Pasta With Walnuts And Mushrooms

This one’s dead simple, dead quick and dead-free.

Recipe for 1 hearty appetite, scale down / up as needed.

100g pasta of your choice (I like conchiglie) Knob of margarine or 1/2 – 1 tbs veg oil 1/4 large onion, thinly sliced 1 clove garlic, crushed 125g mushrooms, sliced (use chestnut mushies if possible) 60g […]

No-Fail Nut Roast

I’ve been using this recipe, with various twists, for more than twenty years, and it’s never let me down. I don’t claim any credit for its creation. That goes to Amanda Sweet, author of the long-out-of-print Vegan Health Plan. If you can find this book second-hand, grab it. I’d rate it as one of the […]

Red Lentil, Coconut & Lime Dhal

This is my own adaptation of one of my favourite comfort foods, the humble lentil dhal, made more sexy and substantial with the addition of a load of lovely veg. It goes great with plain basmati rice, a good leafy salad and maybe a chapati too. Don’t be put off by the long list of […]

Mushroom & Lentil Crumble

Now’s the time of year to start thinking about heartier foods, the kind of solid scran you need to get you through the long cold nights and grey days. Crumbles are ideal, and not just the sweet ones that you can pack with seasonal fruits (blackberries in particular are superb right now). This recipe provides […]