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 Words to live by

You've got to stop dividing yourselves. You got to organize.

-H. Rap Brown 1943

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Today is:

President Obama makes a moving one hour speech trying to bring sides together and making strong pronouncements on the past and the hopes for the future.

In Cairo, Egypt  on the continent of Africa, United States President Barack Obama made a moving speech to a contingent of thousands of Muslims and more listening via translation. He talked about a change in how the United States is viewed and how they deal with other countries especially when it comes to Muslim relations. Obama also said while Isrealis had a right to their own land so too did the people of Palestine. He admitted the war on Iraq was a "War of Choice" and much more. Check out the video here

President Obama makes his Supreme Court nomination.

President Obama recently gave his nomination to Sonia Sotomayor a district judge from New York. Check out our politics page for an piece by Jen Nedeau on the current district judge

Please remember

GeoClan, through programming and, will be there to help bring people together and share the things that binds us together and makes us unique. Please use GeoClan as your vehicle in 2009 and beyond. Change is a word that's been thrown around alot in the past year but remember that GeoClan has been talking about change before it was a campaign slogan.

Also be sure to...

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GeoRadio on WPEB 88.1 FM...Join the discussion and enjoy the music!

GeoClan is proud to be a part of the exciting happenings at WPEB 88.1 FM in West Philadelphia. The community station aims to inform the community and give the community what it's been missing on the radio dial. GeoRadio is next on WPEB 88.1 FM June 12th from 6-9pm with DJ Trach Metropolis, host N. Batez along with Constant and special guests. More information on our next show will be coming soon so stay tuned. To find out more about WPEB click here.


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