Find out how your MP votes on the issues you care about.

Your MP votes on changes to British law on your behalf. When parliament is in session, they may do this a dozen times a week.

In order to know whether your MP is representing your views on the issues, you need to know how they’ve voted.

The Public Whip lets you see all their votes so you can hold them to account.

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About the Project

The Public Whip is a not-for-profit, open source website created in 2003 by Francis Irving and Julian Todd and now run by Bairwell Ltd.

There are lots of plans afoot, including extensive redevelopment of the site and plans for new functionality. To keep up with what's happening, please check out the blog. We're working on updating all the contact details throughout the site, but if you'd like to talk to us about the project, please email [email protected]

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