

Conservatism, Inc. To Trump: “I Was Hoping For A TALLER Honest Man”

511nk5odwLL._SY344_BO1204203200_-198x300[1]Did you ever think you'd live to see anchor babies discussed on TV every night? H1-B visas replacing American workers? Illegal alien murderers? Mexican rapists?

Could you ever have imagined that instead of Republicans weeping over illegal aliens "living in the shadows," we'd see them assailing one another for having once supported amnesty?

It's all Trump. Everything we've been begging politicians to talk about for the past decade, Donald Trump has brought up with a roar.

But the conservative Miss Grundys complain that Trump isn't satisfactory. They say he's "not a serious person"; he's "a clown," a "vulgarian"; he's not a "constitutional conservative"—you know, like the people who ignore the Constitution on "natural born citizen."

This is not an election about who can check off the most boxes on a conservative policy list, or even about who is the best or nicest person. This is an election about saving the concept of America, an existential election like no other has ever been. Anyone who doesn't grasp this is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

The nitpickers are like the cartoon of Diogenes looking over the man before him, and saying: "I was hoping for a taller honest man."

You're not getting a "taller honest man." Trump is our only shot to save America, if there's still time.

Only a TV reality show celebrity, self-financing brash billionaire, who Read more >>

The Great Bernie Sanders Whiteness Crisis


Bernie Sanders is scheduled to meet Wednesday with President Barack Obama in the White House for only the second time Ahead of their White House meeting, a look at the Obama-Sanders dynamic, by Juliet Eilperin and Paul Kane, Washington Post, January 26 2016. This signifies the Sanders campaign’s unexpected strength—but also the Vermont Senator’s record of remoteness from the racial identity politics that now dominate the Democratic Party, as personified by Obama.

Recently, Hillary Clinton unleashed her attack dog, Media Matters’ David Brock, to accuse Sanders of racism, saying Sanders’s latest ad paints a “bizarre” portrait of America. Brock argued that the ad was a “slight to the Democratic base" and that “it seems black lives don't matter much to Bernie Sanders.” [ Clinton ally: Black lives 'don't matter much' to Sanders , by Jesse Byrnes, The Hill, January 21, 2016]

Had Bernie Sanders resurrected Leni Riefenstahl to produce his ads? Not exactly.

With Simon and Garfunkel’s song America playing in the background (though it cuts the line “So we bought a pack of cigarettes”), Sanders’s ad showed vignettes of Americans, interspersed with crowds at Bernie Sanders rallies [ Art Garfunkel Explains Why He Approved Bernie Sanders’ Use of ‘America ,’ by Ted Johnson, Variety, January 22, 2016]. Although the ad went out of its way to include images of minority Sanders supporters, it did not hide the fact the vast majority were white. The bulk of the vignettes evoked Norman Rockwell/New Deal style i Read more >>

A Tale of Two Tapes: Teen Cruz and Terror-Coddler Obama

The crack media buzzed this week with the discovery of a totally front-page, news-breaking, breathtaking videotape.

GOP presidential candidate and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, CNN reported, was caught on camera confessing how he "sought 'world domination.'"

Gasp! This is something voters need to know.

Left-wing rag Mother Jones vigilantly covered the damning Read more >>

NATIONAL REVIEW Editors Vs. Trump: Forget “Principle”–Think “Career Move”

Contrary to the Main Stream Media perception, National Review has not just “purged” Donald Trump from the Conservative Movement. The Oxford English Dictionary defines a “purge” as “an abrupt or violent removal of a group of people from an organization or place.” This implies the purger has the power to remove the unwanted actor and that the purged was part of the entity to begin with. National Review does not have that power—least of all over Trump.

As has repeatedly pointed out and others are beginning to realize, while Donald Trump describes himself as a conservative, he never pretended to be part of the "Conservative movement". Most infuriating to the National Review and Conservatism Inc., he has not changed his positions or rhetoric to fit within their pet causes nor has he begged for the money and endorsements from the typical magazines, personalities, and donors.

Nor does National Review hold the power to define who is and isn’t a conservative. In fact, it hasn’t for some time. When William F. Buckley wrote In Search of Anti-Semitism in 1991, Murray Rothbard responded:
Buckley's latest encyclical

The Rejection Election And The Crisis Of The Regime

With the Iowa caucuses a week away, the front-runner for the Republican nomination, who leads in all the polls, is Donald Trump.

The consensus candidate of the Democratic Party elite, Hillary Clinton, has been thrown onto the defensive by a Socialist from Vermont who seems to want to burn Read more >>

Weird American Alpha Male Meets Weird American Fertility Goddess (And NATIONAL REVIEW’s Squirmishing Girly Boys)...

[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on]

One thing that came to mind watching Sarah Palin's speech endorsing Donald Trump: how very American it was. It's hard to see your country and its customs objectively if you're born and raised here; you just take them for granted. To immigrants like myself, America's national culture is as distinctive, as unique, as fascinating as Japan's. Mrs. Palin fits right in there.

Before globalization took hold, the U.S.A. was even more distinctive—what Bob Dylan's biographer called "the old, weird America." It's gone now, but I'm old enough to have caught the tail end of it.

So there I was, aged about fourteen, sitting in a provincial English drawing-room belonging to the family of my schoolfriend, when his father, who had eccentric tastes in music, put a disk on the gramophone. It was a record he'd just gotten by mail order from some American supplier.

I listened in amazement. Weird? It was the weirdest thing I'd ever heard—extraterrestrial weird.

Here it is, and it still sounds radically weird: The Fendermen with "Mule Skinner Blues." Read more >>
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