Cornwall Anti Cuts Alliance Fighting for One And All

Produced by JM for Cornwall Anti Cuts Alliance ©

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legal action group is a national, independent charity, which promotes equal access to justice for all members of society who are socially, economically or otherwise disadvantaged. I

t seeks to improve law and practice, the administration of justice and legal services.

Legal Action Group


Please read and comment on the Draft Group Constitution. Comments can be made through the FB page or contact details on here.

Draft Constitution

Latest news & campaigns.


This site is currently under construction. Please use the contact form on the Contact Us page for any suggestions or feedback.

If you are opposed to government cuts and attacks on the ordinary people in society, we’re with you!

Cornwall Anti Cuts Alliance is a non-party political group that campaigns against the cuts, privatisation and job losses that we face in Cornwall, whether they come from the Westminster government or Cornwall Council.

Cornwall Anti Cuts Alliance has members from diverse political and personal backgrounds. Our members include trade unionists, students, the unemployed, disabled people, pensioners, campaigners and individuals that have simply had enough of the cuts. There is no requirement to be associated with any particular group or party, just a belief that we can improve things by standing together for the better of all.

We believe the cuts are unfair, unnecessary and there is an alternative. The PCS union has already produced a widely respected document outlining the case against austerity cuts as being ideology based rather than necessary.

For more about our group see the About Us page.


We’d rather have Big Benefits Facts than a Big Benefits Row

Channel Five scored a ratings hit with the Big Benefits Row, but it seemed to prefer bluster and shouting to facts. We would prefer facts. Follow the link for some about benefits.

Fury as Tory party donors are handed NHS contracts worth £1.5BILLION under health reforms

Private health care firms with Tory links have been awarded NHS contracts worth nearly £1.5billion.

Circle Health landed £1.36billion worth of health service work after several ­of its investors gifted about £1.5million to the Conservatives.

Sick benefits claimant has HEART ATTACK during Jobcentre test - and Government axe his payments

A man who was forced to give up work with heart problems had his benefits axed for failing to complete a capability assessment - after suffering a heart attack during the examination.

During the appointment, he was told he was having a cardiac arrest, forcing the nurse to stop the test.

He was sanctioned as a result.

more more

Meeting Minutes

Please follow the link to view the minutes from the latest meeting.


Keep Our NHS Public - Plymouth Branch

Please follow the link to the Facebook page to join and keep up to date with the latest news on all things NHS.

Link Use the scroll bars to view the site contents or left click in the Window to go to the main site.

Letter to the ICC at the Hague Re Mistreatment of the Disabled and Sick

Please have a look at this petition by following the link and sign if you agree.


Tory £12bn ‘welfare cuts’?

The General Election campaign and the now post GE period has seen a kerfuffle of the £12 billion of stated cuts in welfare – that  crass Americanism now invariably used for social security – and we need to look at what has been actually said and not at what 99.99% assume has been said.

The £12bn cuts have ALWAYS been said to be made to welfare and not welfare benefit – an extremely key point.

more Oppose Privatisation of The Student Loan Book

Oppose privatisation of student loans


The Student Assembly Against Austerity

We exist to bring together all students that wish to campaign for free education, against tuition fees, a lifetime of debt, cuts to education and the broad austerity offensive which represents the biggest assault on ordinary people for generations.


Student Movement Gets Ready to Resist Rising Debt

In the last five years, students have been attacked at every corner. In the next five, we must expect not 'more of the same' but much, much worse.

Now that the Conservatives have a majority Government, Cameron has pledged to deliver their manifesto in full . But what was in it, and what does it mean for students?


See all the latest Anti Cuts news and information on our Facebook group

Keep up to date with the latest news, stories and campaigns from Anti Cuts on FB.


You’re able - an online community of and for disabled people

For information, advice and contacts relating to issues for disabled people.

Link more Tories now turn on Pensioners

19 February at 10:00

Truro Assessment Centre, Pydar House, Pydar Street, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 2XD


Join A Peaceful Demo Over ATOS Assessments, in Truro, Cornwall.

Cornwall has highest rough sleeper numbers outside London

The number of rough sleepers in Cornwall is the highest in England outside London, according to government figures.
