2 Hours of Celtic Music
Track list and more: Facebook / iTunes / Bandcamp: http://www.facebook.com/AdrianvonZiegler http://itunes.apple.com/artist/adrian-von-ziegler/id445469270 http://adrianvonziegler.bandcamp.com/...
Making A Celt Stone Axe From Scratch (including handle)
The manufacture of a stone ax including the handle from using only primitive tools and materials. It is a celt (pronounced "selt") a type of ax with a polished stone head wedged into a hole or mortise at the end of a wooden handle. The head took about a week and a day to make as I chose to make it from a particularly large piece of basalt. This involved hammering, pecking, grinding and polishing
Hidden Histories: What is a Celt? (updated)
Welcome to Hidden Histories. In this series, we take a closer look at the world around us and explore the hidden depths of our shared history.
Today, you join me on a hunt for 'The Celts.
DNA study shows Celts are not a unique genetic group:
For a few more thoughts - see here:
Epic Celtic Music Mix - Most Powerful & Beautiful Music
Epic Music World Websites:
Epic Music World I: https://www.youtube.com/user/MusicKaira1
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MusicKaira
Website: http://musickaira.weebly.com/
Artist Websites:
Tartalo Music:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TartaloMusic
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tartalo-Music/1730490
How the Celts Saved Britain - HD - 1of2 (BBC) - A New Civilisation (2009)
Provocative two-part documentary in which Dan Snow blows the lid on the traditional Anglo-centric view of history and reveals (in part 2 of 2) how the Irish saved Britain from cultural oblivion during the Dark Ages of 400-800AD. Travelling back in time to some of the remotest corners of the British Isles, Dan unravels the mystery of the lost years of 400-800 AD, when the collapse of the Roman Em
2 1/2 Hours of the Best Celtic Music
Music: Title: "Celtic Dreamer by Chris Conway" ( Full Album - PMCD0225 ) © by http://www.paradisemusic.us.com To purchase a CD for a 53mins version of this m...
Afro Celt Sound System - Release
Release features on Real World 25 - http://realworldrecords.com/25
'Release' is in many ways the Afro Celt's most personal and autobiographical track. It starts with an ambient drone and ancestral invocation, Iarla O Lionáird's dark vocals sharing the stage with the vocals of Sinead O'Connor.
Afro Celt Sound System - Live
Afro Celt Sound System - Live 2011
The Mighty Celt (26 August 2005)
Ancient Warriors - Episode 02: The Celts (History Documentary)
Ancient Warriors - Episode 02: The Celts (History Documentary) This Ancient Warriors series from the Discovery Channel is an excellent look at the warrior gr...
Deadliest Warrior Persian Immortal vs. Celt
Deadliest Warrior Persian Immortal vs. Celt Persian Immortals weaponary: Sagaris, Spear, Bow and arrow, chariot scythe Celt weaponary: sword, lancea, sling, ...
CELTIC MUSIC - FLUTE ( flauta celta )
el crepusculo de celta las mas bella
Dwi'n Amau Dim - Celt (geiriau / lyrics)
Can/Song: Dwi'n Amau Dim (I Don't Doubt a Thing) Band: Celt Album: @.com Prynwch '@.com' / Buy '@.com': http://www.sadwrn.com/cd.asp?id=112 Welsh Music Blog ...
How To Make a Celt Tomahawk Out of an Old Adze - The Warhawk
Today we'll be taking apart an old adze and building a celt-style tomahawk. There will be a little bit of forging in this video. I'm going to be building a more permanent forge soon. Let me know if you want to see a build along when I start that project.
Thanks for watching and have a safe and fun Halloween!
I used a 1/8" cobalt bit for drilling the holes. They are very tough bits and work much
History Of Ancient Celt Warriors - Ancient Murders And Sacrifices Documentary - National TV
History Of Ancient Celt Warriors - Ancient Murders And Sacrifices Documentary - National TV
The Celts were people in Iron Age and also Medieval Europe that talked Celtic languages and had social similarities, although the relationship between indigenous, linguistic as well as cultural consider the Celtic globe continues to be uncertain and questionable. The specific geographic spread of the old
Enya - The Celts (video)
2006 WMG The Celts (video)
Afro Celt Sound System - Whirl-y-Reel
Part 1 & 2. Support the artists, buy the record. http://afroceltsoundsystem.net/
Afro Celt Sound System - Magic & Mayhem
Afro Celt Sound System - Magic & Mayhem. Music is from the computer game Magic and Mayhem, Video is Afro Celt Sound System Live 2011 ruined by me :)
THE CELTS! 3 great songs!
I just love all things Celt. Three songs "Celtic Dreams" by San Quillmas Consort, "Dacw Nghariad" by 4Yn Y bar, and "Reels--January's Journey"--- from Narada...
Horrible Histories Celtic Boast Battle song(rap)
Horrible Histories Celtic Boast Battle song(rap)
Afro Celt Sound System - Release (MAW dub 1)
Celtic Music 10 hours
All music composed by Adrian von Ziegler. No copyright infringement intended, permission to upload the music has been given to me directly by the composer.
Celt o Radwańskiej w WTA: pokazała, że potrafi (Sport)
Sport: http://www.polskieradio.pl/43/265/Artykul/1540261,Agnieszka-Radwanska-przyjmuje-krytyke-ojca-ale-trenera-nie-zamierza-zmienic
Agnieszka Radwańska na konferencji prasowej odpowiadała na pytania dziennikarzy, którzy tłumnie stawili się, by pogratulować tenisistce zwycięstwa w mistrzostwach WTA. Dawid Celt, sparingpartner Agnieszki Radwańskiej mówił po konferencji o jej sukcesie.
2 Hours of Celtic Music
Track list and more: Facebook / iTunes / Bandcamp: http://www.facebook.com/AdrianvonZiegler http://itunes.apple.com/artist/adrian-von-ziegler/id445469270 http:/...
Track list and more: Facebook / iTunes / Bandcamp: http://www.facebook.com/AdrianvonZiegler http://itunes.apple.com/artist/adrian-von-ziegler/id445469270 http://adrianvonziegler.bandcamp.com/...
wn.com/2 Hours Of Celtic Music
Track list and more: Facebook / iTunes / Bandcamp: http://www.facebook.com/AdrianvonZiegler http://itunes.apple.com/artist/adrian-von-ziegler/id445469270 http://adrianvonziegler.bandcamp.com/...
Making A Celt Stone Axe From Scratch (including handle)
The manufacture of a stone ax including the handle from using only primitive tools and materials. It is a celt (pronounced "selt") a type of ax with a polished...
The manufacture of a stone ax including the handle from using only primitive tools and materials. It is a celt (pronounced "selt") a type of ax with a polished stone head wedged into a hole or mortise at the end of a wooden handle. The head took about a week and a day to make as I chose to make it from a particularly large piece of basalt. This involved hammering, pecking, grinding and polishing the head into the final shape. The handle took a day and a morning to make. A chisel was made from stone and a mallet made from a log. These were used to cut the tree for the handle and shape it once down. Fire was used to harden the wood and also to help shape the mortise. The ax was then used to cut down a tree the day after the handle was a tree itself. It is a more efficient tool for felling trees than the hand ax I made and at the time of uploading this video has cut down 4 trees which I will use later.
wn.com/Making A Celt Stone Axe From Scratch (Including Handle)
The manufacture of a stone ax including the handle from using only primitive tools and materials. It is a celt (pronounced "selt") a type of ax with a polished stone head wedged into a hole or mortise at the end of a wooden handle. The head took about a week and a day to make as I chose to make it from a particularly large piece of basalt. This involved hammering, pecking, grinding and polishing the head into the final shape. The handle took a day and a morning to make. A chisel was made from stone and a mallet made from a log. These were used to cut the tree for the handle and shape it once down. Fire was used to harden the wood and also to help shape the mortise. The ax was then used to cut down a tree the day after the handle was a tree itself. It is a more efficient tool for felling trees than the hand ax I made and at the time of uploading this video has cut down 4 trees which I will use later.
- published: 22 May 2015
- views: 17
Hidden Histories: What is a Celt? (updated)
Welcome to Hidden Histories. In this series, we take a closer look at the world around us and explore the hidden depths of our shared history.
Today, you join ...
Welcome to Hidden Histories. In this series, we take a closer look at the world around us and explore the hidden depths of our shared history.
Today, you join me on a hunt for 'The Celts.
DNA study shows Celts are not a unique genetic group:
For a few more thoughts - see here:
and here:
wn.com/Hidden Histories What Is A Celt (Updated)
Welcome to Hidden Histories. In this series, we take a closer look at the world around us and explore the hidden depths of our shared history.
Today, you join me on a hunt for 'The Celts.
DNA study shows Celts are not a unique genetic group:
For a few more thoughts - see here:
and here:
- published: 19 Mar 2015
- views: 104
Epic Celtic Music Mix - Most Powerful & Beautiful Music
Epic Music World Websites:
Epic Music World I: https://www.youtube.com/user/MusicKaira1
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MusicKaira
Website: http://musickair...
Epic Music World Websites:
Epic Music World I: https://www.youtube.com/user/MusicKaira1
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MusicKaira
Website: http://musickaira.weebly.com/
Artist Websites:
Tartalo Music:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TartaloMusic
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tartalo-Music/173049069551316?ref=hl
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/tartalomusic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TartaloMusic
Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/tartalomusic
Bandcamp: http://tartalomusic.bandcamp.com
Buy on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/es/artist/tartalo-music/id905080168?ign-mpt=uo%3D4
CDBaby: http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/TartaloMusic
Antti Martikainen:
Buy on iTunes: http://tinyurl.com/AnttiMartikainenItunes
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/AJMartikainen
Bandcamp: http://anttimartikainen.bandcamp.com/
Google Play: http://tinyurl.com/AnttiMartikainenPlay
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anttimartikainenmusic
Danny Rayel:
Facebook : https://Facebook.com/DannyRayel
Youtube : https://youtube.com/DannyRayel
Twitter : https://Twitter.com/DannyRayel
Soundcloud for DJ mixes : https://Soundcloud.com/Danny-Rayel
Alex Mason:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008332423888&ref;=tn_tnmn
Official: http://vk.com/alexmason7
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/alexmason-1-1
The Slanted Room:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4QfLImFljBOys6Ew1sCjwA
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/the-slanted-room
Weebly: http://theslantedroom.weebly.com/
Video Details:
00:00:00 Tartalo Music - Battle for Camelot
00:04:51 Antti Martikainen - The King of the Highlands
00:13:02 Danny Rayel - The Celtic Princess
00:16:27 Antti Martikainen - The Era of Legends
00:22:25 Tartalo Music - Quest for Excalibur
00:25:08 Alex Mason - The Inspiration
00:32:13 Antti Martikainen - The God of Thunder
00:41:27 Tartalo Music - The Dark Age
00:46:20 Danny Rayel - King Arthur's Inn
00:50:04 Antti Martikainen - Northland
00:56:59 Tartalo Music - Journey Through Aran
01:00:31 The Slanted Room - Plains of Hope
01:03:52 Antti Martikainen - Oceangate
01:12:11 Antti Martikainen - At the Journey's End
01:21:01 Antti Martikainen - Faraway
01:32:04 Antti Martikainen - Folktale
Image : http://nocturnalquill.deviantart.com/art/Celtic-Wallpaper-289690237
Image by NocturnalQuill: http://nocturnalquill.deviantart.com/
Please support these bands by purchasing or licensing their music.
Note for the new Artists:
** If you would like to submit your track for promotion,
** If you have important other questions,
then please come to my Website: http://musickaira.weebly.com/.
If you have any problem with the music or pictures used in my videos, please contact me at musickaira@gmx.de
wn.com/Epic Celtic Music Mix Most Powerful Beautiful Music
Epic Music World Websites:
Epic Music World I: https://www.youtube.com/user/MusicKaira1
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MusicKaira
Website: http://musickaira.weebly.com/
Artist Websites:
Tartalo Music:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TartaloMusic
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tartalo-Music/173049069551316?ref=hl
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/tartalomusic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TartaloMusic
Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/tartalomusic
Bandcamp: http://tartalomusic.bandcamp.com
Buy on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/es/artist/tartalo-music/id905080168?ign-mpt=uo%3D4
CDBaby: http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/TartaloMusic
Antti Martikainen:
Buy on iTunes: http://tinyurl.com/AnttiMartikainenItunes
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/AJMartikainen
Bandcamp: http://anttimartikainen.bandcamp.com/
Google Play: http://tinyurl.com/AnttiMartikainenPlay
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anttimartikainenmusic
Danny Rayel:
Facebook : https://Facebook.com/DannyRayel
Youtube : https://youtube.com/DannyRayel
Twitter : https://Twitter.com/DannyRayel
Soundcloud for DJ mixes : https://Soundcloud.com/Danny-Rayel
Alex Mason:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008332423888&ref;=tn_tnmn
Official: http://vk.com/alexmason7
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/alexmason-1-1
The Slanted Room:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4QfLImFljBOys6Ew1sCjwA
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/the-slanted-room
Weebly: http://theslantedroom.weebly.com/
Video Details:
00:00:00 Tartalo Music - Battle for Camelot
00:04:51 Antti Martikainen - The King of the Highlands
00:13:02 Danny Rayel - The Celtic Princess
00:16:27 Antti Martikainen - The Era of Legends
00:22:25 Tartalo Music - Quest for Excalibur
00:25:08 Alex Mason - The Inspiration
00:32:13 Antti Martikainen - The God of Thunder
00:41:27 Tartalo Music - The Dark Age
00:46:20 Danny Rayel - King Arthur's Inn
00:50:04 Antti Martikainen - Northland
00:56:59 Tartalo Music - Journey Through Aran
01:00:31 The Slanted Room - Plains of Hope
01:03:52 Antti Martikainen - Oceangate
01:12:11 Antti Martikainen - At the Journey's End
01:21:01 Antti Martikainen - Faraway
01:32:04 Antti Martikainen - Folktale
Image : http://nocturnalquill.deviantart.com/art/Celtic-Wallpaper-289690237
Image by NocturnalQuill: http://nocturnalquill.deviantart.com/
Please support these bands by purchasing or licensing their music.
Note for the new Artists:
** If you would like to submit your track for promotion,
** If you have important other questions,
then please come to my Website: http://musickaira.weebly.com/.
If you have any problem with the music or pictures used in my videos, please contact me at musickaira@gmx.de
- published: 24 Dec 2014
- views: 113685
How the Celts Saved Britain - HD - 1of2 (BBC) - A New Civilisation (2009)
Provocative two-part documentary in which Dan Snow blows the lid on the traditional Anglo-centric view of history and reveals (in part 2 of 2) how the Irish sav...
Provocative two-part documentary in which Dan Snow blows the lid on the traditional Anglo-centric view of history and reveals (in part 2 of 2) how the Irish saved Britain from cultural oblivion during the Dark Ages of 400-800AD. Travelling back in time to some of the remotest corners of the British Isles, Dan unravels the mystery of the lost years of 400-800 AD, when the collapse of the Roman Empire left Britain in tatters. In the first episode, Dan shows how in the 5th century AD Roman 'Britannia' was plunged into chaos by the arrival of Anglo-Saxon invaders. As Roman civilisation disappeared from Britain, a new civilisation emerged in one of the most unlikely places - Ireland. Within a few generations, Christianity transformed a backward, barbarian country into the cultural powerhouse of early medieval Europe. This is a visually and intellectually stimulating journey through one of the least known chapters of British and Irish history.
Telegraph.co.uk - 'Everyone always talks about 1066 and the Battle of Hastings," says an exasperated Dan Snow, "but all the really big events happened 400 years earlier. We could, if things had gone only slightly differently then, be living on the 'Irish Isles' not the British Isles. Our capital should probably have been York."
The 30-year-old historian certainly makes a compelling case on behalf of the early medieval period (400-800AD), the curiously overlooked era in British history which is the focus of his new two-part BBC Four documentary, How the Celts Saved Britain. Indeed, as Snow holds forth with voluble enthusiasm on the subject, it's easy to hear an echo of his father, the journalist, broadcaster and master of the swingometer, Peter.
"Bound up with the spread of Christianity from Ireland is the spread of modernity," says Snow, who left Balliol College, Oxford with a First in history and is best known for co-presenting BBC Two's Battlefield Britain with his father. "This new series is all about vital events that defined the British Isles and yet the period was painted out of history. When my dad was at school in the Fifties, he used text books that covered Roman Britain, and then came this huge gap to William the Conqueror."
So what did the Celts do for us? Even the term "Celt", as Snow concedes, can be a vague, emotive term. For Snow's purposes, however, the Celts are the people primarily living in Ireland who came to Britain to evangelise and to trade, and who by so doing gave (what was to become) the UK a common language, a longer life expectancy and, in essence, the beginnings of what we would now call civilisation.
"Britain was in a pretty anarchic state after the dissolution of the Roman Empire," Snow explains, "but Ireland offered a level of stability. Christianity had been lapped up by the Irish, too, so they brought both their religion and their new ways of living with them in one package. That meant Christianity got wrapped up in building mills, eating better, fertilising fields and so on. It was a mechanism for translating information from the old Roman world to the undeveloped rest of the world."
Interestingly, however, Snow is no fan of Christianity per se: "I'm an atheist," he says, "so I'm fairly harsh on the idea that Christianity is a self-evidently brilliant creed that everyone adopts as soon as they're told about it."
Through making this series, however, Snow says that in fact his regard for Christianity has grown. "It is fascinating, ideologically, to watch the Iron Age warrior ethos being transformed by Christian thought," he says. "The old belief was that it was basically only really the warriors who were special. But Christianity told people that they were all special now. Even in this period, it was quite emancipating."
As he researched and filmed the programmes Snow visited several places that he'd first discovered as a child. "My dad was born in Dublin," he says, "so in a way I'm a kind of Celt myself." But there was more to those trips than simply revisiting beautiful locations such as Lindisfarne and Iona. Snow says that the TV documentary-maker's hands-on approach to history -- go there, see for yourself -- made him reflect on the way history is being taught in schools.
"These days teachers focus quite heavily on going to places, and getting children immersed in details," he says. "They learn more about wattle and daub than about generals and battles, so there's a huge controversy about whether children just don't get taught enough about the big picture: the major players and the key events."
Surprisingly, Snow thinks this is no bad thing. "It's easy to say kids don't get a broad overview, but visiting places such as Iona will inspire them to want to know more. I don't think the historical knowledge of the typical fiftysomething, who was taught all about generals and so on, is actually that great."
And if there's one thing Snow hopes his films will change it's Britain's common misconception about Ireland.
wn.com/How The Celts Saved Britain Hd 1Of2 (Bbc) A New Civilisation (2009)
Provocative two-part documentary in which Dan Snow blows the lid on the traditional Anglo-centric view of history and reveals (in part 2 of 2) how the Irish saved Britain from cultural oblivion during the Dark Ages of 400-800AD. Travelling back in time to some of the remotest corners of the British Isles, Dan unravels the mystery of the lost years of 400-800 AD, when the collapse of the Roman Empire left Britain in tatters. In the first episode, Dan shows how in the 5th century AD Roman 'Britannia' was plunged into chaos by the arrival of Anglo-Saxon invaders. As Roman civilisation disappeared from Britain, a new civilisation emerged in one of the most unlikely places - Ireland. Within a few generations, Christianity transformed a backward, barbarian country into the cultural powerhouse of early medieval Europe. This is a visually and intellectually stimulating journey through one of the least known chapters of British and Irish history.
Telegraph.co.uk - 'Everyone always talks about 1066 and the Battle of Hastings," says an exasperated Dan Snow, "but all the really big events happened 400 years earlier. We could, if things had gone only slightly differently then, be living on the 'Irish Isles' not the British Isles. Our capital should probably have been York."
The 30-year-old historian certainly makes a compelling case on behalf of the early medieval period (400-800AD), the curiously overlooked era in British history which is the focus of his new two-part BBC Four documentary, How the Celts Saved Britain. Indeed, as Snow holds forth with voluble enthusiasm on the subject, it's easy to hear an echo of his father, the journalist, broadcaster and master of the swingometer, Peter.
"Bound up with the spread of Christianity from Ireland is the spread of modernity," says Snow, who left Balliol College, Oxford with a First in history and is best known for co-presenting BBC Two's Battlefield Britain with his father. "This new series is all about vital events that defined the British Isles and yet the period was painted out of history. When my dad was at school in the Fifties, he used text books that covered Roman Britain, and then came this huge gap to William the Conqueror."
So what did the Celts do for us? Even the term "Celt", as Snow concedes, can be a vague, emotive term. For Snow's purposes, however, the Celts are the people primarily living in Ireland who came to Britain to evangelise and to trade, and who by so doing gave (what was to become) the UK a common language, a longer life expectancy and, in essence, the beginnings of what we would now call civilisation.
"Britain was in a pretty anarchic state after the dissolution of the Roman Empire," Snow explains, "but Ireland offered a level of stability. Christianity had been lapped up by the Irish, too, so they brought both their religion and their new ways of living with them in one package. That meant Christianity got wrapped up in building mills, eating better, fertilising fields and so on. It was a mechanism for translating information from the old Roman world to the undeveloped rest of the world."
Interestingly, however, Snow is no fan of Christianity per se: "I'm an atheist," he says, "so I'm fairly harsh on the idea that Christianity is a self-evidently brilliant creed that everyone adopts as soon as they're told about it."
Through making this series, however, Snow says that in fact his regard for Christianity has grown. "It is fascinating, ideologically, to watch the Iron Age warrior ethos being transformed by Christian thought," he says. "The old belief was that it was basically only really the warriors who were special. But Christianity told people that they were all special now. Even in this period, it was quite emancipating."
As he researched and filmed the programmes Snow visited several places that he'd first discovered as a child. "My dad was born in Dublin," he says, "so in a way I'm a kind of Celt myself." But there was more to those trips than simply revisiting beautiful locations such as Lindisfarne and Iona. Snow says that the TV documentary-maker's hands-on approach to history -- go there, see for yourself -- made him reflect on the way history is being taught in schools.
"These days teachers focus quite heavily on going to places, and getting children immersed in details," he says. "They learn more about wattle and daub than about generals and battles, so there's a huge controversy about whether children just don't get taught enough about the big picture: the major players and the key events."
Surprisingly, Snow thinks this is no bad thing. "It's easy to say kids don't get a broad overview, but visiting places such as Iona will inspire them to want to know more. I don't think the historical knowledge of the typical fiftysomething, who was taught all about generals and so on, is actually that great."
And if there's one thing Snow hopes his films will change it's Britain's common misconception about Ireland.
- published: 25 Nov 2012
- views: 329628
2 1/2 Hours of the Best Celtic Music
Music: Title: "Celtic Dreamer by Chris Conway" ( Full Album - PMCD0225 ) © by http://www.paradisemusic.us.com To purchase a CD for a 53mins version of this m......
Music: Title: "Celtic Dreamer by Chris Conway" ( Full Album - PMCD0225 ) © by http://www.paradisemusic.us.com To purchase a CD for a 53mins version of this m...
wn.com/2 1 2 Hours Of The Best Celtic Music
Music: Title: "Celtic Dreamer by Chris Conway" ( Full Album - PMCD0225 ) © by http://www.paradisemusic.us.com To purchase a CD for a 53mins version of this m...
Afro Celt Sound System - Release
Release features on Real World 25 - http://realworldrecords.com/25
'Release' is in many ways the Afro Celt's most personal and autobiographical track. It start...
Release features on Real World 25 - http://realworldrecords.com/25
'Release' is in many ways the Afro Celt's most personal and autobiographical track. It starts with an ambient drone and ancestral invocation, Iarla O Lionáird's dark vocals sharing the stage with the vocals of Sinead O'Connor.
wn.com/Afro Celt Sound System Release
Release features on Real World 25 - http://realworldrecords.com/25
'Release' is in many ways the Afro Celt's most personal and autobiographical track. It starts with an ambient drone and ancestral invocation, Iarla O Lionáird's dark vocals sharing the stage with the vocals of Sinead O'Connor.
- published: 10 Aug 2014
- views: 840
Afro Celt Sound System - Live
Afro Celt Sound System - Live 2011...
Afro Celt Sound System - Live 2011
wn.com/Afro Celt Sound System Live
Afro Celt Sound System - Live 2011
- published: 22 Mar 2014
- views: 43718
Ancient Warriors - Episode 02: The Celts (History Documentary)
Ancient Warriors - Episode 02: The Celts (History Documentary) This Ancient Warriors series from the Discovery Channel is an excellent look at the warrior gr......
Ancient Warriors - Episode 02: The Celts (History Documentary) This Ancient Warriors series from the Discovery Channel is an excellent look at the warrior gr...
wn.com/Ancient Warriors Episode 02 The Celts (History Documentary)
Ancient Warriors - Episode 02: The Celts (History Documentary) This Ancient Warriors series from the Discovery Channel is an excellent look at the warrior gr...
Deadliest Warrior Persian Immortal vs. Celt
Deadliest Warrior Persian Immortal vs. Celt Persian Immortals weaponary: Sagaris, Spear, Bow and arrow, chariot scythe Celt weaponary: sword, lancea, sling, ......
Deadliest Warrior Persian Immortal vs. Celt Persian Immortals weaponary: Sagaris, Spear, Bow and arrow, chariot scythe Celt weaponary: sword, lancea, sling, ...
wn.com/Deadliest Warrior Persian Immortal Vs. Celt
Deadliest Warrior Persian Immortal vs. Celt Persian Immortals weaponary: Sagaris, Spear, Bow and arrow, chariot scythe Celt weaponary: sword, lancea, sling, ...
CELTIC MUSIC - FLUTE ( flauta celta )
el crepusculo de celta las mas bella...
el crepusculo de celta las mas bella
wn.com/Celtic Music Flute ( Flauta Celta )
el crepusculo de celta las mas bella
- published: 09 Jan 2011
- views: 1602232
Dwi'n Amau Dim - Celt (geiriau / lyrics)
Can/Song: Dwi'n Amau Dim (I Don't Doubt a Thing) Band: Celt Album: @.com Prynwch '@.com' / Buy '@.com': http://www.sadwrn.com/cd.asp?id=112 Welsh Music Blog ......
Can/Song: Dwi'n Amau Dim (I Don't Doubt a Thing) Band: Celt Album: @.com Prynwch '@.com' / Buy '@.com': http://www.sadwrn.com/cd.asp?id=112 Welsh Music Blog ...
wn.com/Dwi'n Amau Dim Celt (Geiriau Lyrics)
Can/Song: Dwi'n Amau Dim (I Don't Doubt a Thing) Band: Celt Album: @.com Prynwch '@.com' / Buy '@.com': http://www.sadwrn.com/cd.asp?id=112 Welsh Music Blog ...
How To Make a Celt Tomahawk Out of an Old Adze - The Warhawk
Today we'll be taking apart an old adze and building a celt-style tomahawk. There will be a little bit of forging in this video. I'm going to be building a more...
Today we'll be taking apart an old adze and building a celt-style tomahawk. There will be a little bit of forging in this video. I'm going to be building a more permanent forge soon. Let me know if you want to see a build along when I start that project.
Thanks for watching and have a safe and fun Halloween!
I used a 1/8" cobalt bit for drilling the holes. They are very tough bits and work much better for cutting in steel than high speed steel or nitride-coated bits. This one bit drilled about 100 holes in spring steel before becoming dull. http://amzn.to/1QOTmoI
Some of my books on Amazon:
Simple PVC Pipe Bows - http://www.amazon.com/dp/1478140917/?tag=backyardbowye-20
Take-Down Archery - http://www.amazon.com/dp/1479348481/?tag=backyardbowye-20
The Impossible Bow - http://www.amazon.com/dp/098324815X/?tag=backyardbowye-20
The Backyard Bowyer - http://www.amazon.com/dp/0983248109/?tag=backyardbowye-20
Darts on Target - http://www.amazon.com/dp/151165385X/?tag=backyardbowye-20
Adventures in Paracord - http://www.amazon.com/dp/0983248133/?tag=backyardbowye-20
All Wrapped Up In Paracord - http://www.amazon.com/dp/1483969169/?tag=backyardbowye-20
wn.com/How To Make A Celt Tomahawk Out Of An Old Adze The Warhawk
Today we'll be taking apart an old adze and building a celt-style tomahawk. There will be a little bit of forging in this video. I'm going to be building a more permanent forge soon. Let me know if you want to see a build along when I start that project.
Thanks for watching and have a safe and fun Halloween!
I used a 1/8" cobalt bit for drilling the holes. They are very tough bits and work much better for cutting in steel than high speed steel or nitride-coated bits. This one bit drilled about 100 holes in spring steel before becoming dull. http://amzn.to/1QOTmoI
Some of my books on Amazon:
Simple PVC Pipe Bows - http://www.amazon.com/dp/1478140917/?tag=backyardbowye-20
Take-Down Archery - http://www.amazon.com/dp/1479348481/?tag=backyardbowye-20
The Impossible Bow - http://www.amazon.com/dp/098324815X/?tag=backyardbowye-20
The Backyard Bowyer - http://www.amazon.com/dp/0983248109/?tag=backyardbowye-20
Darts on Target - http://www.amazon.com/dp/151165385X/?tag=backyardbowye-20
Adventures in Paracord - http://www.amazon.com/dp/0983248133/?tag=backyardbowye-20
All Wrapped Up In Paracord - http://www.amazon.com/dp/1483969169/?tag=backyardbowye-20
- published: 31 Oct 2015
- views: 7841
History Of Ancient Celt Warriors - Ancient Murders And Sacrifices Documentary - National TV
History Of Ancient Celt Warriors - Ancient Murders And Sacrifices Documentary - National TV
The Celts were people in Iron Age and also Medieval Europe that ta...
History Of Ancient Celt Warriors - Ancient Murders And Sacrifices Documentary - National TV
The Celts were people in Iron Age and also Medieval Europe that talked Celtic languages and had social similarities, although the relationship between indigenous, linguistic as well as cultural consider the Celtic globe continues to be uncertain and questionable. The specific geographic spread of the old Celts is likewise disputed; specifically, the portals which the Iron Age occupants of Great Britain and Ireland should be considereded Celts has ended up being a subject of conflict.
The record of pre-Celtic Europe remains very unclear. According to one concept, the common origin of the Celtic languages, a language called Proto-Celtic, developed in the Late Bronze Age Urnfield culture of Central Europe, which grew from around 1200 BC. Furthermore, according to a theory suggested in the 19th century, the very first individuals to adopt social features considereded as Celtic were the people of the Iron Age Hallstatt culture in central Europe (c. 800-- 450 BC), named for the rich grave finds in Hallstatt, Austria. Thus this area is sometimes called the 'Celtic homeland'. By or during the later La Tène period (c. 450 BC up to the Roman conquest), this Celtic culture was supposed to have expanded by diffusion or migration to the British Isles (Insular Celts), France and The Low Countries (Gauls), Bohemia, Poland and much of Central Europe, the Iberian Peninsula (Celtiberians, Celtici, Lusitanians and Gallaeci) and northern Italy (Golaseccans and Cisalpine Gauls) [7] and, following the Gallic invasion of the Balkans in 279 BC, as far east as central Anatolia (Galatians).
The earliest undisputed direct examples of a Celtic language are the Lepontic inscriptions, beginning in the 6th century BC. [9] Continental Celtic languages are attested almost exclusively through inscriptions and place-names. Insular Celtic is attested beginning around the 4th century AD through Ogham inscriptions, although it was clearly being spoken much earlier. Celtic literary tradition begins with Old Irish texts around the 8th century. Coherent texts of Early Irish literature, such as the Táin Bó Cúailnge (The Cattle Raid of Cooley), survive in 12th-century recensions.
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wn.com/History Of Ancient Celt Warriors Ancient Murders And Sacrifices Documentary National Tv
History Of Ancient Celt Warriors - Ancient Murders And Sacrifices Documentary - National TV
The Celts were people in Iron Age and also Medieval Europe that talked Celtic languages and had social similarities, although the relationship between indigenous, linguistic as well as cultural consider the Celtic globe continues to be uncertain and questionable. The specific geographic spread of the old Celts is likewise disputed; specifically, the portals which the Iron Age occupants of Great Britain and Ireland should be considereded Celts has ended up being a subject of conflict.
The record of pre-Celtic Europe remains very unclear. According to one concept, the common origin of the Celtic languages, a language called Proto-Celtic, developed in the Late Bronze Age Urnfield culture of Central Europe, which grew from around 1200 BC. Furthermore, according to a theory suggested in the 19th century, the very first individuals to adopt social features considereded as Celtic were the people of the Iron Age Hallstatt culture in central Europe (c. 800-- 450 BC), named for the rich grave finds in Hallstatt, Austria. Thus this area is sometimes called the 'Celtic homeland'. By or during the later La Tène period (c. 450 BC up to the Roman conquest), this Celtic culture was supposed to have expanded by diffusion or migration to the British Isles (Insular Celts), France and The Low Countries (Gauls), Bohemia, Poland and much of Central Europe, the Iberian Peninsula (Celtiberians, Celtici, Lusitanians and Gallaeci) and northern Italy (Golaseccans and Cisalpine Gauls) [7] and, following the Gallic invasion of the Balkans in 279 BC, as far east as central Anatolia (Galatians).
The earliest undisputed direct examples of a Celtic language are the Lepontic inscriptions, beginning in the 6th century BC. [9] Continental Celtic languages are attested almost exclusively through inscriptions and place-names. Insular Celtic is attested beginning around the 4th century AD through Ogham inscriptions, although it was clearly being spoken much earlier. Celtic literary tradition begins with Old Irish texts around the 8th century. Coherent texts of Early Irish literature, such as the Táin Bó Cúailnge (The Cattle Raid of Cooley), survive in 12th-century recensions.
More Documentary Films:
Be The First To Watch Our Newly Uploaded Films
Just By Subscribing To Our Channel
- published: 26 Aug 2015
- views: 1
Afro Celt Sound System - Whirl-y-Reel
Part 1 & 2. Support the artists, buy the record. http://afroceltsoundsystem.net/...
Part 1 & 2. Support the artists, buy the record. http://afroceltsoundsystem.net/
wn.com/Afro Celt Sound System Whirl Y Reel
Part 1 & 2. Support the artists, buy the record. http://afroceltsoundsystem.net/
- published: 19 Jan 2013
- views: 604
author: Savukala
Afro Celt Sound System - Magic & Mayhem
Afro Celt Sound System - Magic & Mayhem. Music is from the computer game Magic and Mayhem, Video is Afro Celt Sound System Live 2011 ruined by me :)...
Afro Celt Sound System - Magic & Mayhem. Music is from the computer game Magic and Mayhem, Video is Afro Celt Sound System Live 2011 ruined by me :)
wn.com/Afro Celt Sound System Magic Mayhem
Afro Celt Sound System - Magic & Mayhem. Music is from the computer game Magic and Mayhem, Video is Afro Celt Sound System Live 2011 ruined by me :)
- published: 09 Jul 2012
- views: 26032
author: EarthRitual
THE CELTS! 3 great songs!
I just love all things Celt. Three songs "Celtic Dreams" by San Quillmas Consort, "Dacw Nghariad" by 4Yn Y bar, and "Reels--January's Journey"--- from Narada......
I just love all things Celt. Three songs "Celtic Dreams" by San Quillmas Consort, "Dacw Nghariad" by 4Yn Y bar, and "Reels--January's Journey"--- from Narada...
wn.com/The Celts 3 Great Songs
I just love all things Celt. Three songs "Celtic Dreams" by San Quillmas Consort, "Dacw Nghariad" by 4Yn Y bar, and "Reels--January's Journey"--- from Narada...
- published: 25 Jul 2009
- views: 691765
author: batlady2
Celtic Music 10 hours
All music composed by Adrian von Ziegler. No copyright infringement intended, permission to upload the music has been given to me directly by the composer....
All music composed by Adrian von Ziegler. No copyright infringement intended, permission to upload the music has been given to me directly by the composer.
wn.com/Celtic Music 10 Hours
All music composed by Adrian von Ziegler. No copyright infringement intended, permission to upload the music has been given to me directly by the composer.
Celt o Radwańskiej w WTA: pokazała, że potrafi (Sport)
Sport: http://www.polskieradio.pl/43/265/Artykul/1540261,Agnieszka-Radwanska-przyjmuje-krytyke-ojca-ale-trenera-nie-zamierza-zmienic
Agnieszka Radwańska na konf...
Sport: http://www.polskieradio.pl/43/265/Artykul/1540261,Agnieszka-Radwanska-przyjmuje-krytyke-ojca-ale-trenera-nie-zamierza-zmienic
Agnieszka Radwańska na konferencji prasowej odpowiadała na pytania dziennikarzy, którzy tłumnie stawili się, by pogratulować tenisistce zwycięstwa w mistrzostwach WTA. Dawid Celt, sparingpartner Agnieszki Radwańskiej mówił po konferencji o jej sukcesie.
wn.com/Celt O Radwańskiej W Wta Pokazała, Że Potrafi (Sport)
Sport: http://www.polskieradio.pl/43/265/Artykul/1540261,Agnieszka-Radwanska-przyjmuje-krytyke-ojca-ale-trenera-nie-zamierza-zmienic
Agnieszka Radwańska na konferencji prasowej odpowiadała na pytania dziennikarzy, którzy tłumnie stawili się, by pogratulować tenisistce zwycięstwa w mistrzostwach WTA. Dawid Celt, sparingpartner Agnieszki Radwańskiej mówił po konferencji o jej sukcesie.
- published: 04 Nov 2015
- views: 200
Celtic FC - A Bad Day at the Office for James Forrest
We give James Forrest a really bad interview..on purpose of course!
Celtic FC - Leigh Griffiths exclusive interview for Celtic TV
On the day that Leigh Griffiths signed for Celtic Football Club our very own Kenny McKay caught up with him for an exclusive interview. www.celticfc.tv.
Funny interview of Celtic fan Jacqueline after the semi final against Inverness 3-2
via YouTube Capture
"Caley Thistle fans were pulling celtic player doon in the box n aw that" that's one of the best excuses for a defeat I've ever heard.
THE SHOW: Orthodox Celts, Aleksandar Petrovic, First Friday Sarnia
Orthodox Celts lead vocalist Aleksandar Petrovic from Belgrade Serbia talks with us about his Celtic rock group and their EP " 1,2,5"
First Friday in Sarnia starts at The Lawrence House with local musicians "Little Spirit Riot" and then down the cultural strip for more entertainment and events.
Local event listings and more.
To list your event visit www.davidburrows.ws or email theshow@davidbur
ortodox celts 2.flv
Intervju Ortodox Celts televizija Svet Plus 2009 http://www.youtube.com/user/RTVSvetPlus.
Celtic FC - Davie Hay interview - Quality Street Gang
Celts legend Davie Hay speaks to Celtic TV about the launch of a new book detailing his early career and the great players he played with as a member of the ...
Battle of the Celts 2014: Interviews Womens Shinty-Camogie - Scotland Student Shinty v Ireland
Interviews with Grainne Egan, Aoife Trant, Katie Drain, Alannah Savage and Martin Delaney following Scottish Student Womens Shinty team v Ireland select (Offaly/Kildare) in a Shinty-Camogie International at Clonbullogue GAA Club on Saturday 22nd November 2014.
Orthodox Celts - Save Me (stereo)
Save Me
Shapes Disappear
Erased By The Darkened Welcome Of The Night
Behind The Clouds
The Moon Set Sail Across The Flaming Stars
The Night Is So Quiet
I Still Wait Your Steps To Hear And Melt The Snow
The Rage Of The Wind
Feeds My Hunger While I'm Dreamin' Alone
Save Me Girl
Give Me Shelter In Your Arms
Save Me Girl
And Blow Away My Harms
Save Me Girl
Arise Me From The Dead Tonight
I'm Burni
The Ancient Island Celts - Post-lecture Interview Part 1
Broadcaster William Crawley Interviews Dr Simon James following the inaugural Exploring Culture lecture on 'The Ancient Island Celts - Modern Invention of Re...
The Ancient Island Celts - Post-Lecture Interview Part 2
Broadcaster William Crawley Interviews Dr Simon James following the inaugural Exploring Culture lecture on 'The Ancient Island Celts - Modern Invention of Re...
Emily Windsor Cragg exposes UK and Norway cointelpro. To separate Celts from Church of England
NOTE: You can access links, Crowdfunding, and more context while you watch the interview here. Thank you. Emily Windsor-Cragg exposes UK and Norway cointelpro. Returning to UK to separate Celts from Church of England corrupted hierarchy By Alfred Lambremont Webre http://newsinsideout.com/2015/07/emily-windsor-cragg-exposes-uk-and-norway-cointelpro-returning-to-uk-to-separate-celts-from-church-of-e
Julian Cope on Celts: Art and Identity at the British Museum
Musician and antiquarian Julian Cope gives us a tour of the exhibition, Celts: Art and Identity at the British Museum in London.
Subscribe to Guardian Culture ► http://bit.ly/subgdnculture
He show us his favourite prehistoric artefact of all time, the Gundestrup cauldron, which shows a casting of a huge figure dipping a man upside down into a cauldron
• Celts: Art and Identity is at the British
Orthodox Celts - Star Of The County Down
Belgrade's most popular Irish & Celtic music band playing an Irish traditional, arranged by Ana Djokic (the violin player in the video). They are very popular in Serbia and neighbouring states, mainly for their vibrant live shows. A music video from 1997, directed by Darko Debelic http://www.darkodebelic.com
Celtic FC - John Guidetti & Virgil van Dijk Beatbox
Live from the Nike Store on Buchanan Street... John Guidetti raps with Virgil van Dijk providing the beats.
@superguidetti @virgilvdijk
BTSport: Chris Sutton meets Ronny Deila
Here is what happened when we sent former Celtic striker Chris Sutton to Lennoxtown to interview current Celtic manager, Ronny Deila.
Battle of the Celts 2014: Interviews Mens Shinty-Hurling - Scotland Student Shinty team v Ireland
Interviews with Eoin Price, Duncan MacRae, George Hay and John McDonnell following Scotland Student Shinty v Ireland select (Offaly/Westmeath) in a Shinty-Hurling International at Clonbullogue GAA Club on Saturday 22nd November 2014.
Enya - Na Laetha Geal m'Oige (excerpt from 1986 BBC TV interview, reissued in 2000 DVD 'The Celts')
Ag amharc trí m'óige, Is mé 'bhí sámh, Gan eolas marbh Bhí mé óg gan am, Anois, táim buartha, 's fad ar shiúil an lá. Ochón 's ochón ó. Na laetha geal m'óige...
Celtic FC - Celtic's 4-in-a-row Dressing Room Celebrations
Get a behind the scenes look at the trophy day celebrations from the Celtic Park home dressing room. Visit Celtic TV for more, www.celticfc.tv
Celtic FC - Celtic players visit Yorkhill Children's Hospital
THE Celtic first-team visited Yorkhill Children's Hospital in Glasgow yesterday and delivered presents from the club. The players also presented a £3,000 donation to the Hospital as part of Celtic FC Foundation's Christmas Appeal.
Stefan Johansen | Celtic Goals, Assists & Passes 2014/15 | HD
The highly-rated Norwegian internationalist arrived at Paradise from reigning Norwegian champions Stromsgodset, during the January 2014 transfer window.
The midfielder signed a three-and-a-half year deal with Celtic, becoming the fourth Norwegian player to join the club, following in the footsteps of Harald Brattbakk, Vidar Riseth and Thomas Rogne.
He has been capped for his country at senior le
Noel Gallagher on Celtic FC Ireland and Irishness
http://celticreplay.com - Highlights for the Celtic Diaspora Read it and weep Huns! Up the Celts! Hail Hail! Links for confirmation. http://fourfourtwo.com/i...
Jay Beatty reacts to Goal of the Month winner announcement
Lovely moment as Celtic superfan Jay discovers that he has won the SPFL Goal of the Month competition for January.
Jay was watching Sky Sports News when his hero Georgios Samaras popped up on camera and revealed the result.
The SPFL is the leading sporting competition in Scotland, covering the top 42 football teams in the country. Subscribe to the official SPFL YouTube channel to make sure you c
Celtic FC - A Bad Day at the Office for James Forrest
We give James Forrest a really bad interview..on purpose of course!...
We give James Forrest a really bad interview..on purpose of course!
wn.com/Celtic Fc A Bad Day At The Office For James Forrest
We give James Forrest a really bad interview..on purpose of course!
- published: 01 Apr 2015
- views: 1740
Celtic FC - Leigh Griffiths exclusive interview for Celtic TV
On the day that Leigh Griffiths signed for Celtic Football Club our very own Kenny McKay caught up with him for an exclusive interview. www.celticfc.tv....
On the day that Leigh Griffiths signed for Celtic Football Club our very own Kenny McKay caught up with him for an exclusive interview. www.celticfc.tv.
wn.com/Celtic Fc Leigh Griffiths Exclusive Interview For Celtic Tv
On the day that Leigh Griffiths signed for Celtic Football Club our very own Kenny McKay caught up with him for an exclusive interview. www.celticfc.tv.
- published: 03 Feb 2014
- views: 6947
author: Celtic FC
Funny interview of Celtic fan Jacqueline after the semi final against Inverness 3-2
via YouTube Capture
"Caley Thistle fans were pulling celtic player doon in the box n aw that" that's one of the best excuses for a defeat I've ever heard....
via YouTube Capture
"Caley Thistle fans were pulling celtic player doon in the box n aw that" that's one of the best excuses for a defeat I've ever heard.
wn.com/Funny Interview Of Celtic Fan Jacqueline After The Semi Final Against Inverness 3 2
via YouTube Capture
"Caley Thistle fans were pulling celtic player doon in the box n aw that" that's one of the best excuses for a defeat I've ever heard.
- published: 20 Apr 2015
- views: 2393
THE SHOW: Orthodox Celts, Aleksandar Petrovic, First Friday Sarnia
Orthodox Celts lead vocalist Aleksandar Petrovic from Belgrade Serbia talks with us about his Celtic rock group and their EP " 1,2,5"
First Friday in Sarnia st...
Orthodox Celts lead vocalist Aleksandar Petrovic from Belgrade Serbia talks with us about his Celtic rock group and their EP " 1,2,5"
First Friday in Sarnia starts at The Lawrence House with local musicians "Little Spirit Riot" and then down the cultural strip for more entertainment and events.
Local event listings and more.
To list your event visit www.davidburrows.ws or email theshow@davidburrows.ws
www.davidburrows.ws www.k106fm.com www.swomp.ca www.lambtonshield.com www.cheekymonkeysarnia.ca www.sarniarocks.com www.harmonyforyouth.org www.indiefest.ca
wn.com/The Show Orthodox Celts, Aleksandar Petrovic, First Friday Sarnia
Orthodox Celts lead vocalist Aleksandar Petrovic from Belgrade Serbia talks with us about his Celtic rock group and their EP " 1,2,5"
First Friday in Sarnia starts at The Lawrence House with local musicians "Little Spirit Riot" and then down the cultural strip for more entertainment and events.
Local event listings and more.
To list your event visit www.davidburrows.ws or email theshow@davidburrows.ws
www.davidburrows.ws www.k106fm.com www.swomp.ca www.lambtonshield.com www.cheekymonkeysarnia.ca www.sarniarocks.com www.harmonyforyouth.org www.indiefest.ca
- published: 06 Nov 2013
- views: 628
ortodox celts 2.flv
Intervju Ortodox Celts televizija Svet Plus 2009 http://www.youtube.com/user/RTVSvetPlus....
Intervju Ortodox Celts televizija Svet Plus 2009 http://www.youtube.com/user/RTVSvetPlus.
wn.com/Ortodox Celts 2.Flv
Intervju Ortodox Celts televizija Svet Plus 2009 http://www.youtube.com/user/RTVSvetPlus.
wn.com/Dvougao Aleksandar Petrović Orthodox Celts Bojan Petrović Irish Stew
- published: 23 Mar 2014
- views: 281
Celtic FC - Davie Hay interview - Quality Street Gang
Celts legend Davie Hay speaks to Celtic TV about the launch of a new book detailing his early career and the great players he played with as a member of the ......
Celts legend Davie Hay speaks to Celtic TV about the launch of a new book detailing his early career and the great players he played with as a member of the ...
wn.com/Celtic Fc Davie Hay Interview Quality Street Gang
Celts legend Davie Hay speaks to Celtic TV about the launch of a new book detailing his early career and the great players he played with as a member of the ...
- published: 16 Oct 2013
- views: 920
author: Celtic FC
Battle of the Celts 2014: Interviews Womens Shinty-Camogie - Scotland Student Shinty v Ireland
Interviews with Grainne Egan, Aoife Trant, Katie Drain, Alannah Savage and Martin Delaney following Scottish Student Womens Shinty team v Ireland select (Offaly...
Interviews with Grainne Egan, Aoife Trant, Katie Drain, Alannah Savage and Martin Delaney following Scottish Student Womens Shinty team v Ireland select (Offaly/Kildare) in a Shinty-Camogie International at Clonbullogue GAA Club on Saturday 22nd November 2014.
wn.com/Battle Of The Celts 2014 Interviews Womens Shinty Camogie Scotland Student Shinty V Ireland
Interviews with Grainne Egan, Aoife Trant, Katie Drain, Alannah Savage and Martin Delaney following Scottish Student Womens Shinty team v Ireland select (Offaly/Kildare) in a Shinty-Camogie International at Clonbullogue GAA Club on Saturday 22nd November 2014.
- published: 24 Nov 2014
- views: 295
Orthodox Celts - Save Me (stereo)
Save Me
Shapes Disappear
Erased By The Darkened Welcome Of The Night
Behind The Clouds
The Moon Set Sail Across The Flaming Stars
The Night Is So Quiet
I Sti...
Save Me
Shapes Disappear
Erased By The Darkened Welcome Of The Night
Behind The Clouds
The Moon Set Sail Across The Flaming Stars
The Night Is So Quiet
I Still Wait Your Steps To Hear And Melt The Snow
The Rage Of The Wind
Feeds My Hunger While I'm Dreamin' Alone
Save Me Girl
Give Me Shelter In Your Arms
Save Me Girl
And Blow Away My Harms
Save Me Girl
Arise Me From The Dead Tonight
I'm Burning Down
I Saw Your Smile And Lost Myself In You
But I Don't Mind
Whole Starry Skies I Found In Your Eyes
I Can't Control
Myself I Don't Belong To Me No More
Since You Allowed Me
To See My Reflection In The Mirror I Love
Save Me Girl
Give Me Shelter In Your Arms
Save Me Girl
And Blow Away My Harms
Save Me Girl
Arise Me From The Dead Tonight
Lyrics: Aleksandar Petrovic
Music: Vladan Jovkovic
Arrangement: Orthodox Celts
Video by: Red & Blue Studio
wn.com/Orthodox Celts Save Me (Stereo)
Save Me
Shapes Disappear
Erased By The Darkened Welcome Of The Night
Behind The Clouds
The Moon Set Sail Across The Flaming Stars
The Night Is So Quiet
I Still Wait Your Steps To Hear And Melt The Snow
The Rage Of The Wind
Feeds My Hunger While I'm Dreamin' Alone
Save Me Girl
Give Me Shelter In Your Arms
Save Me Girl
And Blow Away My Harms
Save Me Girl
Arise Me From The Dead Tonight
I'm Burning Down
I Saw Your Smile And Lost Myself In You
But I Don't Mind
Whole Starry Skies I Found In Your Eyes
I Can't Control
Myself I Don't Belong To Me No More
Since You Allowed Me
To See My Reflection In The Mirror I Love
Save Me Girl
Give Me Shelter In Your Arms
Save Me Girl
And Blow Away My Harms
Save Me Girl
Arise Me From The Dead Tonight
Lyrics: Aleksandar Petrovic
Music: Vladan Jovkovic
Arrangement: Orthodox Celts
Video by: Red & Blue Studio
- published: 12 Mar 2014
- views: 4094
The Ancient Island Celts - Post-lecture Interview Part 1
Broadcaster William Crawley Interviews Dr Simon James following the inaugural Exploring Culture lecture on 'The Ancient Island Celts - Modern Invention of Re......
Broadcaster William Crawley Interviews Dr Simon James following the inaugural Exploring Culture lecture on 'The Ancient Island Celts - Modern Invention of Re...
wn.com/The Ancient Island Celts Post Lecture Interview Part 1
Broadcaster William Crawley Interviews Dr Simon James following the inaugural Exploring Culture lecture on 'The Ancient Island Celts - Modern Invention of Re...
- published: 17 Nov 2010
- views: 297
author: CultureNI
The Ancient Island Celts - Post-Lecture Interview Part 2
Broadcaster William Crawley Interviews Dr Simon James following the inaugural Exploring Culture lecture on 'The Ancient Island Celts - Modern Invention of Re......
Broadcaster William Crawley Interviews Dr Simon James following the inaugural Exploring Culture lecture on 'The Ancient Island Celts - Modern Invention of Re...
wn.com/The Ancient Island Celts Post Lecture Interview Part 2
Broadcaster William Crawley Interviews Dr Simon James following the inaugural Exploring Culture lecture on 'The Ancient Island Celts - Modern Invention of Re...
- published: 18 Nov 2010
- views: 165
author: CultureNI
Emily Windsor Cragg exposes UK and Norway cointelpro. To separate Celts from Church of England
NOTE: You can access links, Crowdfunding, and more context while you watch the interview here. Thank you. Emily Windsor-Cragg exposes UK and Norway cointelpro. ...
NOTE: You can access links, Crowdfunding, and more context while you watch the interview here. Thank you. Emily Windsor-Cragg exposes UK and Norway cointelpro. Returning to UK to separate Celts from Church of England corrupted hierarchy By Alfred Lambremont Webre http://newsinsideout.com/2015/07/emily-windsor-cragg-exposes-uk-and-norway-cointelpro-returning-to-uk-to-separate-celts-from-church-of-england-corrupted-hierarchy/
wn.com/Emily Windsor Cragg Exposes UK And Norway Cointelpro. To Separate Celts From Church Of England
NOTE: You can access links, Crowdfunding, and more context while you watch the interview here. Thank you. Emily Windsor-Cragg exposes UK and Norway cointelpro. Returning to UK to separate Celts from Church of England corrupted hierarchy By Alfred Lambremont Webre http://newsinsideout.com/2015/07/emily-windsor-cragg-exposes-uk-and-norway-cointelpro-returning-to-uk-to-separate-celts-from-church-of-england-corrupted-hierarchy/
- published: 30 Jul 2015
- views: 279
Julian Cope on Celts: Art and Identity at the British Museum
Musician and antiquarian Julian Cope gives us a tour of the exhibition, Celts: Art and Identity at the British Museum in London.
Subscribe to Guardian Culture ...
Musician and antiquarian Julian Cope gives us a tour of the exhibition, Celts: Art and Identity at the British Museum in London.
Subscribe to Guardian Culture ► http://bit.ly/subgdnculture
He show us his favourite prehistoric artefact of all time, the Gundestrup cauldron, which shows a casting of a huge figure dipping a man upside down into a cauldron
• Celts: Art and Identity is at the British Museum from 24 September to 31 January ► http://www.britishmuseum.org/whats_on/exhibitions/celts.aspx
Julian Cope’s Modern Antiquarian is published by Thorsons; buy it for £32 at bookshop.theguardian.com ► http://bookshop.theguardian.com/modern-antiquarian.html
The Guardian Film Show ► https://goo.gl/lxV8RV
Guardian Culture website ► http://www.theguardian.com/culture
Guardian Film website ► http://www.theguardian.com/film
The Guardian on YouTube:
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wn.com/Julian Cope On Celts Art And Identity At The British Museum
Musician and antiquarian Julian Cope gives us a tour of the exhibition, Celts: Art and Identity at the British Museum in London.
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He show us his favourite prehistoric artefact of all time, the Gundestrup cauldron, which shows a casting of a huge figure dipping a man upside down into a cauldron
• Celts: Art and Identity is at the British Museum from 24 September to 31 January ► http://www.britishmuseum.org/whats_on/exhibitions/celts.aspx
Julian Cope’s Modern Antiquarian is published by Thorsons; buy it for £32 at bookshop.theguardian.com ► http://bookshop.theguardian.com/modern-antiquarian.html
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- published: 21 Sep 2015
- views: 143
Orthodox Celts - Star Of The County Down
Belgrade's most popular Irish & Celtic music band playing an Irish traditional, arranged by Ana Djokic (the violin player in the video). They are very popular i...
Belgrade's most popular Irish & Celtic music band playing an Irish traditional, arranged by Ana Djokic (the violin player in the video). They are very popular in Serbia and neighbouring states, mainly for their vibrant live shows. A music video from 1997, directed by Darko Debelic http://www.darkodebelic.com
wn.com/Orthodox Celts Star Of The County Down
Belgrade's most popular Irish & Celtic music band playing an Irish traditional, arranged by Ana Djokic (the violin player in the video). They are very popular in Serbia and neighbouring states, mainly for their vibrant live shows. A music video from 1997, directed by Darko Debelic http://www.darkodebelic.com
- published: 16 Sep 2006
- views: 6746638
Celtic FC - John Guidetti & Virgil van Dijk Beatbox
Live from the Nike Store on Buchanan Street... John Guidetti raps with Virgil van Dijk providing the beats.
@superguidetti @virgilvdijk...
Live from the Nike Store on Buchanan Street... John Guidetti raps with Virgil van Dijk providing the beats.
@superguidetti @virgilvdijk
wn.com/Celtic Fc John Guidetti Virgil Van Dijk Beatbox
Live from the Nike Store on Buchanan Street... John Guidetti raps with Virgil van Dijk providing the beats.
@superguidetti @virgilvdijk
- published: 17 Oct 2014
- views: 301
BTSport: Chris Sutton meets Ronny Deila
Here is what happened when we sent former Celtic striker Chris Sutton to Lennoxtown to interview current Celtic manager, Ronny Deila....
Here is what happened when we sent former Celtic striker Chris Sutton to Lennoxtown to interview current Celtic manager, Ronny Deila.
wn.com/Btsport Chris Sutton Meets Ronny Deila
Here is what happened when we sent former Celtic striker Chris Sutton to Lennoxtown to interview current Celtic manager, Ronny Deila.
- published: 04 Apr 2015
- views: 9049
Battle of the Celts 2014: Interviews Mens Shinty-Hurling - Scotland Student Shinty team v Ireland
Interviews with Eoin Price, Duncan MacRae, George Hay and John McDonnell following Scotland Student Shinty v Ireland select (Offaly/Westmeath) in a Shinty-Hurli...
Interviews with Eoin Price, Duncan MacRae, George Hay and John McDonnell following Scotland Student Shinty v Ireland select (Offaly/Westmeath) in a Shinty-Hurling International at Clonbullogue GAA Club on Saturday 22nd November 2014.
wn.com/Battle Of The Celts 2014 Interviews Mens Shinty Hurling Scotland Student Shinty Team V Ireland
Interviews with Eoin Price, Duncan MacRae, George Hay and John McDonnell following Scotland Student Shinty v Ireland select (Offaly/Westmeath) in a Shinty-Hurling International at Clonbullogue GAA Club on Saturday 22nd November 2014.
- published: 25 Nov 2014
- views: 164
Enya - Na Laetha Geal m'Oige (excerpt from 1986 BBC TV interview, reissued in 2000 DVD 'The Celts')
Ag amharc trí m'óige, Is mé 'bhí sámh, Gan eolas marbh Bhí mé óg gan am, Anois, táim buartha, 's fad ar shiúil an lá. Ochón 's ochón ó. Na laetha geal m'óige......
Ag amharc trí m'óige, Is mé 'bhí sámh, Gan eolas marbh Bhí mé óg gan am, Anois, táim buartha, 's fad ar shiúil an lá. Ochón 's ochón ó. Na laetha geal m'óige...
wn.com/Enya Na Laetha Geal M'Oige (Excerpt From 1986 BBC Tv Interview, Reissued In 2000 Dvd 'The Celts')
Ag amharc trí m'óige, Is mé 'bhí sámh, Gan eolas marbh Bhí mé óg gan am, Anois, táim buartha, 's fad ar shiúil an lá. Ochón 's ochón ó. Na laetha geal m'óige...
- published: 26 Jun 2011
- views: 10923
author: mailgaeilge
Celtic FC - Celtic's 4-in-a-row Dressing Room Celebrations
Get a behind the scenes look at the trophy day celebrations from the Celtic Park home dressing room. Visit Celtic TV for more, www.celticfc.tv...
Get a behind the scenes look at the trophy day celebrations from the Celtic Park home dressing room. Visit Celtic TV for more, www.celticfc.tv
wn.com/Celtic Fc Celtic's 4 In A Row Dressing Room Celebrations
Get a behind the scenes look at the trophy day celebrations from the Celtic Park home dressing room. Visit Celtic TV for more, www.celticfc.tv
- published: 24 May 2015
- views: 1600
Celtic FC - Celtic players visit Yorkhill Children's Hospital
THE Celtic first-team visited Yorkhill Children's Hospital in Glasgow yesterday and delivered presents from the club. The players also presented a £3,000 donati...
THE Celtic first-team visited Yorkhill Children's Hospital in Glasgow yesterday and delivered presents from the club. The players also presented a £3,000 donation to the Hospital as part of Celtic FC Foundation's Christmas Appeal.
wn.com/Celtic Fc Celtic Players Visit Yorkhill Children's Hospital
THE Celtic first-team visited Yorkhill Children's Hospital in Glasgow yesterday and delivered presents from the club. The players also presented a £3,000 donation to the Hospital as part of Celtic FC Foundation's Christmas Appeal.
- published: 23 Dec 2014
- views: 1744
Stefan Johansen | Celtic Goals, Assists & Passes 2014/15 | HD
The highly-rated Norwegian internationalist arrived at Paradise from reigning Norwegian champions Stromsgodset, during the January 2014 transfer window.
The mi...
The highly-rated Norwegian internationalist arrived at Paradise from reigning Norwegian champions Stromsgodset, during the January 2014 transfer window.
The midfielder signed a three-and-a-half year deal with Celtic, becoming the fourth Norwegian player to join the club, following in the footsteps of Harald Brattbakk, Vidar Riseth and Thomas Rogne.
He has been capped for his country at senior level and made his first full international appearance for Norway in 2013.
Johansen quickly established himself in the Celtic first-team, scoring his first goal in the 3-0 win over St Mirren in March 2014. He followed that up with a goal the following week as the Hoops secured a 5-1 victory over Partick Thistle at Firhill that ensured a second championship medal to go with the one he won in Norway.
Johansen would come to the fore in his second season at Celtic Park as he was joined in Glasgow by his former Stromsgodset manager Ronny Deila.
The new Hoops boss pushed the Bhoys' No25 further forward into a more attacking role behind a main striker. This would help the 24-year-old find a goal-scoring touch with strikes against FC Astra and FC Salzburg in the group stages of the UEFA Europa League as well as goals agaisnt Aberdeen and Dundee United in the Scottish Premiership.
Twitter - https://twitter.com/SFFEdits
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ScottishFootballTalent
Any suggestions for videos I should make should be sent to me via Twitter or Facebook.
Thanks for watching.
wn.com/Stefan Johansen | Celtic Goals, Assists Passes 2014 15 | Hd
The highly-rated Norwegian internationalist arrived at Paradise from reigning Norwegian champions Stromsgodset, during the January 2014 transfer window.
The midfielder signed a three-and-a-half year deal with Celtic, becoming the fourth Norwegian player to join the club, following in the footsteps of Harald Brattbakk, Vidar Riseth and Thomas Rogne.
He has been capped for his country at senior level and made his first full international appearance for Norway in 2013.
Johansen quickly established himself in the Celtic first-team, scoring his first goal in the 3-0 win over St Mirren in March 2014. He followed that up with a goal the following week as the Hoops secured a 5-1 victory over Partick Thistle at Firhill that ensured a second championship medal to go with the one he won in Norway.
Johansen would come to the fore in his second season at Celtic Park as he was joined in Glasgow by his former Stromsgodset manager Ronny Deila.
The new Hoops boss pushed the Bhoys' No25 further forward into a more attacking role behind a main striker. This would help the 24-year-old find a goal-scoring touch with strikes against FC Astra and FC Salzburg in the group stages of the UEFA Europa League as well as goals agaisnt Aberdeen and Dundee United in the Scottish Premiership.
Twitter - https://twitter.com/SFFEdits
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ScottishFootballTalent
Any suggestions for videos I should make should be sent to me via Twitter or Facebook.
Thanks for watching.
- published: 29 Mar 2015
- views: 18
Noel Gallagher on Celtic FC Ireland and Irishness
http://celticreplay.com - Highlights for the Celtic Diaspora Read it and weep Huns! Up the Celts! Hail Hail! Links for confirmation. http://fourfourtwo.com/i......
http://celticreplay.com - Highlights for the Celtic Diaspora Read it and weep Huns! Up the Celts! Hail Hail! Links for confirmation. http://fourfourtwo.com/i...
wn.com/Noel Gallagher On Celtic Fc Ireland And Irishness
http://celticreplay.com - Highlights for the Celtic Diaspora Read it and weep Huns! Up the Celts! Hail Hail! Links for confirmation. http://fourfourtwo.com/i...
- published: 02 Aug 2009
- views: 295124
author: ltps
Jay Beatty reacts to Goal of the Month winner announcement
Lovely moment as Celtic superfan Jay discovers that he has won the SPFL Goal of the Month competition for January.
Jay was watching Sky Sports News when his he...
Lovely moment as Celtic superfan Jay discovers that he has won the SPFL Goal of the Month competition for January.
Jay was watching Sky Sports News when his hero Georgios Samaras popped up on camera and revealed the result.
The SPFL is the leading sporting competition in Scotland, covering the top 42 football teams in the country. Subscribe to the official SPFL YouTube channel to make sure you catch all the best bits from Scottish league football. Scottish football is famous for passionate and exciting matches featuring top teams like Celtic, Rangers, Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs and Dundee United.
The top league is called the Scottish Premiership. Below the top level, there are a further three leagues -- the Scottish Championship, Scottish League 1 and Scottish League 2.
Subscribe to the SPFL YouTube channel for free by clicking here: http://goo.gl/jq3jXN
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wn.com/Jay Beatty Reacts To Goal Of The Month Winner Announcement
Lovely moment as Celtic superfan Jay discovers that he has won the SPFL Goal of the Month competition for January.
Jay was watching Sky Sports News when his hero Georgios Samaras popped up on camera and revealed the result.
The SPFL is the leading sporting competition in Scotland, covering the top 42 football teams in the country. Subscribe to the official SPFL YouTube channel to make sure you catch all the best bits from Scottish league football. Scottish football is famous for passionate and exciting matches featuring top teams like Celtic, Rangers, Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs and Dundee United.
The top league is called the Scottish Premiership. Below the top level, there are a further three leagues -- the Scottish Championship, Scottish League 1 and Scottish League 2.
Subscribe to the SPFL YouTube channel for free by clicking here: http://goo.gl/jq3jXN
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/spflofficial
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/spfl & https://twitter.com/spflnews
- published: 20 Feb 2015
- views: 269087