Plea for debate on parenting

By Meaghan Shaw

February 10, 2005
Pru Goward: call for debate.

Pru Goward: call for debate.
Photo: Chris Lane

Special measures to help men share the domestic load should be considered by federal and state governments, Sex Discrimination Commissioner Pru Goward said yesterday.

Ms Goward called for a national debate on how men and women can better balance unpaid family responsibilities.

She said the consequences of unequal workloads were failing marriages, falling fertility rates, stifled economic growth and more expensive aged care.

She made her comments at the National Press Club while launching a Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission project that will look at barriers to balancing work and family responsibilities.

Ms Goward said measures governments could consider included paid paternity leave and legislation requiring employers to reasonably consider requests for part-time work from fathers and mothers.

Other options were relationship programs to promote active fathering and house duties, and changes to the family responsibilities provisions of the Sex Discrimination Act.

"This is, I hope, the beginning of a bold and honest conversation at the barbecue, around the kitchen table or in the car, polite but pointed conversations between the churches and their flocks, bosses and their staff, policymakers and their departments, even between members of cabinets, all about the value of time and caring," she said.

Women did 12.58 hours of paid and unpaid work a day, compared with 10.7 hours by men, she said.

But the project was not about blaming men, Ms Goward said. Women also needed to change their belief that they were better at housework and child-rearing than their partners. "There is no doubt that gatekeeping by women is going to be one of the challenges here. We all have to learn to let go a bit."

Ms Goward said Australia lagged behind many European countries in terms of women in paid work, and was ranked second in the OECD for working the longest hours.

"There must be better ways of doing this," she said. "Once there is a confidence that this is a widespread issue, I can't believe Australian governments... won't be made to face up to the need for change."

Ms Goward predicted that care of ageing parents would be important in changing men's attitudes as smaller families left fewer siblings to share the load.

"That's the issue that will drive this as much as child care," she said. "It's easy to say, 'You wanted the children, you're the mother, you breastfed them, you know what you're doing.' You can't do that with your parents. She's not going to wipe your father's bottom."