MSNBC’s Roberts: Being ‘White, Straight, Males’ Is The Trifecta Of Privilege

MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts can’t seem to take off his liberal partisan hat when pretending to be a journalist on the “Lean Forward” network. Whether it be abortion or gay rights, Roberts would rather serve as a political activist for left-wing causes than actually be a fair and objective journalist.

Take for example the July 15 Morning Joe where Roberts filled-in as guest host to discuss the George Zimmerman murder trial. Roberts, like the rest of MSNBC, served as the PR team for the Martin family, responded to comments by panelist Mike Barnicle that his sons “have hit the American trifecta of privilege.” [See video after jump.]

Barnicle commented that because he was white, he never had to tell his sons “watch out when you're here. Watch out when you're there.” This caused Roberts to opine that, “They are white, straight males. Presumably. So they have hit the trifecta of American privilege and from there we go down hill." Roberts continued his partisan rant by observing that:

So if you are an other in this country, and that means if you are an LGBT, if you are Hispanic, if you are black, if you are a woman right now we are fighting prove why other is not bad and why we are due the value of our American rights.

Roberts then showed that he cannot be a fair reporter on the George Zimmerman trial, again pushing the MSNBC line that Zimmerman was guilty of murder, the jury verdict notwithstanding:

Trayvon's rights were obviously violated, stalked, followed, presumed to be suspicious from the get-go by somebody who was the self-proclaimed watch commander of his neighborhood who was packing heat to go to the grocery store.

Unsurprisingly, no one on the Morning Joe set bothered to challenge Thomas’ assertions that there existed a “American trifecta of privilege” likely because the liberal panel agreed with such sentiments. It’s unfortunate that NBC News allows its so-called “journalists” to hurl across the line and hold forth with liberal commentary, but it's just another piece of evidence that the network is not concerned with reporting the news but rather distorting and contorting it to fit a liberal "victim" narrative.

See relevant transcript below.

Morning Joe
July 15, 2013
6:07 a.m. Eastern

MIKE BARNICLE: You mentioned -- that it was depressing, that it was a terrible weekend, that the verdict is unsettling for so many people in this country and probably around the world. I'll tell you what’s truly unsettling to me personally as a parent. I have three sons. Not one of those sons that I have to tell listen, don't run when you see a cop, you know don’t establish eye contact with a cop.


BARNICLE: You know, watch out when you'e here. Watch out when you're there. I never had to do that. But if you're a black parent, you do that. You do that. It's part of raising your children

ROBERTS: Well, with all due respect your three boys have hit the american trifecta of privilege.


ROBERTS: They are white, straight males. Presumably. So they have hit the trifecta of American privilege and from there we go down hill. So if you are an other in this country, and that means if you are an LGBT, if you are hispanic, if you are black, if you are a woman right now we are fighting to prove why other is no the bad and why we are due the value of our American rights. I mean, Trayvon's rights were obviously violated, stalked, followed presumed to be suspicious from the get-go by somebody who was the self-proclaimed watch commander of his neighborhood who was packing heat to go to the grocery store.

Jeffrey Meyer
Jeffrey Meyer
Jeffrey Meyer was a News Analyst at the Media Research Center.