A sticky situation

In December of 2004, the following post appeared on the White Pride Coalition of Australia forum:


White Nationalist

Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Where the dirt is red and coons are aplenty
Posts: 205

Just stuck this up the local gooks

I just stuck the sticker you see following on the windows of Richard Lim’s office and the slaphead restaurant near it on Hartley Street.

BTW the gook ‘restaurant’ opens up for business from its new year’s break tomorrow.

Charming stuff. At-least Ben Weerheym liked it:

Aussie Patriot
Corky to the max!

Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Perth
Posts: 79

hahahahah classic!

me want those stickers!

Those of you reading this site from within the Northern Territory and indeed, in Alice Springs itself will know that Richard Lim is the local Northern Territory government minister.

The Alice Springs News reported this incident as follows:



Two racist stickers were stuck to the electorate office windows of Member for Greatorex Richard Lim over the weekend.

The tiny stickers show caricature figures of ethic origin with a Chinaman’ as the most prominent. The slogan reads, “We have support of ALP, Liberals, Nationals, Communists, Democrats and big business.

“We are taking your homes and jobs and soon we will have your government.”

Dr Lim described the placement of the stickers as a cowardly act of racial bigotry. Given their size, he thought the message was directed at him personally, rather than at people more generally.

“If these people have a problem with me, they should come and see me.

“They are probably johnny-come-latelies to Alice Springs. “They should realise that people of various ethic origins have lived here for decades and have every right to be here and go about their daily lives in peace.” He pointed out that people of Chinese origin have been in the Territory since 1868, contributing significantly to the Territory’s social fabric and business community.

“Without Chinese input Darwin would not have been settled,” said Dr Lim.

“They came from Singapore, Hong Kong and China to establish market gardens and provide indentured labour on the railway and gold-mines. “There are now seventh generation Territorians of Chinese origin.”

Dr Lim, also of Chinese origin, was born in Malaysia, and migrated to Australia in 1963.

“It is most likely that I have lived longer in this country than these bigots who cowardly put up those stickers in the dead of night,” said Dr Lim.

He served on the Alice Springs Town Council for eight years and as a member of the Territory’s Legislative Assembly since 1994.

“Schooner” is someone we are very much familiar with at Fight dem back. A litle while ago, he saw fit to post the personal details of Mat Henderson-Hau on his Australia New Nation forum.

He was also very instrumental in helping Ben Weerheym get his Redwatch/Leftywatch campaign off the ground by designing the logo and offering all sorts of bolstering support:

White Nationalist

Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 482

Stand firm and you’ll be right, you’ve done nothing wrong. The reds who are having a cry about this have committed criminal acts like hacking into people’s computers etc… They are the one’s who should be worried about going to gaol but because the government actively supports forced diversity and multiracialism they can get away with murder. They are the criminals not you and the public should be made aware of this fact.

Aussie Patriot
counteracting the deceit

Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Perth
Posts: 222

WANTED: Graphic designer

If you have the relevant skills to produce banners and an assortment of serious and funny pictures of god quality, please, email Leftywatch


White Nationalist

Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 482

Just let me know what you need and it will be done.

And then after a bit of tinkering, Schooner produced this effort:

White Nationalist

Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 482

Once again for Leftywatch I present this -

We still can’t work out what the second flag from the left is.

The WPCA posts are all passworded off but you can read through all of Schooner’s Stormfront posts here (as Dr Who) and here (as Trev).

Stick around.

Fight dem back · 20 August 2005 · Discussion