How to blow your anonymity in under five minutes

Of all the battlefields to choose, the PYL have now decided to take me on in the blogging game. I reiterate that they really need to read their Tsun Tzu — of course the chances of them taking strategic advice from a “chink” are minimal.

The site, Is it wrong to wish on Darps [sic] bad hair? My hair? Ok, my mullet is very Pat Cash circa 1987, but Andrew Wilson’s is Andre Agassi as a Vegas teenager! This blog is a melange of all the crazy, wacky (and legally iffy) rantings of the PYL. For example:

(As per usual when quoting PYL stuff, all spelling and grammatical errors remain unaltered.)

its time we showed the faggots and the minorities that this is still a democracy and that as the majority in that democracy we should be allowed the freedom to make whatever the hell jokes we want, and if we think a religion or ethnic group is a threat then we should be able to speak up about that too. no violence just wonderfull free speech.

its time, time to take our country back.

The blog is anonymous, because these people are generally too scared to put their name to their disgusting work. Unfortunately, they left a few too many clues.

They’ve tried posting a fair few pictures on this blog as well. None of them posted properly. To use Stuart McBeth’s words; maybe they cannot master “the information ages technology”. Robert Corr noticed something interesting about these bungled efforts. Here’s one of the filenames these images trace back to:

C:/Documents and Settings/Anne-Marie/Desktop/My Pictures/lukes junk/bg.gif

Well, matter of fact they all trace back to “Anne-Marie/Desktop/My Pictures/lukes junk”.

So, we can presume that the computer in question probably belongs to “Anne-Marie” and that “Luke” is the author of Darps Hair.

So, who is Luke? Go to the official PYL site and look under the “Branches” subsection. Here you will see that their Victorian representative is a fellow named… Luke.


Contact: Luke (0413 ### ###)
P.O. Box 639, Eltham, 3136

This chap has also been active on Stormfront, trying to drum up some support for his blog and also to get some troopers over to Darpism to sort me out.

hopefully enough people can get to his site and leave appropriate comments that let him know that people are not happy with what he has done. all he has got so far is the usual leftist scum reinforcing his own opinion of himself. if people let him know that not everybody is on his side then mabye the pillow biter will learn a lesson or two about humility, knock the confidence off of him a bit

check out the leftist fools site too, and leave a comment, i would love too see something intelligent and well worded against him for once.

Of course, Stormfront is the obvious place to go when you’re in need of a witty wordsmith. ‘Luke’ has sure as fuck proved himself incapable of even using capital letters and the most basic of grammar so I understand his desire to outsource.

As for “people not being happy with what I’ve done”… Yeah, I guess there are a few White Supremacists who are incredibly unhappy with me but I’m afraid neither I nor the citizenry of Epping/Eastwood care what they think.

Using Stormfront really adds to the piss-weak nature of their continual public denials regarding their neo-Nazism. Have a look at the avatar for 303SMLE, the guy who replied to “Young Soldier/Luke”. It’s a morphing swastika! Check out his advice to young Luke:

My advice, put your boots on and take care of it. These people are just typical brain washed fools. They will all grow up to be lawyers for some money sucking refugee. Or die of a drug overdose or most probably AIDS. They have nothing on you young blokes. Keep up the good work. RAHOWA.

See, that’s the way Nazis do it! Get your Docs on, kick his head in! And yes, I obviously have nothing on these intellectually, physically and… eugenically superior PYL chaps.

Funny how I keep whipping their butts no matter where they take this battle. I’ve got nothing on a group of guys who can’t spell, can’t strategise, can’t conceal their own IP numbers and can’t see the innate backwardness of their redundant ideology.

One of their major gripes has been this whole issue of free speech, but it’s hard to take them seriously. I mean, you’ll notice in the Sun Herald article that Stuart McBeth refused to return their calls. Andrew Wilson did the same thing with the Northern District Times. If these guys feel that free speech is so important then why won’t they return a journo’s phone calls? You can reach a hell of a lot more people via a newspaper than you can by stickering street signs.

They can’t whinge and whine about free speech when they consistently refuse opportunities to exercise their right to it.

Also, check out the level of “free speech” that is in operation over at Luke’s site:

seeking asylum said…

actually the word was crimespeak, not crimespeech. try reading the book before you comment on it.
—9:00 PM

weezil said…

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
—9:55 PM

weezil said…

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.
—10:06 PM

Is that freedom of speech?

(We at Fight dem back! have no problem with our opponents joining our discussion forum.)

Darp Hau · 19 December 2004 · Discussion