The Electric Company is an American educational children's television series that was directed by Bob Schwartz, Henry Behar (1972–75) and John Tracy (1975–76), written by Christopher Cerf (1971–73), Jeremy Steven (1972–74) and John Boni/Amy Ephron (1972–73) and produced by the Children's Television Workshop (now called Sesame Workshop) for PBS in the United States. PBS broadcast 780 episodes over the course of its six seasons from October 25, 1971, to April 15, 1977. (In many areas, a preview special, Here Comes The Electric Company (pilot episode), was seen in syndication through sponsor Johnson Wax on many local commercial stations during the week before its 1971 debut.) After it ceased production in 1977, the program continued in reruns until 1985, as the result of a decision made in 1975 to produce two final seasons for perpetual use. The Workshop produced the show at Second Stage, located within the Reeves Teletape Studios (Teletape), in Manhattan, the first home of Sesame Street.
The Electric Company is an American television series for young children for grades K-8 on PBS, derived from the 1971 series. The series premiered as a four-episode mini-marathon on PBS on January 23, 2009, then became a weekly series with an episode shown each Friday. On September 7, 2009, it became a daily series. Like the original, this version was produced by Sesame Workshop. The last new episode aired on April 4, 2011. A fourth season was planned, but the show was canceled before it went into production. Subsequent showings were reruns. The series was sometimes referred to as The New Electric Company to distinguish it from the 1970s series. It aired on PBS Kids Go! from 2009 to 2013.
The new version has similar short animations, sketches, and music videos to those seen in the original show, but each episode also features a story line designed to teach four to five vocabulary words with a mix of hip-hop- or contemporary R&B-style music.
Each story revolves around the Electric Company, a group of teenage literacy heroes who battle a group of neighborhood vandals dubbed the Pranksters. The heroes' headquarters is the Electric Diner, where their friend Shock, a beat-boxing short-order cook who also appears in the short-form segments.
Irie Days Come On Play
Let The Angels Fly Let The Devils Die
Got To Do What You Can With The Time At Hand
Ali Boom Mah Yeah Ali Boom Mah Yeah
Don'T Worry Your Mind Its Just The Test Of Time
In Five Years These Be The Good Old Days
No One Knows What The Future Holds For Everything Has A Season
Its Not A Time For War Its A Time For Peace
Tomorrow Knows Tomorrow Woes
I Remember When Grandpa Use To Say Grandson These Be The Good Old Days
These Be The Good Old Days
Now Comes The Moon With Its Starry Lights
And So Begins The Night Life
The Tribal Dance Puts Me In A Trance
As She Pulls Me In With Her Magic Swing
I Asked Of Her What Do We Celebrate
She Said To Me These Be The Good Old Days
These Be The Good Old Days
Leh Leh Leh Leh Leh Leh Leh Leh
There Is No Future There Is Only Now
Let'S Cherish These Moments That We Now Know
These Be The Good Old Days