Peter Certo

Author Bio


Peter Certo is an editor and writer based at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC, where he edits the institute’s Foreign Policy In Focus website and serves as deputy editor of the non-profit editorial syndicate OtherWords. He’s a former associate editor of Right Web, a project that monitors the efforts of foreign policy hawks and neoconservatives to influence U.S. foreign policy, and he helped coordinate the first annual Global Day of Action on Military Spending. His writings for Foreign Policy In Focus have been syndicated in The NationCommon DreamsTruthoutand AlterNet, among many other progressive outlets, as well as in regionally focused publications like The Asia Times and Informed Comment. He is the coauthor of a chapter in the upcoming Verso collection, The Wikileaks Files.

Content by this author

When Bibi Came to Town

Nearly 60 lawmakers did the right thing by skipping the Israeli prime minister's speech on Iran.

State of the Empire in 2015

Before Obama's State of the Union address falls out of the news cycle, here are the foreign policy tidbits you need to remember.
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