... that various onion cakes are consumed in China, Germany, Korea, Switzerland, Wales, and other countries?
... that journalist Ametist Azordegan is a member of the Grammis award jury and the Swedish Music Hall of Fame?
... that Pioneer Place commissioned the Soaring Stones sculpture as a gift to city residents to replace a fountain that was removed during construction of the mall?
... that although all copies of William Ketel's work on the miracles of John of Beverley are lost, a previous transcription of the work forms the basis for the edition printed in Acta Sanctorum?
The pin-tailed snipe (Gallinago stenura) is a small stocky wader. It breeds in northern Russia and migrates to spend the non-breeding season in southern Asia from Pakistan to Indonesia. These birds forage in mud or soft soil, probing or picking up food by sight. They mainly eat insects and earthworms, but also some plant material.
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