Workers flown in from China

By Paul Robinson
Workplace Editor

December 21, 2004

In a sign of Australia's worsening skills shortage, a Victorian transport company has hired 60 "guest" welders from China because it cannot attract locally based tradespeople.

Dandenong-based Vawdrey Australia, which makes truck trailers, signed up its new workers on four-year contracts after conducting a "welding clinic" in China to ensure they were suitably skilled.

A further 10 tradesmen from China are expected to join the company next month.

By going to China, Vawdrey has become a pacesetter in the growing practice of "fly-in fly-out" labour. While Australia has always topped up its professional workforce from overseas, "guest" manual workers are now being called on to ease Australia's growing shortage of skilled labour.

More than 20,000 contract workers were attracted last year to fill trade and professional skill shortages, blamed in part on Australia's declining birthrate and the demands of a global economy.

And the Victorian Government over the past year has sponsored more than 1000 skilled migrants to fill vacant trades positions in local industry - an increase of 400 per cent in two years.

The director of Monash University's Centre for Population and Urban Research, Bob Birrell, said the recruitment of tradesmen from overseas was exceptional.

He said that since the temporary work-visa program was deregulated in 1996, hirings from overseas had been concentrated in information technology. "But welders? That's fascinating," he said. "I'm sure the unions are interested."

The Dandenong case is not isolated. In Ballarat, another trailer maker, Maxitrans, says it is considering hiring up to 30 welders from China because it has been unable to attract local tradesmen despite advertising in several states.

In Western Australia, a furore erupted recently after the hiring of more than 30 South African boilermakers, welders and fitters on four-year visas. The workerswere lured into signing high-interest, $5000 loans before travelling to Australia and were initially forced to pay their own workers' compensation and medical insurance.

WA secretary of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, Jock Ferguson, said the union had solved most of the "guest workers" problems. "The Federal Government talk about the boat people coming in, but this four-year visas plan is letting hundreds of immigrants in through the back door," he said.

The national skills shortage was a central issue in the October federal election, with Prime Minister John Howard lamenting the decline of old-style "tech schools" in the education system and promising a new network of 24 technical colleges and trade training measures at a cost of $880 million.

"This country made a big mistake 30 or 40 years ago when it turned its back on the old system of having technical schools. We now must reinvest in the future of the 70 per cent of young Australians who do not go directly to university when they leave school," Mr Howard said.

The ACTU has warned that a national shortage of 250,000 traditional trades apprentices could cost the economy $9 billion in lost output over the next decade.

According to the Immigration Department, professionals in short supply range from anaesthetists and dermatologists to nurses, midwives, pharmacists and occupational therapists. But now so are chefs, auto-electricians, fitters, upholsterers, hairdressers, metal fabricators, machinists, panel beaters, refrigeration mechanics, sheet metal workers, toolmakers, vehicle painters and welders.

The AMWU, which opposes the practice of flying in contract workers, has begun a campaign today in the automotive industry to boost the number of apprentices trained locally. Stopwork meetings will be held at Ford's Broadmeadows and Geelong plants to urge the company to hire more trainees.

AMWU Victorian secretary Dave Oliver said that promoting the hiring of foreign contract workers was a "knee-jerk reaction" by the Federal Government to paper over its failure to develop a national technical education and skills program. Mr Oliver said the offshore option was a short-term fix that had more to do with undermining local wages and conditions and the role of unions in local enterprise.

"In days gone by, the State Electricity Commission, the Gas and Fuel Corporation and the railways trained up a lot of apprentices but since privatisation companies are ignoring their obligation to replenish staff for industry," Mr Oliver said. "The Government has also let the situation slide without any leadership."

Referring to the campaign targeting car companies, Mr Oliver said: "Ford used to train more than 200 apprentices a year. In the mechanical trades they were going to train only two next year, two motor mechanics and about 10 electricians. We have demanded that they train much more than that but they have only offered an additional four apprentices."

Australian Industry Group chief executive Heather Ridout said local industry faced a skills crisis because changes in the international economy had placed different demands on Australia.

She said there were vacancies for between 18,000 and 21,000 skilled tradesmen in the manufacturing sector alone that could not be filled.

Ms Ridout said Australia needed to accelerate reforms to its vocational education and training system, which remained fragmented and supply oriented.

ACTU spokesman George Wright said unions did not like the concept of flying in labor because of the Government's long-term neglect of renewing industry skills. "During the election the Government offered tool boxes to apprentices but that was never going to solve anything," he said.

"If the Government is serious about maintaining economic growth and future prosperity then this is an area that they will have to pay much greater attention to," he said. "The Government has said 'leave training to the market' but industry is just not investing in the future. They go for the short-term bottom line."