Eton? Rifle!

Apparently, there’s a bit of an internets fuss going on about a privileged, Eton-educated, little rich kid ‘musician’ called Frank Turner, who’s been ‘outed’ as a scummy right-wing libertarian who thinks that the BNP are hard left and socialism is dangerous.

I came across him a while back after he appeared to be matey with […]

Nuts To The Cuts!

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It’s simple. The ongoing and proposed cuts in public services, including education, are nothing but class war. The Tories want everything in private hands, so that they and their capitalist string-pullers can bleed as much as they possibly can from us. The LibDems are happy to collaborate with their […]

We STILL Fuckin’ Hate Thatcher!

Broadcaster: BBC Radio 4 Programme: In Living Memory Broadcast date: 12.03.08 Size: 47.3mb

Oh how joyous it was to hear news last week that the old bag was taken ill. Sadly, she seems to have recovered, but it can’t be too long now surely? Apparently, she also has problems with her memory these days. Well, […]

Food For Thought

There was a time when my diet could’ve been classed as traditionally British. Main meals were built around the meat ‘n’ two veg approach, except for Fridays and holidays when we would have fish ‘n’ chips. Milk was drunk by the pint (and from proper glass bottles too!) and eggs found their way onto nearly […]

Hard To Stomach

Masterfoods, the company behind brands such as Mars Bars, Twix and Bounty, have been using rennet from calf stomach in many of their popular chocolate and ice cream products since May 1st (at least in the UK anyway). Many vegetarians eat their products but may not be aware of this change, as Masterfoods don’t seem […]

If The Kids Are United

Happy International Workers Day. In 1887, five anarchists were murdered by the American state for nothing more than helping workers to organise. Today marks the day when we celebrate their struggle. Their deaths will never be forgotten and remind us why we must never forgive. In the words of August Spies, one of the martyrs:
