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Donald Trump defends Vladimir Putin over Alexander Litvinenko's murder


Nick Allen

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says Russian President Vladimir Putin "hasn't been convicted of anything".

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says Russian President Vladimir Putin "hasn't been convicted of anything". Photo: Drew Angerer

Washington: Donald Trump has defended Russian President Vladimir Putin after a British public inquiry found the Russian President "probably" approved the assassination of Alexander Litvinenko in London.

The front runner for the Republican presidential nomination waded into the debate saying he had seen "no evidence" of Mr Putin's involvement, adding: "They say a lot of things about me that are untrue too."

Mr Trump has previously said he felt a "great honour" when Mr Putin praised him as an "absolute leader".

Russian President Vladimir Putin "probably" approved the assassination of Alexander Litvinenko, a British inquiry found.

Russian President Vladimir Putin "probably" approved the assassination of Alexander Litvinenko, a British inquiry found. Photo: Ria Novosti

British Prime Minister David Cameron has condemned Mr Putin for presiding over the "state-sponsored murder" of Mr Litvinenko, who died from radioactive poisoning in 2006, calling it an "appalling crime".

A 327-page report released last week by retired High Court judge Sir Robert Owen concluded Mr Litvinenko was murdered by former KGB agents Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitry Kovtun.

But Mr Trump told Fox Business: "I don't think they've found him [Mr Putin] guilty. If he did it, fine. But I don't know that he did it.

British Prime Minister David Cameron has condemned Vladimir Putin for presiding over the "state-sponsored murder" of Alexander Litvinenko.

British Prime Minister David Cameron has condemned Vladimir Putin for presiding over the "state-sponsored murder" of Alexander Litvinenko. Photo: Balazs Mohai

"People are saying they think it was him, it might have been him, it could have been him. But in all fairness to Putin – and I'm not saying this because he says, 'Trump is brilliant and leading everybody' – the fact is that he hasn't been convicted of anything. Some people say he absolutely didn't do it."

Russia said it may sue the British government "for slander" over comments made after the inquiry.

Mr Trump has hit a new high in US polls with less than a week to go before Iowa becomes the first state to vote. A CNN survey had him with 41 per cent support among Republican voters. His closest rival for the nomination, Texas senator Ted Cruz, had 19 per cent with no other candidate on double figures.

The former Russian security agent Alexander Litvinenko in a London hospital not long before he died from radioactive poisoning in 2006.

The former Russian security agent Alexander Litvinenko in a London hospital not long before he died from radioactive poisoning in 2006. Photo: AP

The Telegraph, London

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