- published: 14 May 2014
- views: 2333
Judeo-Christian is a term used by many Christians since the 1940s to encompass perceived common ethical values based on Christianity and Judaism. It has become part of American civil religion and is often used to promote inter-religious cooperation.
Efforts in recent years have been made to replace the term Judeo-Christian with "Abrahamic religions" to include Islam.
The term is also used by scholars as a technical historical term to refer to the connections between the precursors of Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism in the Second Temple period.
The earliest use of the term "Judeo-Christian" in the historical sense dates to 1829 in the missionary journal of Joseph Wolff, and before that as "Judeo Christian" in a letter from Alexander M'Caul dated October 17, 1821. The former appears in discussions of theories of the emergence of Christianity, and both are used with a different sense from the one common today. "Judeo-Christian" here referred to Jewish converts to Christianity.
A conversation at a funeral sparked my interest in what the phrase "Judeo-Christian" actually means. If you call yourself "Judeo-Christian" or if you claim to have "Judeo-Christian" values, what part of that is "Judeo"? We discuss the topic.
We hear a lot about Judeo-Christian values, much of it is inaccurate. European Jews (and American Jews too) are very civilized people, but because they willingly absorbed European values and made them their own, not because Jewish values civilized Europe. If you want to debate this matter in depth join my debate forum: http://right2think.org/index.php/forum/
Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum spoke at Caspe Terrace in Waukee, IA as part of the Des Moines Jewish Federation Presidential Series.
Judeo-Christian Values Vs The Jihad - O'Reilly Talking Points =========================================== **Please Click Below to SUBSCRIBE for More "MTP" Videos: http://goo.gl/m7kDXR ===========================================
http://www.ukipmeps.org | http://www.ukip.org • European Parliament, Strasbourg, 12 January 2015 • Nigel Farage MEP, Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Co-President of the Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD) Group in the European Parliament - http://www.nigelfaragemep.co.uk @Nigel_Farage • Debate: Attacks in Paris against Charlie Hebdo Magazine .................... • Video: EbS (European Parliament) .................................. • EU Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom
The Dennis Prager Show - 04/13/11 - http://www.dennisprager.com Produced By Edward L. Daley
This is a clip taken from a Richard Dawkins speech given at RMWC in Lynchburg, VA on 2006/10/23. Some people might claim that Jews and Christians no longer base their values on the barbarous fiction of the Old Testament, but a study of some Jewish schoolchildren shows that some still take this nonsense at face value. It is true that Israeli kids do not have a Jewish "Martyrdom Mouse" on television teaching them to support genocide. But Jewish children agree with their Palestinian counterparts that genocide is a perfectly acceptable, as long as your sky-god says it's OK.
Rubio: I think if you do not understand that our Judeo-Christian values are one of the reasons why America is such a special country, you don't understand our history. You see, why are we one of the most generous people in the world -- no, the most generous people in the world? Why do Americans contribute millions of dollars to charity? It is not because of the tax writeoff. It is because in this nation, we are influenced by Judeo-Christian values that teach us to care for the less fortunate, to reach out to the needy, to love our neighbor. This is what's made our nation so special. And you should hope that our next president is someone that is influence by their faith. Because if your faith causes you to care for the less fortunate, it is something you want to see in your public figures. ...
(Faith & Freedom: 11/13/13) Despite America's diversity, and those who seek to secularize it, one thing is clear, Americans still believe in God. Our Judeo-Christian values are what make America exceptional.
Citing scripture, Sen. Ted Cruz promised supporters in Iowa that he would return America to the Judeo-Christian values that he says built the country.
Citing scripture, Sen. Ted Cruz promised supporters in Iowa that he would return America to the Judeo-Christian values that he says built the country.
Ted Cruz: Judeo Christian values built America Citing scripture, Sen. Ted Cruz promised supporters in Iowa that he would return America to the Judeo-Christian values that he says built the country.
Rick Santorum - American values are Judeo-Christian values.
Graham Ledger of "The Daily Ledger" on the relentless attack on America's Judeo-Christian values. Page 4 07OCT16
Judeo-Christian Values Vs The Jihad - O'Reilly Talking Points =========================================== **Please Click Below to SUBSCRIBE for More "MTP" Videos: http://goo.gl/m7kDXR ===========================================
WWW.TRUNEWS.COM BILL HOLTER & PASTOR RAFAEL CRUZ (TRUNEWS RADIO) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYfG66XXNLs Rick Wiles greets trend economist, and joint partner in Jim Sinclair’s Mindset, Bill Holter, to discuss the impending crash of the global credit markets. Rick will also be joined by Pastor Rafael Cruz, the father of GOP contender Ted Cruz, to make the case to America once more, why we as a nation must return to our Judeo Christian values or face ruin.
Mike Fryer brings a word at Fathers House encouraging Christians that whether you voted to stay or leave this is now a time to look at being outside the EU Governmental Control as a time of opportunities for Christianity in the British Isles and how our Nation would be blessed through that. Using the story of the life of King Hezekiah he outlined how Christians in the British Isles can now speak out to re-establish Judeo/Christian values back into Schools and Government. He spoke about how this new opportunity to restore Judeo Christian Values should be initiated by what he felt was a vision God has given him to restore the Feast of Passover next April at the place along the banks of the River Dee were 1200 Christians were murdered in 722 because they refused to replace the Festivals of ...
Email: revelation2216@sbcglobal.net facebook: https://www.facebook.com/david.l.donovan.16 Traditional Judeo/Christian American Values are being replaced in the United States because of decreased American population due to abortion, and low marriage and birth rates. Incoming immigrants from Mexico and Muslim countries who have different value systems are becoming more numerous and their value systems are beginning to replace the traditional American Values. This does not bode well for our country which was established on Judeo/Christian Values.
Which age group is most concerned about religious freedom in America? How many Americans want Judeo-Christian values favored above other views? Barna Research president David Kinnaman joins the gang to discuss the surprising findings of his latest study!
★ Enjoy this Sneak Peek from one of FreedomProject Academy's many live, online classes for Kindergarten - High School. Open Enrollment runs March - July. ● Learn more @ https://fpeusa.org ● ★ FreedomProject Academy is changing culture and restoring the nation through Classical education, teaching Judeo-Christian values & preparing the next generation of patriot leaders. © FreedomProject Academy Released 2016
★ Enjoy this Sneak Peek from one of FreedomProject Academy's many live, online classes for Kindergarten - High School. Open Enrollment runs March - July. ● Learn more @ https://fpeusa.org ● ★ FreedomProject Academy is changing culture and restoring the nation through Classical education, teaching Judeo-Christian values & preparing the next generation of patriot leaders. © FreedomProject Academy Released 2016
★ Enjoy this Sneak Peek from one of FreedomProject Academy's many live, online classes for Kindergarten - High School. Open Enrollment runs March - July. ● Learn more @ https://fpeusa.org ● ★ FreedomProject Academy is changing culture and restoring the nation through Classical education, teaching Judeo-Christian values & preparing the next generation of patriot leaders. © FreedomProject Academy Released 2016
★ Enjoy this Sneak Peek from one of FreedomProject Academy's many live, online classes for Kindergarten - High School. Open Enrollment runs March - July. ● Learn more @ https://fpeusa.org ● ★ FreedomProject Academy is changing culture and restoring the nation through Classical education, teaching Judeo-Christian values & preparing the next generation of patriot leaders. © FreedomProject Academy Released 2016
★ Enjoy this Sneak Peek from one of FreedomProject Academy's many live, online classes for Kindergarten - High School. Open Enrollment runs March - July. ● Learn more @ https://fpeusa.org ● ★ FreedomProject Academy is changing culture and restoring the nation through Classical education, teaching Judeo-Christian values & preparing the next generation of patriot leaders. © FreedomProject Academy Released 2016