First They Came For The Anarchists…

Lest We Forget

The Plebs Are Revolting!

Here’s another entry in my occasional series of crude political propaganda. This one has a space for you to add a relevent rebellious website address. Rad.

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The Right To Shirk!

Happy May Day / Beltane comrades!

© Hugh D'Andrede – click for large version

You can view more of Hugh’s work on his Flickr page.

These Days Will Never Come Again

All that remains for me to say is cheers ‘n’ beers for the last twelve months and

Book ‘Em, Danno!

Following on from yesterday’s little exercise in improving police-community relations, I’ve branched out into literature. This flyer can be downloaded in a convenient 4-to-an-A4-sheet format ready for printing, then cut up and surreptitiously inserted into all manner of inflammatory material. These seditious publications can be found in your local library, bookshop or children’s school.

Remember, […]

Grass War

In the last couple of days, Brit cops have issued a news bulletin asking people to snitch on any ‘anarchists’ they know. Quite what they define as an anarchist beyond their cut ‘n’ paste job from Wikipedia is anyone’s guess. Local librarians who let you borrow anarchist books? Retailers (I’m looking at you, Amazon!) who […]

Nuts To The Cuts!

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It’s simple. The ongoing and proposed cuts in public services, including education, are nothing but class war. The Tories want everything in private hands, so that they and their capitalist string-pullers can bleed as much as they possibly can from us. The LibDems are happy to collaborate with their […]