The return of Game of Thrones is still a few months away, but you can already pledge your loyalty to your favourite house with three new teaser videos.

The HBO fantasy series has released a separate clip for House Stark, House Lannister and House Targaryen - reply with their respective hashtags on Twitter and you'll receive the video in return.

In the Stark teaser, a wolf banner hangs over a wintery plain as Ramsay Bolton says: "Winterfell is mine. Come and see."

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In the Lannister clip, the High Sparrow declares: "Every one of us is poor powerless. And yet, together we can overthrow an empire."

And in the Targaryen video, someone says in Dothraki: "You are nobody, the millionth of your name. Queen of Nothing."

Game of Thrones season six is set to hit US screens on HBO on Sunday, April 24 and returns to the UK on Monday, April 25 on Sky Atlantic. ​

Game of Thrones season six poster
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