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Why are feminists refusing to discuss the Cologne sex attacks?

7 January 2016

7 January 2016

Regardless of the background of the men who carried out the attacks in Cologne on New Year’s Eve, it is a pretty horrific story. A series of sexual attacks took place in the city centre by a group of around 1,000 men. More than 150 women have filed criminal complaints, three-quarters of them for sexual assault. Two cases of rape have been reported. It is the kind of story that should make headlines – and should provide ample fodder for writers who like to tackle feminist topics head on. After all, surely this is the very definition of ‘rape culture’? And if the actual attacks aren’t enough to merit a reaction, then how about the suggestion by Cologne’s female mayor that women should adopt a ‘code of conduct‘ to prevent future assault. Is that not the very definition of ‘victim blaming’?

But the headlines have been conspicuous by their absence. So far this year, the main ‘feminist’ topic covered by Guardian comment writers is Chris Gayle’s cricket sexism row, which involves the sportsman chatting up a female journalist. There is not one mention of the Cologne attacks, aside from in news reports. Why is that? Is it because they are not deemed important? Perhaps we don’t care about vicious attacks against German frauen? Or is it because the details of the story – that the men appear to have been of ‘Arab or North African origin’ who did not seem to speak German or English, and that there is a possibility they are some of the 1.1 million migrants to have entered Germany last year  – make it too controversial to touch? Feminist writers are not famed for holding their tongues – as individuals who have been hanged, drawn and quartered by them can attest. But in an article for Prospect, Jessica Abrahams offers this measly explanation for the silence:

Feminists are necessarily concerned with the protection of minorities and marginalised groups. If some of them are finding it difficult to speak up about the event because of concerns it might be used to encourage aggression against refugees, I can’t say I blame them. The fault lies not with the feminists but with those making them nervous to speak–the very same people, often, who are expressing outrage that they aren’t.

It is usually the task of feminists to make enough noise about incidents of sexual assault that they can no longer be ignored; the Cologne attack was big enough that it received a huge amount of attention across Europe and further afield. We can only hope now that the police are successful in bringing those responsible to the courtroom and preventing further attacks, and that the women involved are given enough support.

I do not wish to get into a debate about migration, but it seems fair to suggest we face facts: many North African and Arab countries are not famed for their exemplary treatment of women. And many of the people entering Europe are young men from these countries, who may well have never come across the concept that women are equal to men, and do not deserve to be threatened, molested or raped. If we are too scared to say this, for fear that it might look uncharitable towards migrants, then we land ourselves in all kinds of trouble. Eventually we will have to say it though, so we might as well start now.

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  • Wedgie Benn
    So apart from the Usual Islam is a’race’ view. Its noted The cops appease asylum seekers rapes as well as citizens ones,but then they try to fit up those who say they turn a blind eye to citizens rapes, they havent tried to fit up anyone who’s accused the police of turning a blind eye to muslim asylum seekers rapes

  • WTF

    These feminist don’t move in circles where there are vulnerable under age girls in deprived area so they can sleep easy at night and pretend that gang rape doesn’t happen in places like Rotherham. However, a sexual misunderstanding between a drunk white couple where the woman regrets getting out of her skull the night before and then cries rape is ammunition for these rape baiters. No one is saying rape doesn’t happen on occasion but with them rape is always the default position for white men whilst they ignore far worse gang rapes among Muslim neighborhoods.

  • bloo

    ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’, who said that? Seems to fit the feminists, they have one problem that is white men, so hooking up with brown men to achieve their wet dream of destroying white men is natural. Utterly perverse but spend 5 minutes reading Laurie Penny’s twitter, hatred and perversity are all that exists.

  • cartimandua

    Those who blame feminists are abdicating their personal responsibility . They are handing off the defence of the West to a minority of women who control neither politics nor media.
    Badly done chaps badly done.

  • Harryagain

    This is a traditional Muslim “Sport” called Taharrush Gamea.
    Played all over the Middle East and North Africa.
    They consider it normal.

    Google it for more information.
    Wonderful Pictures on Youtube.
    If you’ve gota strong stomach.

    The benefits of “Cultural Enrichment”, courtesy of the EU.
    Get used to it.
    Merkel is a lunatic.

  • Tereza Thompson

    Why??? Because feminists are prostitutes and to they, rape is a pleasure and beyond the more they want to be “politically correct” and do not say anything against Muslims

    • cartimandua

      And what nationality are you? Because over here in the West pet feminists have won womens right to work own homes and keep their children after divorce.
      Where there has not been feminism women are still treated like cattle.
      in Poland women are not allowed abortions to save their lives or eyesight.
      Submissive much?

  • Mark Forrester
  • William J Jackson

    Why don’t right wing and libertarian publications talk about white cops raping black women and girls?

    Why don’t right wing and libertarian publications talk about white men going onto reservations and raping native women and girls?

    • Arclight101

      You seem to be a lost American. Here in Britain we don’t have ‘reservations’, and nor do white policemen rape black girls. I suggest you hop back to a US publication.

    • WTF

      A rare occurrence unlike this gang rape by a group of teens on a young woman.

  • LittleRedRidingHood

    This just about sums it up.

  • Marvin

    They probably have an insatiable urge for some action.

  • Arclight101

    For the news managers at the Guardian responsible for ensuring that no story gets reported unless it can be spun to vouch in favor of the paper’s editorial line, the New Year’s Eve attacks on hundreds of women in Cologne, Helsinki, Zurich, Stuttgart, Vienna and many other European cities was the stuff of nightmares.

    At first they simply tried to pretend that nothing had happened, but when the Cologne story became too large for that they hit upon the idea of splitting hairs between migrants and refugees. The bizarre logic was that yes gangs of North African and Arab men had assaulted, beaten and robbed over 500 women en masse, but heh they had arrived this summer as ‘migrants’, and not as ‘refugees’. So that’s ok then.

    Except it wasn’t even true. As the German police reluctantly fuzzed up late in the week, most of the number of men they had managed to arrest, were indeed recently arrived refugees, most from Syria, and many of them were very mouthy and unapologetic about their behaviour too: “You can’t touch us, Mrs Merkell invited us to come here” they jeered at police officers.

    The Guardian dealt with this unhelpful career development the it always does when new information comes to light which contradicts the line it has been spinning. It simply ignored it. After all ‘Facts are sacred’ right. Well the Guardian’s editorial line is anyway, screw facts.

    The paper also failed to publish any pictures of the injuries suffered by the young victims, the exact opposite of the stance it would have taken if say a single Arab women were assaulted by German men, far less hundreds of them. It’s at times like this that you realize the people editing, managing and writing for the Guardian aren’t just delusional, intellectually dishonest and cowardly, they also in many cases, quite evil.

    • Jackthesmilingblack

      MSM journalists: First against the wall when the revolution comes.

  • Vinashak

    Extreme Left Liberal = Islamist
    This is the truth, no matter how insane it sounds

    • red2black

      “The truth is a coin with two sides.” Bradley Hardacre

  • Liberanos

    The koran approves it for infidel women. But it’s nothing to do with islam. Obviously.

  • cartimandua

    Mary Ann I don’t know whether the Speccie will let me link to the law and freedom foundation blog which gives a great deal of careful analysis or to Andrew Norfolk who is quite clear that press and the police supressed reports for “community cohesion”.

  • Heinz Stiller

    German feminists have spoken out on the Cologne events. By trying to divert public attention to the Munich Oktoberfest. As ZDF TV commentator Wizorek has said, every year, several hundred women are raped at the Munich beer fest. So Cologne is nothing special. – The little problem with Wizorek’s argument (repeated on the other German TV channel, the ARD, and in many papers) is only that it is pure fiction. As the renowned daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (art. by R. Meyer) has reported, after questioning Munich police, rapes at the Oktoberfest consistently are well below 10. Last year, one single rape happened.

    • Mary Ann

      I wonder how many reports of rape or sexual assault were received after last year’s NYE celebrations.

    • red2black

      The rape of a 24 year-old British man.

  • cartimandua

    As one who was banned from the Guardian don’t confuse feminist with Lefty. They are not the same thing and Lefties always make themselves feel righteous at the expense of women.

  • cartimandua

    Jim S
    This whole article is a straw man (or woman) “Lara” has her orders from her Editors. Her order are always to denigrate women.
    Not all feminists are Left wing. Real feminists are not allowed to speak. This is true even in micro where women are banned for sticking up for women on comment forums.
    On “another publication” Mel Phillips is not at all conflicted about mentioning the problem.

  • Jim Sterrett

    so let me get this right, you say nothing because you dont want people to be mean to an ethnic group. a vast ethnic group perpetrating this heinous act. nothing. not a peep. but if ONE white male did the same the feminists would be calling for the castration and public shaming of all of them just so they could finally feel safe. nice hypocrisy there douchetwat.

  • johnb1945

    Why are we surprised? To the left winger every vestige of antisocial behaviour is an excusable outgrowth of poverty.

    And we have a ready model of political correctness hailing from Sweden, whose otherwise ardent and uniformly left wing feminists have overlooked that country’s imported rape and sexual assault epidemic for years.

    My wife, who was born into that culture, was less circumspect upon hearing of this.

    “All the men are dirty pervs in those countries, and you’d have to go there to believe it…”

    She’s right, except thanks to Merkel and co. we no longer have to go there believe it…….

  • cartimandua

    Germany policed the wrong places. Men deriding “feminists” are abdicating their personal responsibility and are suggesting that females can and should “deal with” barbarian hordes of migrant men.
    Media is particularly culpable of under reporting crimes by Muslim men. They are frit.

    • Mary Ann

      Be curious to know your source of information about the media under reporting crimes by Muslim men if the media aren’t reporting the crimes? Do they under or over report the crimes of Christian men, or atheists, Hindus, Sikhs?

      • cartimandua

        It took years to report on the grooming gangs. There are perhaps 1 million victims over 25 years.
        With the latest outrage which happened in several countries reports were late and then very quickly tucked away.

        • Mary Ann

          I don’t think it has been tucked away, I read something about it this morning, more women coming forward. As for you figure of one million, where does this come from?

        • red2black

          Look how long it took to report on Hillsborough; all of which was caught on camera.

  • Mr Grumpy

    Just read the late Florence King’s take on feminism – very enlightening in this context.

    Those who believe power is the ultimate reality will end up worshipping bullies.

  • Cosmo

    I think I may have found the answer:

  • aldousk

    “Feminists are necessarily concerned with the protection of minorities and marginalised groups.”

    As noted elsewhere, this sounds like mission creep. Spooks and software geeks often suffer from this disease. It’s hard to shake off once it gets a grip. Look at Windows,.

  • Lo Bin Sun

    Look, I don’t know how to say this but, umm, I’m a bit nervous you know, well, you see, I just thought I’d, well, ask this question:

    In the pictures of the police at Cologne station, there were were, well, officers with, ummm, long blonde hair. I think, well, they were ladies. (I don’t want to say female because I’ve been taught to stand up for girls, show respect, you know, girls first. So I’m fawning a bit so wimmin and St-George-and-the-Dragon males won’t get cross with me. lol)

    I know, really, that these lady police were capable of doing anything their male counterparts could do but, ummm, is it just possible they too were afraid (lol) of being touched in a naughty way?

    You know, well, it’s a funny thing ’cause bad mans don’t play by good man’s rules.

    Okay, lets cut to the quick. Germany is known for its strong women’s rights movement. So I’m sure there will be quotas within the police force. Or certainly pressure to have equal representation of women in uniform on the streets, particularly in previously male-dominated areas like riot squads.

    Does this need to be re-examined?

  • Jackthesmilingblack

    Cologne was a “hit the fan” moment. Somewhat similar to Stockwell 22/07/07, where the police became the bad guys.
    Same elements in play, Muslim criminal, politicized police, culpable MSM journalists.

  • Jesus sucked gay penis

    I’m a lefty feminist and I think these guys are total c*nts.

    • Arthur Ascii

      They have neither the depth nor the warmth.

      • red2black

        The truth can be shallow and cold.

    • Mr Grumpy

      Well done for making your point with an identity that courageously offends Christians.

  • fernsoles

    I totally defend a woman’s right to stay home & make babies. I never look down on
    prostitutes. I support working women.

    • Jackthesmilingblack

      Nothing against *hores, in their place. Face down in their underwear.

  • Martin

    In the face of a real “rape culture” feminists are silent, women have been told to be responsible for a change. What that tells us about feminism is that it is only a shaming cult against white men in countries where women are the most privileged on the planet. Great article

  • Jack Smith

    “I believe that feminism has successfully employed two strategies in succession:
    1) Turn women into men;
    2) Turn men into women.
    Viewed thus, feminism has been a roaring success on both counts. Scandinavia
    is a sterling example of modern feminism taken to its logical extension: The men are cuckolded into shamed silence, which allows Muslim men to come in and rape the women.
    In the end, feminism’s greatest achievement will be the restoration of the patriarchy.”
    – Jim Goad

  • Mohammed Baybars Mehdi

    “And many of the people entering Europe are young men from these countries, who may well have never come across the concept that women are equal to men, and do not deserve to be threatened, molested or raped.”

    What a stupid comment. Rape, molestation and threats are a crime in every country on Earth.

    • Cincinnatus

      Rape*, molestation and threats are a crime in every country on Earth.

      *Only if there are four witnesses.

      • Mohammed Baybars Mehdi

        Do you feel proud of yourself? For showing your ignornace?

        “And those who accuse chaste women and then do not produce four witnesses
        – lash them with eighty lashes and do not accept from them testimony ever
        after. And those are the defiantly disobedient, Except for those who repent
        thereafter and reform, for indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” Qur’an

        Four witnesses are required if a woman is ACCUSED of adultery. It has nothing to do with rape. Adultery is consensual, rape is not. We use forensic evidence to determine if someone is raped.

        • Hendrik

          Are you proud of worshipping the pedophile Mohammed?

    • Arthur Ascii

      They come from cultures where women ‘know their place’ and are beaten if they step outside it. They are misogynists, and their treatment of the free women of Europe speaks for itself. Women who have broken away from those cultures and now have a voice confirm this again and again.

      This idea that ‘because rape occurs in every country therefore there is nothing new here’ is the argument of an apologist.

      • Mohammed Baybars Mehdi

        Stating it’s a CRIME is most certainly not an apologists argument. Implying they did it because they get away with it in their countries, that is an apologists argument. The treatment of free women in Europe speaks for itself? Really? You’re not familiar with that treatment are you? Rape is far more prevalent in the west. 7 of the top 10 rape capitals in the world are western nations according to UN data, and no it’s not because rape is not reported in other nations or they don’t keep records, otherwise India and Zimbabwe wouldn’t be on the list, unreported rape is an issue in every society.

        1. South Africa
        2. Sweden
        3. USA
        4. England & Wales
        5. India
        6. New Zealand
        7. Canada
        8. Australia
        9. Zimbabwe
        10. Denmark and Finland

        • Arthur Ascii

          You still seem unable to see the important difference between mere statistics and statistics compared against the culture and background of those carrying out the rapes.

          Sweden is No.2 on your list. Why? Could it be because they have had a large influx of immigrants?

          When it became clear that the rumours of gangs of Asian men carrying out systematic and repeated grooming and raping of white girls in UK cities we heard the same pathetic excuse i.e. that it wasn’t significant if they were all Asian gangs because white gangs exist too, but of course the significant difference is that they were/are Asian gangs targeting specifically white girls.

          Wise people in the Asian community have and acknowledged recognised this. Why can’t you?

          • Mohammed Baybars Mehdi

            Yes I am well aware of the fact that most of the rape in Sweden in committed by so called Muslims. Your Muslim rape gangs nonsense however (funny how the baby rape gang, all white, in England didn’t get anywhere near the same coverage) doesn’t change the fact that the overwhelming majority of rape in the UK (78%) is committed by whites, according to government data. Prevalence of rape in one town isn’t going to skew the overall statistics nor is trying to pass the buck. The fact remains the majority of rape is Western nations, with the exception of Sweden, is committed by natives.

            • Arthur Ascii

              You’ve ignored the main point once again. You are either incapable of understanding it or simply refusing to look at it.

              1. There are rapists who will target anyone.
              2. There are rapists from certain cultures who target women from different cultures because they regard those other cultures as inferior to their own.
              3. Men from certain cultures are more likely to rape than those from other cultures because of how they view women.

              • red2black


            • Hendrik

              “(funny how the babyrape gang, all white, in England didn’t get anywhere near the same coverage)” ….
              Says he, who worships the pedophile Mohammed.
              Islam has no place in Europe.

              • red2black

                Neither have White baby-rape gangs – a few more of which are currently under investigation. All of it’s appalling, whoever the perpetrators are.

            • Cosmo

              “Prevalence of rape in one town” Wilful blindness or stupidity? Try:
              Rochdale,Rotherham,Oxford,Telford,Derby,Bristol,Peterborough,Bradford and anywhere else men of “Pakistani hereitage”(Muslim) are to be found. Your backward culture and poisonous ideology has some serious issues to deal with. Perhaps you should concentrate on that instead of denying the obvious and trying to deflect attention.

              • Mohammed Baybars Mehdi

                Who is denying the obvious? Deflection? It sounds like you’re running from the facts. If there was prevalence among Muslims then the data would be similar to the data in Sweden, where 77% of rape is committed by the 4.5% of Muslims. In England Muslims account for 5% of the population yet 78% is committed by whites. I’m not denying anything, Facts get in the way of lazy stereotypes and
                scaremongering. It’s a very hard pill to swallow.

              • Mohammed Baybars Mehdi

                Who is denying the obvious? Deflection? It sounds like you’re running from the facts. If there was prevalence among Muslims then the data would be similar to the data in Sweden, where 77% of rape is committed by Muslims who make up 4.5% of the population. In England Muslims account for 5% of the population yet 78% is committed by whites. I’m not denying anything, Facts get in the way of lazy stereotypes and scaremongering. It’s a very hard pill to swallow.

              • Mohammed Baybars Mehdi

                Who is denying the obvious? Deflection? It sounds like you’re running from the facts. If there was prevalence among Muslims then the data would be similar to the data in Sweden, where 77% of rape is committed by Muslims who make up 4.5% of the population. In England Muslims account for 5% of the population yet 78% is committed by whites. I’m not denying anything, Facts get in the way of lazy stereotypes and scaremongering. It’s a very hard pill to swallow.

              • Mohammed Baybars Mehdi

                Who is denying the obvious? Deflection? It sounds like you’re running from the facts. If there was prevalence among Muslims then the data would be similar to the data in Sweden, where 77% of rape is committed by Muslims who make up 4.5% of the population. In England Muslims account for 5% of the population yet 78% is committed by whites. Facts get in the way of lazy stereotypes and scaremongering.

      • Mohammed Baybars Mehdi

        It is you, not I, that is ignoring the main
        points. Your claims are not supported by facts. You’re trying to pass the buck
        and trying, and failing, to play the moral superiority card. There is nothing
        morally superior about attitudes to women by men from any nation, as the rape
        statistics show. The fact is rape is a crime in every country. The fact is most
        rape is committed by natives.

        • Arthur Ascii

          On the contrary, there is pleny of evidence to support what I have written.

          Try this – an Asian woman who had and Asian upgringing in an Asian community explains why the events in Cologne and elsewhere were inevitable.

          Shine a light into the darkness and help us get rid of this menace instead of being blind to the reality.

          • Mohammed Baybars Mehdi

            I don’t think you understand how statistics work do you? Her claims change the mountain of statistical evidence? No they don’t. You tried to play the moral superiority card. It backfired. Rape is far more prevalent in Western nations. That is an undisputed fact and most rape is committed by natives, again undisputed fact. Her claims would be born out with statistics, they aren’t. The figures skew highly towards non natives in Sweden only, not elsewhere.

  • Mike De Fleuriot

    I say more silence from the feminists will hasten their demise. Well what ever they do, it will continue the destruction of their movement, once they started down the path of attacking those they think are against them, all bets are off.

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