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Denmark passes tough immigration laws as Nordic refugee welcome wanes


Alexander Tange

Migrants try to keep warm as they cross the Macedonian-Serbian border in sub-zero temperatures.

Migrants try to keep warm as they cross the Macedonian-Serbian border in sub-zero temperatures. Photo: Getty Images

Copenhagen: The Danish parliament on Tuesday passed a package of measures to deter refugees from seeking asylum, including confiscating valuables to pay for their stay, despite protests from international human rights organisations.

The measures were passed by an overwhelming majority with the main centre-left opposition Social Democrats voting in favour as Denmark's political landscape shifts to the right thanks to the popularity of anti-immigrant Danish People's Party.

A refugee woman and a child walk in freezing weather towards the border with Serbia from a transit centre for refugees in Macedonia.

A refugee woman and a child walk in freezing weather towards the border with Serbia from a transit centre for refugees in Macedonia. Photo: AP

The measures, which also include delaying family reunions to three years, are the latest sign that the Nordic welcome for refugees is waning as large numbers flee war in Africa and Middle East in what is becoming Europe's biggest migrant crisis in decades.

The "jewellery bill" is the latest attempt by Denmark's seven-month-old minority centre-right government to curb immigration to a country that took in a record 20,000 refugees last year.

Under the bill, refugees could keep possessions amounting to 10,000 Danish crowns ($1450), raised from 3000 crowns after criticism from human rights organisations. Valuables of special emotional value such as wedding rings will be exempt.

Swedish police check ID papers on a train travelling between Copenhagen in Denmark and Malmo in Sweden.

Swedish police check ID papers on a train travelling between Copenhagen in Denmark and Malmo in Sweden. Photo: Stig-Ake Jonsson

The Liberal government has just 34 out of 179 seats in parliament and depends on support of rightist parties, including the anti-immigration Danish People's Party (DF), to pass laws.

A poll showing 70 per cent of voters see it as the most important issue, according to the daily paper Berlingske.

"I wouldn't say that I have become racist or anything," said Poul Madsen, a taxi driver, before the bill was passed. "But I may be more aware of the fact that this has some downsides and may be a potential problem for our society and our economy."

Denmark is not the only one trying to shut its doors to migrants. Sweden, which took in more than 160,000 refugees last year, the most per capita in Europe, introduced checks on its border with Denmark at the start of the year.

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven promised on Monday more resources for police after a 22-year-old employee was stabbed to death at a refugee centre for unaccompanied minors. A minor was arrested on suspicion of murder or manslaughter after the incident in Molndal in western Sweden, local TT news agency reported.

A poll on Monday showed support for Mr Lofven's centre left Social Democrats at its lowest for nearly 50 years, in part due to a sense that the government was unable to cope with the refugee influx.

Norway, meanwhile, has been trying to send back refugees who crossed over from Russia. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday that Moscow would not take them back.

Denmark is not the only country targeting refugee possessions. Switzerland has started taking valuables worth more than 1000 Swiss francs ($985), the German state of Baden-Württemberg secures valuables above 350 euros ($380), while other southern states have been reported to do the same.

"Most (refugees) have lost everything and yet this legislation appears to say that the few fortunate enough to have survived the trip to Denmark with their few remaining possessions haven't lost enough," the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) said, mirroring criticism from many organisations.


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