

Financial advisers say new standards could push thousands out

Clancy Yeates   Thousands of financial advisers might quit the industry if the government pushes ahead with plans to make advisers hold degree-equivalent qualifications in three years, an industry group says.


Residential aged care: how can I afford it?

People must decide whether to keep their home or sell it when they move into residential aged care.

Bina Brown 12:15 AM   A guide to the different options of residential aged care and what you can expect to pay.


What The Big Short movie can teach ordinary people


Caitlin Fitzsimmons   It's exciting watching the traders short the US mortgage market before the global financial crisis, but it's not something the rest of us can emulate.


Should you keep your investment property or reduce debt?

Illustration: Michael Mucci

Noel Whittaker   Noel Whittaker answers readers' questions.

How to have a conversation with loved ones about aged care

Alison Ridge with her 87-year-old father Barry Ridge in aged care.

Bina Brown   January is when many families confront the need for aged care, after spending time together over Christmas.

Kickstart 2016 with a financial health check

The new year is a good time to review your money goals.

Kate Jones   The new year is an opportunity to reset your money management and build prosperity - like electrician Paul Buhagiar who paid down $26,000 of his home loan last year.

How to retire overseas

James and Evelyn "Copper" Booth have retired to Penang in Malaysia.

Kate Cowling   Leaving the beach gets harder every year. But if you're over 60, maybe you don't have to.


Retirement calculators mislead super fund members

The online calculators on some super funds' websites are shoddy.

John Collett   Some of the retirement calculators on the websites of the largest super funds are misleading fund members.


Top 10 money mistakes of the middle-aged

In your 40s and 50s you are more likely to have extra mouths to feed.

Graham Witcomb   You're at the height of your career and you probably have a couple of extra mouths to feed. Here are the 10 biggest money mistakes to avoid in your 40s and 50s.


Surviving the Christmas crunch

Business cash flow can be tricky from December to March.

Melissa Browne   If you're a business owner, Christmas can be a stressful time where you feel like you are simply holding your breath until you reach the end of the year.


Capital gains tax may apply when you split units

Property in St Kilda has made significant capital gains since the 1980s.

George Cochrane   We live in combined flats as our permanent place of residence and neither one has ever been rented. We wondered if upon sale of either flat we will have to pay any capital gains tax? A.D.


'Transition to Retirement' the best-kept secret in super

''Transition to retirement'' lets mature-age workers scale back their hours of work.

Mark Bouris   There's an under-used government policy that allows the benefits of both working and using your super, without totally losing the advantages of either.

What you can learn from the Packers

Kerry Packer is greeted at Sydney Airport by his children James and Gretel in 1977.

John Collett   How James Packer and his sister Gretel carved up the family fortune and why it's relevant to the rest of us.


The eight big money mistakes of the young

Schoolies on the Gold Coast: Many money decisions await.

Graham Witcomb    The decisions you make in your 20s and 30s can be the difference between financial success or living hand to mouth down the road.


Part-time care helps older Australians stay at home

Lisa Slater helps Jack Moulos get ready for an outing.

Bina Brown   Better Caring matches care workers and community members according to their skills and needs.


Plan for age pension changes in 2017


Noel Whittaker   The age pension is not intended to support those with higher levels of wealth to maintain their capital base.

How women can overcome the retirement savings gap

Johanna de Ruyter says she used to be a 'Teflon woman' when it came to money.

Christine Long   Johanna de Ruyter admits her journey with money is still a work-in-progress.


How to know when a family trust has outlived its purpose

Family trusts outlive their purpose when there are no beneficiaries.

George Cochrane   A reader asks George Cochrane if she should wind up her family trust now there are no beneficiaries.


Planning for longer life expectancy

A baby boy born in Australia today can expect to live past 80. Women live an average of four years longer.

Nerida Cole   Discussing your wishes with loved ones is just one important factor when planning your finances after age 65.


How to make super last a (longer) lifetime

Watch it grow.

Noel Whittaker   Our resident personal finance expert answers reader questions.

How to make a granny flat arrangement work for you

Illustration: Michael Mucci

Kate Cowling   Retirees keen to help their children into the property market and keep the age pension are increasingly looking at granny flat arrangements.

Billionaire's big mistake: dying without a will

Robert Holmes a Court was surrounded by legal advisers and he still died without a will.

Catherine Robson   When billionaire Robert Holmes a Court died aged 53, he did not have a valid will. The result for his family was devastating.


When a double income becomes one

Families with a new baby often live on one income after the paid parental leave runs out.

Mark Bouris   What happens when your household goes from two incomes to one?


Tax deductible renovations

The cost of renovations for an investment property are deducted off capital gains tax, not income tax.

Noel Whittaker   Readers ask Noel Whittaker their financial dilemmas, from the tax deductibility of renovating an investment property to whether to buy their late mother's house.


Your questions

Now is a good time to sell an apartment in Sydney or Melbourne.

A reader wants to know whether their New Zealand Post Office Bonus Bonds and UK Premium Savings Bonds might be worth something.


Seven steps to prepare for retirement

Your nest egg needs to last into your 90s or beyond.

Olivia Maragna   While retirement can be exciting, for others it's a time of anxiety with the fear of living beyond the nest egg a reality for many.


The financial side of shacking up together

Shacking up together for the first time is exciting, but you need to talk about money first.

Larissa Ham   There are a few hard talks you need to have before you move in with your lover. One involves money.

Positively stupid: Why chirpy Aussies are easily duped


David Wilson   Positivity can breed gullibility, so is getting grumpy the secret to not being scammed?


Will power is looking after loved ones on your terms

Melbourne dentist Vivian Lee is yet to get around to making a will.

Sally Patten   The subject is not a cheery one, but it has to be brought up at some stage.