Older women halt births slide

By Tim Colebatch

November 26, 2004

Victoria's mothers are getting even older. Women in Victoria are now more likely to have babies in their 40s than in their teens, leading a demographic revolution that has ended the slump in Australia's fertility.

The Bureau of Statistics reports that after sliding for years, Australia's fertility rate - the number of children women on average would bear in their lifetime at current birth rates - has levelled off at 1.75 babies per women.

Demographer Rebecca Kippen, of the Australian National University, hailed the trend as "the rise of the older women". She said women who devoted their 20s to establishing their careers and partnerships are now turning to motherhood in their 30s and 40s.

Dr Kippen said the flattening out of fertility rates challenged assumptions of a further decline ahead, which underpinned gloomy estimates this week by the Productivity Commission that an ageing population could cost Australia $2200 billion over the next 40 years.

"If we maintain our fertility rate at these levels, maintain or increase immigration levels, and increase labor force participation, we will end up with a labor force that keeps growing, not declining," she said. "That would be an ideal position to be in."

Coalition and Labor frontbenchers used the commission's report yesterday to hit each other over the head. Treasurer Peter Costello blamed Labor for having earlier blocked the Government's plans to lift patient contributions for pharmaceuticals, while Labor's health spokesman Julia Gillard said the report showed the need to rationalise duplication of state and federal health services and make all services for older Australians a federal responsibility.

But the births data released by the bureau yesterday contradicted the report's assumption that fertility rates would fall another 10 per cent, to average just 1.6 babies per woman in future. The bureau said fertility has been virtually flat now for six years, with Victoria leading the trend to older parenthood.

Last year one in every nine Victorian women aged 30 to 34 gave birth to a child, making them almost the most fertile group of women in the nation. So did one in every 17 women aged 35 to 39, and one in every 93 women aged 40 to 44.

It is decades since older women have had so many children, going back almost to the advent of the pill. And in doing so, they are making up for the continuing fall in the number of mothers aged 30 and under to record lows.

Last year almost 60 per cent of babies born in Victoria woke up in the arms of a mother aged in her 30s or 40s. Women in their 40s gave birth to 2125 children, whereas women in their teens bore just 1673. Only one in 100 teenagers in Victoria had a baby.

Dr Kippen said several factors were driving the rise of the older mother. "Women want to have an established relationship before they have a child and that takes time when you're furthering your education, travelling, and building a career."

She also praised business and the Federal Government for initiatives to make it easier for women to combine motherhood and careers. "Business has introduced more flexible workplace policies so that if a mother wants to return to part-time work, it's there for her," she said.

She said views differ on whether the big rise in family benefits for mothers staying home with small children have helped fertility.

"But people don't make these decisions in a vacuum. Countries like France and Norway that have high fertility are also the ones with very good maternity leave provisions, generous support for parents and where it is easy to return to part-time work."