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The Jordan Maxwell Show - April 7 2013 - Lloyd Pye - Intervention Theory
Andrew Basiago - Jesus Crucifixion & Resurrection seen on a screen using Timetravel Technology
Dr Bill Deagle 14 April 2010 Audio Interview Project Avalon
Jordan Maxwell - Close Encounters and other stories A Project Avalon Interview with Bill Ryan
OffPlanet Radio - February 27th 2013 - Duncan O'Finioan and Miranda Kelly - Dénouement
Carolyn Hamelett Interviewed by Dan Duval on July 9th 2013 (Former Illumined One - Part 5)
Carolyn Hamlett Interviewed by Dan Duval on May 22th 2013 (Former Illumined One - Part 4)
Carolyn Hamlett Interviewed by Dan Duval on August 27th 2013 (Former Illumined One - Part 7) Finale
ET Secret Earth HIstory By Alex Collier (Full Segment)
Miriam Delicado on Star Born Support - 01-26-2014
Fred Bell With Dr Deagle On Classified Project Exposed
Alex Collier on Journeys with Rebecca Radio - Q&A; - 11th September 2012
NutriMedical Report - Dr Deagle Hour 3 - 04-02-2014 - Guest: Walter Burien
Carolyn Hamlett Interviewed by Dan Duval on July 30th 2013 (Former Illumined One - Part 6)
Author, Researcher, Friend, Lloyd Pye. Jordan and friends discuss with Lloyd, his fields of expertise including; intervention theory, the origins of human li...
Andrew D Basiago Talks About Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha-mashiach) Crucifixion & Resurrection being shown on a screen using Timetravel Technology of the real eve...
BD: Now there are people who acquire their ninth body, their eternal body. And when they acquire that ninth body, okay, while they're still physical on Earth...
OffPlanet Radio Live-February 27, 2013-Randy Maugans with Duncan O'Finioan, Miranda Kelly, and Joe DiToma dénouement - 1: the final outcome of the main drama...
Below a link about curses and how to break them Part of exposing the devices and strategies of the enemy involves talking about what he can and does do. On Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval one of our goals is to expose the works of darkness that the truth of Jesus Christ can be made manifest in our lives. Thus we will be joined again by Carolyn this week for the forth part of her testimony. For those of you that have not heard the other interviews, I encourage you to do so as this program will be picking up where they have left off. Carolyn comes from a bloodline of generational illuminists. As a result, she was born right into the Luciferian agenda for the last days. Only by the grace and repeated direct intervention of Jesus Christ has she been able to arrive at this point in her life. She speaks not because she wants attention, but because she feels a responsibility and call to do so. Her blog can be found at She will undoubtedly share many things that will shock you, stretch you, and frankly blow your mind. However, in the end, it is our goal that the true accounts that she will relay will empower you with both knowledge and faith. Don't miss this week's episode of Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval! Carol Hamlett Introduction to Curses BREAKING THE CURSE - PART 1 BREAKING THE CURSE - PT. 2 Breaking the Curse - Pt. 3 Breaking the Curse - Pt. 4 BREAKING THE CURSE OF LUST CURSE OF PERVERSION upcoming bc This week on Discovering the Truth with D...
Earth formation, we will start with the Precambrian time, 4.5 billion years ago to 554 million years ago. The Paleozoic Era, 554 million years ago to 245 mil...
Fred Bell With Dr Deagle On Classified Project Exposed.
Alex Collier 2012 Original interview Here http://www.wolf...
WALTER BURIEN - 35 YEARS COMMODITIES BROKER - PLAN FOR A NEW REJUVENATED AMERICAN AND WORLD ECONOMY -- WWW.CAFR1.COM. Carolyn Hamlett is back for the next installment of her incredible story...
Carolyn Hamlett is a survivor from generational Illuminist bloodlines, spared and delivered from its hold on her mind and life by her faith in God. Carolyn i...
The Greys Part of exposing the devices and strategies of the enemy involves talking about what he can and does do. On Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval one of our goals is to expose the works of darkness that the truth of Jesus Christ can be made manifest in our lives. Thus we will be joined again by Carolyn this week for the third part of her testimony. We will be backtracking slightly from where the last program left off to discuss a whole other aspect of her life, dealing with very supernatural forces. For those of you that have not heard the first two interviews, I encourage you to do so as this program will be picking up where they left off. They can be easily accessed from our archives. Carolyn comes from a bloodline of generational illuminists. As a result, she was born right into the Luciferian agenda for the last days. Only by the grace and repeated direct intervention of Jesus Christ has she been able to arrive at this point in her life. She speaks not because she wants attention, but because she feels a responsibility and call to do so. Her blog can be found at She will undoubtedly share many things that will shock you, stretch you, and frankly blow your mind. However, in the end, it is our goal that the true accounts that she will relay will empower you with both knowledge and faith. Don't miss this week's episode of Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval! Carol Hamlett
Part of exposing the devices and strategies of the enemy involves talking about what he can and does do. On Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval one of our goals is to expose the works of darkness that the truth of Jesus Christ can be made manifest in our lives. For this reason we are going to be having our first interview with former "Illumined One" Carolyn. I can honestly say that by way of experience she exhibits a greater knowledge of the workings of the kingdom of darkness than anyone I have personally known. Furthermore, her testimony of the impact that Jesus has made on her life will inspire even the harshest critic. Carolyn comes from a bloodline of generational illuminists. As a result, she was born right into the Luciferian agenda for the last days. Only by the grace and repeated direct intervention of Jesus Christ has she been able to arrive at this point in her life. She speaks not because she wants attention, but because she feels a responsibility and call to do so. Her blog can be found at She is joining us to begin a series of programs during which we are going to be discussing her testimony. She will undoubtedly share many things that will shock you, stretch you, and frankly blow your mind. However, in the end, it is our goal that the true accounts that she will relay will empower you with both knowledge and faith. Don't miss this week's episode of Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval! Carol Hamlett
She did talked about the Sputnik and how it was releated to the PLAN that included Project blue book ,but she meant Project Blue Beam (She corrected this in Part 3) Part of exposing the devices and strategies of the enemy involves talking about what he can and does do. On Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval one of our goals is to expose the works of darkness that the truth of Jesus Christ can be made manifest in our lives. Thus we will be joined again by Carolyn this week for the second part of her testimony. For those of you that have not heart the first interview, I encourage you to do so as this program will be picking up where the last one left off. Carolyn comes from a bloodline of generational illuminists. As a result, she was born right into the Luciferian agenda for the last days. Only by the grace and repeated direct intervention of Jesus Christ has she been able to arrive at this point in her life. She speaks not because she wants attention, but because she feels a responsibility and call to do so. Her blog can be found at She will undoubtedly share many things that will shock you, stretch you, and frankly blow your mind. However, in the end, it is our goal that the true accounts that she will relay will empower you with both knowledge and faith. Don't miss this week's episode of Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval! Carol Hamlett
New Years Eve in the Wolf Den: this is a conversation with four friends that includes discussions on issues like 2012, the future, the goings on in alt-world...
Dr Bill Deagle (whistleblower);=about_bio Dr. Bill Deagle MD DABFP FCFP CCFP A4M AAEM Dr. Bill...
Carolyn Hamlett is a survivor from generational Illuminist bloodlines, spared and delivered from its hold on her mind and life by her faith in God. Carolyn i...
Jordan tells us about a first hand sighting he had of a Pterodactyl. Jordan repeats his good friend Paul Tice's story about a 2-foot wide UFO hovering above ...
Conspiracy Con 2008 talk presented by Dr Bill Deagle MD expands your world view to a BIG UNIVERSE, where the spiritual and technical Nexxus of questions and ... Part of an interview with Lloyd Pye about intervention theory. Mark Windows, Mad Scotsman for landofthefreeuk.
Windows on the World is streamed Sundays at 9pm GMT at and after available on Windows on the World You Tube. This episode is an ...
Part 2/6:
Part 3/6:
Part 4/6:
Part 6/6:
In one of Lloyd's final interviews, before his death in 2013, we are honoured to have this wonderful interview to share for teh greater good of mankind, and ...
Quite simply one of the best interviews I've ever heard. Infinitely interesting & engaging, these 2 take you down a path that leaves you questioning everythi... A podcast interview with Lloyd Pye, who addresses skeptical claims on the Starchild Skull and more!
Interview with Lloyd Pye after his lecture in the Truth Seminar (Sandhedsseminar) in Copenhagen on the 9th of September 2012. Sandhedsseminar is a new intiat...
Μια λεπτομερής συνέντευξη από τον Lloyd Pye, που αναφέρεται στην ιστορία του παράξενου κρανίου Starchild που βρέθηκε στο Μεξικό την δεκαετία του 1930 και απο... An interview with Lloyd Pye on Intervention Theory. See also Everything you know is wrong on You Tube. Part T...
Part 5/6: Lloyd Pye on The Starchild Skull. The 900 year old skull found in a mine in Mexico together with huma...
Richard Hall interviews Lloyd Pye about the Starchild Skull. Amazing interview.
Lloyd Pye - Nibiru's True Timeline - Star of Bethlehem Lloyd Pye explains the "real and true" timeline of Nibiru's return. In the process he also explains the origin of the Star of Bethlehem. Listen to Lloyd in an older interview correctly predict Nibiru was not coming any time soon and completely rebuff the 2012 hype surrounding Planet X. He was spot on! Lloyd Pye - Nibiru's True Timeline - Star of Bethlehem * Sub for more amazing Video ( * Like, Share and Comment * Support us Thank you Source Video: Tag: Nibiru Cataclysm (Film Subject),Planets Beyond Neptune,Planet (Celestial Object Category),nibiru,planet x,Update,Ufo,Space,Aliens,Alien,Astronomy (Field Of Study),Alien Quadrilogy (Film Series),Moon,The Third Secret (Book),Earth,Universe
By - Welcome to Gnostic Warrior Radio broadcasting from in San Diego, California to around the world. Today ...
DNA manipulation of mankind, periodic global cataclysms on planet earth, ancient Sumerian mythology of giants, gods, hybrids, Planet X Nibiru, Lloyd Pye inte...
EBTV on presents an interview with author, researcher and lecturer Lloyd Pye. Host Evita Ochel and Lloyd discuss Lloyd's Starchild ...
Lloyd Pye is an author and researcher widely known for his work with the Starchild Skull. Before writing alternative nonfiction, he was known for his best se...
This is Lloyd Pye's presentation from the 2011 International UFO Congress The Starchild Skull is a unique 900-year-old bone skull found in Mexico in the 1930... Lloyd Pye has come out with some new results from the DNA testing of the Starchild Skull that reinforces the theory that...
Lloyd Anthony Pye (born 1946) is an American author best known for his promotion of the Starchild skull, which Pye claims is the relic skull of a human-alien hybrid.
His first book That Prosser Kid (1977), a fictional account of college football, was said to have "achieved considerable recognition" by the Continuum Encyclopedia of American Literature, but was called "lively but unoriginal" by the Boston Globe. His 1988 book Mismatch was called a "novel that ought to go on your must read list" by Deseret News.
In addition to authoring books, Pye also gives lectures and has made television appearances in support of his ideas on The Learning Channel, National Geographic Channel, Extra, Animal Planet, and Richard & Judy in the United Kingdom. Pye has stated that he believes Bigfoot exists.
In the late 1990s, Pye obtained a curiously shaped skull from a couple in El Paso, Texas that he believes is an alien-human hybrid and proof that humans are descended from extra-terrestrial beings he calls "terraformers". DNA tests show that the skull is from a human male. American clinical neurologist Steven Novella believes the skull belongs to a child who suffered from hydrocephalus.
Ghosts are scared
of falling down.
Ghosts are scared
of falling down.
It's hard to see.
He said to me.
It's hard to see.
He said to me.
Tried my best
Failed the test.
Did my worst.
Came in first.
Of all I knew, her held too few.
And would you stop me, if I try to stop you.
Old songs stay 'til the end.
Sad songs remind me of friends.
And the way it is, I could leave it all
And I ask myself, would you care at all.
When I drive alone at night, I see the streetlights as fairgrounds
And I tried a hundred times to see the road signs as Day-Glo.
Old songs, stay till the end.
Sad songs, remind me of friends.
And the way it is, I could leave it all
I wanted to see
if fire would burn me.
I thought I would know
if four walls could hold me.
I wanted to see
if fire would burn me.
Ghosts in the photograph
never lied to me.
I'd be all of that
I'd be all of that.
A false memory
would be everything.
A denial my eliminent.
What was that for?
What was that for?
What would you do
if you saw spaceships
over Glasgow?
Would you fear them?
Every aircraft,
every camera,
is a wish that
wasn't granted.
What was that for?
What was that for?
Try to be bad.
Try to be bad.
'Cause this music can put a human being in a trance like state and deprive it for the sneaking feeling
of existing. 'Cause music is bigger than words and wider than pictures. If someone said that Mogwai
are the stars I would not object. If the stars had a sound it would sound like this.The punishment
for these solemn words can be hard. Can blood boil like this at the sound of a noisy tape that
I've heard. I know one thing. On Saturday, the sky will crumble together (or something)
with a huge bang to fit into the cave.
I can hear the birds singing to me, outside.
Talk to cats for a while.
Try so hard to turn a life, inside out.
Everyone knows when to smile.
But I don't see too much these days.
'Cause I don't want to.
"Let me go" she said.
And I'll find it.
Mogwai - Dial Revenge (Welsh - English version)
|Am | | | |
Arbed amser ar ben fy hun,
(Spending time on my own,)
|Am | | | |
cynnal cof ac atgofion blin
(holding on to painful memories)
|Em6 | |F7 | |
Pwyth am pwyth a chwant am
(A stitch for stitch and lust for)
|Am | | | |
|Em | |F7 | |
a pob tro dwi'n codi'r
(And every time I pick up the)
|Em | |F7 | |
ffon mae'n dweud "dial"
(phone it says "Revenge")
|Em | |F7 | |
Dial anweddus; nid
(Indecent revenge; not)
|G | |F7 | |
grym arswydus aur, a thus a
(the fearful power of gold, incense and)
|Am | | | |
Tonfedd sur a chalon o ddur
(A harsh wavelength and a steel heart)
Adeiladu ffiniau eglur,
(Building clear borders,)
newid tonfedd nofio'r
(changing frequencies, floating)
Dal yr abwyd nerth dy
(Hold the bait with all your)
ben; cwyd i'r wyneb
(might; fall on your face)
Dial anweddus; nid
(Indecent revenge; not)
grym arswydus aur, a thus a
(the fearful power of gold, incense and)
"Dial" to fade
We gotta... we gotta do something about this.
When do you think you could make it over here? How long?
I could try and get... 45 minutes maybe.
I'll try.
But we got to sort this out.
OK. I'm just gonna go, I'm going to head off just now and just try to speak to some people about this.
Well you got to do something.
Cause if we don't take care of this then... I don't even want to think about it. Hello.
Hi Colin.
It's Martin.
Hi Martin.
I'm sorry to bother you.
It's alright.
But we've got a bit of a sketch going on here.
What? What?
Well, it's pretty hard to explain.
So tell us. What?
Right. We were down at Vics and Stuart and Dominic got into a bit of a row.
Hmm hmm
And Stuart was getting a bit stroppy with Dominic and it ended up with Dominic punching Stuart and walking out.
Hmm hmm
Saying he's not coming back. Stuart's saying that he's out and stuff like that.
Stuart's away as well.
Where's Stuart away to?
He just phoned his dad and left.
And is John still there?
No he went away with Stuart for some reason. To try and calm him down or something. It was a full bloody sketch man. I don't know what to do. We've this thing on Tuesday.
Right. Kind of limited to what I can do. ??????
Are you still into it? 'cause I'm still into it.
We haven't had sore bits for about a fortnight.
Am I your only one? 'Cause you're still my only one.
But if you need more, I'll just do it in some, right.
We should go into town and spend some money.
We could go to the pictures and see something funny.
We'd share a popcorn and we can go to the pub at night.
We can get right tanked up and go home and have a fight.
Will you still miss me, when I'm gone?
Is there love there, even when I'm wrong?
Will you still kiss me, if you find out?
I will now leave you but don't follow me.
We could go into town and spend some money.
We could go to the pictures, go and see something funny.
Share a popcorn and when it's finished we could go to the pub at night.
And get right pissed and go home and have a fight.
Will you miss me, when I'm gone?
Is there love there, even when I'm wrong?
Will you still kiss me, if you find out?
I will leave you and I will miss you.
I'll tell you about punk rock: punk rock is a word used by dillitante's and ah... and ah... heartless manipulators about music that takes up the energies and the bodies and the hearts and the souls and the time and the minds of young men who give what they have to it and give everything they have to it and it's a... it's a term that's based on contempt, it's a term that's based on fashion, style, elitism, satanism and everything that's rotten about rock'n'roll. I don't know Johnny Rotten but I'm sure... I'm sure he puts as much blood and sweat into what he does as Sigmund Freud did. You see, what sounds to you like a big load of trashy old noise is in fact the brilliant music of a genius, myself . And that music is so powerful that it's quite beyond my control and ah... when I'm in the grips of it I don't feel pleasure and I don't feel pain, either physically or emotionally. Do you understand what I'm talking about? Have you ever felt like that? When you just couldn't feel anything and you didn't want to either. You know? Like that? Do you understand what I'm saying sir?