaching and seizures of illegal ivory headed for Asia since 2007. In central and western Africa, the killing of elephants far exceeds their natural population replacement rate, the group says.

The  ivory was intercepted en route from Kenya to Dubai.

The ivory was intercepted en route from Kenya to Dubai. Photo: AP

Sri Lanka's message to the world came as activist network Avaaz began a campaign to stop internet company Yahoo brokering the sale of ivory in Japan. A week-old petition calling on Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer "to urgently stop all ivory sales from sites/platforms in Japan and all other markets" had gathered more than 1 million signatures. Avaaz claims 100 elephants are killed every day to satisfy demand for the trade in ivory artefacts. The Guardian said Yahoo-brokered sales accounted for 12 tonnes of such items in Japan between 2012 and 2014.

The ceremonial crushing of the 359 tusks began with two minutes of silence, after which the group of Buddhist monks chanted prayers for a "rebirth without suffering" for the elephants killed. In a show of religious solidarity, Hindu, Christian and Muslim leaders joined the monks in their prayers.

After the ceremony, the crushed ivory was transported to a factory in Puttalam, a district in the island's northwest, for incineration, government officials said. DNA testing found that the tusks had originated in Tanzania, and the stockpile was valued at $US2.6 million ($3.7 million), the Sri Lanka Customs Department said.

Sri Lankan officials load elephant tusks into a crushing machine as they destroy a shipment of African ivory seized three years ago, in Colombo, Sri Lanka, on Tuesday.

Sri Lankan officials load elephant tusks into a crushing machine as they destroy a shipment of African ivory seized three years ago, in Colombo, Sri Lanka, on Tuesday. Photo: AP

The tusks were confiscated by Sri Lankan customs officials in May 2012, en route to Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, from Kenya.

Some of the world's leading wildlife advocates attended this week's event, held at Galle Face Green, a large seaside park in Colombo, the Sri Lankan capital. It was presided over by John Scanlon, the secretary-general of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, an international agreement between governments that regulates the global wildlife trade. Sri Lanka has been a party to CITES since 1979.

The ivory trade is part of what the World Wildlife Fund estimates is a $US10 billion annual trade in illegal wildlife.

The symbolic ceremony sends a powerful message to ivory traders and consumers in Asia.

The symbolic ceremony sends a powerful message to ivory traders and consumers in Asia. Photo: AP

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